
Battling two deities

"It finally begins!"

Standing stop a hill, a red haired demonic looking youth glared down at the beautiful paradise below him with a murderous expression. By his side, a pale skinned beauty dressed in black took a deep breath and readied herself for a possible carnage.

"Let's go..."

Turning towards Death, Alan smiled, before he hurled himself into the sky, and descended like a meteor into the beautiful garden.


Upon landing, a massive shockwave swept through the garden, resulting from the immense force with which he descended.

Death on the other hand, merely shook her head and began to levitate, as she slowly landed on the ground elegantly, a sharp contrast to the barbaric method Alan employed.


As they walked through the forest, Death examined her surroundings with an interested smile, watching the little beautiful and exotic creatures that littered the garden.

With his hands in his pockets, even Alan raised a brow, watching a humongous golden serpentine dragon and a rainbow coloured nine tailed phoenix face off in the skies above him, exactly how those wuxia novels had described it back in his world.

They admired the place for a moment, until they suddenly halted and raised their heads, only to see two figures wrapped in divine energy and stabding om clouds descending towards them.

One of them, being a handsome Asian man with long dark hair and dressed in pure white daoist robes. His eyes were the vivid calligraphed Yin Yang symbol and within those eyes burned an intense aura of Justice and Righteousness.

Beside him, was a fairy like woman dressed in green royal robes. Her eyes were pure, and her body glowed ethereally like a star.

"What brings such important guests to our humble domain?"

The woman asked, as Alan unscrupulously scanned her whole body first before smirking.

Without permission, he conjured a small chair and sat down with his legs crossed before watching them again with a smile.

"You must be Fuxi, and you, must be Nuwa." Of course, being a nerd in his previous life, Alan was well versed in various mythologies and could probably even recognise these Gods with a glance due to the vivid descriptions he got from his world.

"Siblings turned lovers, Deities of order and restoration, Primogentors of mortality."

The two Deities of creation and restoration couldn't help but turn to each other on shock, wondering how he knew so much about them.

"You know, back where I come from, fucking your own sister is tantamount to a punishment ranging from five years to a life imprisonment in exile."

The moment he spoke, silence reigned for a moment, as the male deity, Fuxi watched Alan intently for a moment. However in the end the two Deities made no move to respond to his insulting comments.

"Just kidding." Alan brushed off the tension with a smirk, however a malicious glint materialized in his eyes, as he continually scanned his opponents.

"So, how far have you progressed with your little project called humanity?" Alan asked once more, however the two Deities shook their heads in response.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit? Or is there something you'd like to request from us?"

Nuwa asked, while Fuxi stood quietly, though the annoyance in his eyes were evident.

"You see, I was unjustly imprisoned by those birdmen up there, and I'm planning on destroying them. I could go fight alone, but that'll be troublesome for me so, I'll need a bit of help..."

Alan voiced out his thoughts like an experienced negotiator, while the two Deities looked towards him in disbelief. Never in their existence would they have imagined someone wanting to enact revenge on Heaven itself.

"You need an army to combat the host of Heaven and you want to recruit us?" Fuxi spoke, his tone ridiculing and arrogant, as he glared at Alan.

"Not really, you see, you're weak, and even if you join me, you'll just end up as collateral damage. Instead you'll serve me better dead than alive. Once I absorb your essences, I'll grow even more powerful..."

Alan playfully winked at Fuxi who looked weary.

"Not that I'm weak, as you shouldve already noticed, but there's always room for improvement."

Slowly arising from his feet, a malevolent aura burst out of his body, increasing in intensity with every step he took towards the two Deities.

Fuxi clenched his fists and a wave of contrasting energies burst out of his body, embodying the concept of Yin and Yang. His black and white irises shone with immense power, as he channeled his divine energy through them.

Nuwa on the other hand remained as graceful as ever. Empowered by the concept of restoration, her golden divine energy shone brightly like a star, as she slowly levitated into the sky.

"We'll have to refuse your request.." She slowly spoke and waved her hand, as a golden lute materialized within.

"Tsk. I wasn't asking.."

Fearlessly walking towards the two Deities with his hands in his pockets and an innocent harmless smile on his face, even Death felt chills down her spine. It's hard to believe that such a being war once considered one of the purest beings she had ever met.

"Make no move. This battle is between me and them."

As Alan faced off against the two Deities he turned around with a smile and threw a little piece of caution to Death who nodded and disappeared into another dimension.

"So what do those eyes of yours do?"

Alan's presence diminished not in the slightest, and before time could even move, he now stood only a few meters away from the two Deities.

"I warn you, whoever you are. Leave now or face our wrath!" While Nuwa looked to be the peaceful type, Fuxi had had enough of the farce.

He instantly moved out, reaching speeds untraceable by the naked eye, and punched out with immense strength.


Alan was hurled into the distance, before he crashed into the hill from which he descended.

Standing in the skies, Fuxi looked down in anger, and as he glanced towards Alan, his black and white swirling pupils lit up and in that moment, a blinding beam of black and white rays burst out from his eyes, accompanied by an aura of annihilation.

Wherever the beam of light passed, everything was erased in sight, including space and reality.


Like a cannonball, Alan was hurled into the distance, by the beam of light.

Not wanting to be outdone by her husband, Nuwa lightly plucked a string on her lute, and in that moment, three rays of golden light materialized and shot out into the sky. As they converged, they formed a triangular formation, and out of it, a massive beam of energy boomed out and crashed into Alan who was embedded in the ground.


The whole earth shook from the resulting wave of energy, as the two Deities relaxed and rendezvous in the sky.

"Hahaha! Your visual prowess is impressive. I might take that as well."

In a second, a figure walked out of the rubble completely unharmed from their joint attack, and the same smirk on his face.

"Alright, let's begin for real."

He cracked his neck and took in a deep breath, and before time could even move he appeared in between the two Deities.


Fuxi was quick to react due to his visual prowess as he smashed out his fist covered in white and black dual annihilation power.

Smiling, Alan stretched out his palm and caught the fist of the Deity of creation and order.


In an instant, invisible slashes swept out, and the hand of the Deity which was caught in Alan's hand was cleaved into pieces as golden blood spurted out.

Before Fuxi could cry out in pain, Alan whipped out his leg, kicking the Deity right in the jaw in hurling him into the ground at immense speed, all in the fraction of a second.

Nuwa watched on in panic, and grabbed her lute, but before she could pluck her strings, Alan appeared before her in a fraction of a second, grabbed her by the hair and hurled her into the distance, before he fired out a beam of energy which smashed into her figure.

Next chapter