

An author found himself in a universe with a certain watch that needs a manual book for him to use it. "Wait. Where is Swampfire? Cannonbolt? I do not recognise these guys?!"

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs



"Man, my fame increases because of the speech I deliver there huh? Each day, people will post it on social media." I mutter seeing all the tweet from many citizens in the social medial as they all now are paying attention toward my alien forms on their heroic actions.

3 month has passed as I am living in a building that I found near the outskirts of the city.

The rent is not that cheap and expensive since this building previous tenant once commits suicide, so you got the idea, many people are afraid to live in it rather the Omnitrix wielder.

Ghost? Please, I have a scarier alien in my watch that will make some real weak willed people to pee in their pant when they see it.

In this 3 month, I discovered so many things about the Omnitrix and my current body which seems a bit "special".

Why did I say that? Simple.

It seems my body seems to have a healing capability that is faster than a normal human. But not at the same level as Deadpool, Wolverine and Hulk.

I discover it when I accidentally have my knife which is cutting the onion to cut my finger for a bit.

Imagine my surprise when I wipe it, I see the bleeding slowly stop with my skin regenerated back after 30 minutes passed since I cancelled the idea to transform myself into an alien that can heal my injury.

After that, I try to stab my palm and it hurt a lot as it takes me 5 hours to heal the injury ack to it's fullest.

So seeing I have a healing factor, I absurd my body.


In the first month after getting a building which is 40 feet with many floors are all mine, I bought many types of furniture that need to fill in all the food ranging from the table, chairs, fan and lamps.

There are 4 floors with my sleeping place or my bedroom is on the highest floor.

Oh, forgot to tell you that the owner complexity gives me the right of this building to me since I am the only crazy one who wants to buy a building that previously has someone suicide in it so that means complete freedom for me to do whatever I want in this building.

Using my fastest alien which is Fasttrack, I placed all the furniture I bought and decorated all my house in 2 days.

After making the other floors full of furniture and other stuff I bought, I buy a very comfortable bedroom for myself with a set of the gaming table, monitor, CPU, mouse along with is pad and headset for me to play some games during my free time and release my stress.

Making the third floor as my dining room with a gaming room, I placed many colourful LED light by placing all my entertainment on the floor including my hero suit and gadgets.

But on the second floor is my study place and my monitor room where I can survey anything in my city and a small pool for me to relax in it. It is always my dream to have a small pool in my living place.

Also, using one of my transformations, I build many advanced hidden cameras and jamming equipment in case a certain Bat tries to hack into my building or my smartphone. alien technology arguably is more advanced than this world technology.

I doubt even Batman able to hack into my house. Besides, if he can, I can just hack his Bat Monitor back and filled all his Monitor with " Bruce Wayne is the Batman."

That surely will piss him off. I am 100% sure of that.

And the first floor is my gymnasium where I bought a treadmill, weight benches, Power Rack, Power Tower, Chest Press Machine, Pec Deck Machine, Leg Press Machine and Dumbbells.

So I start to tortured this body tearing my muscles, lose my fat and make my healing to do its job to keep healing my hurt body.

Running on a treadmill at the speed of 7 for an hour that makes me slip and hit my jaw on the floor is hurt.

This is to increase my endurance, stamina and my pace of running with walking in case I had to run away in my alien form.

It makes my legs go jelly that make me so lazy to go to the school but I force myself to attend my school despite feeling lazy and tired.

Doing the dip makes me lose the feelings of my arm after doing about 20 times as the sore feeling make me wince in pain but I force myself to do it until I hit 45 despite my attempt to achieve 50.

Then I use the Leg Press Machine and mind you, it feels very difficult to do it 20 times as I put the heaviest weight since I need my body to become stronger.

After all, I did not want to get tired quickly if I revert to my human form and did not want myself to be outpaced by the heroes that are around my age.

All anybody feels very tired after a single month doing any kinds of exercises that I never dreamed to do it albeit I only lift dumbness and treadmill in my previous life.

Each second and minutes pass as I notice how my body now start to become lean with muscles can be spotted on my arm as the healing factor do its job healing back my "torn" body parts.

I did these many exercises to the point I pass out and not to mention, with me keep going patrol every night defeating burglars, break the rapist right leg or left leg every time I encounter them and chase robber who flees in their vehicles to shake off the police.

The second month arrives with me now has eaten 4009 calories of food as I notice how I keep hungry when I do this exercise so yeah, I had to eat many calorie bars for me to not pass out as Barry does.

But 2 things happen which is my healing capability seems to fastening its the pace healing me and my body right now is almost ripped with six and right now.

The same routine happened during the second month where I had to keep training my body, "play" with my Omnitrix and now seems to be testing my reaction by making a practice room that shoot tennis ball with a ball launcher, courtesy of my alien.

Obviously, for me who mainly is a brawler style needed to have reaction time so yeah, doing this will make mere of any danger. The first time I do this training, I ended up with a bruised right eye.

Second time doing make my nose bleed and barely almost hit a man treasure.

Yeah, this is very dangerous training but this is what I needed as I amped up my training difficulty wearing weight and wears a blindfold to cover my eyes.

But this time, I wear safety underwear, the hard one, where the most hockey player uses to protect You-Know-What-It-Is.

And me wearing it rescued me for me to have many children in future.

My body had gone through a lot these past 3 months but is slowly paid off but I know one thing already,

I am on the right path to become a hero despite this body of mine. After all, to become a hero, you did not need some ripped body or gadgets, all you need to have is a kind heart and will to rescue the people in need.

Of course, having powers is good especially when I have a watch that now keeps gifting me with many "things" I had to get used to, and I had to build some countermeasure in case some bastards try to steal it.

I am looking at you, Luthor and Batman. The first person is crude who spends all his time to find a way to kill Superman. What a foolish man.

The second is a man who still did not move on from his parent death and decide to become a bat-themed vigilante with adopting many kids like him that become heroes like him.

Except for Jason Todd who now has officially broken the not kill rule when he kills one of the Jokers.

I reckon Batman will find contingency plan if he ever wants to take me down where I know he will find a way to take Omnitrix, a watch that can destroy the universe if I want to.

Yeah, like the hell I am letting that brooding hero be near my watch.

Sue me if I sound like I dislike him but he is too dark and too serious even though he is a man who has defeated Superman.


Releasing a sigh for the, how many is it again? I don't know but I need to walk to my school right now if I did not want to become late right now.

And by late is I only get about 7 minutes before school started.

To walk to my school from my living place will take me about 30 minutes so yeah, I needed to use my watch right now to arrives at my school in time.

Grabbing my school bag while making sure I did not miss to bring any important items and books, my right-hand approaches the Omnitrix.

Twisting the face of the watch, it reveals Heatblast, the flaming alien and one useful whenever a building is on fire. I repeated the same gesture until I stumbled against the alien I wanted.

My palm slams onto the watch as green flash engulfs me as I undergo another transformation as my skin turn into blue with blades sprouted out from my arms and legs. I grow a bit taller as my face now can be seen a bit like the Wolverine's mask from X-Men. The Omnitrix is at the centre of my body.

"Fasttrack!" I announced as I quickly run out from my house as I did not even bother to check whether I lock the house since my house it's own safety measure that whenever I left the house, the whole building will "lock" itself with no one can left and enter the building without me inside it.

It will open upon I touches the door of the building and the camera, the hidden one that is so tiny that you need to have enhanced eyesight and is good at recognising the camouflaged cameras on the door which will do a quick scan on my face and my Omnitrix.

Running to the school in human form will take minutes but in this Citrayakah form feels like seconds only but then again, crimes happen anytime it wanted to.

"H-help." An old woman, who has her gain in a bun, and attire that every grandma wears with that round glasses she wears, shouted from my left as a middle-aged man who wears a bandanna on his hand with his big body is running away with a handbag on his right hand.

One man tried to stop him but due to how huge the burglar body is, he easily shakes the man attempt to stop him by pushing him to a trash bin.

"Hero Time!" I said as I adjust my feet correctly on the ground to slow my movement since, in this form, I had a not easy time to stop. I lost count of how I clash against a wall or slip on a banana that makes me fell on my butt with my face will feel pain when it hit the wall.

Being a speedy alien that can run at the speed that surely can challenge Kid Flash and his mentor, Flash a run for their money, make this alien one of my favourite alien but remembering what happened to Ben when he keeps leaning on using Feedback most of the time makes me resist the huge to always keep this alien.

My perspective around the world become slower in my eyes as I am now in front of the rubber where I notice he has earrings in his ears and a small start tattoo on his right wrist which is holding the purse he steals from the poor grandma.

Clenching my right fist, I deliver an uppercut as I had to hold back my strength to not badly break his jaw even though he is one terrible person. The only time I did not hold back my strength is when I met horrible criminals, namely rapists.

The burglar gets forcefully fly a little upwards and at the same time backwards, as my right hand quickly snatches the purse from his grasp.

His body land on the ground as I place the purse at the hand of my grandma back.

In seconds, all the passer-by can see the burglar get knocked out on the ground with the grandma seems surprised getting her purse back on her hand.

The only thing they can see is blue with black blur dash away from there as I only get about 2 minutes as I see my school.

Entering the alley while stopping myself on the ground, I tap my Omnitrix as a green flash reverting myself to human as I quickly run out if the alley and walk quickly into the school.

Opening the door of my classroom, I noticed how some of my classmates are still chatting, listening to songs and napping.

My seat is beside the window at the back of the right corner, which is what people from my universe said the protagonist seat.

Sitting on my chair while placing my bag under the chair, I take my breath until a female voice sounded beside me.

"Once again, you hold the record of arriving at the school in the last minute Million." My neighbour said to me as I look to my right seeing my classmate and the only I can call a friend, a teenager girl who has orange hair with wearing a green and black line in the middle of the shirt.

"Sorry for not arriving sooner, Lilith." I said to her as she and I are friends.

And she and I are friends.

Simple, when you put 2 students who did not like to talk to each other with them sitting beside you, you got the idea.

And not to mention by a certain incident, she starts to talk to me.

Any by an incident where she gets cornered by 2 of our seniors who one of them try to get the relationship with her but Lilith here reject him and you got the gist, they try to treat her but I who have the sigh of 2 jocks cornered my classmates make to take action.

After all, why should I throw punches when I can record their activities tips and threat them to back away, asking them "nicely" to not disturb Lilith anymore.

Luckily, this incident did not bring me to some Wuxia type incident where the jock is some young master, and after the school bring some local gangster to beat the main character up but the result, he gets embarrassed and gets his ass kick badly by the MC.

"So, tell me, Ben, how are your days?" She said to me but not through her mouth but with her powers, which involved her have the physic ability, you know, telekinesis, astral form projection and telepathy.

She reveals them to me when I accidentally use the Omnitrix to defeat a villain by the name, Dragon King, that is what the news and citizens called him.


2 month and 15 days ago, I and Lilith are seen walking out of the school.

"Come on Ben, we need to hurry," Lilith said to me as I get drag by her to go have a parfait at the newest stall in the park.

Entering the local park, I can see how much time I need to wait since there is 10 people queue up to buy the parfait from the stall.

I and Lilith enter the line as I feel dread knowing I need to "work" my body off after eating these sweets.

And knowing my craving for something sweets after not having it for a long time ain't coming to this world since I need to maintain my diet which is eating many proteins and carbohydrates food to boost up my body with my stomach did not make any hungry sound when I sleep.

Both I and Lilith purchased the same strawberry flavoured parfait as we then sit on a bench next. to each other.

"Say, Ben, have you gotten into any relationship?" Lilith ask me as I choke on my parfait as she quickly gives me a mineral bottle that I quickly gulp it down.

"Seriously? That question. Have you seen me in the school other than you Lilith?" I ask her as she smiles hearing that.

"Duh, I mean you teach a senior a person to net mess with you when he tries to trip you." She said to me as I rolled my eyes hearing that.

"Yeah, and that incident gives some the monitor of a delinquent."

"Yeah, but you still are a smart person though not smarter than me," Lilith tells me as I feel annoyed knowing she is smarter than me.

She is lucky that I did not use my smartest alien to answer the quiz.

"So Ben, have you had any secret that you never tell anyone?" She asks me as I blink my eyes owning beneath my left sleeve is the secret that I desperately hide.

"Of course I have," I replied.

"You and I are the same but have you had any intention to tell someone about your secret?" She asks me.

"Depend on the station I guess. There is a reason we keep our secret as a " secret." I tell her as she chuckles hearing my lame joke there.

"You and your lame joke. Never miss a day without it." Lilith said to me as we both smiles.

"Ah. Damn it. She is a nice person but I need to hold my feelings down. After all, I did not want to get friend-zoned since I want to get into a relationship quickly with her." I thought in my head while wincing in pain in my head if I get a friend zone when I tell her my feeling toward her.

She is beautiful and seems to like my lame joke, not to mention, the way she carries herself to make me admire her.

"S-so, umm Lilith, have you h--" My words are cut off when I notice few feet away from us is a hooded man who is choking the life out of the police officer.

"Ben?" Lilith calls me but I ignore her call as I pick a stone, a fairly big one and throw it toward the man in the hood as it hit his forehead making him only wince and released a growl as he throws say the police officer in front of me.

"Yaro." He mutters in Japanese.

And how do I know he said in Japanese. Simple, it is because I heard that word many time from Jotaro, my favourite character in Jojo Bizarre adventure.

"Kisama." He said to me as the police officer quickly grab hold of his communicator.

"Requesting back up at the New York Park. The suspect is known as Dragon King, the rogue metahuman who is on the run from us." I heard what the police officer said as my knowledge of DC make me remember this Dragon King.

Mainly, the reason I know him is he is the character that appears in Stargirl, the live-action series.

If I remember his powers are his enhanced strength and his reptilian physiology. Compared to other villains, he is at the level of streets villains.


He roars and lung toward me as I quickly leap to my right.

Oh man, me and my heroic need to rescue others.

I did not know when Lilith approached beside me but we need to bail.

"Come on." I grab her hand and we quickly run through the park while being chased by Dragon King who just knocks out the police officer.

Seeing the villain is about to catch up with us, I quickly take out my phone and quickly activated an app that had the symbol of the Omnitrix.

My phone shined as right now, my phone just makes all the security cameras forcefully get shut off and with me and Lilith is in the deep of the Park with no sight of any single human being, make me have the chance to go hero.

I stop running as Lilith feels confused and try to pull me.

"What are you doing Ben? Come on, we need to go somewhere safe." She said to me but I hold my left hand up.

"Sorry, Lilith for keeping secret about this. This is the reason why I always wake up late for school." I said to her as the Omnitrix now can be seen by her as her hand freed by the right hand.

"That symbol. Like the alien heroes." She gasps in surprise as I turn my body as the Dragon King now has lung toward me as I rotate my face watch and slam down onto the watch as green flash engulfs me.

"Die!" Dragon King shouted but a massive red fist punches his face sending him to crash against a tree as the tree get snap to half.

I am right now a huge red being who has 4 yellow eyes, a backline over my head reaching almost my nose, 4 huge arms, 2 less that has only 2 finger feet, on my body right now is me wearing a sleeveless black shirt with green lining at the centre of it with the Omnitrix symbol is located at the middle of my shirt.

"Well Dragon King, let's see how you handle Four Arms smacking you around," I said to Dragon King as I heard a chuckle from Lilith.

"Seriously, Four Arms. Kinda suit with your current form." She said to me making me grin but I shake my head and focus to defeat this villain.

"Impress the girl later. Defeat the villain first." I jumped toward Dragon King who has woken up and uses both my upper arms to deliver a hammer punch on his body that makes the ground shake as the villain screeching pain with blood drip out from his mouth.

"Garghh!" The villain who I can say is weak right now since a single smash from both of my big fists are enough to make him bleed and beat up making me know how weak this villain is compared to my current alien form.

He tries his last attempt too, umm, hurt me by biting my body I guess since he just lung straight to me again but I grab his and reel back my right fist back.

Then I move my right fist to the front delivers an uppercut that makes the villain fly over the height of my living place as he lands toward the ground without me bothering to catch him.

The ground shakes a little due to the villain cell on the ground from a height that can kill a normal human or the least injury is make a human unable to work anymore.

"That is so lame," I mutter in disappointment seeing this villain can be easily one-shot by me if I want to.

Tapping the Omnitrix, a green flash occurs again as I revert to the human back.

I then turn my head only to see Lilith who grosses her arm while seems to glare at me.

"You had a lot of explanation to do Benjamin Million." She said to me while calling out my full name."


And I tell her about the Omnitrix and with her also reveals her power which makes me remember she is Omen, though right now she did not call herself that.

"Come on, I also want to go patrol the city this night. I have free time today." Lilith said to me.

"Fine. But you must follow every one one one of my steps okay?" I ask her.

"Okay." She replied as our homeroom teacher and the school day goes on with me and Lily mostly keep talking about random stuff for the whole day.