
Mangekyou sharingan, curse

Gaius returned to home and opened the rewards, mangekyou sharingan is the first reward, second one is the normal byakugan. Gaius looked at his mangekyou sharingan a stinging pain appeared in his eyes and the three tomoe merged into a four clover shape.

The right eye ability is kamui and the left eye ability is time control. It can shortly manipulate time forward, reverse, or stop for a few seconds depending on pupil power. As he possess the regeneration of Greek gods, he can also see the pupil power regenerate very fast.

Gaius opened his byakugan too and saw antiope coming here. He instantly deactivated byakugan and sat there in the large bath tub like in wonder Woman movie, he closed his eyes while a slight warm touch appeared on his head.

Opening his eyes he saw antiope looking at him with a smile. He instantly covered his privates and looked at her while antiope laughed and said," I have seen your body since you're a child. There is nothing on you that i didn't see".

Gaius still looked at her not convinced while she chuckled and turned away then said," It feels yesterday that I took you into my arms. Generally amazons will abandon their male child, but since you're an exception, hippolyta asked me to take care of you fearing her own rage on hercules will blind her and will kill you at any moment".

Gaius looked at her while she said in a sobbing tone," Now you're all grown up and defeated me. You're not going to need your mother anymore. You'll leave the island in order to fulfil your mission".

She turned and hugged him before asking with tears," Don't go anywhere. I don't want anything happen to the son I raised. I already saw my children once slayed in wars and the rebellion, I can't beat to lose another one Gaius. Don't leave mother in despair again".

She said while Gaius patted her back. He understood her worry, amazons reproduce with the men they found in the sea or in shore then kill the men after taking their seed. If the child is a girl raise them, if not the child will be abandoned to become hepheastus servant or killed.

Maybe in the darkseid invasion or the conflict with hercules consumed antiope's children, he can't do that though. He needs to slay Ares, this is a mission by Zeus and other uods for him and Diana since their birth.

Gaius didn't say a word and just held antiope who is crying, Antiope also noticed this and looked at him before caressing his face and kissing his forehead and exiting the room. Her eyes are red from crying and there are dried tears on her face.

Gaius looked at her and sighed before looking up at the ceiling. Ares, the God of war, is a crucial step for him. The divine seed he got can make a godhood for him. Since there are not many gods present here at this moment then only Ares godhood is the choice he is left with.

Gaius sighed and finished his bath before exiting the room wearing clothes that antiope specially sewed for him. She took care of all his needs since the beginning. she is like his birth mother now.

Gaius go out to breathe some fresh air when he saw antiope training diana. The girl is struggling with her sword and has many openings to exploit. But her reaction speed isn't bad, she is able to evade some blows from antiope with that.

But that's all, antiope kicked her down everytime she felt diana is overthinking about the next move or get distracted. Gaius is just standing there and watching all this, suddenly diana turned to him and both of their hearts felt a throbbing inside.

Gaius cursed hera for this and wanted tk walk away but Diana walked towards him and looked at him in eye. Both of their hearts started beating faster while their cheeks reddened. There is a deep tenderness in those two pair of eyes and their faces are closing distance very quickly.

They shared a kiss together while hugging each other. Antiope is dumbfounded and trembled in place, if hippolyta saw this what would happen? Unbeknownst to her hippolyta is watching both of them since they're children. She also knew about the curse on her, Diana and gaius. This is why she is reluctant to see her son because she felt she couldn't control herself. But when she looked at Gaius from then on she secretly observed him from shadows while holding herself back. The curse already affected her too deeply. She can't abandon her live for her so nor can she accept a curse like this.

She spent many nights crying thinking about this, now watching both diana and Gaius kiss, she became nervous. The curse started acting on them too, she wanted to separate them but antiope beat her to it and slapped Gaius before taking him away from there forcibly while Diana and Gaius are confused for a few moments.