
Chapter 4: Demon in the Night

The rage I felt crawled throughout my body begging to be released, unknowingly my body grew with my anger as a black mass took shape and by time I realized it I noticed the talking outside stopped.

The moment the door started to open I launched myself at the door uncaring of what was happening, once I smashed through wooden splintered everywhere as the men on the other side fell over.

The woman was unlucky taking the collision head-on broke her midsection before he collided with the wall on the otherside causing her to break her skull, Instant death.

The men all began to scream as they all individually began to pull out pistols but one of them was too late with him standing by the enterance, grabbing him by the neck I swung him over my shoulder like a ball towards one of the men with his pistol aimed at me.

Rushing over I grab the leader still left standing with eyes full of fear, begging to escape but with no chance.

"EYeS, LUnGs, pANcreAs... sO mANy SnACkS, So LiLltE tiME"

The man's eyes buldged but couldn't scream with my hand around his throat as I began to consume him, I could taste the blood and brain-tissue in my body... and I enjoyed it.

Throwing away the half-headed body I move to the unconsious men in the hallway as I quickly crushed their heads under my feet with a savage grin on my face, after a moment I began to calm down from the slaughter I had just committed my body began to shrink back as the black mass disappeared to reveal a dirty naked child.

'Ohmygodohmygodohmygod... WHAT THE F*CK DID I JUST DO??!!!'

My lungs started to burn as I struggled to breathe after realizing what I had just done, moving back to the office I quickly sat down on the chair at the desk to catch my breath.

'Calm down dude, calm down... You just killed four people, that's okay... Their BAD people, it's GOOD to KILL only BAD people... but NEVER KILL GOOD PEOPLE...'

I sat down trying to convince what I did was okay before I managed to finally calm myself, looking over by the door I noticed a painting closest to it fell off and there was a small safe that was presumably behind it in the wall.

Taking a moment I use some ripped cloth I found on the floor to hide my prints as I ripped the safe door off it's hinges to reveal what was inside, I found large stacks of cash and multiple documents I couldn't make heads or tails of but it seemed like manifests for where and who brings the drugs we deliver.

Putting everything on the table I sit back and immediately noticed I was naked which was very annoying because my clothes were the ripped cloth I found on the group, taking a moment I try imagine clothes on my body similar to what I wore in my last life and I start to feel a tingling sensation.

Soon I'm dressed in a black-hoodie grey worn out jeans and some black Nike Jordan's, collecting all the files and money including the money I dropped when I transformed I quickly raced out of the orphanage and escaped through an alleyway.

'Ok I need to think of something, first I have no idea how to investigate the Child- prostitution ring/ Orphanage so I'd need to leave it to professionals but problem is their all corrupt. Wait... not all of them'

Rushing through the alleyways avoiding concerning eyes for ten minutes eventually I managed to reach the 'Gotham City Police Department AKA the GCPD', crawling along the other building I stalked the Police building for any sign of a certain Police Comissioner.

'Hopefully he looks the same as his Dark Knight counter-part 'Gary Oldman'

After waiting for awhile day turned to night when I noticed an older man with mustache wearing a decent work suit in walking out of the building, the tiredness in his eyes was obvious but not surprising considering the city he was policing.

'Huh... he looks more like a younger 'Jonathan Kimble' the counter-part from Justice League'

Watching him hop into his car and begin to drive off I immediately follow from behind as I stealthily ran along the buildings, eventually I managed to follow him to a private carpark connected to a set of apartments.

Shifting into my black form I began to crawl through the enterance along the ceiling as I continued to follow Gordon all the way to his apartment, crawling around the apartments to the otherside I counted the windows up to where the Gordons should be but froze.

Infront of me in all her beautiful glory was the 'Barbara Gordon' AKA Batgirl as she relaxed with her phone on her bed, she appeared to be about 17-18 years old so she might have already started being Batgirl so I needed to be careful.

'Focus idiot! You don't even have male hormones driving you girl-crazy, Focus'

Making myself passed the other two windows I landed on a small balcony with just enough room for one person to stand over, pulling out all the files and documents I had I ready myself to sneak in when an older women walks into view making me stop again.

Thankfully she doesn't see me as she goes by and I'm successfully able to walk in placing them on a coffee table before immediately sneaking out, before I even close the balcony door Gordon comes to view staring at me with shock as he quickly reaches for his gun.

Not taking any chances I leap off the balcony and quickly crawl underneath it as I hear Gordon charge through the balcony, "Eileen! quickly go check on Barbara!" he shouted as I hear him scuffle above me before going inside.

'Sweet now hopefully he can do the legal side of things and track people down I can't'

With no true leads I decide to have a bit of revenge on the Falcones before I left Gotham as I made my way to where the crooks hung out, quickly finding a standard wannabe gangbanger I jumped down and immediately lifted him into the air by his throat.

"I'm LOokInG fOR tHe FaLConE's HoUSe"

The man's face quickly goes pale in my presence as I hold him above the ground with the new scent of piss coming off of him, "Y-y-ya-ya yah l-l-lo-looking f-f-for F-falco-cone?? 'E-e-e's-s fam-mily h-house i-in u-up-t-to-town de-des-destr-tric, Sh-short 'ill's. e-e-every b-body kn-know dat" he stuttered annoyingly as he shook him fear.

'Least he told me, am I that scary though?'

At the moment I didn't care about any form of canon or anything like that I just wanted my piece of flesh for what these people did, it didn't take long for me to find 'Short hills' and the Falcone Manison either which was easier because of the giant sign infront of their manor reading [Falcone Manor].

The house was littered with guards everywhere but I still somehow remained calm as I snuck over the giant fences, taking a moment I change the shape my arms into a long thin blade as I begin to rush through driving them into the wandering guards chests.

Quick and quiet as I ran around eliminating the guards along the perimeter but suddenly flood lights all around the house flashed on with guards from inside coming out of the house, I noticed some carrying some big weapons as they searched the property.

'Ok don't know what those can do so gotta play this smart'

Luckily for me they hadn't seen me yet they just seemed to know someone was killing their men, blending into the remaining darkness from shadows casted by different objects like trees and vehicles I continued to stalk my prey as I eliminated them one by one.

In around ten minutes I managed to kill close to forty men and none had spotted me surprisingly, looking at the window of a car I could see my reflection with the flood lights beaming from the mansion.

Blood coated most of my body like a red dripping paint giving my already frightening appearance an increase of fear factors, strangely I didn't feel sick or disgusted at neither my appearance or what I had just done; in fact I liked it.

Walking up to the mansion I could suddenly stopped heard a large group of vehicles racing in my direction with sirens a further distance coming the same direction, seeing that I might be able to handle the first and second wave but not the possible third I quickly began to leave but not before placing a corpse in a car and having it drive into the mansion.

Hearing the loud collision from outside the Falcone Manison I smiled a bit at the small bit of vengeance I had even though I didn't get to kill any of the 'heads', but I know I'll get stronger slowly and be back again to finish the job.


(3rd POV)

Sirens rung as flashes of red and blue colored the Falcone residence still littered in the corpses of the guards with many officers taking photos and looking for evidence, soon a newer model black Cadillac pulls into the residence with a weary and tired looking Jim Gordon.

"So, tell me what we know" he asked as he walked through the crime scene towards other officers, they all began to shrug besides one who appeared to be a Sergeant.

"Sir at exactly 1:38am tonight someone or thing triggered the alarm, killed all the guards without a struggle and proceeded to crash one of the vehicles into the Mansion. We still have no leads to who or what could of done this, analysts are running footage now for anything" the officer reported.

Jim quickly nods before walking to the back of an armored van with multiple screens visible on one side, "Any luck boys?" Jim asked tirely as he made his way into the van to watch the screens as well.

"Nothing boss, whoever this guy is he must be professional. Besides the security senor that went off we nothing got on this guy" the first analyst said as he continued to work, "Wai-wait up chief actually I think we got something, right there, off the second cars reflection" said the analyst as he pointed at the shadowy figure of a large red and black mass in the shape of a man.

Immediately the analysts began to render the grainy footage for a better view of the suspect, "What the... What is that?" Jim couldn't help but let out as they all looked at the newly rendered footage of what could only be described as a demon from its red-stained black body large claws and venomous evil grin.

Jim couldn't help but shiver at the sight of the 'Demon' and think how it was highly likely to be related to the documents he found at his house along with the Black stranger outside his balcony, but he made sure to keep quiet about that for now.


Word count: 1864


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