
the rebirth

DC Universe, Themsyscira, Queen's castle :

Hippolyta is screaming loudly while enduring the pain of the labor. She clutched the sheets and the hand of antiope strongly while screaming. Antiopr looked at her queen and said," Hold for a while sister, it's going to be okay".

She is caressing hippolyta's hand while the queen nodded but then screamed even more loudly. A cry is heard and a baby is born. Hippolyta looked at the baby with tears and before losing consciousness she saw the baby is male and was devastated.

Antiope and ither amazons are also the same, because amazons are only female. The male population is either killed by throwing into sea or given away to Hephaestus. Now since the old gods have some disputes this can't be done.

They waited for the queen to wake up to make a decision, after all the boy is a child born to zeus and hippolyta. Hippolyta who wake up again started screaming while antiope saw another baby.

This baby is a girl. She is at a loss for words while the sky flashed and zeus appeared. He is not in a good state watching his form, bandages and wounds all over his body. He glanced at the two children and the gods granted their boons to both children although hera hated this she didn't do anything excess.

Instead she gave a curse to the boy and the girl in the form of mutual attraction towards each other. Zeus looked at hippolyta who woke up and said," Treat them well queen of amazons. They're afterall offsprings of mine and future protectors of mankind from ares".

Saying that he turned into an eagle and flew away while a lightning hit and he disappered from there. Hippolyta looked at the two children with a complicated expression. Especially the boy, she don't know what time do with him, but since this is an order from the God king of Olympus she abided it.

The first ever Amazon male to live in themyscira, Gaius is his name given by zeus himself. Diana is named by hippolyta as zeus knew about hippolyta's feelings. A few days later a layer of divine protection formed on themyscira while the sky father zeus has fallen.

Hippolyta and other amazons moarned for the gods but they knew the gods aren't exactly dead just trapped inside tartarus with their divinity being in the wall of origins. They can come back but it'll take a long time. They're now probably sleeping in olympus and can't descend into the mortal realm.

Gaius, is taken care of by antiope who looked cold always. But the baby Gaius always try tk make her smile by doing things like hiding his face with his hands. Giggling at her and waving his hands to her. When he is carried he always gives her a kiss on cheek or play with her hair.

Antiope heart also melted little by little looking at the little gaius. She even played with him, on the other hand hippolyta prevented diana from meeting gaius and not even she herself wants to see her son.

She is more determined to make diana while ignoring Gaius. Gaius needs are all taken care of by antiope from cleaning and washing him, feeding him, teaching him everything. Gaius also called her mama when she always says that.

To amazons antiope appears cold to gaius but inside she cares more for gaius and even treats him lovingly. But she prevents gaius from seeing others as she knew the amazons attitude towards men, she is determined only to bring him out at the training.

Gaius is looking at the screen with a nervous looks :

[ Gaius Prince

Race : Demi-god, Amazon

Bloodline : Zeus bloodline, Uchiha bloodline

Bloodline skills : pseudo - immortality, immunity to all diseases, poisons, and others, super human abilities, enhanced mind, lightning manipulation, wind manipulation, shape shifting, charming body, sharingan( one tomoe ), Chakra viens, Yin chakra.

Curse : Here's wrath( mutual affection of sibblings and mother with soul bond ).

Skills : none. ]

Gaius is looking at the tab, especially the furse part. He gulped if his birth mother hippolyta found this, he'll be finished. Even though he is only a few months old she won't show mercy because there are no longer gods in this realm. They can't descend here. He got the Uchiha bloodline and blood purification from his novice gift pack.