
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

Chapter 88: Returned

After unlocking the potential of her bloodline, Rias seemed to break free from her chains and started kissing me but I wasn't against it.

I felt like I was flying in the sky while holding such a beautiful woman by her thin waist and playing with her naughty tongue.


Rias took a deep breath as our lips parted.

"I... don't understand what came over me..."

Rias continued, looking straight into my eyes.

"Perhaps a side effect. Do you feel better now?"

I asked.

"Yes... as if a veil has been lifted from my consciousness. That was... my first real kiss."

Rias added very quietly, and her complexion now closely resembled her hair color.

"Devils are meant to feed on the sins of mortals in one way or another."

I said it in an old man's voice.

"Hehe, probably."

Rias laid her head on my chest.

"But I'm glad my first kiss was with you."

Rias added, trying not to lift her head from my chest.

"I'm glad I took your first... kiss."

I lifted her head with my hand and slowly leaned forward to kiss those sweet, demonic lips again.

"You learn very quickly, probably because of your heritage."

I licked my lips.


She tried her hardest to hide herself, but it was impossible.

It's hard to imagine that this cute girl with the figure and face of a sex bomb could wipe a small island off the face of the earth.

After I unlocked the potential of her bloodline, her demonic power had increased at least threefold which I was able to notice while she was in my embrace.

They immediately noticed Rias's red face as we moved to the girls.

"And what were you two doing over there?"

Shinoa raised an eyebrow... her clothes now seemed to levitate under the control of her aura.

"And yes, I realized that I can easily use my aura in this way."

"Oh, this.."

 I glanced at Winter, or rather at what was behind her.

There were about a dozen different large white Grimms whose manifestation of summoning had become more powerful.

"I'm checking how much my Semblance has improved."

Winter smile... and a white raven cawed in the sky.

We had spent a whole week away from our world, and it was time to return as much as we enjoyed spending time together.

This week was quite important for bringing us closer together; even Winter started talking to us more.

The goodbye wasn't really tearful, but it did feel heavy and light at the same time. The second one came from realizing that we could still talk through chat.

We informed the masters at the dojo that we would be gone for a while, but Erin could still visit them through the portal in the mansion.

"I want to thank you all for the wonderful time we've had."

Winter spoke while looking at all of us without her usual "cold" demeanor, with which she froze guys trying to get to know her.

"These days have been good for memories and contemplation. Anthony, I'll be waiting for you in my world... I'll start preparing in the meantime."

"Of course."

I nodded, understanding what she meant.

It's about the showdown with her father... and then with the gods.

I also informed her about another plan to visit Salem and tried to negotiate with her if possible.

Meanwhile, Shinoa rushed into Winter's embrace, and Winter didn't even realize she was being hugged at first.

But she quickly composed herself and, smiling, hugged back.

"Don't be so cold with your sister... Tsk, your bust is still bigger."

Shinoa said that and ended with a mischievous smile.

"I'll try."

Winter replied.

"Until we meet again in my world."

Rias hugged me and quickly kissed... my cheek.

"Good luck in your worlds."

Erin said.

"And thank you."

Erin smiled at all of us.

"Same to you... I liked your world. I hope mine will be just as nice in twenty years."

Hermione glanced down and shyly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Don't forget about the upcoming mission."

Hermione looked at Winter and Shinoa. This trio would go to Hermione's parallel world.

Erin didn't want to go because she wasn't related to magic.

As for Rias... well, maybe she was interested, but she was already too powerful for that world.

In any case, they could activate the broadcast so that we could see what was happening there.

The farewell wasn't exactly long, but it was certainly filled with emotions.

We returned with Shinoa to our world with a light heart. After all, we really became quite close to each other in the chat.

"Master, you have arrived at exactly one hundred sixty hours, and twenty-two minutes have passed since your absence."

Cortana's voice immediately sounded.

"I'm glad you're greeting us."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Did anything interesting happen?"

"The military organized another attempt to capture, but this time it was Supergirl as some have called your acquaintance Kara Kent. However, they failed because their weapons and not even the new ones developed by scientists from one of the S.T.A.R. Labs divisions couldn't harm her. In addition, there was an attack on Lucius Fox, the CEO of Wayne Enterprise. But Batman intervened."

"Tell me more about the latter..."

Lucius Fox is one of the most important pillars of Wayne's company, and his death would certainly have caused a lot of damage to Bruce himself.

The attacker on Lucius turned out to be a guy who used to work for the Black Mask until my acquaintance with him ended early.

After his boss's death, he decided to take over the gang's leadership, but it wasn't as easy as he thought.

In the end, he came up with another solution to this problem and boosted his reputation by killing such a well-known figure... Well, he didn't succeed.

The situation with the government is worsening especially with the attack on Kara... but I can understand people.

They usually just fear uncontrollable power.

Although Cortana was telling me about this, I had already taken the elevator to Lena's office and met her there.

She was waiting for me in a rather unusual outfit.

She wore a dark dress with a deep neckline adorned with some pattern, black stockings, and white gloves up to her elbows.

"Master Luthor."

Cortana didn't hide her emotions and began to impatiently shift from foot to foot, trying to keep her composure... but she couldn't.

I walked up to her, hugged her, and removed her blindfold to look into her beautiful eyes.

"I'm glad to see you too. Are you okay?"

"Mmm... I'm functioning without any abnormality."

She nodded flustered, and her body warmed up slightly and her breathing became heavier.

"I wasn't asking about that."

 I stepped back from her.

"Mmm... you've changed."

 Cortana's gaze fell on Shinoa.

"Yeah, I've grown... everywhere!"

Shinoa happily concluded, arching her chest.

Cortana did the same... and in the end, it was clear that Cortana's was bigger.

But Shinoa tried to ignore it...

After taking a few steps forward, I opened the door to Lena's office and found her displeased... probably with me by her look.

Cortana had already informed her of our arrival with Shinoa.

"You know, I'm considering revising our policy regarding your week-long absences..."

Lena pursed her lips, looking at me as if I had done something very wrong.

"Is something wrong?"

I couldn't help but ask.

"Yes. You left me for a week without sex, the usual caresses, compliments... without you.

She sighed and took a glass of wine from the table while drinking it in one gulp.

At that moment, Shinoa approached me from behind, glanced into the office, then walked to the couch and lay down there.

"You had sex."

It was a statement.

"And Shinoa changed too, as if she grew... and changed the color of her hair and eyes. What the hell happened to her?"

"I used the Sinful Key on her, an artifact capable of unlocking the potential of her bloodline. It... changed her a bit."

I said, and walking around the desk where Lena was sitting, I approached her back and began to massage her.

"Well... but you definitely indulged in debauchery there while I was slaving over paperwork here. I'll tell you more about some of the changes..."

Lena got up from the table and turned to face me while immediately kissing me.

I didn't need to give Lena any kisses, so I just picked her up by the buttocks and put her on the table.

She then spread her legs to make room for my friend.

"Mmm, yeah, just like that... fingers are not quite the same."

A lewd smile appeared on her face as soon as my member entered her, and I felt her loins begin to contract.

"And they called me a pervert..."

Shinoa snorted, watching as I penetrated Lena and tore her clothes and bra, immediately starting to nibble on her nipples eager for affection.

"Well, maybe so..."

Shinoa's fingers began to rub her intimate place. Cortana also watched all this sex from the door.

"I've been without this feeling in my pussy for a whole week..."

Lena moaned, and I felt a noticeable tremble on her, and her vaginal muscles began to contract even stronger.


Lena came violently while flooding parts of the table and me with her oozing.

"Yeah, sorry, I left you for so long."

I gently kissed her on the lips.

"I forgive... but I don't think we're done."

Lena said it with a lascivious grin.

After a couple of orgasms, Lena found the strength to tell me that she had received offers for the production of Arc Reactors for government factories.

There was also an attempt to break into the head's office in Atlantic City....

Of course, the attempt was unsuccessful due to the "Legiion" system, the same robots that proved themselves when the reactor was opened in Metropolis.

After saying this, Lena went back to sex and wanted me to work on her for all these days while I was away.

Shinoa joined us in the process.

At one point, I felt a keen gaze on me from the outside, and when I was slightly focused, I realized that Kara was spying on us... from a couple of kilometers high.

Kara's attention only became more intense with each passing minute, and it was somewhat awkward, but let her watch.

We had already been doing it for two hours when we decided to take a short break.

I teleported behind Kara.

"Enjoying the show?"

I asked her, and she shrieked in surprise and turned around sharply with panic written on her face.

 I had done something like this before...

"T-Tony? H-How, w-what are you doing here? I was just flying around..."

Kara quickly spoke.

"Yeah, and your gaze has just been fixed on us for a long time."

I rolled my eyes.

After my words, Kara glanced at my crotch and blushed again, then quickly looked into my eyes.

"You've been gone for a long time..."

Kara said this while feeling awkward.

"Yeah, you heard what Lena said. I was far away and off this planet."

I shrugged.


Then realization dawned on her eyes, and it seemed she was no longer focusing on the words.

"You and your sister..."

"Yeah, we're lovers, and we love each other very much."

I nodded to confirm her words.

"You better tell me about the attempts to catch you."

I changed the subject and extended my hand in an inviting gesture for her to take, and Kara quickly did so.

Then I teleported us to Mount Everest where I created a small cozy corner with magic and pulled snacks out of a ring.

"Magic is cool."

Kara couldn't help but admire such diverse abilities.

"Well... a couple of days ago, some government people asked me to go with them. Of course, I agreed at first... but as soon as I descended to the ground, they attacked me with some kind of sonic weapons. It was uncomfortable but bearable... Then they threw a net, but I flew away immediately. That's all... Then the news said I caused some kind of disturbance."

Kara said sadly and tried the snacks with her eyes lit up and all the snacks disappeared in a gust of wind, and some crumbs appeared around her mouth.

"Don't rush like that..."

I conjured up a handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

"And don't take it to heart because people always try to subdue or attack what they fear. You and Clark are no exceptions."

"It was unpleasant..."

Kara pouted.

"I can understand. Do you want me to tell you about my journey?"

Kara nodded in anticipation of the story, but it was evident that she was still thinking about something pervert...



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