
DC: The Kryptonian Knight

A self-insert skeptic, who doesn't like being told what to do wakes up inside a prototype evacuation rocket alone with a very out of character A.I. Cherry on top, he is not in Kansas anymore, welcome to Gotham! This adventure will eventually take place across an unknown number of realities, travelling to other planets and dimensions (but probably staying within dc’s boundaries). With different versions of popular characters inhabiting other dimensions throughout the multiverse and their personal characteristics can and will vary from one reality to another. AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Every King needs a Queen, or a multitude of them


***** Please, consider leaving a review if you still haven't! Sorry to bother! 😅


"Welcome back, folks. This is Gothic Metropolis Talk Show and I am Lois Lane."

"Tonight, I promise, we're not going to talk about another of Wayne's newest inventions. Our last encounter has brought to you everything we know about his new Helicarriers."

"Instead, I wanna switch gears, to the ancient civilizations that have just made themselves known to the rest of the world, which culminated in the inauguration of two new embassies in our country earlier this week."

"Are these Angelic Amazons and Merpeople of Atlantis trustworthy? That's what some conspiracy groups are saying. What about you? Before we get to your calls, here's headline news. Vicki?"

"Hey there Lois, it seems our new allies aren't the only sight we've been seeing these last few days."

"A rash of meteor showers has lit up the skies from coast to coast this week, following the destruction of a giant asteroid by our own Champion God. Today, NASA officials, who have been monitoring the situation say we've seen the last of these shooting stars since most of the debris has moved beyond Earth's orbit."

"Meanwhile, there's been no comment from Sentry, who seems to have resumed his reunion with Wayne and the new civilizations' leaders. This morning in the nation's capital, Patrick Wayne made an impressive speech about peace with the new nations. He hoped for unity and progress for everyone, which would usher in a new era of peace and tranquility."

"Very impressive Vicky, it seems no matter where we look, Wayne seems always to be in the spotlight. But back to the meteor threat, from what we gather, something has come down near Gothic Metropolis' harbor."

"Let's check a viral video of someone claiming he and his girlfriend had witnessed some strange occurrence."

[It was unbelievable.] The spooked man said to the camera. [At first I thought it was just a shooting star, but it then changed its course and almost landed on me. It lit up the road like the middle of the day.]

The woman with him then spoke up. [There was this big boom and then the whole car just started shaking. I was so scared.]

[It had to be a meteor, right?] The man spoke again. [I mean, what else could it have been?]


It was a chilly, late-February afternoon as Patrick Wayne drove to meet his dear associate, Lutessa Vanaver Luthor, for a lunch meeting at a nearby restaurant.

After a year of casual affairs (alongside with some occasional female guests to make things more interesting) it had become quite the trivial matter for them to meet and discuss business.

Though Spring was rapidly approaching, the air was still cold enough for Lena to see her breath as she exhaled, and it irritated her lungs enough to make her cough when she breathed in too quickly.

It had been a busy few months for her.

The self proclaimed God had come publicly with his own harem of women, some actually having the wings so usually attributed to angels.

Even the Big Man of Crime, kingpin of the court of Shadows, had brought from the seas a long thought dead empire.

The world had never been so crowded with significant players.

Patrick himself had somehow managed to claim his place amongst such individuals.

No matter how hard she worked to impress and surpass him, he always had some relevant advice to improve her inventions and creative ideas that she hadn't considered.

Wayne noticed Lena waving to him from the booth as he removed his overcoat and scarf, hung them on the rack, then stuffed his gloves into one of the pockets.

The blonde had already ordered her meal, the sight and smell of food was proof that it was one of the best establishments Wayne Enterprises had bought, so he was looking forward to eating something by the time he reached their table, despite the fact that he didn't need food for sustenance.

Or that he could make something infinitely better.

One thing he learned through constantly becoming stronger, faster and wiser was to appreciate certain flaws in life.

Anyone looking at the duo would see two good looking yet ordinary adults, but in reality, they were very possibly one of the most famous individuals around the globe.

Unless the casual observer was actively seeking them, no one would believe that the genius, playboy and philanthropist was having a meeting with the second well known genius.

"Is everything okay?" Wayne asked. "You don't look so good."

"Guess I'm not much of a fan of the cold." Lena replied, rubbing her temples. "I can't seem to shake it."

"Here, allow me…" Patrick said as he put his hand on his pocket, picking a pill while caressing her cheek with his other hand. "Hmm… you do feel a little warm. I think this should be more than enough."

Before Lena could reply, the waitress serving their table came over with a menu, set it in front of the young trillionaire, then pulled an order pad and a pen out of her apron and readied herself to take his order.


Meanwhile, two miles above and several hundred miles away from Gothic Metropolis, a black and gold clad figure returned to the world he had been born in five millennia ago.

"I HAVE RETURNED!" He shouted, mentally cursing the one that teleported him so many light years away and burning for revenge against not only the old sorcerer, but his successor as well.

Neither knowing nor caring where on Earth he was, or even which millennia he was on, the black-garbed man flew eastward.

He calculated that, with the swiftness of Anpu, he'd arrive at his destination in ten to fifteen seconds at the most.

And then, he would deal with any so-called "Champion" as he saw fit, especially if the one chosen stood against him.

He grinned savagely at that thought.

Black Adam was back.


Back at the diner, Wayne watched as Lena ate her meal, eventually explaining the reason for their meeting.

"You've heard of Smallville?" He asked.

"A quaint farming community located in the state of Kansas, if I'm not mistaken." Lena replied nonchalantly between sips of her drink. "Anything of particular interest?"

"Maybe." Patrick teased, playfully smiling while accepting his order from the waitress. "I've been aiming to expand my public image. You know, unite the coastal elites and explore the untapped potential of middle America."

"Aiming for the Oval Office?" She mused.

"Of course. After all, there's a limit to what I can do as liaison between humanity and our new celebrities." Patrick nodded before drinking a toast to their success. "But back to Smallville. I've some interest in that particular community. If they want prosperity and jobs, I can be a reliable resource. I pride myself in helping people achieve their best selves."

"Perhaps you should consider that marketing offer." Lena said mockingly, then took another sip of her glass. " What was it again?…"

" 'An opportunity of a lifetime' " Wayne added with a chuckle.

"I thought you wanted to talk more about our companies' fusion." Lena changed subjects with a raised eyebrow.

"What else is there to discuss about it?" Patrick questioned with a shrug. "Our companies' healthy competition has run its course and given what there was to give. Besides, it's not like anyone can prevent such fusion. I'm much more interested in our engagement."

That caught her by surprise. "Engagement? What are you…"

Suddenly the restaurant lights were turned off and candles on the table were lit.

Unbeknown to her, Patrick had this planned for quite a while.

Kneeling beside her, Patrick stared right at her emerald eyes. "Luthessa Vanaver Luthor…" She gasped finally realizing what he was about to say. "From the moment I met you at your birthday party that night, I knew you were different. It was something about the way you laughed louder than everyone around, danced without inhibition, and—yes—spoke your mind without caring much about what others thought about you. Getting to know you more wasn't a choice, it was an absolute need."

By then some artists were playing music to complement his effort.

"There's one unwavering emotion that runs underneath it all and that's pure, unequivocal, undeniable love and respect for you." He asked for her hand with a gentle smile. "So today, I'm on my knee asking for a lifetime of that curiosity, excitement, frustration, annoyance, humor, and most importantly love." Despite her usual sassy attitude, something prevented her from taking it all casually. "I know it won't always be easy, especially if the world keeps getting interesting as it is, but I also know there's no one else in the world I'd rather call my partner for this life and beyond." Taking her hand with one hand and picking a ring with his other hand, he finally proposed. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Lena almost shouted and accepted the ring.

After the proposal, they finished their meal in fairly short order, then Patrick pulled a fifty out of his wallet and slipped it under the plate, already imagining the waitress' expression when she saw his tip.

He then took the receipt to the front counter and paid the bill while Lena got her coat.

After she put her own coat on, the couple walked out of the restaurant and headed towards Wayne Manor.


At that moment, Black Adam appeared, hovering over the city.

When he sighted one noticeable landmark, the Wayne Tower, he understood that if he terrorized the people of Earth the new champion would appear and face him.

"Is this who I was to protect?" He watched the city below reacting to his presence. "Why, because they are weak? When people crush an ant beneath their feet, do they feel remorse? No. Is this because they are evil or because they recognize themselves as a higher form of life? This is what the wizard could not understand. If I have the powers of the gods, then am I not a god myself? Should I not be treated as such?"

The self-proclaimed World's Mightiest Villain swooped down for a catastrophic blow, his fists first, but as he was about to collide against the impressive building, he was tackled by something.

Or someone.

His assailant was really strong.

So much so that even with the Invulnerability of Shu, he felt noticeable levels of pain for the first time.

Their new trajectory led them to another state, as his opponent threw him into a much less populated area.

Having a forced landing after his assailant spun him around and belted him downwards, causing a big crater to form in the ground, Black Adam finally noticed he was facing a young woman.

She wore an impressive suit of armor and wielded a mighty spear. Her hair was black and her skin was fair.

"Impressive, you are my physical match." Black Adam admitted.

"You are invading this planet! Submit now or deadly force will be used against you!" The woman with a distinct Italian accent warned coldly. Black Adam could feel a noticeable amount of mystical power emanating from her.

"You expect to beat me, a god?" He asked her threateningly as thunder clouds began forming around him. "Pity." Adam said, a look of maniacal glee on his harsh, hawkish face. "I don't sense the old fool's powers in you. I was hoping for a challenge after all the time I've been away. But I guess you will have to do."

It was then that the woman that tackled him across an entire state received back up.

Another eleven good looking young women landed surrounding him.

"This will be your last chance." His first opponent declared.

"You face six gods, not one man! And I will be the end of you." Black Adam replied before bursting in anger into a lightning explosion that would have reached the other woman if the first one hadn't casted a magical ward surrounding him.

The powerful onslaught was put out as mere sparkles remained and the surrounding force attacked in conjunction.

Despite having his first attack easily dealt with in such a manner, Black Adam was confident that no weapon of man could harm him.

Especially since he neither felt any amount of magic coming from the others or that he didn't recognize which material their weapons and armors were made of.

How wrong he was.

If it weren't for his insanely rapid reaction time at the last possible instant, he wouldn't have avoided the deadly attack.

However, he was only fast enough to avoid a direct hit to his vital organs, so his blood was still spilled in that short clash.

He attempted to fly upwards, and gain some tactical advantage, but he suddenly felt his weight increase to ridiculous levels as one of the women with dark hair and skin slashed his back with her longsword, effectively cutting off his cloak.

"BY ATON, YOU WILL DIE!" He shouted in both pain and anger before the woman bashed him with the pummel of her weapon.

Now having the sky denied, Black Adam imbued his fist with magical lightning and attempted to fight back.

As two women with red and white hair approached him from opposite sides, he was smashed in between a jet of atomic fire and frost of absolute zero.

His magical invulnerability having to work on overdrive to keep him conscient despite the damage.

"Insect! Amon's strength will crush your pride!"

As soon as he broke free of the previous double attack, he was hit again with another powerful combination.

As the ground shook and shattered, a powerful tornado picked him up and showered him with several rock debris and arrows that hit him with more than a thousand miles a minute speed.

He tried saying his magical world, but his lungs weren't capable of fighting back against the vacuum.

As things continued to escalate, a massive tree sprung from the ground and brought him up as a meteor brought him down with a massive impact.

"SHAZAM!" A shout was finally heard and a massive lightning instantly vaporized both the tree and meteor, alongside several meters of land.

Despite the impressive display of power, the group of women weren't fooled.

That was a desperate attempt to get a break from their successive attacks.

"Almost there girls!" The first woman said, clearly showing her position as the leader of the group.

"Eden, Carina, soften him up just a little bit more." The dark skinned woman added, showing that she was some sort of second in command between them.

While Black Adam panted heavily as he hid amongst the cloud of smoke his recent attack caused, he was sucker punched by a brunette that easily saw him through all that dust.

Before he had the chance to pursue her, another three figures, looking just like her, came from behind and delivered a sequence of well placed punches.

Adam received another sucker-punch, this time in the kidneys, while the second clone gave the ancient Egyptian villain a wicked kick to the jaw. And the third clone grabbed him by his ankle, spun him around several hundred times at super-speed, and flung him directly at another rapidly-approaching clone.

"ENOUGH GAMES!" He shouted, surpassing her speed and tackling her. "I did not spend 5000 years traveling across the infinite void of space to be thwarted by some wenches. My magic will reign supreme!"

Just as Black Adam attempted to break her neck, the clone swung her right arm up and stabbed his right eye with a dagger before using her other free hand to connect with the villain's long, hawkish nose.

The clone of the woman known as Eden then shook her head to clear it while other clones rounded on Adam, ready to retake the offensive.

With the raw energy of each punch blowing away all his cover, Black Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing. "What sort of magic is this?"

He was surrounded by several portals while multiple copies of one of the women flew through them, rushing at him from many unexpected angles.

"Do not condescend, chimera. You may have multiple bodies..." Black Adam announced. "...but I have the wisdom of a god!"

By that point, the best strategy Zehuti's wisdom gave him was to brace for the barrage of attackers and find an opening to kill them one by one.

As Shu's invulnerability finally failed him, Black Adam heard the bones of his forearms and hands breaking.

But instead of continuing with her unrelenting strikes, the brunette gave space for another woman with dark skin to face him.

She stared at him as if she was a predator and he was her prey.

Bursting into motion and running on all fours, he noticed a strange aura of energy enveloping her and mimicking animal features.

Her energy claws were especially sharp, as they ripped his clothes and skin to shreds before an Asian looking young woman restrained him with her elongated body.

Before he could attempt another lightning strike by speaking the magical name of the sorcerer that allowed him to escape his fate as a slave all those million years ago, the feral woman's fingers dug into his cheekbones and lower jaw, while the palm of her hand was pressed tightly over Adam's mouth to keep him quiet.

The villain even tried opening his mouth to bite her, but she positioned her hand in such a way as to prevent him from moving her jaw at all.

It was then that Black Adam was faced with the last woman of the group.

Unlike the rest, she was the only one who wouldn't be mistaken by a human.

Her golden skin and hair were mesmerizing and imposing all the same time.

'Ancient ones, unveil the golden path to me. In your names…' He thought, his courage now defying his wisdom. 'Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton, Mehen…'

Instead of facing him with violence, she placed her hand over his head and put him out of his misery.

And powers of the Egyptian gods were passed on to the Champion God of Earth.


Atlanna awoke in her son's bed, finding in his place the red haired beauty from the kingdom of Xebel.

The three of them had passed the night together.

Unlike most surface dwellers' traditions, such a relationship wasn't a scandal or anything.

It merely meant that the new King appreciated his mother like he appreciated his new Queen.

The other atlantean royal was then awoken by a delicious smell emanating from the chamber in their new home.

Arthur had just brought them to visit one of his properties on the surface.

As Atlanna moved to change her robes and comb her hair, Mera pulled back the covers to reveal her beautiful body to the morning light.

She hadn't any clothes to bring to the surface other than the green one piece that she always wore, so the Queen of Atlantis had taken to sleeping in the nude.

She didn't mind it as her King and paramour mother would always keep her warm with their presence.

Arthur also had no complaints about the situation.

The red haired beauty didn't feel like wearing her usual outfit, Mera then made her way besides the previous Queen to the dresser and pulled out the robe that Arthur gifted her.

She put it on and was pleased that it fit her quite nicely.

In similar fashion to Atlanta's, the robe was just big enough to cover her rather ample bosom and toned and firm rear, showing just enough of her body without being obscene.

They stepped out of their room to see their beloved King waiting as their servants finished setting the table for the two of them in the kitchen.

Arthur was simply dressed in a pair of pants and no shirt.

The two women gazed lustfully at his carved and muscular torso. With Atlanna rubbing her legs together to help stave off her arousal.

Noticing them, Arthur gave them a warm smile.

Mera's heart always melted when she saw his smile.

For someone from the surface, he was very dashing.

"Oh well good morning, my dear and beautiful ladies. You're up just in time. I made something special for breakfast. I thought you'd like something new since you haven't had much surface food, so I have worked hard on it."

Mera and Atlanna smiled as they each pressed their lips to his in a loving kiss one after the other.

"Thank you, my love. That was very thoughtful. I'll try the surface food with you." Mera said while Atlanna could only imagine how delicious her son's food would taste.

Arthur pulled out two chairs for them besides his, as he sat down at the table the trio ate their breakfast.

The food was unlike anything Mera had tasted before. The meat wasn't as salty as she was used to, but found it incredibly flavorful and the eggs tasted very different from fish eggs that she had eaten in the past.

When they finished, Atlanna made her way back into the bedroom and looked out the window above their bed while Mere still enjoyed the soft bed.

Their bedroom window directly overlooked the sea and gave a beautiful view during both day and night.

She smiled as she felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist and warmth envelop her.

"It's quite a view isn't it?" Arthur asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's quite beautiful my dear." She inhaled sharply as she felt his lips upon her neck.

"It's almost as beautiful as you are." She turned her head and kissed Arthur on the lips passionately.

The pair separated and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Are you excited, my love? You have a whole future ahead of you." She smiled and kissed him softly, calming the mood, giving it a more slow burn than a hot flash.

"Yes, I'm very excited. It is a new chapter… in both our lives."

Atlanna gasped in pleasure as Arthur cupped her breast firmly.

She closed her eyes and let out a low moan as he pinched and rolled her nipple through the fabric in his strong fingers, eliciting a pleasant sound from the woman he called mother.

She bit her lip and arched her back into his hand.

Her own nimble fingers ran down his stomach and began to rub the growing tent in his pants.

Atlanna turned her head to gaze into his dark eyes.

Her expression was a priceless look of pleasure.

Her eyes dilated as she looked at him, predatory and openly wanton.

The game was afoot!

He smiled devilishly as he gave her now hardened nipple a light flick.

"I've seen that look before." He slipped his hand down to the hem of the shirt she wore. He slowly began to raise the shirt up her body, slowly moving up Atlanna's inner thigh and stopping only to brush his thumb against her clitoris.

Atlanna's breath hitched as she gave a shuddering exhale.

Her arousal skyrocketed, and her hips automatically shifted to brush his hand.

A purr escaped her lips as she went to nip and kiss along his throat as she reached behind and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Arthur felt her lips upon his throat and he grinned.

He looked down at the robes his mother wore.

It was nothing special, just an expensive piece.

Well, not expensive to him.

So he wouldn't miss it.

Arthur proceeded to rip the offending piece of clothing and revealed her body in full.

Arthur felt something wet grab his waist band.

He looked down to see a hand made of water tugging at his pants from behind.

The Atlantean king smirked. "A little jealous aren't we, my Queen?"

She looked at him with a naughty smile, biting her lip. "Maybe just a little..."

She sent the water back into the glass by the bedside as she stood up and joined the couple.

Mera's voluptuous and very perky breasts pressed against his bare back, skin to skin.

The two beautiful women slipped their hands into his pants and slowly stroked his manhood before pulling his pants and boxers off in one collaborated tug.

Arthur pulled them together into a long passionate kiss.

Their tongues danced together as they deepened their kiss. When Arthur pulled them away, Atlanna bit Mera's lower lip slightly.

"You know, Mother. My Queen's beautiful rear is quite magnificent. But I think they could use some love. What do you think?" He slapped Mera's butt as he hinted at his intentions.

"Oh gods Arthur, please!" Mera would have agreed to anything at that point, but his intentions sounded so good to her, she had to agree.

Atlanna restricted Mera's arms and presented her ass to him.

"Then give it some love my dear." She said huskily. "But I will be next."

"Fine by me." He grabbed Mera's glorious butt and began to spank it.

He then took a bite of it and heard Mera startled scream of pleasure as he fingered her.

Atlanna held Mera's head firmly against her breasts as she began to suck and play with them, feeling them grow hard in her mouth.

Mera's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she moaned out as Arthur slapped her butt again. She released Atlanna's nipple with an audible pop before moving slowly, lowering down to her knees and turning to face Arthur, who then placed his now fully hardened manhood in her bountiful cleavage.

"Hey, I thought I was next." Atlanna protested with a pout, but Arthur pulled her for a deep kiss.

Once his member was placed between Mera's bosoms, she knew just what to do, shifting her breasts up and down on him while her lips casually wrapped around the tip.

He would have been nearly lost in ecstasy as he felt her tongue swirl around the head of his length, if he wasn't much more resilient than that.

Even if the heat from her mounds was incredible.

She squeezed her breast together as the drool her mouth began to lube up his member.

Mera was absolutely fantastic at tit-fucking.

Arthur began to thrust his hips in time with her movements at an erratic pace while still passionately kissing Atlanna.

Mera gave him a pleading moan.

She dearly wanted him to cum.

And cum he did.

Arthur let out a low groan as he released a torrent of his seed into her waiting mouth.

Mera took in as much as she could.

However the flood was a bit too much as some of his seed fell down to her breasts.

She stood slowly as she took her finger and wiped the thick substance from her valley and licked her appendage clean.

As soon as she finished cleaning it, Arthur broke his kiss with his mother and immediately brought her head down.

As Atlanna proceeded to do just as Mera did, he grabbed her head and shoved his entire length deep into her throat.

While the new Queen gave him a pleasant blow and tit job, the previous Queen would choke on his manhood.

Suddenly, after several gagging noises, Arthur stopped what he was doing.

Atlanna looked up at her beloved son with a confused expression.

But her confusion switched to surprise as he picked her up and left her hanging upside down, resuming deep throating his appendage while he kissed and licked her lower lips.

"Turn around my love. Turn around so we can both feel pleasure." She obediently did so with a smile, getting into position.

Her hands scrambled for purchase on his legs, her own twitching as he moaned inside her.

To her, it was... indescribably erotic.

Arthur knew from the looks in their eyes earlier that they wanted to be pleased, but he knew they were also warriors.

This little bit of pleasure was more than just that.

It was a battle of wills they had played out before.

His tongue thrust deeper and harder into her and one of his thumbs rubbed her clit.

He had absolute certainty that he would win this battle.

Both the crimson and silver haired beauties would take him up on this challenge, and with a naughty look, Mera gently caressed his balls while Atlanna still sucked his member hard.

He knew they were neck in neck in their little competition between them.

He placed a finger inside her folds, getting it nice and wet before placing it at the entrance to her other hole.

He inserted the digit into her rear as he continued the rest of his ministries.

Every muscle in Atlanna's body tensed for a moment as she cried out, releasing his member with a pop.

Her body shook as she released into her son's mouth.

She shakily moved as the aftershocks hit her.

"Oh my dear! Y-you put your finger there?!"

It was an instant orgasm for her, but she was highly surprised.

Usually that was... untouched territory.

Arthur lapped up all of her juices before giving a light chuckle.

"You asked to be next, didn't you? I had a feeling you were sensitive there. Turns out I was right. Maybe later you might want to put something a bit larger there."

She blushed deeply, suppressing a giggle as he released her. "Perhaps..."

"I look forward to that maneuver as well." Mera added as they went to bed.

At that moment, before they could continue their lovemaking in bed, someone else entered their room.

"My beloved?" A woman asked. "May I join in as well?"

"Who is this?" Mera asked, looking at the woman standing at the door.

She was still young, with beautiful Arabian traits like tan skin and long lustrous hair.

"Of course you can, my dear. We are just getting started." Arthur replied to the approaching woman before turning to the other two. "Mera, Mother, this is my Queen from the surface. Meet my beloved Talia."



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

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If there's any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

** Really sorry for the constant delays, I'm still having a hard time organizing my time to write my fics. 😅

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