
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

Chapter 27: Aura

Words: 2,089


[Anthony's POV]

"That was impressive."

Winter said this while stepping onto the arena with some kind of fighting spirit.

"I'd also like to spar with you. She didn't damage your aura, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"I simply don't have an aura at the moment."

I muttered quietly.

Meanwhile, Weiss approached Shinoa, and they began to talk about something.

"Well, Miss Winter show me what the chief assistant of the general can do."

Winter immediately attacked without a word while seeking weak spots in my defense with her sword.

However, she couldn't find any. Shinoa's attacks were stronger than hers, but hers were more... smooth and deep.

She executed a horizontal strike, created a glyph beneath her, and accelerated herself threefold, which undoubtedly surprised me.

Still, I managed to deflect her strike with my sword, spin around, and gently push her aside.

"Are you giving up?"

Winter's voice carried not so much anger as clear dissatisfaction.

"Well, not exactly. But I don't really want to hurt you."

I admitted, and she tightened her grip on her sword and accelerated herself again with a glyph.

This time even stronger and causing the floor beneath my feet to crack when our swords clashed.

"Where did you learn to fight?"

Winter asked while summoning white Beowolves to help her.

"I learned in many places that if I want to survive, I must learn to adapt."

I gave a vague answer while easily getting rid of the Beowolves and avoiding the sword that was pointed at me.

I knelt down, pushed Winter away with the palm of my hand, and sent her flying into the wall.

Of course, she was no civilian but a skilled hunter, so she managed to regain her composure easily, but there was still a dent in the arena wall.

"Now it's time for my summons."

I smiled and began to summon iron golems.

I had to use alchemy to create the metal myself so I wouldn't have to steal it from the ship even though it was hard to do it quickly.

However, Winter was good at attacking these golems and destroyed them in an instant.

"Alright, that's enough. I still have work to do."

Winter stopped after freezing a golem to the ground and beheading it with her sword.

"I would love to see you fight Qrow and kick his ass."

Winter said it with a slightly malicious tone.

"I don't know who Qrow is, but if it makes you happier, I'm not against it."

I winked at Winter, who barely managed to hold back from rolling her eyes.

"Well, I'll go to my cabin. Shinoa, how about you?"

"I'll stay here and talk to my new friend about the bad Administrator-kun."

Shinoa said it with an innocent expression.

"Weiss, let's talk about helping your friend a little later. I still need to talk to the general."

I waved them off and headed to my cabin.

I relaxed in my room not noticing any cameras or anything similar, and opened the Dimensional Shop.

Aura (C) - 150 CP

This aura is from this world, possessed by many people, and that's why it's relatively low-priced.

After all, there are many people who can activate auras if they want. I still chose to buy it.


I felt a sense of freshness as a snow-white wave of energy surged from me in all directions but not with a strong force.

I didn't actually become stronger, but perhaps more resilient because now the power of my soul was connected to Senjutsu and Ki flowing through my body.

I could observe how a certain aura enveloped me just a couple of millimeters from my actual skin.

Now, it was as if I were constantly under the influence of Senjutsu, but I also felt that my Touki had become much more accessible for manipulation.

I expected a more noticeable enhancement, but it was worth it.

I left my room and went to Rias's room. I knocked but got no answer, so I went inside.

Rias' cabin was similar to mine, and I heard sounds. I was about to turn around and leave...


A voice came from the bathroom.

"Yes, it's me. I wanted to talk, but you seem busy now, so I'll come back later."

I raised my voice slightly.

"It's alright. I'm almost done."

Rias replied, and soon the sound of running water indeed stopped, and she emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a wet towel.

"It's so nice to take a shower after all these events."

Rias smiled while continuing to dry her hair with another towel.

"How do you like this world?"

I decided to ask and scan her figure with my eyes.


Rias paused for a moment and pondered.

"It was clean. Moreover, both in terms of pollution and clean from demonic energy, magic, and everything else. This "Dust" of theirs is strange. It makes me fe... I don't even know how to describe it. But I like it here. They have interesting novels and movies. Well, except for those Grimm..."

"A world without the supernatural world."

I chuckled.

"Yes, it's very unusual for me."

Rias said, dropping the towel and revealing herself completely. That was somewhat unexpected for me, but I didn't turn away.

"A gentleman, you were supposed to look away."

Rias said, glancing at me and not hiding her naked form at all.

"I understand why your first nickname in the Chat Group was 'Exhibitionist.'"

I shook my head but still didn't turn away.

"Thank you... I just feel more comfortable without clothes, so that's how this habit developed."

Rias explained.

"Did you like what you saw?"

Rias asked in a slightly flirtatious tone.

"Are you turning on your devilish charm? I mean why would I ask? It's always on. Of course, I liked what I saw, but I also enjoyed talking to you. We've been chatting a lot through the Chat for this month, but now it's time to chat in person."

I said it honestly while hearing the rustle of clothing.


A sound came from behind, and I turned around to see the girl still semi-dressed.

She looked at me shyly with her big blue eyes.


I asked just to be sure.


Rias exclaimed suddenly seeming flustered.

"Don't you want to try activating your aura?"

I asked Rias.

"Do you mean the thing people in this world use?"

"Yes. Aura is the embodiment of a living being's soul, so you can definitely have it too. You probably have very strong and rich energy because of who you are. I recently activated mine through the Shop."

Then, a snow-white glow surrounded me.

"I think it will be fine. You can turn around, and I'm dressed."

I turned to face Rias.

"How do they activate it?"

"In short, they just pour their aura into the person who wants to activate it."

I explained while approaching her.

"So you're okay with it?"

"If it's you who will be pouring... your aura into me, then yes."

Rias glanced down briefly but then quickly lifted her gaze and smiled confidently.

"You know how that sounds, right? Well, you're a demon after all."

I said that and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Do you feel anything?"


Rias replied briefly, and I strengthened the transfer of my aura.

With Albedo's experience, it wasn't hard at all to learn how to control energy. It was so easy, and it was better than Ki or magic.

The glow around Rias slowly began to increase.

"Everything okay?"

I asked again.

"Y-Yes, it's... nice."

She exhaled deeply, crossed her legs while leaning against me with her chest, and breathed more heavily.

I understood where all this was going, but I restrained my purely masculine impulses.

Perhaps, she could feel the soul's power very well, and that's why she liked it so much... perhaps.

A couple of minutes later, Rias's body released a reddish aura that illuminated the entire room.

Rias moaned and bit her lip, but since she was still leaning on me, I easily held her by the waist.

I could feel her aura very strongly, and I saw two black wings appear behind her.

"Rias, are you okay?"

I looked at the Rias in my arms with concern, went to the couch, and carefully laid her down.


Rias' eyelashes fluttered, and her blue eyes stared at me.

"I feel a bit different."

She admitted it, still lying down and looking me in the eyes.

"How? Strong?"

I furrowed my brow slightly.

After all, she's a demon, and her aura shouldn't have negatively affected her.

After my question, Rias sat up and looked at her hand. Her aura briefly flashed, and then a red-black force of Destruction began to appear above her palm.

I realized how dangerous this force was, but it wasn't something like a conceptual power.

It was more like a mixture of different shades of demonic power that eventually led to Destruction.

This allowed the user to destroy objects at the atomic level... and that wasn't the limit of this ability.

"I find it easier to control my power now."

Rias declared clearly happy with what had happened and then looked at me before rushing to hug me. Her boobs pressed against my chest again, and she eventually knocked me off my feet, and we fell to the floor.

Our gazes met after this awkward fall, and we froze, looking into each other's eyes.

"Thank you."

Rias smiled relaxing more comfortably on top of me.

"Apparently, this aura allowed me to control the Power of Destruction more easily, and this demonic energy, too."

"I'm glad I could help you..."

"Administrator-kun, there's..."

The door to the cabin opened and revealed Shinoa standing in the doorway...


I sighed and sprawled on the floor.

"Rias, did you really bring a piece of your world with you?"


Rias looked at me awkwardly and quickly got up from me.

"Um, did I interrupt something? Well... I wouldn't mind watching, and I'm still inexperienced in this matter."

Shinoa spoke up.

"Administrator-kun, don't waste time."

"Alright, come here."

I pointed at the girl... still lying on the floor.

"So, after Rias-chan wanted... Do you want me too? Does your 'weapon' handle it?"

Shinoa "innocently" asked making the same expression, and slowly walked towards me.

But on the next step, she tripped over a piece of iron that appeared and fell toward me.

"Be gentle... it's my first time."

Shinoa turned away from me with her cheeks flushing.

"Oh, stop breaking the comedy act. I'll activate your aura."

I said this while pouring my aura into her body. This time, her aura activated much faster, and it was a dark shade of violet.

"What are Hermione and Erin doing over there?"

I asked while standing up and lifting Shinoa with me.

"They're talking, and Hermione-chan is showing her magic."

Shinoa mumbled and examined her hands.

"I've become stronger."

She concluded.

"It's quite possible. Rias and I had a lot of magic, or rather, Rias had demonic power, but it didn't matter. So the final effect isn't as serious as yours."

I explained it as I understood it.

"Now we have aura protection, which means..."

Shinoa hit her hand with the other and grimaced.

"The aura allows you to protect yourself, but you can hurt yourself too."

After these words, Shinoa looked at me... and charged her hand at my shoulder, but a snowy-white aura appeared and took the full blow, but I still felt the impact.


Shinoa smiled.

"Weiss is troubled by concerns about her father and helping her friends."

Shinoa decided to say.


Rias tilted her head slightly to the side in such a cute questioning gesture.

"The sister of the white-haired girl Administrator fought with."

Shinoa waved her hand.

"Alright, girls, I'm going to see the general, and I've already delayed you. We need to discuss... further cooperation."

I found the right words.

"We can grab something to eat or walk later."

"Are you inviting all four of us on a date?"

Shinoa immediately asked.

"I'd say it's more of a friendly stroll. We have two days here to talk. Erina is a chef, and I think she wouldn't mind preparing something. I even think she'd really enjoy it. It's a new world and possibly new ingredients."

I explained my plan.

"I'm not against it!"

Rias's eyes lit up; she liked the part about Erina's food... Well, yes, she cooks divinely.

She can't deny that.



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