
DC: Rise from Darkness (PAUSED)

Mason is a former low-level Gotham thug who finds himself recruited into a sinister organization. Despite his initial good intentions, he gradually becomes more rooted in the organization's dark ways. Meanwhile, the entire multiverse is trying to convince the protagonist, Mason, to become a supervillain in this era of disaster. Mason, however, is resistant to the idea of joining the dark side and decides to take matters into his own hands. He resolves to restore order to the chaotic multiverse and prevent the upcoming doom. -------------------------------------------- English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel patreon.com/Abyssuit I don't own anything

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Abducted

"Young Master, the tracking signal you placed on Mason Cooper has disappeared." Batman, who was in the middle of beating up the assassins, received Alfred's message but didn't stop his actions.

The butler spoke regretfully, "He has likely been abducted by the Ra's al Ghul Assassins, and Jason's tragedy may repeat itself. Perhaps you were right, these gifted children need to stay away from you to be safe."

Batman punched another assassin who tried to attack him without changing his expression and replied firmly, "No, One time was enough for Jason's case. Keep tracking, Alfred. When I first met Mason at the police station, I placed a tracking device on him and left a special pheromone that lasted for seven days. Deploy the drones and search for him throughout Gotham. We have to find him."

Alfred remained silent for a moment before speaking again with disapproval, "Your behavior of leaving countermeasures when meeting others for the first time is truly despicable. Hasn't the incident with Diana taught you anything? That misunderstanding cost you at least five hundred million dollars."

"Just enough to replace the power system of the Batplane with a brand new one," Alfred added.

Batman looked towards where Mason had disappeared, then glanced at the burning wreckage of several aircrafts a few blocks away. He said in a low voice.

"Alfred, you really need to improve your driving skills. You cost me a lot of money again tonight."

"It's alright, Master. Wayne Industries' stocks have been performing well lately. The special tracking drone models have been released. By the way, Master, the assassins are starting to retreat. Please do it quickly if you want to put trackers on them."

Mason woke up again and found himself lying in a strange bed. When he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Soon, a system appeared in front of him, displaying his current status:

Name: Mason Cooper

Condition: Injured (healing), leg bone fracture (healing), sedative effect (17 minutes remaining)

Identity: Dropout of Gotham High School, Penguin traitor

Skills: Marksmanship Lv1, Alchemy Lv0, Engineering Lv0, Blacksmithing Lv0, Tailoring Lv0

"Your physical condition is really poor. Apart from some talent in marksmanship, you're almost just an ordinary person. I'm starting to regret bringing you back."

A voice came from beside the bed, causing Mason to turn his head to look. It was a middle-aged man wearing a strange coat and an old-fashioned suit underneath.

His face was almost featureless, but the star map mask beside him let Mason recognize his identity. "Then maybe you should have left me there," Mason said weakly.

"Before I passed out, you mentioned honor and Glory. Who are you? Are you a member of some mysterious organization in Gotham City, like the Court of Owls?"

"Hmm, you even know about the Court of Owls? It looks like I need to re-evaluate your knowledge." When the man sitting on the chair by the bed picked up a recording board and started writing down notes and drawings, he spoke with an air of importance without even looking up.

"But my organization is much more powerful than the Court of Owls. The two are not even on the same level. I'll tell you everything you need to know after you pass the entrance exam. For now, there are just a few things you should know.

For example..."

Tapping the recording board in his hand, the man looked up at Mason and continued.

"I know you're confused about your situation. You can think of this as a kind of 'selection process'. My team was seriously injured during our last mission and we had to recruit new members to fill the gap. As you can see, I saved you from the brink of death and brought you back to the land of the living in my own way. So, you owe me a favor. This way, my request for you to join my team won't seem too blunt. I've been watching you since the moment you saved Catwoman."

At this point, the man chuckled as if he remembered something amusing and said "To be honest, my team is already full. Gotham City is full of talented individuals with various abilities, and we were planning to start our mission soon. However, your impressive performance caught my attention just in time, so I decided to give you a chance."

"Well then, I really have to thank you." Mason replied with a straight face.

He already felt that something was not right. Although the guy in front of him behaved politely, the unquestionable tone in his words made him very uncomfortable.

It seemed that even pulling Mason into what sounded like a dangerous exploration was done as a favor, with an arrogant and condescending attitude. In this regard, this guy must be an arrogant and hypocritical person.

"Can I refuse this mission?" Mason asked directly.

"I am very grateful for saving me, and perhaps I can repay you in other ways. Although I don't have much money now, I have a very wealthy friend." The guy remained silent and looked mockingly at Mason as if looking at a delusional person. Mason rolled his eyes and asked again.

"What is the mission about? Where are we exploring? How long will it take?" Mason asked

"You'll know when the time comes."

The guy ended the conversation on his own, stood up, and adjusted his collar, showing a fake smile to Mason as he said.

"Only one and a half days until the operation begins. There are enough firearms and accessories you need in the basement of this house. Prepare as much as you can. Your responsibilities are firepower support and sniper."

"You can call me Old K, of course, it's a pseudonym. You can also try to escape, I won't stop you. But the secret organization in your world is really great. I just happened to get some interesting things from a woman named Amanda Waller." the guy added.

He pointed his finger cruelly at the connection between his neck and spine, then turned and left. Mason's face changed slightly, and he reluctantly reached out to touch his neck.

When the guy's finger touched him, a message appeared in front of Mason.

'Detecting engineering explosives. Analysis shows that the item is a Suicide Squad specialized implanted micro-bomb' with both active and passive triggering modes. It will form a lethal explosion in the spine after detonation.'

'The item is very unique, and any unnecessary touch will immediately trigger it.'

'It is recommended to attempt removal only when engineering reaches Level 2, first aid reaches Level 3, or when fast-healing drugs are available.'

'Diagram analysis in progress.'

'It is recommended to try removing when the Engineering skill reaches level 2, the First Aid skill reaches level 3, or when possessing fast healing drugs.'


Mason clenched his fist. That bastard was just as he thought. With so many lines, he couldn't have been a good person. He didn't have time to be in despair, nor was he the kind of person to give up on reality. Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked rescuing the Catwoman after his transmigration.

The System had provided a solution, so what he had to do next was simple - use every bit of time to raise his Engineering skill to level 2 as soon as possible.

The First Aid skill hadn't been opened yet, but Mason knew what to do. He sat up with all his strength, feeling numb all over his body, and opened the bedside table drawer to find a knife and a first aid kit.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mason grabbed the knife and pierced his finger. As blood flowed out, he used alcohol pads and gauze to stop the bleeding and wrap the wound.

One minute later

Mason saw the message that the First Aid skill branch had been opened. But that cold Level 0 made him feel extremely frustrated.

'Damn, old K said there's only one and a half days left before the missions begin. With one and a half days of time, it's still possible to rush through the engineering, but I can't keep cutting myself and bandaging it up like this.'

With this in mind, Mason removed the bandage on his finger and re-tied it again. This time, he had some experience, and the bandage was much better than the last time.

"Successfully completed a standard fast bandaging, and first aid skill proficiency increased."

Mason looked at the System in front of him, sighed again, and began the third bandaging, but this time he saw other things in the first aid kit. He thought of the process of the jungle bandaging course he had learned and tried it.

"Successfully completed an excellent technique fast bandaging, and first aid skill proficiency increased by X5."

'Hmm?' Mason's eyes lit up.

He rubbed his chin and quickly recalled his experience with shooting and making firearms. He soon came to a conclusion.

'This System requires not only repetition and time but also an emphasis on striving for excellence with each production. This is the only way to quickly improve skill proficiency in a short amount of time.'

'Come to think of it, shooting is the same. There are skill lines for accurate aiming, but there aren't any for aimless shooting.'

'I think I understand now.'

Ten minutes later, Mason looked at his finger, which had marks from repeatedly bandaging it, and decided to take a break and go to the basement to see if he could get enough weapon parts.

Then he realized he might have underestimated Old K.

In front of him, the basement was filled with three large cabinets full of all kinds of firearms and modification parts. From handguns to rifles and even heavy machine guns, from classic bolt-action rifles to futuristic modular rifles, everything was available.

In the corner of the basement, there was a box with a neatly arranged collection of various explosives, miniature drones, and unopened anti-tank rocket ammunition boxes.

Although these things had not left the "individual weapons" field, the sheer quantity here could not be called a collection but rather an "arsenal."

The terrifying amount of weapons and equipment made Mason stare in shock.

So many explosives were enough to destroy the entire Gotham East District overnight.

'A large number of engineering parts detected. Basic weapon blueprints updated.'

As Mason observed the entire basement, his System continued to flash with one new weapon blueprint after another, much like a database update.

Like before, these blueprints were all products of part enhancements based on the weapons in front of him. Although they had different appearances, they all had a name: "Engineer Engineering Gun Series."

Clearly, the System had its own logic for categorizing manufactured goods. And when Mason saw the staggering number of weapons in front of him, he quickly showed an expectant smile.

"What a collection. I'll take them all apart and then put them back together, then take them apart and put them back together again. I have enough materials to push my engineering skills to Lv2 before I die."

Mason took a few large steps forward, rudely grabbing the chair next to him and slamming it hard against Old K's weapon collection cabinet.

In the sound of broken glass, he took down a simple and powerful assault rifle with magnificence from inside and turned to the workbench.

A few minutes later, holding his tools, Mason looked at the different gun parts piled up on the table and took off the barrel and trigger.

'Standard engineering dismantling completed successfully. Engineering skill proficiency improved.'

Mason reached out and touched the parts that had been dismantled in front of him. Each part had a pop-up information label.

Most of them were rated as "standard items," but the dismantled barrel had an "excellent item" rating that made Mason's eyes light up.

He took out the excellent quality barrel and put it aside, then selected an ordinary barrel from the accessory box and rebuilt the parts in front of him.

'Standard engineering assembly completed successfully. Engineering skill proficiency improved.'

"That's it!"

Mason breathed a sigh of relief. He started dismantling and rebuilding again, repeating the process several times. He became increasingly skilled at it, and his dismantling speed became faster.

Finally, on the tenth rebuilding completion, a notification that Mason had been eagerly expecting finally appeared

'Excellent craftsmanship successful. Engineering skill proficiency increased by X5.'

The young man grinned and repeated the process until his arm muscles became somewhat sore. He sat on a nearby chair and gasped for breath, then closed his eyes and dismantled the gun. At first, he was slow, but the muscle memory formed from multiple dismantled allowed him to complete the process perfectly.

However, dismantling is easy, but rebuilding is difficult.

Mason had to screw up through the process, taking several minutes to put the final parts in place. However, he never opened his eyes during the entire process.

His efforts were worth it.

'Successfully completed an Outstanding craftsmanship - Fast dismantling, Engineering skill proficiency increased by X10.'

"That's it! I knew it!" Mason exclaimed, excitedly opening his eyes and kissing the rifle he had built with his eyes closed. After spending nearly an hour, he had finally figured out the complexities of branching techniques.

"Now it's just a matter of replicating this process." Mason closed his eyes again, satisfied with his work. He dismantled and rebuilt the gun once again, but this time, he was disappointed by the result "The blueprint has been completely mastered, Engineering skill proficiency cannot be increased."

"Well, it looks like exploiting bugs to level up won't work," Mason sighed, placing the gun he had been working on back in his collection cabinet and picking up another pistol to dismantle.

He quickly checked the parts and, not finding any outstanding quality accessories, began his dismantling and rebuilding practice.

The process was tiresome, but Mason knew he had to make the most of his time. On the one hand, Old K had generously provided so many parts, and he couldn't let this opportunity to gain engineering experience slip by.

On the other hand, he needed to prepare sufficiently for the dangerous mission that Old K had mentioned.

The hypocritical and arrogant Old K himself hadn't concealed the danger. He had openly told Mason that his previous team had been wiped out and that he had found a "newbie." In reality, the micro-bomb was meant to manipulate disposable cannon fodder, wasn't it?

When the other person held the bomb switch and couldn't remove the micro-bomb, he needed to be more realistic.

As for waiting for Batman to come to the rescue, that wasn't even an option in Mason's mind at the outset.

It wasn't that he didn't believe in Batman's virtue and abilities, but mainly because the mysterious Old K could take him away from those black-clad killers even after Batman entered the battlefield.

This meant that this guy might not be Batman's match, but he could probably kill Mason easily before Batman appeared.

"I really have to rely on myself to fight for my life this time."

Mason dismantled the gun while rubbing his forehead. His neck was still slightly numb, but then he blinked his eyes, and a flash of violence burst out from his eyes.

"I've only been reborn for less than three days, and there have been one thrilling event after another. They say that in order to live a better life, you need to have a small goal."

Mason moved his neck a bit and violently dismantled his weapon.

He muttered, "Old K, right? The Star Society, right? Kidnapping me to be your cannon fodder. As the philosopher said, let's start with a small goal to calm the mind. The rest, like enjoying a new life, can come after I kill you!"

'Crit Shotgun' blueprint series unlocked, 'Engineering Explosives' formula unlocked, 'Engineering Bombs' blueprint series unlocked.'

Mason was immediately filled with surprise and joy at the sudden unlocking of the equipment blueprints. He rubbed his numb arms and fingers, examining the newly unlocked crafting blueprints in front of him.

Blueprint Description: Crit Shotgun [classic double-barreled Shotgun]

Crafting Traits: The use of different materials will provide different enhanced attributes for the Crit shotgun, but the finished product made according to the blueprint must include the [Critical Strike] Effect

This weapon can be equipped with different engineering accessories and ammunition and has three modification paths: [Pump-action Critical-hit Shotgun], [Precisely calibrated Critical Shotgun], and [Short-barreled Critical-hit Hand Cannon]

Item description: 'I want your titanium dog's eye, the Critical Shotgun in your hand, and your Adidas shoes on your feet'

Tip: Entry-level firearm modification blueprints have been unlocked.

"Newbie benefits?"

Mason fell into a long silence as he looked at the four firearm blueprints. To be honest, he couldn't understand how four firearms with such different styles could come from the same blueprint.

But that didn't stop Mason from feeling the joy of getting new toys.

He turned his head to look at the gun cabinet where Old K had placed all the guns he had dismantled at least thirty times, sneered, and walked over to take down the few guns he had dismantled the most.

He dismantles them easily with a few clicks and selects usable parts according to the blueprint in front of him. His smooth movements compare those of a black market arms dealer who has been in the business for years.

He has selected many excellent quality firearm parts in the box beside him. These high-quality components are all taken from Old K's collection, and Mason does not hesitate to use them.

While rebuilding several guns according to the blueprint to use as his future backup weapons, he also looks at the other two unlocked blueprints.

Formula Description: Engineering Explosives

Creation Traits: By adding different raw materials, the explosive power of the explosives is increased, and different effects are produced.

Currently unlocked: High explosive/Incendiary explosives formula.

Item description: 'In some fantasy worlds, this thing is called Goblin Engineering Explosives, so promise me to be careful when dealing with it, okay?'

This formula makes Mason's heart race. It is exactly what he needs in his current situation, and the "Engineering Explosives" formula is a series.

Rather than a specific type of explosive, it is more of a design concept.

This set of blueprints covers everything from established hand grenades to strange makeshift rockets, including landmines and even fantastic items like the "explosive squirrels" that look very unscientific.

If Mason were to add a power system to it, it could form an intelligent blasting mode similar to a drone swarm.

Upon seeing the blueprint, Mason immediately took out two of his collection of batarang from his belt. There was just enough space inside for explosives, making them a perfect match for this almost universal engineering bomb.

"I can have my own explosive Batarang now. Just throw them, and Boom!" Mason grinned but then shook his head.

He was joking, as one of these Batarangs cost as much as a luxury car. Only someone insane would throw them like Bruce Wayne.

After all, didn't Mr. K have different intelligent drones and explosives in his collection? Dismantling them would give him enough engineering parts and more than enough to make at least thirty engineering bombs.

It would be a waste if he couldn't use all these free things he had acquired.

Several hours later, with a soft click, the black barrel was installed into Mason's slender rifle.

It was a lightweight sniper rifle, similar in appearance to the SVD, with a dark wooden stock and a compact, modified, and polished assembly of several gun parts.

However, this long-range weapon for sniping did not have a scope installed. With Mason's combat assistance, shooting within a kilometer range obviously did not need one.

As the gun was assembled, its information label appeared before Mason's eyes.

Precisely calibrated Crit Shotgun · unnamed

Quality: 'Excellent item · excellent craftsmanship'

Traits: 'accurate calibration (accuracy improvement) · critical hit (increased destructive power, chance to deal double damage) · durable (using a large number of excellent accessories, reducing gun wear, reducing the chance of chamber explosion).'

Manufacturer: 'Mason Cooper'

Item Description: 'From this moment on, you are no longer a simple 17-year-old boy. As your first work, you should give it a decent name.'

'Completed the first excellent craftsmanship · excellent quality engineering creation, engineering skill proficiency increased by 10x times.'

"Unnamed?" Mason blinked.

He stroked the gun he had rebuilt with materials of his own choice. Mason showed a slightly cold smile, patted the simple gun body, and said

"I'll call you 'Old K,' and I think you understand the meaning of that name. Anyway, I'll leave the rest to you from now on."

Mason set his new gun aside and checked the time. It was now nine o'clock at night, and there were still fifteen hours until Old K's mission would start.

He was feeling a bit tired, so Mason picked up a small knife and quickly sliced his hand, causing a burst of pain that immediately woke him up.

Then, with practiced ease, he took out a first aid kit and treated the wound before walking over to the corner where the explosives were stored. He grabbed a standard C4 explosive and an exquisite drone.

He planned to complete the engineering bomb and try to get several more 10x proficiency boosts while he was at it.

He also needed to make a shotgun and a handgun. Time was tight, and the mission was important, so Mason didn't plan on sleeping tonight.

He touched the small wound on the back of his neck where a bomb was implanted that could explode his head at any moment, causing him huge stress.

'I was running out of time! There was no way i could sleep now'.

Whether he could get Engineering to level 2 or not depends on this gamble. Once Old K's mission began, he probably wouldn't have so much time to build these things.

As for exhaustion, it was a minor issue for Mason. He glanced at the blood-stained knife and the roll of bandages on the table, shrugged his shoulders, and decided to practice some first aid skills while he was at it.


The next day at 11:00 a.m., the door to the basement was pushed open. Old K, dressed in what looked like a hunter's leather armor and boots, came down.

He had a single-handed sword hanging from his waist and a strange crossbow on his back, while his hair was tied into a ponytail under his mask, making him look like a knight ready for battle.

This attire was somewhat unusual for this era, but considering this was Gotham, where many strange people wandered around in strange clothes, Old K's outfit was not a problem.

"Your teammates have already gathered. Go up and grab something to eat to prepare for leaving," Old K shouted. Mason yawned and replied without looking back, "Wait a moment, I'm going to finish making this flying bomb."

"Hmm?" Old K walked over in surprise and glanced at the table, almost having a stroke from anger.

All the destroyed drones and devices he had collected were dismantled.

In front of Mason on the table were neatly arranged over thirty peculiar-shaped flying machines and a few with legs like small mechanical spiders.

Old K picked one up and looked at it left and right in his hand. After a few seconds, he looked at Mason strangely and said, "You still know this? Are you really just a 17-year-old high school dropout?"

"Gotham locals have a special taste for bombs, and most people are talented in many ways," replied the Mason with an air of weakness due to the practice.

"If you give me enough materials, I can even make you a bat suit. What? Don't believe me? The blueprints are all in my mind," he answered weakly.

"Heh heh," Old K laughed in his sarcastic manner.

But he didn't say much and just frowned at Mason's pitiful state. He took a slender glass bottle from his belt, which was filled with small colorful vials, and handed it to Mason, saying.

"Drink it. I'll treat you to this one so it won't affect your condition, but you owe me a favor."


Mason took the strange-colored deep purple bottle and said, "Do you really think I'll just drink this down? It looks poisonous, doesn't it?"

Although he said that as soon as Mason touched the bottle, the System provided information

'Unidentified alchemical compound detected. Analyzing. The item is 'Owl Potion,' which can quickly fill the drinker's energy and vitality but is also toxic.'

'Alchemical skill and knowledge are too low to obtain the complete formula.'

'Vitality Potion - Novice formula has been recorded.'

"I only need to press a button to kill you. There's no need to go to the trouble of using poison."

Old K sneered and showed the young man the golden controller in his hand. He then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Drink up! Pack up your things and head upstairs."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, and Mason didn't hesitate to drink down the potion.

As soon as the cold liquid flowed into his throat, it exploded like a ball of fire in his esophagus and stomach, warming him up and making him feel like he had swallowed a piece of carbon, causing him to sigh of relief.

However, in just a few seconds, the potion dispelled the weakness of staying up late, instantly filling him with energy.

"Old K is a pharmacist? No, an alchemist or a magician?"

Mason stared at the formula for the vitality potion that had been analyzed and blinked his eyes, thinking, 'Great, I now have one more reason to kill him.'

A few minutes later, Mason put his customized gun, Old K, on his shoulder and strapped the pump-action explosive Shotgun, which had been modified, to his back. He then took a military backpack and put all 35 engineering bombs he had made inside it.

He also took some parts for repairing firearms, found an armed belt to hold the large-caliber explosive Shotgun with the sawn-off barrel, and finally picked up the Penguin's armed umbrella on the table. He walked up the stairs with a fully armed posture and humming a tune.

On the System in front of him, his data was clear at a glance.

Name: Mason Cooper

Trait: Skillful Engineer (able to work with accuracy like a machine without any interference), Self-harm First Aider (speed increased when aiding himself)

Combat skills: Shooting Lv1, Fighting Lv0

Crafting skills: Alchemy Lv0, Engineering Lv2, Blacksmithing Lv0, Tailoring Lv0, First Aid Lv1, Engineering Lv2, and First Aid Lv1 made him very satisfied.

Unfortunately, this upgrade did not unlock any new specialty blueprints. It seems that specialty blueprints are only rare rewards, and the really powerful ones must be researched and collected independently.

When he stepped into the top floor of the building, Old K was already waiting for him.

Mason didn't pay attention to the other strange-dressed people. He just stared at Old K, who was busy beside a strange wooden door. There was a wall.

He placed a black stone in the cat's eye position of the door that could not be opened.

Then, he glanced at the people behind him, grinned, twisted the brass doorknob down three notches, and then pushed the door forward in front of everyone's wide-eyed gaze.

With a swish, the door in the wall was actually pushed open like that.

A rotating starlight screen appeared in front of them.

Old K was pleased with the shocked and ignorant look on his new team member's face. He felt accomplished, like a stage magician, and made a please gesture to the people in front of him, saying.

"Please, everyone, the new world is waiting."

"What does 'new world' mean?" stuttered a strange man dressed in a green, tight-fitting suit and carrying a brown backpack on his back.

"I mean exactly what I say," replied Old K, playing with the golden bomb remote control in his hand, his threat obvious.

He snorted and continued, "The place we're going to explore is another world. I've told each and every one of you that the Star Society isn't something anyone can mess with. All of our actions are done in a different world. Do you understand?"

"Now, who's going to show some courage to everyone?"

Mason shrugged and was the first to step into the rotating starry light curtain before them, carrying his backpack without any psychological pressure, displaying an unusually cooperative attitude.

Meanwhile, Bruce was having lunch with his old flame at Wayne Manor when he saw his butler rushing towards him.

Batman smiled at the Catwoman lying on the hospital bed and then walked towards Alfred, who whispered to him.

"The pheromone signal has been captured, Master. Mason is over at Island, but there seems to be an issue in that area."

"An issue?" Batman frowned. "What do you mean?"

"If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the pheromone signal, we wouldn't have even noticed that there was such a building in the slums of Island. You've passed by there several times during your patrols but never noticed its existence."

Alfred spoke softly, "It's been hidden. It should be some sort of, um, magic? Master, to save this young man, you may need to temporarily break your rule of going solo and look for him in the magic circle. But is Mason Cooper worth it?"


Please try to read the novel i am translating DC: RIsing from Darkness


You can find up to 13 advance chapters at my patreon