
DC: The Keeper of Chronos named...

{Author: Pisatel_Darius} Translation by Vandalizer_z Reincarnated with a Player System, possessing a unique starting ability - Time Manipulation. However, even with this seemingly overpowered ability, the DC universe will still present the hero with challenging trials.

Vandalizer · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: Ghosts of the Empire

When I entered the dungeon, I found myself in a corridor, facing a pair of stone double doors. The architecture of the place vaguely resembled the grand entrance of a kingdom's castle. Behind me were massive wooden gates that seemed impossible to interact with. The corridor was dimly lit by sunlight, but it was impossible to see anything through the high windows. The corridor itself was filled with an eerie, cold, and damp mist that gave me unpleasant sensations. There was also a strange scent, as if after rain. It made me uneasy. Before taking another step, I decided to get some hints from the system.

Royal Castle of the Empire

Location Level: ???

Threat Level: ???

Dungeon Event Activated!!!

To activate the main quest, you must proceed to the "Main Hall of the Castle."

It was, to say the least, strange. Strange that the system didn't tell me anything besides the location's name. What bothered me even more was the fact that the system couldn't even hint at the level of enemies here or the extent of their threat.

On my way to the main hall, I didn't encounter a single soul. It was just me, the oppressive silence, and my footsteps echoing down the long corridor. According to the player's map, the main hall was about a hundred meters away from me. Only at the castle gates did I notice what seemed like an empty suit of armor sitting there, leaning against the gate, as if it had fallen asleep. I mean that if it were a local inhabitant, there would at least be bones left, and this led me to some strange thoughts.

"What happened here...?" I even checked and removed the helmet from the knight, and as expected, there was nothing inside. Emptiness. The armor looked very old and worn, completely faded and taking on a grayish-ashen hue. The only thing that had somewhat preserved its appearance was the lightly torn, semi-shredded bright red cloak, more resembling a "rag."

I could have examined it for a long time and speculated about what had happened, but what I came here for was beyond those doors. It took some effort to open them, and as I entered the corridor leading to the Main Hall, filled with numerous columns, the white mist from the depths of the corridor rushed into the hall. At that very moment, I received a notification from the System.

Main Objective: Survive!

Time: 9 minutes 58 seconds.

Secondary Objective: Kill as many enemies as you can!

Reward: Depends on the final outcome of the dungeon completion.

Failure: Death

Very informative and clear. Thank you, System. In the meantime, one by one, warriors in those same suits began to gradually emerge from the mist. What was noteworthy was that these were not your ordinary undead. Instead of bones inside those suits of armor, there were bound souls. As I looked closely, I realized that, apart from the glowing pairs of eyes, they had no... mouths.

While they reacted to me slowly, as if I were an intruder, I quickly decided to check the stats of the nearest warrior.

Forgotten Warrior of the Empire

Level: 50

Class: Undead

Status: Cursed spirit bound in armor

Strength: 150

Agility: 150

Constitution: 100

Endurance: Infinite

Special Abilities: Immunity to Bleeding, Curse of the Eternal Guardian, Curse of Muteness, No Resolve

Their weapons were mostly two-handed/one-handed old swords. Some of them used shields. They moved like puppets, with someone forcibly pulling their strings. The movements were unhurried and jerky. You might wonder how such warriors could possibly harm anyone. However, my first impression was shattered when the first warrior quickly closed the distance between us and delivered a slashing strike that forced me to dodge to the side. I then had to retreat from his companions who, like a well-coordinated mechanism, launched a series of relentless attacks.

I evaluated their capabilities and attacks, and after about ten seconds of this dance, I decided to quickly put an end to them. Dodging the first one and swiftly slicing through his torso with my dagger was effortless, as if a "knife through butter." The dagger cut the steel armor in half. The second one rushed from behind his fallen comrade to strike, raising his two-handed sword high. I used the "Record" ability, and my identical copy appeared next to me, making a sudden leap forward and literally taking out my opponent in pieces.

Level Up!

Just a couple of these warriors and already a level up?! I liked this. If we don't count the tedious attempts of the local warriors to resist me, it all came down to my total dominance. Every minute after the destruction of the warriors, a new wave of the same warriors appeared. Somewhere around the fifth wave, in addition to the regular warriors, some mages in dark cloaks appeared. They hurled magical projectiles at me and prevented me from going into stealth. They used a staff with a mystical Egyptian eye at the base. However, they were very weak in close combat, and defeating them was not particularly difficult. After ten minutes, the warriors who had been fighting me suddenly disappeared into the familiar "War Fog."

The counter of undead killed by me crossed the two hundred mark, but thanks to the Rogue's abilities that allowed me to restore my stamina, I didn't feel any fatigue at all. Sure, my face was covered in a light sweat, and my breathing was slightly irregular, but that was it.

In the next second, three figures emerged from the mist who were somewhat different from all the previous "pawns" I had been dealing with. These three exuded an unmistakable sense of danger.

Name: Maria "Holy Light"

Level: 100

Class: Undead

Strength: 60

Agility: 40

Constitution: 100 - [???]

Endurance: Infinite

Intelligence: 473 - [???]

Wisdom: 356 - [???]

Special Abilities: Chosen by the Light, Forsaken by the Light, Immunity to Bleeding, Curse of the Eternal Guardian, Curse of Silence, No Resolve, Silent Prayer.

Name: Robin "Symbol of Hunt"

Level: 156

Class: Undead

Strength: 300 - [???]

Agility: 250 - [???]

Constitution: 200 - [???]

Endurance: Infinite

Intelligence: 100

Wisdom: 87

Special Abilities: Master of the Hunt, Legendary Marksman, Immunity to Bleeding, Curse of the Eternal Guardian, Curse of Silence, No Resolve.

Name: Trask "Defender"

Level: 176

Class: Undead

Strength: 350 - [???]

Agility: 200 - [???]

Constitution: 300 - [???]

Endurance: Infinite

Intelligence: 204

Wisdom: 98

Special Abilities: Master of Defense and Fencing, Immunity to Bleeding, Curse of the Eternal Guardian, Curse of Silence, No Resolve.

Main objective updated: Defeat the Fallen Heroes of the Empire. [0/4]

First up was a figure cloaked in a white robe with a hood, holding her hands wrapped in white bandages in a prayer gesture. The second one looked like a typical hunter, wearing brown tattered clothing, a cloak, and a mask covering his face, with only the burning gaze of his blue eyes attentively watching me and waiting for my actions. In his hands, he tightly held his old, large bow. The third, the largest of the trio, was a knight clad in massive armor, holding a towering two-meter shield in his left hand and a two-handed sword without a guard in his right, with a blade covered in serrations like that of a piranha.

I tossed my dagger into the air and caught it in a reverse grip, assuming a stance. They also tensed up. The Defender positioned himself in front, shielding the Priest, and the Archer began to flank me.

"Let's dance!" I said.

I initially planned to deal with their Priest quickly, but I had to change my plans due to a spiritual arrow flying rapidly towards me. Robin created them out of thin air, as if from the threads of his soul, and fired them continuously, forcing me to shift my top priority to him. Trask stood there without moving, protecting his Priest. To my great surprise, Robin's speed was nearly on par with mine, and he constantly managed to evade my strikes at the very last moment. In close combat, when things got really tough, he used a spiritual tomahawk-shaped weapon. This is why Trask had remained inactive all this time. To buy time...? I could have continued playing with these incredible opponents, but I couldn't afford to lose, so...

I didn't need to snap my fingers to stop time, but how could I resist a bit of theatrics? After giving it some thought, I decided to eliminate only Maria for now, as I wanted to gain real combat experience against masters of their craft. If the situation took a dangerous turn, I could always use something from my arsenal to deal with them. I didn't regard them as just some soulless mobs but rather as my teachers who could provide valuable experience, albeit a dangerous and abnormal one. I delivered multiple blows, and then returned time to its usual course. The Priest's robe was instantly covered in numerous cuts, and her health dropped from a thousand to zero in an instant.

"Very well, now I believe everything will be fair. Don't you think?" I pointed my dagger towards them, but as usual, they looked at me indifferently with their half-dead eyes. Only "Sir Knight," who had been protecting her, quickly launched an attack, with his companion following suit.

I must admit, it was a tough, painful, and dreadful experience. These two, I won't hesitate to call them "monsters," coordinated their actions in seconds and attacked me seamlessly. Every time I got close to the warrior in close combat, a spiritual arrow came flying at me from behind, which I had to fend off with my blade, followed by a powerful shield strike to the jaw from the knight. It felt like whenever I made a move, they already telepathically coordinated their actions and executed a countermove. The warrior had good reactions and consistently placed his "miracle shield" in the path of my strikes, which could block my blade. The hunter knew how to use Devilish Stealth!

Although I had to admit that it was somewhat satisfying to feel that someone was pushing me to my limits, making me tremble, give it my all, and fight as if it were my last battle (which, in a way, it was). The only problem was that, even though the battle had lasted only about three minutes, I was already starting to catch my breath because my Dance of Death ability only restored stamina upon killing an enemy. So, I decided to end this "training" quickly, just by stopping time once again. Five seconds were enough to conclude this "exercise." Once more, I felt that inexplicable disappointment. Was it because I was seeking someone who could resist or even block the effects of time? Was I seeking my own death?

"What nonsense! Of course not. I'm just looking for someone who can match me, that's all."

The fog completely dissipated, and the player's map displayed a single target somewhere ahead. On my way to the target, I decided to drink a few energy drinks to replenish my stamina. After walking about five hundred meters, I reached a huge arch leading to the Throne Room. There, kneeling on one knee, was a knight clad in black armor, a blade protruding from his chest. A half-torn blue cape hung from his shoulders, and a blue, time-worn "tassel" dangled from the back of his helmet. He guarded the vacant throne and behaved as if he were nothing more than a regular statue. But I already knew that he was the final hero I needed to defeat to complete this dungeon.

I was breathless at the sight of the picture described in my final opponent's profile.

Name: Asta "Right Hand of the Empire"

Level: 200

Class: Undead

Strength: 500 — [???]

Agility: 400 — [???]

Constitution: 400 — [???]

Endurance: Infinite

Intelligence: 200

Wisdom: 120

Special Abilities: Legendary Swordsman, Immunity to Bleeding, Curse of the Eternal Guardian, Curse of Silence, Warrior of Honor and Duty, Unwavering Resolve.

These statistics are terrifying. I can't even imagine what will happen if I miss just one of his strikes...

As I took a few more steps, the white-blue flame inside his armor ignited. The clawed steel hand grabbed the hilt of the sword protruding from his chest and pulled it out with a swift motion, as if drawing it from its sheath. The blade was "shattered," yet assembled into a single strip of his soul from multiple shards, and this sight was truly awe-inspiring.

Unlike the previous three heroes who had attacked first, this one simply waited for my move, holding his massive sword with one hand. Placing his left hand on his chest and extending the sword towards me with his right, the knight respectfully... bowed to me?! Ah, I understood, a warrior of honor indeed. Even after death, this hero retained his previous qualities. To avoid appearing completely rude as an intruder, I also bowed in response. I flipped my dagger and...

The moment I approached him at nearly supersonic speed, my attack was effortlessly blocked, and I was thrown back. Sliding my feet along the floor, I was surprised to lose sight of my opponent. When I raised my eyes, I saw the warrior diving in somersault towards me. I barely managed to shift aside, but the shockwave and the shattered floor blocks simply pushed me away from this terrible attack. I was right about his swordsmanship and the power of his attacks. Well, if he was indeed a warrior of honor, then I should play along. I still wanted to try and defeat someone so strong on my own, even if it meant fighting dirty.

The warrior again awaited my actions, freezing in a battle stance like a statue. I provocatively moved towards him slowly and, sheathing my dagger in my inventory, took a hand-to-hand combat stance. I gestured to him, as if inviting him to follow my rules. My opponent understood me without words and, planting his sword in the ground, assumed a battle stance. I attacked first, but my every attack under acceleration yielded no results. It was as if I were encountering an invisible barrier, but in reality, he was simply blocking my strikes. At some point, my opponent seemed to get tired of it and started striking me in rapid succession. His blows, which could turn a person into mincemeat, left an invisible aerial trail. I deliberately stepped back so that my opponent would forget about his sword. And at the moment when I thought it was the perfect moment to strike, I materialized a dagger in my right hand and aimed it straight at his chest. But the blade only pierced through the glove.

"Maybe... let's forget about this, okay?" I smiled uncertainly, and judging by my opponent's menacing gaze, I might be in trouble soon. I tried to deliver another strike while my opponent was disarmed. However, Asta only needed a second to extend his free hand towards his sword and, as if he were a telekinesis master, swiftly caught it in mid-air. Dagger Throw. He predictably dodged it, as I had planned. Teleport jump, and now I was above my dagger. I used my new teleport jump to evade the attack effectively, and then instantly stopped time.

"I can't play against an opponent of this level," I exclaimed. I threw a red spiritual throwing knife, known as the Mark of Death for increased damage, and struck as many times as I could. The problem was that my strikes, even with time stopped, didn't deal significant damage! It was as if this warrior had high resistance to such attacks, and this fact worried me because during our joint game, I had already exhausted half of my endurance. I couldn't risk anymore...!

Fear coiled around my body like a snake. I continued to strike, but after a while, I realized it wouldn't be enough and decided to go all-in. My opponent had only about one-third of his health left, and Death Strike was the most powerful skill in my arsenal at the moment. The most important thing was to pick the right moment, which I could achieve with False Time Erasure.

I rewound time, and my opponent instantly became covered in slashing wounds from which a strong warrior's soul flowed. I activated time erasure because this opponent wouldn't last long while trying to figure out the cause of his injuries. I saw the trajectory of his attack, shifted to the side, and charged my dagger for an attack. It was surrounded by a bloody-red edge, and at the moment of the intersection between my false copy and his torso, a stream of energy resembling blood with a black edge burst out of my dagger. The strike left a sizable wound, and I satisfyingly dropped to my knees, gasping for breath and exhausted when I saw Asta's health drop to zero.

When the adrenaline and excitement subsided, I didn't quite understand why the system still showed that my task was not completed. Maybe I missed something on my way here...? I decided to check it by turning my back to the pile of armor and heading towards the main hall, but as I did, I heard the sound of metal clashing behind me. Nervously and with horror, I slowly turned my head in the direction of the noise.

Asta "Right Hand of the Empire" - Full of Resolve! Thanks to this, Undead can restore 4% of their health even after their defeat. It can only be used once!

"You... you must be...!" I couldn't react in time to my opponent's attack. I couldn't even distinguish his movements. Just at that moment when I wanted to express my thoughts about all this madness, my world suddenly started spinning. As soon as my flight ended, I fell heavily to the floor. My head hurt terribly, my vision was blurred and unfocused. I tried to get up from the ground, but nothing happened. I commanded my body to stand up, and... it was too late to realize that I no longer had my lower half. My legs, along with my appendages, lay hundreds of meters away from me in the other direction of the hall. The problem was that Asta was waiting for me on the way to them, slowly approaching me with the creaky and irritating sound of his sword.

"Ha-ha-ha... damn, you're really something," I smiled and looked my death in the face, accepting it. I didn't see any point in denying it, as I considered it inevitable. I wanted my opponent to remember me like this. A fool who smiled while looking him straight in the eye.

God, Asta, you're walking so painfully slowly. I could probably write my will before you get here. Even with those scraps of endurance, I won't be able to do anything to him in this condition...

He finally managed to reach me. I lay on my back and reached out my hand to him.

"What's the point of defending an empty throne, Asta...?" He flinched, but still hesitated a bit before raising his sword over me. Hah, it seems I should have invested more points in Charisma, maybe it would have worked. But at the moment when the sword was supposed to shatter my head like an overripe watermelon, something strange happened—time froze, and it wasn't me.

Thanks to your high positive relationship with your patron, your Title has been changed! You now have a fragment of Chronos called the Avatar of Chronos!

Avatar of Chronos - You still have the ability to control time for OP, except for the newly acquired ability. You have been gifted with the "Eye of Chronos"! This gift can help you harness your own power and unlock abilities for which you have no knowledge of how to use.

Warning!!! The Eye will not obey you and reveal knowledge at your discretion. It will only be granted to you in the case of increasing the odds of your "Game."

In simpler terms, it's like an automatic upgrade?

"Help me out, 'Miracle Eye'."

Application: Time Rewind [Organic]

In just a minute, my body returned to its standard appearance and continued performing all the same acrobatics in the air. It probably looked quite comical from the outside.

Application: Item Duplication

My dagger split into dozens, and they all froze in the air near me.

Application: Strike Into the Future.

The daggers didn't pierce or fly at high speed towards my enemy. They were already thrust up to the hilt into Asta.

Time returned to its usual flow, Asta fell to his knees with the daggers embedded in him, and my head was throbbing terribly. Apparently, this was some kind of recoil for abilities I couldn't understand. Well, it's better than being dead. Just in case, I decided not to retrieve the daggers from Asta's armor. Who knows, maybe he'll find another resolve. It's better to be safe.

Task Completed!

Reward: You can study the Necromancer profession + a free bonus skill "Soul Contract" without spending skill points on it.

Do you agree to study it?


"Stop-stop-stop!!! What?! What the hell is 'Necromancer' supposed to do?! My mana is blocked!" I began to disperse and protest against such a stupid system error.

Your Mana will be unblocked.

"A... well, okay then...?"

Hmm, this is quite interesting. I mean, it opens up some interesting perspectives. Wait a minute... what if...?

"System, can I remove the curse from the local undead using this profession?"


"Okay, let me ask a slightly different question. Can I apply a Soul Contract to the local fallen heroes without removing the curse?" Why was I so sure that I could still tame them even if I already 'killed' them? It's because of the local undead's special trait - the Curse of the Eternal Guardian. This means I can shatter their armor into pieces, but their soul will still be trapped inside and won't go anywhere.

Yes, you will have such an opportunity.

I almost instantly took the profession and felt as if chains were being lifted from me, and something came out of me. At least that's how you could describe that wonderful feeling when a short burst of my magical energy emanated from my body. It seemed that the system removed the "seal" or block responsible for my mana.

MP: 650

I decided to read about the primary and, for now, the only skill in my arsenal as a Necromancer.

Soul Contract - this spell is the opposite version of Soul Subjugation. It has much more useful advantages. You offer the Soul a Choice - a contract to serve you. If successful, the Soul retains all its combat and mental abilities. Attention! The Soul has the right to refuse subjugation. You have only Two Attempts; after they are exhausted, all effects on the Soul will be impossible.

First and foremost, I decided to start with the regular warriors and mages who had no desire to stay in this place without even needing to persuade them to join me.

Soul Contract successful!

Summon Available: Forgotten Warrior of the Empire

Cost: 1 warrior = 50 MP. It is impossible to restore the expended mana for summoning, as mana returns after the spirit is dismissed.

Summon Available: Forgotten Mage of the Empire

Cost: 1 mage = 100 MP. It is impossible to restore the expended mana for summoning, as mana returns after the spirit is dismissed.

Next, I decided to approach the trio of heroes I had fought alongside. I had seen a faint blue flame of their souls shining inside their clothing/armor. With a short touch, I was able to establish contact with them and feel a connection between us. The first one I decided to address was Maria.

"Maria, don't you want to finally leave these dreadful and boring castle walls? You just need to agree to serve me."

"Doubt. Despair. Hope."

Whew, I didn't think the curse was so strong that it wouldn't even allow me to establish mental contact with them. I could only feel a glimmer of emotions.

"Come on, Maria. I need you. I will definitely find a way to remove the curse not only from you but also from your friends if they agree to come with me."

Here, I wasn't lying. More like understating. Curiosity tore me apart. I wanted to know who had cursed them all. By the way, without the curse, they would undoubtedly become much stronger. I even feared to imagine how powerful Asta would be without it. Although, perhaps I was mistaken, and it was the curse that gave them that strength...? Well, let's leave all these theories for later.

Soul Contract successful!

Summon Available: Maria "Holy Light"

Maintenance cost: 200 MP. It is impossible to restore the expended mana for summoning, as mana returns after the spirit is dismissed.

Oh, this is a Cheat! Pure and simple Cheat!!! Is this the advantage mentioned in the description? I feel like drooling right now. Well, no, I'm already drooling.

As soon as the system delivered this notification, I watched with excitement, without blinking, as a figure clad in a robe with a closed hood slowly rose from the floor and, with a quiet bow, hands clasped in a prayer gesture, slowly disappeared in a ghostly light blue flame.

The next choices were Trask the "Defender" and Robin the "Symbol of the Hunt." Learning that Maria had already agreed to come with me, the others, in turn, decided not to abandon their friend and also chose to join me.

Soul Contract successful!

Summon Available: Trask the "Defender"

Cost: 400 MP. It is impossible to restore the expended mana for summoning, as mana returns after the spirit is dismissed.

Soul Contract successful!

Summon Available: Robin the "Symbol of the Hunt"

Maintenance cost: 300 MP. It is impossible to restore the expended mana for summoning, as mana returns after the spirit is dismissed.

The fourth and final place on my list was Asta...

The problem is that, unlike the other three, this hero is the strangest one. He was the only undead who was Full of Determination to fulfill his endless, boring, and dreadful duty. And I have a feeling that even if I offer him to leave this place, he won't consider it due to his... duty? Hmm, think, Alex, think! There's something more here! It would be much simpler if Asta himself stated the reason for his voluntary duty, but unfortunately, I cannot consider that option. However, I can try to get more information from Maria and have her give me some hints.

"Why did Asta agree to stand guard over the throne forever?"

"Faithfulness. Duty. Obligation." — and Maria's phantom hand points to the vacant throne. Before the King, right?

Now it all became clear to me. Before the King disappeared, he made him promise to watch over him until he returned. However, even after so many years, Asta still tries to keep a promise that he will never be able to fulfill. Perhaps this very promise prevented Asta from going completely mad? I mean, it makes sense when you look at it from the perspective of an eternal guardian undead. Let's assume that some very powerful and strong mage or a group of mages captured the kingdom and turned it into a walking Necropolis. Denying the essence of what was happening and trying to somehow preserve the remnants of his humanity and memories, Asta decides to ingrain in his mind a goal that has become the meaning of his life. Then why didn't the others share his ideals...? I need to know more.

"Asta, I know you can hear me. Please, if you have the strength left, show me the reason for your loyalty. The reason for your duty."

Memories flooded into my consciousness, blurry and terribly disorganized. The king's face melted like a melting candle, only the light blond hair cascading from his shoulders remained. He says some words, I don't understand them, but I feel their warmth and... love?! Hold on, so Asta is a Female Knight?! Now, this is a twist. This starts to sound like a romance with a dreadful touch of drama. All this time, waiting for his return and hoping. Remaining faithful to his duty and honor, even in front of those who invaded his chambers. It's worthy of respect. I can't let her stay here. I. Just. Want. Her.

"Asta, accept me as your new king, and I promise that we will find the one who turned you and your friends into undead. I just want to give you a new purpose in life, Asta. For the sake of your friends and your kingdom, break your duty."

I knew it was underhanded, but I had no more arguments left. Negotiating with undead who can't even respond properly is challenging. When attempting to form the contract, something beautiful happened, the revival of my subordinate from the ashes, who, kneeling on one knee, seemed to perform a new vow ceremony. I placed my hand on her shoulder and softly said:

"Thank you..." After my words, she lifted her sword from the floor and dissipated into space, in a cloud of blue flames.

Soul Contract successful!

Summon Available: Asta "Right Hand of the Empire"

Cost: 600 MP. It is impossible to restore the expended mana for summoning, as mana returns after the spirit is dismissed.

I got so engrossed in the battles and the local undead that I didn't even notice my achieved level. So, what's our level...?

Level 56.

Free Stat Points: 320 Free Skill Points: 34

Titles Received: Human Army.

I wasn't particularly surprised since I expected something like this. I can congratulate myself; I've become so strong that I can start thinking about creating my own house on some private island.

I also found out what those incomprehensible questions in the hero's characteristics meant. They indicated their Current Characteristics, so I was right when I said that in their living state, they were much stronger. If I can still imagine Robin and Trask as strong, I'm simply afraid to imagine the limits of Asta's power.

I had a total of 257 Warriors, 58 Mages, and 4 Heroes at my disposal — it sounds very cool, right? Almost. It turned out that the warriors and mages I took with me, so to speak, were not particularly intelligent due to their long period of being in a state of suspended animation, so I had to constantly guide them and give orders. Everything they did was under the system's guidance. Only the four heroes retained their individuality and could independently perform various actions based on the situation. They were more "free" than the nameless cannon fodder, though it's hard to call something stronger than an ordinary human by two or even three times cannon fodder.

Also, to ensure I didn't break the "balance," all copies of the Talon dagger simply disappeared after a while.

So, wait for me, my world!