
DC: Entity

Eddie Duke who is an avid Superpower Fan, while testing if he have the ability of flight, died. And ROB/God gave him 3 minor wishes and transport him to Young justice universe 1 year earlier at gotham and with no money he starts becoming a vigilante but Batman caught him just before he starts...... im going to continue this not like my other fanfics.. Saturday and Sunday is the release day no fck up things in this fanfic so no need to stress in reading

UnnaturalWriter · Anime & Comics
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6 months later/The Team/Young justice

6 months later

A lot has happen this six months.

First of all I order an equipment from Batman.

it's a Guitar, but not a normal guitar a red battle axe guitar. ( like the one in adventure time, merceline's axe)

He then Zeta the equipments, like my guitar axe, for my studio, and other things and the most important 2 phones, one for my personal life still on bats radar though, and the second one is for the superhero gig.

I then make an account in the inter net and post a video of me playing a guitar and singing [I'd rather be me with you] (from Steven universe).

And a couple more songs... boom! superstar.

That's just the first month.

The second month I started to patrol with Red.

And of course I still practice everyday.

even though I a bit stronger there is still a lot of people who can kill me in seconds.

So I started to be a little trickier, as I hold the elements of surprise from my shape shifting.

like I turn my hand into a staff, if my enemy blocked it like for example with his arms.

I then shapeshift the arm staff into rubber so it could bend and hit my enemy.

Of course there's a lot more trick I could do with my shape shift.

One time during a patrol I get thrown away by the enemy so hard that Red didn't see me for a few seconds.

Like the opportunity knock me out, I then make a duplication of me 4 time and let them hide in the boxes, shape-shifting into boxes.

After I healed the bruise I then get back to fighting.

And let my clones work on an underground empire.

So that leaves me, Me the original and 6 more clones to work with.

Of course I didn't tell the league I have a replication powers.

Clone 1 will work on the under ground empire, clone 2 will work as an mercenary, clone 3 will be the worker, he will work at my Dimension as a builder and a farmer as he would start populating my dimension with live stock, clone 4 on the other hand will help clone three in the dimension and when the Cadmus arc is over he will get the inhabitants, he will be at Cadmus smuggling out the genomorphs.

In the third month I get to meet the original Robin (Dick Grayson).

When Batman allowed me to join his and Robins patrol.

The rest of the remaining months is me accelerating my body's evolution process by force shape shifting my body to evolve.

The 4 month is me constantly burning my self and force shapeshift my body to evolve.

And The following month I increase the temperature.

Of course I'm not an 'M' so I turn my pain perception null, so I could not feel the pain of being burn.

But even so it still hurts, as my mind is still active so I keep thinking of my self being burn.

So my psychic powers entered me into an illusion of me being burned.

Red Tornado Is watching me if I do my evolution shape-shifting to keep me away from over extending my self.

And so overtime I develop a resistance over fire or in this case cast away my weakness for high temperature.

And of course I also got to test the full extent of my replication ability.

when I replicate myself i subconsciously replicate my clothes and equipment.

We are also part of a Hive mind so no clone vs original bullsht.

We (I will use we if we're talking about his clones) also found out about what happen when one of us dies.

As clone 3 replicate himself and kill clones 5.

After the clone dies the body and all accessories will then turn into mud.

That's it but we cannot replicate clone 6 for one hour, so we came to conclusion that if a clone dies that clone will not be replicated for one hour but the cloning can continue to clone 6,7,8 and so on.

As we are a Hive mind our Psychic power also strengthen up due to having multiple brain power.

(don't judge I'm bullshting here)

My Dimension on the other hand is... how to say... simple.

It's just mountains up north, desert down at South, Jungle at the west side and at the east is a planes and beaches, and there are some lake and river here and there.

We also found out we could open a portal to a place we visited before so that's that.




(3rd pov)

Remembering that today is the day cadmus is having a "fire" incident

Eddie Zeta'd to Washington D.C. and watch Robin, Kidflash, And Aqualad from afar.

From Kid flash saving two scientists, to Robin and Kid flash going inside Cadmus building, to Aqualad then help the scientists get down from the building and then going inside to follow Robin and Kid Flash.

As Eddie seeing them enter, he then make himself invisible and mask of his mind so that he can infiltrate without them knowing he was here.

Eddie then look at Dubbilex who continue to lure the three protégé to the elevator.

As Aqualad open the elevator door Eddie then shift his size to an ant and fly towards the ground with his telekinesis.

Going through each sub level floor to find Mark Desmond, the creator of the Blockbuster formula.

And finally sub level 13 (I don't know where the blockbuster sublevel is) He finally found Dr. Desmond, Eddie then shape shift his intire right arm into a rope while still invisible and knocked out Dr. Desmond and the Genomorph.

Eddie then Read his mind of the intire Cadmus project, especially the Blockbuster formula.

Then after a few minutes Eddie is done, he pick up a few Blockbuster serum and send it to his Dimension and set up a small explosion that will knocked out Dr. Desmond, so he will not be suspected that he is here.

After he finished setting up the explosion, he then go out of the building and go to the nearest supermarket to but some stuff.

After shape-shifting a couple of times and paying the cashier.

Eddie was out with a couple of snack, to wait for Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, And Superboy to fight Dr. Desmond and be trapped so he could have a cool entrance.




A couple of hours later.

(1st pov)

As I was eating my snacks from the second floor.

I saw the four of them getting out of the door followed by the strummed Doctor.

I started to take out my phone and record them.

a few minutes, I see the four of them getting beat up by the Serum powered Doctor.

I jump down, as they see me. Robin was first to ask " A little help here!"

"yeah.. yeah..." I then shapeshift my self into a 5 meter long and 1 diameter white Eastern Dragon.

As I wrapped my body around the Doctor and stop him from moving.

I then shapeshift a couple of giant arms my body and punched the Doctor a couple of minutes until he is knocked down.

What? do you think I would allow the enemy to have a rhythm?

As i shapeshift back into my superhero form the Assassin's creed ezio suit and a white face mask covering my intire body.

"Hey.... you okay guys?, looks like you guys got beaten up." I said to them with a teasing voice and then pick up my S-phone(supergigphone) and contacted the league, not before showing them a glimps of the video.

A few minutes later all of the League came, circling us five.

Superboy then walked out of the group and stand infront, lifting up his arm showing the league, the house symbol of El.

Superman was the first to react, showing a shock then solemn look on his face.

Batman then soon said "is that what I think it is?"

Kid Flash then walk up next to superboy "He doesn't like being called an it"

But superboy then dropped the bomb " I'm superman's clone"

Shocking them all as batman spoke up " start talking"

A couple of minutes later after they are done explaining, I then fill up my side of the story.

Something like, "I heard the alarm that there's a fire so I Zeta to D.C. but when I get there it's all ready fine so I go to the nearest supermarket to buy some supplies but I hear a fighting in the Cadmus building so I then I go to building but all I see is them getting beat up, so i help thema bit then called you here"

"Dude, no need to say the last part" Kid Flash hit me at the ribs.

As I look at the Doctor being transported by two green lanterns, Hawkman and woman, and captain Atom.

A few talks later , saw Superman flying away after he and superboy "Talked".

I then set up a telepathic connection for Superman and me {supes... don't go hard on superboy, I know you don't like the idea of a clone of you running around but he still a kid with a good heart}

But all the reply I get is {Yeah, later kid}

I then see Batman, Flash, Aquaman, And martian Manhunter came to us. me, superboy, Robin, aqualad, and Kid flash. We got scolded but we stood up... well they stood up as I just follow on what they were saying, As I hear superboy " Get on board or get out of the way"

A couple hours later at Mount justice, with Me, Wally, Robin(he's still got a secret identity), Superboy( he's got noname yet), and kaldur in civilian clothing, followed by Flash, Hawkman, Red Tornado, Black Canary, Aquaman, Batman, and Captain Marvel.

Batman then explain the Mount "This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League.

We're calling it into service again, since you five are determined to stay together and fight, the good fight, you'll do it on League terms.

Red Tornado and Eddie I already living here and be your supervisor, Black Canary is incharge of training, I will deploy you on mission"

"Real mission" Robin then spoke.

"Yes but covert" Batman said first then Flash "The League will still handle the obvious stuff, there's a reason we have these big target on our chest" then Aquaman "But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter, Batman needs a teem that can operate on the sly" then Batman again spoke " The Six of you will be that team"

"Cool! wait Six?" Robin ask in surprise.

Batman then look at our back and we turn around an see Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian, but they don't know that yet. " This is the Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian"

Miss Martian wave her hands at us "Hi" as Wally then said to us in a low voice "Liking this gig more every minute" then started to walk to Miss martian" Welcome aboard. I'm Kid flash" and he intoduce us by pointing at us one by one and said our name "That's Robin, Aqualad, ìts cool if you forget their names."

As Miss martian replied " It's an honor to be included"

they then walk towards here And Robin invited me and superboy " Hey Superboy, Duke come meet Miss M"

And Miss martian then Shapeshift her t shirt to match superbot " I like your t shirt"

As superboy smile , Robin and Wally sided superboy to get Miss m's attention. ( hey I don't know what they were doing.)

As Kaldur then said at us " Today is the Day"

And I said " Yeah today is the 'Day' "

" Eddie and Red Tornado will give you the tour, I got something to do" batman then Zeta'd out.

"Hey guys ill show you around, I've been living here a couple of months with Red as my den mother, so I know this place very well" I then floated around them as I lead them around the place.


Yo... 2k words...

Comment something that will allow him to gey stronger

bye peace.