
Chapter 19: World Domination In Progress

In Anchorage City, against the backdrop of the deep blue sky, two figures slowly levitated and then flew towards the coastline.

"I can fly!!" Sylvia tumbled and flew around H'el like a fish, agile and acrobatic, performing spins and rolls. It seemed as if she genuinely could fly.

In reality, H'el had opened his bio-magnetic field, connecting it to Sylvia's bio-magnetic field. Using his enormous bio-magnetic field, he lifted her against gravity. She moved like a fish in a tank, giving her the illusion that she was flying. However, as soon as she left H'el's bio-magnetic field or if he stopped the connection, she would revert to her original state.

H'el brought Sylvia with him from the city back to the Anchorage Base. 

On one side of the Anchorage Base, there was a large hole, with black smoke rising and the smell of gunpowder and burnt remains filling the air. The atmosphere was heavy with sorrow and mourning.

As they descended from the sky, H'el's black trench coat fluttered behind him. He walked into the Anchorage Base, greeted by the fearful stares of the people around.

"Why, you demon, did you come back?!" a teenager wearing a dirty yellow work suit shouted, holding a brick. He was angry and trembling as he cursed.

In the merciless battle that had just occurred, his female friend had been shot and then blown to pieces by a missile, a scene of utter despair he had witnessed.

H'el's black trench coat made him appear heartless and domineering. His expressionless face carried a burning, fiery gaze as he looked at the teenager holding the brick. The teenager was so frightened by H'el's presence that his legs trembled as he cried in fear.

"No, no, please, H'el."

Stacker hurriedly ran over, nervously hugging the teenager and taking the brick from his hand. He tightly embraced the teenager, comforting him.

Stacker shielded the teenager and looked at H'el, saying solemnly, "I'll handle this; I won't let anyone disturb you."

H'el slowly withdrew the fiery red glow from his gaze, speaking coldly, "Stacker, you voluntarily became my subordinate, the buffer zone between humans and me."

After H'el had finished the ruthless battle, Stacker had sought him out, offering to submit to him and obey his commands, begging H'el not to harm the base's personnel.

H'el had never intended to harm ordinary people in the first place, and he did need manpower to accomplish his tasks, so he agreed.

"I understand, H'el. The Pacific Rim United Defense Force will follow your command. I know what you want to achieve, and I'll obey your orders. I'll also handle matters related to humanity's interaction with you," Stacker said as he held the teenager tightly, bowing his head.

H'el stared at him with an emotionless gaze. He didn't really care about the Pacific Rim United Defense Force; he simply needed some initial manpower for his world-conquering plan and to serve his will. Regardless of whether they harbored any hidden intentions, they had none before H'el.

"In three days, on February 29th, Stacker, gather global journalists and hold a grand press conference."

"No problem. I'll contact various countries to obtain the surveillance footage. Your presence will be broadcasted worldwide. On February 29th, I guarantee that news teams from around the world will come to Anchorage," Stacker affirmed confidently. H'el's existence would cause a massive stir, and he had no doubt that the orders would be carried out.

Countries worldwide had already become aware of H'el's existence, and soon, the entire online world would know that Earth not only faced giant monster invasions but also had an extraterrestrial being appearing in human form.

H'el turned and raised his black trench coat as he walked away.

"Starting on February 29th, Stacker, instead of trying to use me to eliminate monsters, it would be better for human civilization to avoid conflicting with me and survive."

Stacker felt bitterness in his heart. He no longer harbored any thoughts of using H'el to eliminate monsters. H'el wanted to conquer the world, and the monsters were sure to become a pawn in his game.

In reality, H'el didn't care much about the monsters. While the Pioneer genetic technology on the other side of the wormhole was impressive in creating such creatures, they were incomparable to the creatures from Krypton or even to the threats like Doomsday.

He instructed Sylvia to gather data on Pioneer genetic technology. When they returned to the spaceship, Sylvia would primarily focus on studying Kryptonian genetic technology. As for Pioneer genetic data, it would serve as an alternative source of information.

In the future, H'el was bound to research and potentially incorporate creatures like Doomsday into his own genetic makeup. He didn't believe that he couldn't control a creature like Doomsday when he could travel between dimensions.

Sylvia, with her hands in the pockets of her green coat, glanced at Stacker comforting the teenager as she followed H'el. She scanned the people around her and noticed many individuals with missing limbs or severe injuries, being treated on the spot.

"Sylvia, intensify your research on my cells," H'el commanded as he strode towards the command center.

In the future, his rule would undoubtedly be one of high pressure and no room for rebellion.

H'el knew what it was like to be weak and understood the reactions of gasping for breath and lying flat in despair under such high pressure. However, H'el had various ways to make them voluntarily "work hard." He didn't mind offering a little sweetener to humanity.


That was the sweetener he had prepared for humanity.

It was also a way to collect data from people all over the world. No matter how powerful humans might become, they would never match H'el, who gained power every day from soaking up the sunlight. They still followed the laws of physics, while Kryptonians became powerful by basking in the sun, transcending the boundaries of the laws of physics as they knew them.

"All right. Also, H'el, can I help them regenerate limbs?" Sylvia agreed without any objections and expressed her interest in studying limb regeneration technology. She had seen many ordinary humans during H'el's battle who would be crippled for life due to lost limbs. Their eyes held a mix of fear and deep resentment towards H'el.

Sylvia knew that H'el didn't want to harm innocents. However, in the heat of battle, he couldn't avoid it, and stopping for the innocent would have resulted in more innocent casualties. Restoring these individuals to normal, Sylvia thought, might reduce humanity's resentment towards H'el.

"I never knew you were so kind." H'el was genuinely surprised; he had thought Sylvia looked down on human deaths and didn't expect her to want to help the injured.

Of course, H'el had no objections to Sylvia's desire to treat them. After all, the ordinary people in the Anchorage base had been caught in the crossfire, and H'el held no ill will toward them. On the contrary, he respected frontline fighters who stood up against monsters.

If his subordinates wanted to extend a helping hand to them, H'el had no objections. They just needed to complete the tasks he had assigned first.

"After all, I bear the burden of my sins, and I can freely show goodwill," Sylvia said matter-of-factly.

H'el chuckled and understood Sylvia's intentions. He didn't stop her and gestured for her to proceed.

He then separated from Sylvia and headed straight to the command center. To rule the world, there needed to be something to oversee the world. A sound system required a strict monitoring system. H'el couldn't possibly listen to the entire world every day.

Unfortunately, the reset system of the starship exploration vessel had not been brought along. It was an intelligent system created secretly by the Kryptonian Academy of Science, capable of handling almost anything. With it, the task of ruling the world would have been 90% easier. Now, H'el had to make do with an improvised artificial intelligence.


A/N: We're still short on 43 stones for us to reach the second mission–which is the 500 stones for 1 extra chapter—but I'm pretty sure y'all will do a good job today and give me all your stones.

500 stones = 1 Bonus Chap

1k stones = 2 Bonus Chap

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