

Lukas finds himself in a new world, new universe with a rage monster inside him just waiting to be unleash d and spread chaos and destruction to everything

Doyou_Liftbro · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs


"What's your name, kid?" Sergeant Erica Stillwater asked a boy of twelve years old who just kept on looking at her with a blank face. She frowned a little before coming closer, making sure she put on her most harmless expression so as not to spook him. "My name's Erica Stillwater, I'm a police officer here at Metropolis Police Department. What's your name?" The boy did not answer her, just staring at her but this time, those green eyes of his looked a little alive, something she said made him react.

"Do you know where we are? Metropolis?" she asked, hoping she caught on correct and that the city's name was the one to make him react like that.

"I know of a Metropolis," the boy answered, his voice as emotionless as his face. "But it shouldn't exist."

"Why?" she asked, her police instincts kicking in. Ever since Superman became a thing, all kinds of crazies have gotten out of the shadows and with them, the peaceful era that the police tried to cultivate was gone. Due to this, she had became sensitive in reading in between the lines when talking to anyone just to get ahead of any crazy trying to hurt this city and what the boy just said tripped a massive red flag.

"Why do you think this city should not exist?" she asked, no, questioned. The boy did not answer but got off the bench and went to the window showing the city at its best, unscathed by super villains at the moment.

"This...This is not possible," the boy said in disbelief as he looked at the building with a giant globe at the top which was surrounded by the words, 'The Daily Planet'. Sergeant Erica Stillwater came next to him, looking at the city outside with a proud smile.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? We police officers try our best in keeping it as peaceful as we could but it really is outstanding citizens that bring out the best in the city," she said, more like preaching while trying to probe him for a reaction, all she got was a grunt. "So, what is your name?"

"I guess my old life is gone and with this new one should come a new name," he said, mostly to himself but she heard him, barely. "I guess I will go with the name already selected for me, my name is Skaar."

'Odd name,' she thought to herself. "Nice to meet you, Scaar. So, where are you from?"

"Far from here," he answered, curtly, while still looking at the city. Sergeant Erica Stillwater frowned at the answer.

"We need an exact location if we should have a chance of taking you back to your parents," she said, hoping to get through to his tough emotional shell. It did, only not to the extent she thought. Skaar snorted a laugh at her words.

"Trust me, if what I think is happening, you will never find my parents even if you pray to any god out there," he answered.

Sergeant Erica Stillwater frowned at that explanation, the red flag waving even faster. She also realized that the more they talked, the more mature he sounded! It was a little creepy for a child this young to be so mature! It showed that something must have happened in his early life to make his mentality age to a stage where it would not be hurt psychologically by what he saw.

'But what exactly did he see?' she asked herself with a thoughtful frown.

"Oh, is that a car?" Skaar asked as he pointed outside. Sergeant Erica Stillwater looked outside too and saw a car flying towards the building. Her eyes shrank to a pin size before jumping into Skaar's little body to protect him for the car was heading right towards the window they were behind.

She heard the window break with a crash before something hit her with a force she had never felt before. She did not know it but multitudes of her bones were broken and they were thrown away by the force, sprawling on th floor till they stopped with her coughing out blood. She looked down at the boy and saw his right hand bent the wrong way. However, what made her feel dread was what was happening to him, not the obvious broken hand.

His skin was turning deep green at a fast rate, matching his striking sharp eyes. Slowly, his frame became bigger and bigger, breaking the seams of his little clothes as he did. His face seemed to have been aged rapidly till he looked like an adult while his body structure gained muscles at an accelerated manner. Soon, he was a 3.2m tall, naked, green, hulking figure. With the transformation complete, he let out a roar that shook the entire building and that was the last thing she saw before her consciousness fleeted.