
Canon Timeline

Big Bang- Beginning of Time

[10 Billion Years After Big Bang]

Lords of Chaos Form

Lords of Order Form

New Earth Forms

Sentient Beings Begin To Arise

Endless Enter Universe

[5 Billion Years Ago]

-Old Gods of Urgrund Split Source into Source and Anti-Life

-Source Compels Old Gods Into War

-Gog Flees, Lands on Earth

-Old Gods Kill Each Other Off

-Their world is split into Apokolips and New Genesis

-Both New Worlds Are Sent Into 4th World (Alternate Universe)

-Maltusans Settle Oa At The Center Of The Universe

-Krona Observes Universes Birth

-Krona's Machine Is Struck By Energy Causing The Multiverse And Universe of Antimatter of Qward To Be Created

-Krona is sentenced to life as a form of energy

-Male Maltusians Dedicate Themselves To Fighting Evil Becoming The Oans

-Male Maltusians Decide To Seal Off Emotions After Battling Parallax (Sentient Embodiment Of Fear)

-Females Believe Life Without Emotions Would Be Blasphemous, Depart Oa, Become Separate Existence By The Name Of Zamarons

-Oans Create The Manhunters

[3.5-3 Billion Years Ago]

-Massacre of Sector 666

-Controllers Split From Oans

-Rest of Oans Form Guardians Of The Universe (GOTU)

-GOTU Form The Proto-Green Lanterns (Green Lanterns With Pistols Instead Of Rings)

[1 Billion Years Ago]

-The Demon's Three (Abnegazar, Rath, and Gasth) Are Sealed By The Timeless Ones

-Xan Settle On Earth

-Eternal Is Created

-Space Gas Kills Xan

-Eternal Is Paralyzed By Absorbium At Core Of Earth

[230,000,000 Years Ago]

-Birth Of Dinosaurs

[100 Million Years Ago]

-Tommy Tomorrow and Friends Take A Blast To The Past....They Get Stuck For A Little And Fight A Super T-Rex

[65 Million Years Ago]

-Meteor Strikes Earth

-Dinosaurs Go Extinct

[7-5 Million Years Ago]

-The Homo genus diverged from the australopithecines about 2 million years ago in Africa. Scientists have estimated that humans branched off from their common ancestor with chimpanzees—the only other living hominids—about 5–7 million years ago. Several typological species of Homo, now extinct, evolved. These include Homo erectus, which inhabited Asia, and Homo neanderthalensis, which inhabited Europe.

(Another theory is that the White Martians had something to do with their evolutions.)

-It was also at this time that Martian colonists established the settlement known as Z'onn Z'orr in the region of Antarctica. The citadel was soon abandoned as the Martians returned to outer space and remained undiscovered for millions of years.

[1 Million Years Ago]

-The Time Trapper takes a slice of time containing entire New Earth Universe and over the millennia prunes the resulting Pocket Universe down to Earth and Krypton as part of an elaborate plan to destroy the Legion of Super-Heroes.

[400-250,000 Years Ago]

-Archaic Homo sapiens evolved between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago. The dominant view among scientists is the recent African origin of modern humans (RAO) that H. sapiens evolved in Africa and spread across the globe, replacing populations of H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis.

[145,000 Years Ago]

-In Pre-Atlantis, Ahri'ahn was born as the son of two sorcerers, Calculha, follower of the Light, and Majistra, mistress of darkness. He is raised by his father in Atlantis while his brother Garn Daanuth was raised by his mother in Mu. Both are initiated into the mysteries of witchcraft.

[48,000 BCE]

-Vandal Savage Becomes Immortal

-Immortal Man Also Becomes Immortal

[45,000 BCE]

- A great civilization, rich in magic and technology, leads to the formation of Atlantis. The earliest homo magi were the pre-deluge Atlanteans, and the greatest among them was Arion, the supreme sorcerer of Atlantis.

[40,000 BCE]

-New Gods Experiment On Aurakles and Grant Him Technology

-Aurakles Becomes Earth's First Superhero

[33,000 BCE]

-Anthro Is Born

-Recognized As Earth's True Hero Because Of His Merciful Beliefs

[30,000 BCE]

-A caveman bashes his pregnant mate over the head with a club in a rage after she shows him pity for losing his arm during a hunt

-Mates soul goes to the underworld

-Later Reborn As Hippolyta, Queen Of Amazons, Queen Of Themyscira, Mother Of Diana/Wonder Woman

[11,848 BCE]

-Modern Kryptonian Civilization Appears

[10,000 BCE]

-King Orin Begins His Reign

-Atlantis Sinks

-Some Cities Are Not Protected And Die Off

-Scientists Create Serum To Allow Atlanteans To Breathe And Live Underwater

[8000 BCE]

-Kong, The Untamed's Era

[7000 BCE]

-The Wizard, Shazam, Is Born And Granted His Power

[5000 BCE]

-Felix Faust's first whereabouts are recorded

[4000 BCE]

-Oans Crash In Mesopotamia, Mistaken As Anunnaki And Worshipped

[2030 BCE]

-Khalis and Nabu's Era

[2000 BCE]

-Zeus And Allies Go To War With Titans And Defeat Them

[1812 BCE]

-Ragman gets trapped in Limbo dimension

[1279-1230 BCE]

-Black Adam is granted his powers by the wizard, but instead of getting the Greek powers, he is granted the powers of Egyptian gods.

-Kahndaq is destroyed by Ahk-Ton and Adam's Family Is Killed

-Adam Allies With Prince Khufu (Hawkman) At Rameses' Court

-Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, and Captain Marvel Come From The Future

-They Ally With Adam

-Adam Captures Ahk-Ton And Kills Him

-Adam Retakes Kahndaq And Becomes Its Ruler

-Prince Khufu's Era

[1200 BCE]

-Circe's Era

-Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Hestia Create the Amazons

-Athena Discovers A Special Soul That Isn't Created With The Other Amazons

-Vandal Savage Helps Moses

[1000 BCE]

-Zha-Vam vs. Superman

-Hercules and Theseus Enslave Amazons

-Amazons Break Free From Hercules And Slaughter His Army

-Antiope Brings An Army To Athens

-Agrees To Become Theseus' Queen

-Antiope and Theseus Have A Child

-Circe Convinces Theseus' Wife To Murder Antiope

-Amazons Are Banished From Athens

-Amazons Are Exiled To Themyscira/Paradise Island

-Pythia's Faction Settle In City Of Bana-Mighdall, Renounce The Greek Gods

-The young Atlantean Gamemnae is left to die for her blonde hair. Surviving, she becomes a sorceress capable of absorbing the power of others, and raises Atlantis from the ocean, turning them back into air breathers and appointing herself Queen. When Atlanteans from the future arrive to escape an enemy, Gamemnae enslaves them and imprisons their king, Arthur, trapping him in a water-like form. She discovers his comrades in arms will soon arrive and rescue the Atlanteans. Gamemnae assembles a similar group, the League of Ancients, from all over the world, who eventually battle Arthur's friends and kill them. Betrayed by Manitou Raven over her ruthless methods, Arthur is freed and re-sinks Atlantis, breaking Gamemnae's air breathing spell and killing her in the process.

-Helen Of Troy

[100-0 BCE]

-Homo-Magi Find Hidden Land In Turkey. Decide To Keep Bloodline Pure.

-Cleopatra Brought To Present By Rip Hunter

[1st Century]

-The Starheart falls in ancient China. The meteor is carved in the shape of a lantern by Chang, a Chinese craftsman and wizard.

-Blackbriar Thorn is trapped in a wooden form to escape from Roman Legions.

-Golden Gladiator, Roman hero.

[5th Century]

-Vandal Savage survives the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria.

[6th Century] (May Not Be In Order)

-This was the time of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Arthur was king over the territory known as Camelot. His greatest asset, was his court sorcerer, the wizard Merlin. Merlin and his guardian demon, Etrigan defended Camelot against the forces of the evil witch, Morgaine le Fey. Another of Merlin's allies was Sir Justin Arthur, more commonly known as the Shining Knight. In this time the Silent Knight also had adventures. Camelot eventually fell when a time-displaced Swamp Thing took root beneath the land, and grew forth, bringing the castle of King Arthur down to the ground.

-Merlin the magician brings Superman and Batman from the year 1966 to this time to help King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to retake Camelot after a group of shape-changing aliens personified them, and the two heroes officially become Knights of the Round Table as Sir Superman and Sir Batman before returning to their own time

-Etrigan Sealed Inside Jason Blood

[8th Century]

Vikings arrive at what would be America and take Arak, from the Quontauka tribe, to Europe.

[10th Century] (May Not Be In Order)

-Viking Prince

-Scheherazade brought to the present by Rip Hunter

[14th Century]

-Super Chief (First Native American Hero) Born

[15th Century]

-The man who would be known as Ra's al Ghul is born to a tribe of nomads in a desert somewhere in Arabia, near a city whose inhabitants' ancestors have journeyed to the Arabian Peninsula from China. Ra's is interested in science from an early age. Unable to learn any science living as a nomad, he abandons his tribe to live in the city, where he can conduct his scientific research. He becomes a physician and marries a woman named Sora, the love of his life. He eventually discovers a naturally occurring solution known as a Lazarus Pit, which he uses to heal a dying prince. However, the prince is driven insane and kills Sora, while the king blames Ra's for the murder and buries him alive. Freed by the son of a former patient, Ra's reunites his tribe and they massacre the city, killing the king and his son. Ra's then takes his name and forms the organization known as the Demon, intent on keeping balance between man and nature.

[16th Century]

-Andrew Bennett becomes a vampire.

[17th Century] ( May Not Be In Order)

-Metropolis is Founded

-Darkseid encounters the Green Martians, and learns of their belief that the will is a "Life Equation". Darkseid theorizes that an Anti-Life Equation must exist as well, and makes efforts to gain it. In an effort to buy time, he negotiates with Highfather Izaya to end the war between Apokolips and New Genesis. To seal the deal, the rulers of the two worlds exchange sons: Izaya gives his son to Darkseid, while Darkseid gives his son Orion to Izaya. Izaya's son, named Scott Free, rejects the teachings of Darkseid and Granny Goodness, while Orion takes to teachings of New Genesis becomes forever opposed to his father.

[18th Century] (May Not Be In Order)

-Kraklow, a polish sorcerer is visited by Rip Hunter; Victor Frankenstein creates his monster

-The Founding Fathers are at Liberty Hall in Philadelphia. After they sign the Declaration of Independence, some of the men—including Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson—meet in secret. They gather around a table, and the alchemist Taylor Hawke gathers 13 tokens and creates a spiritual embodiment of America. The tokens merge and form a small talisman. The 13 men agree to protect the talisman and the secret of its existence.

[19th Century] (May Not In Order From Here On)

-An amendment to the US constitution to allow meta-humans to protect their identities even when testifying in court is proposed by Congress and eventually ratified by the requisite three-fourths of state legislatures as the 12th amendment. (The real world 12th amendment changed the procedure for electing the President and Vice President. It was proposed December 9, 1803 and ratified June 15, 1804)

-May 2nd, 1863: Confederate cavalry soldier Jonah Hex mistakes General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson for an enemy soldier and shoots him. Jackson dies from his injuries eight days later.

-Young Cyrus Gold witnesses the murder of his unscrupulous father at the hands of a rival mobster. His body is tossed into Gotham Harbor.

-November (early): Jason Blood and Otto von Hammer hire German mercenaries to raid the home of Lazarus Lane in the hopes of seeing the power of the Claw of Aelkhünd.

-Jack the Ripper murders several women in the Whitechapel area of London. It is believe that the Ripper is possessed by a demon named Calibraxis.

[20th Century] (Not In Order From Here On)

-World War I

-A young Adolf Hitler, still a corporal in the German Army, along with Stalin and a young Asian man, visited Anton Arcane during his early experiments in re-animating the dead.

-The United States entered the war. In August of that same year, the demon Etrigan played a gruesome part in the third Battle of Ypres. At this time, the Demon manipulated Jason Blood's memories of the incident, as well as that of many other horrible deeds that the Demon has committed across the centuries.

-Doctor Occult begins his crusade against supernatural mysteries.

-Lee Travis becomes The Crimson Avenger, regarded as the first of the many subsequent "mystery men" that would soon populate the American landscape.

-Jason Garrick is exposed to fumes that accelerate his metabolism and give him superhuman speed, which leads him to become the Flash.

-Alan Scott discovers the Starheart and uses its powers to become the Green Lantern.

-Framed for the murder of his mentor, Ted Grant becomes the costumed hero Wildcat.

-After being murdered, police officer Jim Corrigan becomes the host of the Spectre.

-Khufu and Chay-ara are reborn as Carter Hall and Shiera Saunders. Eventually reuniting, they become Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

-Darrel Dane develops a serum which endows him with the ability to shrink his size, and he begins his career as Doll Man.

-Strange happenings affects Johnny Thunder's life. Unknown to him, he begins to summon the Thunderbolt.

-Chemical Rex Tyler develops the Miraclo Pill and becomes Hour-Man.

-After struggling physical training, Al Pratt becomes the first Atom.

-Kent Nelson finishes his mystical training under Nabu and becomes Doctor Fate.

-Justice Society of America become the first assemblage of "mystery men" and serve as an inspiration to all that follow.

-The United States government collaborated with all branches of the armed forces to create a special program specializing in psychological warfare. Their program became known in covert circles as Project M.

-In the wake of the Pearl Harbor attack, the All-Star Squadron is formed and soon grows to have essentially every American super-hero at the time.

-Jay Garrick marries Joan Williams; fights Fiddler, Thinker and Shade in the same night... and then sleeps.

[Modern Era+21st Century and Up] (Not In Order From Here On)

-The planet Krypton explodes, and the Kryptonian people wiped out save a small group of survivors in Kandor. Jor-El, a scientist who predicted the explosion, sends his young son Kal-El away in a rocket, which carries him to Earth. Discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, they take him and name him Clark Kent, teaching him where and when he should use his powers, paving the way for him to become Superman.

-Thomas and Martha Wayne Die, Bruce Wayne Becomes An Orphan, Begins His Journey As Batman After Making A Vow To Himself To Avenge Their Deaths

-Hippolyta of Themyscira fashions a daughter, Diana, from clay. She is eventually sent out into Man's World known as Wonder Woman.

-Police scientist Bartholomew Allen is bathed in chemicals from a rack struck by lightning, connecting him to the Speed Force. He becomes the second Flash.

-Hal Jordan is selected by Abin Sur's power ring to become the Green Lantern of Sector 2814.

-The Atlantean wizard Atlan sires a son, Orin, with an Atlantean woman. Born with blonde hair, he is abandoned out of superstition. A fisherman named Thomas Curry finds him and raises him as Arthur Curry. Arthur eventually learns of his heritage and becomes Aquaman.

-Pulled through time and space in a teleportation accident, J'onn J'onzz, the last Green Martian, arrives on Earth. He assumes the human identity of John Jones and later, the superhero identity the Martian Manhunter.

-Millionaire Oliver Queen is thrown off his private yacht and spends some time on a deserted island, developing his archery and martial arts skills. After returning to civilization, he becomes the vigilante Green Arrow.

-Deciding the time has come for a new champion, Shazam selects the orphaned Billy Batson as the recipient of his power, transforming the child into the adult Captain Marvel.

-Alexander "Lex" Luthor forms LexCorp, which becomes the driving force of the Metropolis economy.

-Batman disrupts a robbery at the Ace Chemical Processing Plant. Through a series of still unconfirmed events, one of the criminals is forced to swim through a vat of chemicals, altering his body. Driven completely insane, the man becomes known as the Joker.

-The Justice League of America follow in the footsteps of the JSA. The Teen Titans, composed of several sidekicks of the JLA, is formed in the future.

-Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad free Superboy. Young Justice is formed with the addition of Artemis, and Miss Martian.

-Events of Young Justice Happen

-Agamemno, a cosmic being almost as old as the universe itself, recruits Earth's deadliest villains as the Injustice League, prompting almost all of Earth's heroes to unite for the first time to defeat them.

-After years of trying, Scott Free is able to escape from Apokolips, making his way to Earth. He succeeds Thaddeus Brown as escape artist Mister Miracle, soon joined by his lover Big Barda. Darkseid discovers that humans contain a portion of the Anti-Life Equation in their minds, and begins efforts to conquer the planet, quickly finding opposition from Superman and the JLA.

-After eons of inactivity, the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor awaken, with the Anti-Monitor beginning his efforts to consume the New Earth Universe.

-The superhero community is devastated when Doomsday kills Superman. Three individuals (Man of Steel, the Last Son of Krypton and the Cyborg Superman) subsequently appear and claim to be Superman before Superman returns.

(Most information is a combination of the history sections of New Earth and Pre-Crisis Earth-1 on the DC Database Wiki. This is only for my use so that I can have all of the necessary information while he works his way up to Modern Times. I don't plan to stick to canon just need to know the proper times canon events were supposed to happen so I can make plans around them.