
DC: The Kryptonian Knight

A self-insert skeptic, who doesn't like being told what to do wakes up inside a prototype evacuation rocket alone with a very out of character A.I. Cherry on top, he is not in Kansas anymore, welcome to Gotham! This adventure will eventually take place across an unknown number of realities, travelling to other planets and dimensions (but probably staying within dc’s boundaries). With different versions of popular characters inhabiting other dimensions throughout the multiverse and their personal characteristics can and will vary from one reality to another. AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

A new ally of the darkness and the quintessential recruits

Born to serve the life sentence of his father, Bane's childhood and early adult life were spent behind the walls of Peña Duro, an infamous prison located in Santa Prisca.

His mother was imprisoned with him, and remained so until her death when Bane was only six years old; at her 'funeral', Bane was forced to bear witness to her corpse being callously thrown by prison guards from the cliffs of Punto De Tiburon into the shark-infested waters.

Though imprisoned, Bane's natural abilities allowed him to develop extraordinary skills within the prison's walls.

He read as many books as he could get his hands on, built up his body in the prison's gym, and learned to fight in the merciless school of prison life.

During his time as a boy in Peña Duro, Bane was often referred to by other inmates as "Niño" (The Spanish word for "boy").

Despite his circumstances, he appeared to have found teachers of various sorts during his incarceration, ranging from hardened convicts to an elderly Jesuit priest, under whose tutelage he apparently received a classical education.

However, he committed his first murder at the age of eight. Stabbing a criminal who wanted to abuse him before another criminal, Trogg, arrived. The two then engaged in a fight together against the criminal that attacked first.

In the end, young Bane was knocked over the railing and ultimately fell to the ground below, sustaining a head wound as a result.

In his dream, he saw his little teddy bear walking into the light and then met a man who was his future self with his adult self telling him to conquer fear.

Eventually, after spending thirty-one days in a coma following his accident, young Bane awoke but he was no longer a child.

In fact, he had become a man.

That night, he killed the same criminal who had wanted him. With the warden eventually arresting him and confining him to the hole where Bane was for ten years.

During that time, as Bane grew, he learned to swim, meditate and even conquered fear.

During his years in prison, Bane carried a teddy bear he called Osito (Spanish for "little bear"), whom he considered his only friend.

Unbeknownst to most, Osito had a hole in his back to hold a knife that Bane used against anyone who bullied him.

Bane ultimately established himself as the "king" of Peña Duro prison.

The prison's controllers took note and eventually forced him to become a test subject for a mysterious drug known as Venom, which had killed all other subjects.

It nearly killed him as well, but he survived and found its effects enhanced his physical strength, although he needed to take it every 12 hours (via a system of cables pumped directly into his brain) or he would suffer debilitating side-effects.

Years later, Bane escaped Peña Duro, along with several accomplices, his friends Trogg, Zombie and Bird.

He was fascinated with downtown Gothic Metropolis as, like the prison, it was a place where fear ruled: in this case, fear of shadows.

Bane was convinced that the demonic figure that haunted his dreams since childhood was a representation of those shadows.

In the meantime, Bane started being noticed among the criminals of Gothic Metropolis.

With the biggest crime organizations out of the way, Bane started to take out all the leaders of the smaller gangs and organized crime in Gothic metropolis with help from his thugs and recruiting all their men.

His business was about to solidify its foothold on Gothic Metropolis, when he finally received visits from the infamous shadows.

At first, he was disappointed with their invitation to join them.

He had never seen warriors like them.

Striking from nowhere with impressive precision.

But Bane bowed to no one.

After sending his "refusal" through the messengers, he eagerly awaited for their retribution to come.


Day became night on Gothic Metropolis docks, a bustling mecca of commerce.

The port never slept; ships of all shapes and sizes dock, empty their shipment, refilled with return cargo, and slip out into the night.

A multi-hulled beast of a ship, La Gaviota (Seagull) rests dock-side, its bridge guarded by a small army of security guards.

Overhead, scattered throughout the cranes, are a half-dozen snipers, searching/studying the dockyard.

Cellophane-wrapped pallets of weapons and bales of cash were being carried by forklifts into the center of the hull and bolted to the floor.

Meanwhile, two dozen high-end, luxury cars enter the hull, each driven into its own reinforced, steel crate, the doors sealed shut behind them.

As the last worker leaves, he shouts into his walkie-talkie.

"FILL HER UP!" The man said.

Overhead, a large chute appeared and the operator pressed a button, sending a seemingly endless stream of grain down into the hull, covering the smuggled goods.

At the captain's cabin, chewing on an unlit cigar, the captain (a man on his 60s, enormous, grizzled, salt-and-pepper beard, long, unkempt hair, dressed in denim and leather) studies paperwork at his desk while Bane paces; a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other.

"So, how long will we have to stay around here?" The captain said.

"Until I kill them all." Bane replied coldly.

The Captain's phone rings.

"Yes?" He answers it. The Captain's face falls, his jaw clenched. "I'll let him know. Proceed as


The Captain hangs up, finds a match, sparks it to flame, and ignites the tip of his cigar, puffing it like an old steam engine.

"The men you sent for that job…"

"What about them?" Bane questioned.

"They are dead."

Bane falls deep in thought. "What did you say?"

"Boss-" The Captain is cut off by the intercom which squawks to life, a screaming voice reduced to panicked static.

The Captain slaps a hand down onto the call button.

"Come again?"

"We're under attack, sir!" The operator informs.

Outside in the deck, a number of security guards lay dead upon the deck, bleeding out from kunais and arrows, as the others sprint for cover.

The operator from before leaned hard against the call button of the intercom. "Someone's attacking u-" A blade pierces through the back of the Operator's neck, killing him instantly, his body sinking to the deck.

In the captain's cabin, the Captain stands, checks the chamber of the Luger pistol at his side, and heads for the door.

Before he has the chance to leave, the massive man known as Bane stops him.

"I've been waiting for this moment." He told the man before walking past him. "Don't get in my way."

Bane exits the cabin and slams the door behind him.

Outside, a sniper searches the yard through his scope, his earpiece overwhelmed by panicked chatter.

"This is Alpha. I don't-" The sniper announces before hearing a loud 'TINK!'

Across the way, another sniper tumbles off his perch... TINK!...as does another...TINK!...and another.

The sniper mutters in anger. "Where the fuck are they?"


...and another...

The sniper searches, his skin wet with perspiration, hand trembling upon the stock.


...and another, screaming as he falls...

"WHERE THE FUCK…" The Sniper trails off as he gets sight of some shadowy figures. "The old cannery. Southeast of my position...but it is too late for me now."

Zooming through his scope,across the yard and into the cannery where Deadshot lied on the floor with an advanced sniper rifle braced against his shoulder.

Floyd pulled the trigger...

...the bullet traveled all the way towards the sniper's perch… entering through his scope… and bursting out of the back of his head.

His body goes limp...and slides out of his perch, cart-wheeling down to the earth below.

Not long after, ten heavily-armored SUV's bear down on the old cannery building.

At the top floor of the Cannery, Deadshot shifts position, aims, and fires, as the round easily pierces through the bulletproof windows.

As he ejects his clip and separates the weapon into two independent ones, he sinks back into the darkness.

In the main floor of the cannery, the last two remaining SUVs enter the cannery, their tires screeching to a stop as a swarm of highly-trained gunmen emerge, scattering throughout the building.

From the top floor, Slade pries open the doors of an old, wooden, elevator shaft: now an empty cavern before he and Rose disappear down into darkness.

At the top floor's hallway, a pair of gunmen swiftly close in on Deadshot's last known position before both Wilsons take a deep breath and jump, bullets riddling the doors behind them as they disappear back into the darkness.

Bodies began slapping against the water as they drop like stones.

As the chaos quietens down, a gunman rounds a corner, stepping over the empty duffel bag his targets have last been seen in, and he immediately freezes with eyes wide open.

A brick of C-4 was attached to one of the main support beams, the pale red light of the detonator glowing with ominous disdain.

He takes a step back, lowering his weapon, glances about and notices for the first time the red lights of a dozen more C-4 charges scattered throughout the interior.

The man's instincts shouted at him to run for his life, but his shock freezes him in place.

Beneath the cannery, underwater, Deadshot besides Deathstroke and Ravager lifts his hand, revealing a remote detonator, which Floyd depresses with his thumb.

The gunman goes pale at the sight of all of those red lights turning green.

Watching from outside of the shipyard, a series of powerful explosions tear through the building, reducing it to splinters as it collapses in upon itself.

Beneath the cannery, as debris begins to sink down all around him, the three shadows swim as hard as they can.

Surfacing when they are safe.

Finding a ladder, the three agents climb upwards emerging from behind an access panel.

Leading the three, Slade turns towards the ship and moves at a steady pace, eyes roving as shadows begin crawling the massive ship's hull.

Surrounded by crewmen and security personnel, the Captain watches the explosion, his eyes wide.

"My... God." The captain said.

"What's the boss orders?" A crewman asks.

"He-" The captain manages to mutter before the sound of screams echoes up past them. "He will deal with it!"

With his improved wrist-mounted guns and waterproof suit, Deadshot repositioned himself as Slade and Rose strode towards the boat's entryway as Loyd dropped five guards with two perfectly-placed shots apiece.

Slade and Rose effortlessly take down two gunmen as they round the corner, dead before they hit the ground.

Slade retrieves an embedded throwing knife off a dead guard as Rose enters the ship before him.

With a grin, Bane deals with several shadows, taking several cuts that would've been lethal to the regular man and punching hard enough to hear bones cracking.

From behind him he heard the sound of sheer, unadulterated chaos: gunfire, screams, and explosions.

Bane chuckles as he releases the neck of a female assassin, letting her body drop to the ground and moves to greet his guests.

As the big man walked past a corridor, he saw several bodies lying everywhere.

Gunshots ring out.

A number of panicking crewmen were moving to flee the ship.

As Bane rounds the corner, he and the Wilson duo finally met.

As the three engage in a deadly exchange of blows and attacks, Bane finally roars in pain and anger as he finally activates his venom due to his adversaries enhanced abilities, immediately driving a fist into Rose's side, breaking some ribs before headbutting her with all his might.

He follows through with a wild left, but Slade avoids it, slapping it aside, Bane's forward momentum sending his fist to shatter the iron wall of his ship.

Bane howls, wrapping his arms around Slade, crushing him, but as his consciousness begins to fade, Slade moves to stab his foe through the eye with his recently acquired equipment.

His hidden blades.

In a split second reflex, Bane releases Slade who only manages to slice one of his venom tubes before kicking out his knee and moving behind him to wrap his arms around Bane's head, and SNAPS his neck.

Or at least he tried to.

Even with his enhanced strength, Slade wasn't strong enough to overpower him in this green overcharged state.

Breaking his adversary hold and throwing Deathstroke over his head towards Ravager, who had just recovered and was about to attack him again, Bane pinned them by the neck and was planning on choking them both against the metal wall.

Their hidden blades weren't a threat this far from his face.

"So, it is you who have been controlling this city." Bane laughed darkly. "I gotta say, I'm not impressed. And that you have made a serious mistake."

"Not as serious as yours, I fear." Another figure emerged from the lower deck's shadows, his step so silent that it was hard for anyone to notice it, even if they were directly staring at him.

The Dark Knight emerged as the very visage of death: his ashen hair making him look supernatural, his eyes were eerie as an abyss.

He wasn't as big as Bane, neither was he as monstrously bulky, and yet he still had the appearance of being unstoppable.

The Dark Knight moved at a steady pace as his tattered cloak flapping despite the lack of a strong wind current.

Gesturing with his hands like a stage magician, he manifested multiple shurikens in between his fingers.

Throwing them all together, each projectile gains massive speed as they arc towards their target.

"ARGH!" Bane roars in pain as he releases both Slade and Ravager.

The two of them recover quickly as they back away from the fight, not daring to stay in between them.

"So, I was right that someone would actually challenge me." Bane grunted as he removed two shurikens from his forearms, his blood looking toxic bright green.

"How exactly have you envisioned this encounter would end?" The Dark Knight asked, his voice mixture of whispers and gasps as his eyes seemingly stared deep into his soul.

"With me standing victorious." He boldly stated while pulling off all the remaining shurikens and flexing his rapidly regenerating muscles. "I'm the master of fear."

With a single glance from the Dark Knight, both Deathstroke and Ravager left them and moved to aid Deadshot with taking care of everyone else.

"Your perros have been well trained." Bane scoffed at the retreating duo. "These last two more than the others."

The Dark Knight nodded in agreement. "Sadly, the same could not be said about your petty mercenaries."

Bane clenched his jaw in anger before removing his tattered jacket off, revealing his system of flowing venom as it was injected into his system. "I've come to this ciudad de mierda searching for the ultimate price, to break the boogeyman that strikes fear in the hearts of men." He cracked his knuckles and neck as he approached and towered over his opponent. "And here you are, standing in front of me." Without warning, Bane clenches and raises his fist and arm, before dedicating all his mass and power with proper shoulders and hips rotation to deliver a nasty punch. "Die!"

Despite Bane's speed, the Dark Knight was already feeling bored as his opponent's muscles telegraphed his intention.

But instead of reacting, he allowed himself to get hit straight to the face.

The full force of Bane's punch provoked a shockwave as loud as a gunshot, but to his surprise, he felt the bones of his fist shatter against an immovable man.

"You fight like a younger man." Bane ignored his aching hand to pay attention to the Dark Knight as he spoke to him. "Nothing held." Bane quickly dashed a jab with his other hand, only for his opponent to catch it as if it were a mere baseball ball. "Admirable" He effortlessly crushed Bane's other hand. "But mistaken."

Bane's shock surpassed his pain as he gasped. "No! I-impossible!" With a swift open-hand strike, the Dark Knight blasted Bane towards the metal wall behind him, knocking the breath out of the tall man. "What the hell are you?!"

The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes, and without saying a thing he dashed so fast that he appeared to be nothing but a blur to Bane.

The boosted giant man wasn't fast enough to dodge or even brace himself for the impact, so he was dragged past several metal walls before reaching the hull of the massive ship.

Normally, punching through metal wasn't a challenge for Bane, but considering the speed he was blasted through so many layers, his condition had suffered greatly.

His supply of venom was less resistant than his enhanced flesh, many of the tubes were now leaking his bright green super-steroid and the storage device on his back had been damaged as well.

As Bane regained his breath, he roared in pain and anger. "Bastardo! Argh! I wi-I will break you!"

Holding Bane by the neck as the big man's arms struggled to free himself and his feet dangled above a large fall towards the water, the Dark Knight gestured to the silent yet destroyed docks. "Do you feel in charge?"

"I'm not afraid of death!" Bane managed to mutter.

"Oh, but you are afraid of dying a pathetic death!" The Dark Knight told him, his eyes piercing deep into his soul. "Swear fealty to me, and I will grant you the power you have been so desperately seeking."

Bane gritted his teeth before giving his answer.



I already achieved my aim for acquiring Kryptonian bodies and ships.

It's time for the next phase of my plans.

After all, I was beginning to get bored.

I read the stories of how people got reborn just to spend their days trying to go back to their lives.

Or try to fix all the world's problems without a plan, simply for the sake of it, acting as if the world was all sunshine and rainbows.

Heh, delusional bastards.

I am human at heart, I am selfish.

Ever since I died and came here, I swore to achieve my dreams and aims I set for myself.

I swore to never die again.

But there still are things that can kill me.

Weapons and powers that could make me bleed, even if they are rare to multiversal standards.

I am a shameless wish fulfillment geek that was now in the body of a Kryptonian, now armed with Shazam's powers and the Speed Force.

I'm sure you're thinking 'hey maybe you can take a break nothing on earth can kill you'.

Things can, I may be almost immune to the effects of kryptonite thanks to my frequent 'sunbathing sections' and magical powers.

But I'm not willing to risk it.

I am now a researcher, an explorer, I want to explore, to learn, to discover and invent like any worthy member of house of El would.

And make myself stronger while at it, that sentiment is probably amplified thanks to my blood ties to the house of Zod.

I had no intention of limiting myself to just sitting around acting as a genius, playboy philanthropist.

That lifestyle was more than pleasant to me, don't get me wrong.

I've been building up a solid image as Sentry, to the point of whenever I proclaimed myself as a God, a lot of the masses would bow in devotion to worship me as one.

And my work as a deadly vigilante was already cementing me as the next coming of Kira.

No offender was beyond my reach.

So it was time I acted.

I've been making the world a better place.

No, really, I have.

I took care of basically all 'irredeemable villains' and those that might be a nuisance in the near future.

Heh, what did you take me for, a superman or batman clone?

I might be a batman fanboy, but I'm not that naive to follow a 'no killing rule'.

And just look at Gothic Metropolis.

After eliminating Joker from existence and taking care of the crime families, I stepped up to the stage.

I actually provided jobs, real paying jobs that alongside Wayne Enterprises connection with the police force that basically crippled any crime organization that wasn't in any way under my influence.

Independent vigilantes weren't needed anymore.

Because criminals weren't around enough to trigger most "origin stories", be it because I helped families put sufficient food on their tables and be capable of affording efficient Health treatment, or because my Court of Shadows earned a reputation that would rival the original Dark Knight at his prime.

Listen, I brought the level of medical knowledge and technology to such a degree that Hiv/Aids and Cancer were now being treated as the new malaria.

I advanced tech to such a degree that people had supercomputers for household devices.

Heh, I look at the masses around the globe and their current state of life, and could finally say to myself that 'I genuinely made the world a better place'.

But soon it will be time I move on, not to the next adventure, but stage.

Out there, somewhere, is power waiting to be claimed.

Out there in the multiverse of countless realities are things beyond the scope of understanding waiting to be read, to be interacted with, dimensions beyond this one.

Out there are beings beyond gods, thought based lifeforms and so much more.

I won't be sitting around here much longer.

But for now, I want to finally have my army of near perfect beings.


Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen was a billionaire and former playboy, meant to become the archer superhero of the Star district of Gothic Metropolis.

Born into the esteemed Queen family, the son of Robert and Moira Queen, brother of Thea Queen, the ex-boyfriend friend of Laurel Lance and the ex-lover of Sara Lance.

He and Patrick had crossed paths more than once, with their background and all, but despite their similar origins they both eventually assumed starkly different roles.

While the heir of the Waynes was being regarded as a prodigious genius, while also having respectable achievements in sports, Oliver consistently avoided responsibilities.

Once Oliver entered his late teens and early 20s, he started sleeping around with other women and got into multiple social scandals, including assaulting a paparazzi bystander, driving while intoxicated, stealing a taxi, urinating on a police officer, and using a helicopter to impress Maria Sharapova in the U.S. Open.

Oliver's education life was just as chaotic as well; he dropped out of four Ivy League schools,not even bothering to tell his parents about the last one until sometime after.

However, Oliver did have some engineering skills due to working with his father, who was an aspiring pilot and sometimes performed his own maintenance with his son.

Robert also taught Oliver how to operate a plane and the two often went flying together.

As a teenager, Oliver used these abilities to hot-wire cars, which once resulted in him getting grounded for an entire summer.

Oliver lost himself from society after his family's yacht sank, he made it to the island of Lian Yu, where he went on a mission of survival and self-discovery, learning skills that include, but aren't limited to, archery, swordsmanship, hand-hand combat, etc.

Being presumed dead and lost at sea for the past five years, Oliver was expected to return home with a mission to save his city from crime and corruption.

Beginning his crusade as an archer who would eventually become the vigilante known as the Hood.

As the Hood, Oliver would be more than willing to use lethal force by targeting members on his father's list.

But many things had changed since Oliver lost contact with the world, especially since he never left the island during that time.

The young rich boy will return to his home as a man, one that will be caught by surprise when he heard about everything that had happened during his absence.

His childhood acquaintance had become CEO of his family business, crime as a whole had been curbed by some ominous myths and humanity had discovered that it wasn't alone in space.

What the young Queen would do henceforth would be up to him.

Should he decide to follow his father's dying will and hunt for those he believed had failed their city, Oliver should beware the Court of Shadows.



"Lights on." The soft purr of running machines sounded through the metallic corridors.

The white brilliant lights, illuminating the chambers.

I walked into the lab, taking off my suit and contacts before putting on the lab wear, then performing all checks.

I walked past various objects and devices that lined the walls, heading to a liquid geo interface.

"Dots, prime row of machines for testing and implementation"

"[~Yes, sir.~]"

The liquid geo interface split apart to bring a small glowing cubic box to view.

It was an inch in all dimensions.

I pulled out one of the marble-like metallic balls I had been able to extract from my victims.

This metal was dionesium, a miracle metal that had rejuvenating powers.

After extensive research, I discovered that it's corrupted form made up the Lazarus pits.

It was one of the reasons for how Ra's had managed to remain so young despite the ages.

And it was bonded to not only his body, but to his soul as well.

But what exactly was it?

Remember when I mentioned that nth metal brought hawkman and hawkgirl back to life through reincarnations.

Well this was another form of nth metal, from what I could gather, only five forms existed, and when these forms are brought together, laws could be more easily bent.

But I didn't have all five forms, I only had three, electrum, dionesium and purified nth metal, neither did I know where in the universe the remaining two were, that was if they were the only ones out there.

When did I find out that I could see souls and affect them?

After the iris in my eyes turned golden.

My exposure to more yellow sun radiation had begun to take its effect.

And I am exponentially more powerful now than compared to what I was a few years ago when I eliminated the clown.

My power levels were increasing at ludicrous speeds, it was like I was turning into superman gold.

And considering that I had microscopic yellow suns hanging on the roofs, me and Faora would constantly grow and evolve even further.

I made use of Ray Palmer's research at Wayne Enterprises to get those to work.

I planned on acquiring different forms of solar radiation, yes, I'm looking at you white stars and quasars.

All in due time.

But back to the dionesium.

The purest form of dionesium I had obtained yet was one extracted from Vandal Savage.

That is a story for another time, but the thing is...

The man was immortal because he got exposed to a meteor that carried the metal to earth during the prehistoric times.

Moving on, what did I need these metals for?

Well I was creating something to enhance the Mother Box I took before Silas Stone got his hands on.

His son and wife had an unnatural swift recovery thanks to Gothic Metropolis center hospital "efficiency", so their family's life should soon resume to regularity.

I know, boosting the 'living computer' from New Genesis should be impossible.

Heh, not anymore.

Not when you have the powerful mind of a kryptonian with the best genetic intelligence traits under a yellow sun, with the Wisdom of Solomon and the Speed Force to top it off.

All it took was a look to understand the whole schematic and reverse engineer it from there.

The original Kal-El was really putting his house to shame.

What the hell was he doing?

Playing human, is what.

But I digress.

When fully completed, the enhanced miracle box will change everything, it would basically become a cosmic cube.

With something as simple as a thought command, It will alter reality to my will.

Do I need to explain it any further?

This will turn the wielder, me, into a God.

Nothing too outrageous.

At least not for DC universe's standards.

To wield it isn't as simple as it sounds though.

No, not only do you need a higher level intellect, you also need the willpower for it, because it runs on the manifestations of such concepts.

That's right, I'm aware that concepts can be physically materialized here.

Just look at the lanterns corps to prove my point.

You just needed the right tools to harvest it.

Trust me when I say, it took awhile to get here.

I crunched calculations that would make any of the acclaimed geniuses drop to their knees in horror, no, that sounds too pale in comparison, I crunched calculations that could bring gods down.

It took light-years in my God perception to get this far, which would translate to less than a week in real time.

My miracle cube spread out in a geometric pattern, it was dark, pure black center coming to view and with it the gravitational pull of the room increased to 300,000 times the level of earth's, they were minor metallic groans as the metals retained their structure, with increased masses due to the added ridiculous gravity.

I slotted the round metallic pellets into their spots, inside the miniature artificial gravity well which held them in place.

An electromagnetic shield came to life cutting off the effects of the well and restoring the environment's natural gravity.

This was why my lab was currently on the far, far side of the solar system.

The blue glowing plates drew back together, folding themselves back into a cube.

The cube was now hovering over the table.

The instrument readings showed that it was now functional.

Success, for now.

"Dots integrate the miracle cube systems to the mother box. Keep the mother box running at optimal settings."

"[~Connection of the miracle cube in progress. Test initiated. Mother box is stable, beginning integration stage.~]"

The miracle cube was folding space around it in microscopic levels.

I could literally see it.

Four circular metal rings extended around it, blue and black electric chains danced around it.

"[~Integration in progress. Readings predicting instability, possible failure theorized, deploying correction measures.~]"

Don't worry.

It will work.

I counted on the possibility of not having plot armor, so I made sure to eliminate the possibility of spawning a black hole that would devour earth's solar system.

Dots informed me it needed something more.


More vibrations, the song of creation.

All things have vibrations, the atoms are always in a state of constant kinetic motion.

I pushed the powers of Shazam and the Speed Force through my Super Kryptonian body.

Speed Force enhanced magical clones ran about and vibrated at the frequency I needed them to.

A song was being created, a song only few could ever hear.

The song of creation.

And in the background, lightning rang and roared until it didn't anymore, faster than the speed of light, there were no sounds.

But I heard the vibrations.

Something was missing, something I could provide.

Shapes and colors began to form around me.

Matter was being conceptualized.

A meta-singularity formed and source energy materialized, channelled by the rings, wisps of dark matter ebbed into it, not antimatter, dark matter.

It's important that you understand the difference.

Because as the energy seeped through, I saw something in there.

I had no time to dwell on it now.

This was a critical process.

The veins on my neck became visible as I tuned my voice and sang a verse.


A Shockwave of energy spread out, and then an explosion of silence.

Pure deafening silence.

Parts of the lab were on atomic fire.

A colorless beacon of energy shone in the center.

The ball of energy looked like a mass of carefully laid out equations, drawn by the hands of God.

In the colorless ball was a dense mass of metal flowing in a spherical circuit matrix.

My miracle cube was finally perfected.

By my very own hands.

This was more than an accomplishment to me.

This was….a miracle forged by my very own hands.

The ball flew into my open palm.

The gravity Flux and force fields barely affected me, but the same could not be said for the environment.

It would right itself and then take on a more natural gravity.

I held the ball in my hands, a smile was etched deeply on my face.

The songs of stars returned, the Flux stabilized.

And my machine was functional, even though it's 'perfected state' wasn't absolute.

'Open doorway.' I sent it a basic command.

One it should have no trouble accomplishing.


A round portal was created before me.

I could see space warped around it.

And on the other side I could see my destination.

Circular pods lined the white insides of the my genesis chamber.

In these biomechanical wombs were dozens of fully grown bodies of humanoid beings, they had a strong resemblance to humans.

I slotted the miracle cube into a larger system of circuits.

As the soft whirls and purrs of machines began, I placed my hands over the large complex machine and directed my will at it.

'Bring them to life!'


Nothing happened…in the first five seconds.

But a colossal amount of energy was suddenly sucked from the miracle core.

The energy flew in thin air without the needs for circuits or conducting mediums.

It went into the pods, a bright glow began to light inside all the pods it had entered.

Fluctuations of energy occurred as the pods shook and squirmed.

"[~Active Life signs detected~]"

What did I just do?

Create a perfected Kryptonian army.

Using the growth codex of kryptonians as a baseplate.

Some synthesized daxamite DNA to cover for some weakness.

And some room for growth and adaptation.

In each pod was a fully grown body submerged in plasmatic fluids and Lazarus waters to aid in their birth.

Lex created an abomination in the DCEU.

I was creating a perfect life form, it took awhile but I did perfect the process.

They weren't large monstrosities that Lex's creation was.

No, these were going to be intelligent beings, who would serve my every purpose.

Why would they do it?

It's the way they were created…


Not like how the kryptonians did it.

My command included the subcommands.

The miracle cube was making their existence in such a way that it would never contradict mine and then grant them life.

It was literally soul coded, a form much more advanced than my magical inscriptions for them to not go against me.

When they would be born, they would create an imprint with the first life form they made contact with.

Like chicks from an egg.

Doing all this took a lot of juice from the cube.

I can see it dimmed now than it was earlier.

I had just come up with ways of improving my miracle cube, but it all in due time.



The first pods exploded in a mass of biomatter and fluids.


The female humanoids landed heavily on their feet in a bent posture.

They slowly straightened their form, clenching their arms and looking at them.

I saw the subtle movements of their limbs, eyes and ears, the soft breaths they were taking, examining the environment and their body as well.

They then raised their heads.

Their eyes were all on mine.

They sharpened to slits, and they dashed at me.

I still stood in place, watching them.

They were testing the waters, seeing if I was who I should be.

In an instant, they were right at my face, their height being slightly lower than mine.

They reached out with their cold wet hands and slid it across my body.

"Master?" They said in English, the languages I had mainly used in their database download.

And then nodded again. "Master!" They said louder with a happy tone, asserting it, and wrapped their hands around me.

In a collective hug.

They were strong.

"Yes." I said tapping their heads full of long hair, all of them displaying many ethnicities.

But all of them looked like the perfect cross between a supermodel and an athlete.

As if on cue, the remaining pods burst open, with the other creations bursting out.

Performing the same examinations their sisters did.

I looked at them, and they focused on me.

It was like a wolf pack looking at their alpha.

"Master!" They shouted in joy and then all dozens of them slammed into me at almost supersonic speeds, piling up over me.

Several grown ass women held and huddled on me like chicks under a mother hen.

My life just got more complicated didn't it?

"Okay my dears. Master has seen you all. Now let's get you clothed" I said tapping the backs of those I could and rubbing the heads of others.

They obeyed and gave me room, with silly smiles on their faces.

In less than a week of being born, the children would reach a matured adult mentality.

Their intelligence was like that of the brightest Kryptonians.

Meaning not only were they intellectually gifted but they would also begin to suck up knowledge like a dry sponge dropped in water.

I expect that by the second week after that, they would have fully mastered their abilities and learned to utilize them in creative ways.

They didn't have my powers, what they did had was an electromagnetic aura.

It was weaker than my current natural bio aura.

But that was due to the process of their birth.

It was a small price to pay.

They made up for it in their physical capabilities, I mean what'd you expect?

I engineered them all to be capable of facing Doomsday and Darkseid level individuals.

Their physical attributes were astounding.

And yes, they all came to me for their names.

It wasn't an easy week.

I don't know when exactly, but a month after their birth, one of them had been watching Warhammer 40k and introduced the others to it.

From that day on, they began treating me like the Emperor of mankind.

And here was a prime example of it.

They stood tall in discipline, like straight mighty pillars.

Each of them bearing the house crest of both El and ZOD on the chests of their armors, which looked like slimmed down versions of space marines and in their hands were deadly weapons.

Some held spears, others warhammers and poleaxes, with slim swords strapped to their waists as a secondary weapon.

All the weapons were created from nth metals, their might was indisputable.


Faora groaned.

She had finally gotten rid of her battle armor after training the girls and exchanged it for a more advanced, form-fitting costume with colors that matched Kal's.

She rolled her eyes as she looked in the mirror.

She would much rather be naked. 'On my knees in front of Kal, su-'

Sentry walked in and looked at his beautiful lover. "It fits you nicely. You might distract your opponents with that body of yours." He winked as he came up behind her and spun her around to kiss her.

As they broke the kiss, she walked towards the bed, falling on it.

Faora was always ready for sex, and this was another perfect moment.

He had promised to always care for her, she saw only fitting for her to continue to pleasure him.

She had spent some time with the girls, and after training them to be the best elite Kryptonian soldiers they could possibly be, Faora had to admit her beloved had outdone himself again with their creation.

Kal had told her he had plans to soon "visit" ancient civilizations of beings stronger and more advanced than the humans.

She could only hope that situation would escalate to war, before meeting her lover during their confrontation, she had been longing for a real challenge.

And now as his general, Faora will make sure to not disappoint.



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

If there're any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

** Really sorry for the constant delays, my college classes have resumed so I'm having a hard time organizing my time to write my fics. 😓

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Daichi_TBR193creators' thoughts