
Megan knows who I am

Conner sighed. "That was enough," he said, trying to compose the sentence.

"Weird, strange, and uncomfortable," I said, smiling.

"The three are quite correct. One would imagine God as someone serious, but he is something, you know, eccentric, similar to a loving Grandfather," Megan said, surprised.

"Because it's just that my Uncles are, well, a little too proud, believing that being the first creation is superior to everyone and closer to him," I said, sighing.

"But that intrigues me because he said your father would get out of hell," Megan said, confused.

Conner and I looked at her. "Because my name, Megan, is Ethan Asher Morningstar, Son of Lucifer Morningstar or Samael Demiurgos, Current Infernal ruler, the first son of grandfather, and the first fallen, and many silly nicknames that my uncles gave him," I said, slightly making Megan look at me surprised.

"Well, that's surprising, but because your grandfather would talk so calmly about your father, angels, and demons aren't opposites," she asked.

Ethan settled, holding hands, and leaned forward. "Ah, that, well, you see, my grandfather created the Demons, and I have no idea why. I think it was for sinners. It's not the same as the fallen who are my uncles who supported dad in his rebellion, and my father, if you think about it, he punishes only the most evil souls. Humans stigmatize him for the issue of souls, something that Demons actually do, but they hung it on him, although he can make demonic deals for a soul and tempt people, he doesn't do it with good people. It's more, I think he only helps musicians or artists that interest him. He is not on your shoulder all day tempting you. Humans are bad or good because of our choices, but we prefer to blame him rather than admit that it was our choice," I said, remembering everything my grandfather taught me.

Megan looked at me and nodded. "I understand it's easier to blame others than take it on yourself for your actions," she said.

"Exactly, Megan. Sometimes it's easier to blame than to accept it. What I ask you is to keep quiet about what I said. It's one of the secrets of the world. Now, let's go back to Mount Justice and see how they are," I said, with all of us going to Mount Justice.

The league members were still finishing fixing up the place, where Batman, Red Tornado, Black Canary, and the Martian Hunter were fixing the computers.

"Ah, M'gann, they're back. How was your lunch?" J'onn said, looking at his niece.

"Interesting and very good if you take into account who cooked," Megan said, happy to have made friends.

"As if every day you meet God and cook for you," Conner said. The entire league stood up and looked at us in surprise.

"he came to visit with Aunt Azrael to see how she was, but you can't deny she makes good food and fruit and vegetable juices," I said, looking at them without much interest.

"I'm not denying it. How about we train a little to see how they fight?" Conner said, hitting Ethan's back, with the entire league watching their antics.

"Oh, that sounds good to me. It's also a good exercise after lunch," I said as we went to the exercise center.

"Seriously, those two got along in one day," Green Lantern said, surprised to see both.

"Hal, that is due to the charms of the Angels. From what Ethan said, some Angels influence people. He apparently has a calming and positive aura that makes it easier for good-hearted people to open up, and evil ones are terrified of him," said Zatara.

"Yes, he has the same aura as his grandfather. He's like a calm and funny old man with a carefree heart," Megan said, remembering the feeling that Ethan's grandfather gave her, which surprised some members who would expect a serious and strict God.

"Okay, enough. Let's get on with the work as a coach. I'm going to see how the two of you practice fighting. Megan, join in," Black Canary said, looking at Megan. She wanted to evaluate how both children fight.

Ethan and Conner arrived at the training room, with both of them going up to the ring, and Ethan putting a hand on the floor, forming a golden dome.

Conner was surprised by that. "In order not to destroy the place, your blows and mine are enough to break this into dust," I said, raising my hand from the floor.

"Better, I won't hold back," Conner said, cracking his fist and neck.

"I expected it," I said, getting into a position to fight. Conner was the first. He went straight with a punch to the stomach that I blocked with both arms and lifted me off the ground by force. In midair, I turned and gave a guillotine kick, which Conner dodged by throwing himself back as my blow shook the ground.

Conner was surprised and threw himself with more force, giving several powerful blows to the face, but I parried them. I took his hand and slammed him to the ground, throwing his arm into an armbar. Conner stood up and slammed me to the ground.

I released the hold on his arm and kicked him in the back, causing him to crash into the raised dome. Conner roared and lunged at me again, this time with body shots, not using his wings to cover myself. One of the blows hit me full in the side, and I grunted in pain.

Immediately afterward, he pushed Conner with his palm to prepare an attack. Conner grabbed the ground to stop backing down and charged, kneeing him in the stomach and holding his head so he couldn't escape the blow. Conner grunted at the blow.

"For an Angel, you're pretty sadistic," Conner said between his teeth, rubbing his stomach as he took the knee.

"Says who hit me against the floor with all his strength? Come on, I felt my bones thunder," I said, laughing.

"Come on, you can take more than that. You must be healing already," he said, launching another charge at full speed to hit me.

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!" I yelled, catching Conner's fist and flexing his arm into submission.

Conner spun to backhand me, but I was airborne to dodge it and plummeting for another guillotine, which connected with his shoulder, and I heard the crack of bone and Conner swearing.

"Wow, those two, if they are fighting with everything, you feel the vibrations from above," Black Canary said, watching the fight.

"We shouldn't stop them. Superboy and Archangel could get seriously hurt," Megan said, seeing the beating we were giving ourselves.

"No, let them unload. Look at the faces of both. They are smiling because they can use their power to the fullest," Black Canary said, shaking his head, and other members of the league like Barry, Hal, and J'onn were watching the fight.

"They really have serious anger issues, and why doesn't the floor break from being hit?" Barry said.

"Divine Dome, according to Ethan. And it's not anger, Barry. It's joy. Finally, someone can train on a par with them. It must be frustrating to have super strength and not find anyone to fight or train with," Black Canary said.

After a while, Conner and I were on the floor. "Conner, are you okay?" I yelled, lying down.

"I think you dislocated my arm. Otherwise, fine. Your ribs?" Conner yelled in a pained voice.

"Broken. They're healing as we speak, and it hurts like hell," I said, laughing, to which Conner started laughing rather painfully, and I followed up with a laugh.

"Well, we already have the first to inaugurate the infirmary," Barry said, approaching.

"Oh, not so much. I just need to give him one of my wing feathers, and we'll be like new," I said, spreading my wings, and two golden feathers fell off. I threw them at Conner, which shone and began to heal all the bruises and the dislocated arm, while I squeezed mine, and it healed me too.

"Well, those seem to be useful. By the way, Ethan, when fighting, it seemed like you were missing a weapon or something," Black Canary said.

"Because I lacked wings. The combat of the Angels includes our wings that can have different effects besides flying and traveling between dimensions. Mine heal those I consider friends and cause terrible pain or death to enemies. They are so sharp that they can cut steel like air and withstand mundane weapons," I said, getting up.

"Although I had to learn by imitating my uncles or asking my grandfather to teach me the memories, let's say that not many of my uncles love me. Only a few taught me, and these are my heavenly weapons," I said, materializing Redemption and Punishment.

"I didn't expect that. I expected more, I don't know, a flaming sword, a golden spear, or something like that," Barry said, looking at both weapons.

"Yes, well, there is no Angel that has weapons like this. According to my grandfather, they are the first. Redemption allows erasing the sins of the one who hits, only if the hit person repents deeply and truly, in addition to healing them from physical or mental injuries. It regenerates parts of the body recently cut and is terribly deadly for Demons. While Punishment makes the hit suffer the pain for the sins committed, making them faint from memories, it marks their soul as evil. It is lethal for Humans, but there have to be certain conditions to kill, and for Demons, it is Terribly Lethal and Painful," I said.