

Black Adam has chosen a champion for him. This champion will travel through multiverse and shows the multiverse how strong he is.

ULTRAMAN07 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Daniel POV

"What's wrong boy? Got tired already." Black Adam ask me and delivered a right hook to my face that sends me to crash to a statue.

I got up while rubbing my cheek and got into a fighting stance.

"I can do this all day," I muttered and he shot me a lightning bolt which I dodged.

Blocking his punch with my right hand, I aim to his abdomen with my left fist but he blocked it.

With both of my hand got blocked, I headbutt him strongly sending him backwards. Seeing Black Adam stunned, I launch a barrage of punches to him that in normal eyes can not catch up.

"Aarghhhh." I sped up my punches with Black Adam block them with crossing his arm but I clench my right fist which has now lighting clad it and delivered it to him.

My punch managed to break off his defence.

"I got you now!" An uppercut landed on his gut courtesy of my left fist that sends him upwards.

"Lighting Rain," I said and shot an orb of pre lightning above him that explode with many bolts hit him from above like rain fell to the ground.

"Let's do this, Strength of Amon!" I exclaimed with my body got stronger and launch myself towards Black Adam who has fallen to the ground.

I punch him to the ground many times making the whole place shake.

But sadly my punches got caught by him and he delivered a straight punch to my face making my punches stop.

And that is he needed as he rams me to the wall and punches my faces many time.

Concentrating lighting on my left hand, a lighting blade appeared and I splash towards his neck but he catches it.

With a single snap, he destroyed it easily. This bastard sure is strong.

I then called my hand strongly causing a shockwave making him fly backwards and I delivered an axe kick to his this to the ground.

But then a black blur approaches me with a speed that catches me off guard with Black Adam grabs my face and slammed it down to the ground before I got punched many time making my vision goes blurry.

I block one punch but sadly failed to block another punch that made me cough out my blood.

Feeling angry that I am about to lose, I roared loudly releasing a burst of the lightning that sends Black Adam backwards.

I then conjure up a spear made of pure lighting that promises pain and throws it to Black Adam who avoided it barely since the lighting spear grazes his stomach only.

I then got choked by him and got slammed to the wall.

His grip on my throat become tighter.

"Do you wish to give up?" He asks me but I glared at him.

"In your dream," I muttered before he freed me making me catch my breath.

"Good. You have improved this much after becoming my Champion. Now you can return back to your planet since I deemed you worthy to take care of yourselves on that planet of yours." Black Adam said to me but I shake my head.

"No. I needed more training. " I told him.

"So you know what your weaknesses are despite you become my Champion?" He asks me and I nodded my head.

"Experience and fighting styles," I replied making him nodded happily.

"If you wanted to get more experience and fighting styles I can give you one place to train in Earth," He said to me.

"Really? Where is that place?" I asked him.

"Nanda Parbat. Go to that place if you wanted to leave fighting styles and get experience in fighting. You can go now." Black Adam said and I got kicked out of that place.

My eyes now are seeing the sun as now I am in space.

"Okay. I needed to go Earth right now but first, where is Nanda Parbat?"


A black blur can be seen on the air of the nested high in the mountains of Tibet.

The black blur is Daniel Felix and he can see several blurs pointed their weapon at him.

"Ninjas," Daniel muttered and landed on the ground before several blurs approached him with katanas on his neck.

"Shazam." He muttered and a blue lightning strike him changing him back to 11 years old kid. But the lighting also throws several ninjas away.

Spending time with Black Adam when he is almost 11 years old made him become taller. Of course, anyone will be insane staying with that Demigod for 2 months but when they just spend time-fighting and eat, he did not mind it.

A katana is placed on his throat with him noticed a figure is behind him.

"I did not notice her." He thought.

"Tell me a reason why a being like you is here." He heard a woman voice ask her.

"Someone told me to come here to get more experience in fighting and fighting styles," Daniel replied without minding the katana sensation on his throat.

"Who told you about this place?" He heard the woman asked again.

"Black Adam. I am his Champion and he told me to come here." Daniel replied.

"So you are his champion." A male voice sounded and Daniel sees an old man who now is in front of him with several ninjas surround him.

"Yes," Daniel replied.

"What do you seek here other than 2 reasons that you just said?" The Old Man asked me.

"To kill all the evils in this world," Daniel replied with venom can be heard when he stated the reasons making the Old Man smiled.

"You have the power of Gods yet you come here to train at this place." The Old Man said.

"What if you got the power of Gods if you fight like a child? I rather fight like a true warrior. Besides, it will be fun to incapacitate someone without them noticing as this woman do." Daniel said but then the Old Man slash his katana toward his head but Daniel did not move.

The katana stop on his forehead with a drop of blood fall to the floor.

"Why you did not dodge? Are you not afraid of death." The Old Man asked him.

"What's the point of dodges when the woman behind me will stab my head through. And yes, I am afraid of death but at the same time, I got used to this kind of almost death situation. " Daniel replied.

"Have you lost someone you loved?" He asked Daniel.

"I have lost count of them." Daniel Felix replied in a blank tone but the Old Man can see the darkness that he once sees but this one is thicker.

"Then tell me how they die."

"My father died due to our neighbour who is desperate for money. I see how he stab my father heart even though my father gave him the money.

My mother meanwhile died due to Atomic Skull when my mother goes to the bank in some money. And guess what? The Man Of Steel arrived late when my mother has died. I remembered how Atomic Skull burn my mother alive in front of me while I beg him to stop.

They said that the heroes arrived at the nick of time and I always believed it but at that time, I did not believe it. So when Superman arrived I felt the intent to kill him very much but hold back.

When my mother's funeral, he did not even mind to come. No news about my dead mother even though they showed other people died.

It is hard to pay for the funeral as I pickpocket and steal some money to pay for it when the other dead people got sponsored by someone except my mother.

Then the death of my younger sister when a terrorist barge in and grab my sister as a hostage.

The Flash arrived and stopped the terrorist but he is not as fast as the terrorist shot sister through her head and she is dead. Heroes are supposed to rescue the innocent but the Flash decided to beat the terrorist instead of saving my sister.

Then I did the same thing again to pay the funeral. I got kicked out of the apartment and lived on the streets. That is when I learn to survive and learn this world is fucked up.

Lastly, I lost my friend with his mother who died due to a serial killer. It happened in Starling City. That serial killer rapes my mother friend and killed my friend in front of me. And that is when I lose myself in anger and killed him.

Next thing I knew, I got placed in jail due to the assumption of me is the one who killed both my friend and her mother.

"Does my story satisfied you?" Daniel asked the Old Man.

"Have you killed someone?" The Old Man asked him and Daniel nodded.

"I felt happy to kill him. No regret rather felt very satisfied." Daniel told The Old Man who retracts back his katana.

He then signals everyone to drop their weapons even the woman.

Then the woman walks beside the man and nkw Daniel can see the woman. She is the prettiest woman he can see. A brown-haired woman with green eyes with a very hot body.

Daniel only glances once and looked away. Yeah, she is pretty and that's it.

The woman who sees this raised his eyebrows sees this. His action only made her think of several people who does that.

"Follow me." The Old Man said to Daniel who followed him.

They arrived at a temple with the Old Man sitting on a throne.

"Now, tell me, boy, what is your name?" He asked Daniel.

"Daniel Felix." He replied.

"Very well then Daniel, I am Ra's Al Ghul, the Demon Head, the leader of the League of Assasins." He introduced himself with all the ninjas bowed with Daniel did not.

Seeing this, Ra's raised his eyebrows.

"Why you did not bow like the others?" He asked Daniel Felix.

"I only now to someone who I respected," Daniel replied but only to get stabbed by a shuriken on his right shoulder by Ra's but he did not flinch.

"Then I command you to bow to me." Ra's said to Daniel but he did not bow.

Ra's leap to him and punch his face. He then kicks his stomach and face breaking his nose.

"You dare to not bow before me?" Ra's asked him.

"Of course I do," Daniel said before he got choke and get back up but his knee got stab by a katana but Daniel only frown.

A kick hit his face making him stumble but ue did not fall. A beating is all he got from Ra's Al Ghul but he did not yield or heed to bow to the man.

"It seems you are a stubborn boy. Good. " Ra's said before a ninja appeared bringing an old man.

Ra's take out the katana that he uses to stab Daniel's right knee and throw it to Daniel.

Daniel catches the katana.

"Now let me tell you a story about this old man, he lives near this village with his daughter. They only eat once a week. So to survive he will kill his own neighbourhood and take their food without his daughter knowing. "

" So what do you want me to do?" He asks Ra's Al Ghul.

"Kill him but I heard his daughter is sick right now. You kill him and you left a broken and sad young woman, but if you did not kill, you will not get to learn directly under me." Ra's Al Ghul told me.

Daniel approached the old man who looked at him with fear.

"What is your name?" Daniel asks him.

"Kunlun," he replied.

"How old is your daughter?" Daniel asks him.

"10 years old." He replied.

"Oh. The same age as my little sister.

And guess what she is dead due to a terrorist. Got shot through her forehead. I still remember how I beg that damn shit to not kill her but he still shot her. And I am like you know, except I steal money to pay for the funeral." Said Daniel to the old man who has tears fell down the ground.

"P-please. I-I a-am begging y-you. Please d-do n-not kill me. I-I have a daughter." He told Daniel.

"Does the people you killed begged for their life when you killed them?" Daniel asked him but he kept quiet.

Daniel releases a sigh."Fine. I will let you alive." Daniel said making the old man happy but sadly a slash is sent to his throat with his body fell to the ground while his handheld his bleeding throat.

"If I am kind enough but I am not kind you know," Daniel said and stab his head.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and lastly a life for a life." Daniel delivered his final speech to the dead man.

Daniel turned his head only to see Ra's Al Ghul who has a satisfied smile on his face.

"Daniel Felix. From now on you should be known as my student. Talia, treat him and prepared him for tomorrow." Ra's Al Ghul said then dismiss himself.

The woman approached me.

"Do not bother. I can walk by myself. Show me the place where I will stay." Daniel said to the woman.

"My. You sure are cold as ice. Like the man I once knew. Anyway, Daniel, I am Talia Al Ghul but you can call me, Talia." She said to Daniel who just kept quiet.

Daniel's now has become a student of the Demon Head. What shall he become? A hero? A villain? Or rather anti-hero?