
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 18: Preparation

Words: 1,837


"...The power surpasses that of a nuclear reactor. There is no point in talking about the "purity" of energy several times higher than nuclear energy. The mini-arc reactor presented as an example produces five gigajoules of energy, but a full-fledged arc reactor will be at least ten times more powerful."

I said it the next day at work with Lena present even though I hadn't been able to have a normal conversation with her, let alone talk about the kiss.

I presented her with the capabilities of the arc reactor and explained its benefits.

"And you did this in these few days?"

Lena was clearly surprised judging by her slightly parted red lips.

"What can I say? It turns out I have a talent. And there were some developments in the engineering department."

I replied.

"It's not just talent, it's genius."

Lena shook her head and rolled closer in her wheelchair.

"If your arc reactor is indeed so powerful, it will revolutionize the energy industry..."

"...and our company will be ahead."

I finished for her with a smile while looking directly into her beautiful eyes. The room suddenly fell silent, and the level of awkwardness rose slowly.

"Lena, about yesterday..."

I started, but she interrupted me.

"Let's not. Let's not do this."

Lena said, but she didn't look at him, and I couldn't read her face.

"Sister, avoiding the problem won't solve anything, and I don't want any awkwardness between us."

I took a step towards her while causing her eyes to widen slightly.

"I can't call that kiss a mistake. You're the most precious person to me, and that won't change."


Lena said it quietly.

"Enough. Do whatever you want with the reactor. I'll sign all the documents. We don't need to have this conversation anymore. I need to work."

Lena heard my footsteps moving further and further away from the office. Her hand touched her plump lips as if recalling something beautiful.

Then Lena's tears welled up in her eyes.

"Who needs a cripple with an expiration date?"

She whispered softly while holding the legs of her pants with both hands. Lena didn't even notice that she was squeezing the skin underneath.


Lex used to control the investors in LexCorp, and now it's my turn to do it.

Their money would soon be unnecessary, and I didn't bother creating a presentation for them.

However, the promotion of the inventor to the top was necessary, and that's what Lena decided to do. 

On the other hand, I kept working on the arc reactor, but it was full-size this time.

Of course, this required getting a pile of permits and clearances from the city mayor and others.

After all, a reactor that would be comparable to and even surpass nuclear power is no joke.

However, it wasn't hard to get all the documents because I have an excellent AI that can find dirt on almost any politician or even a whole company.

In the end, I decided to make the engineering department a subsidiary of LexCorp and named it LuthorEngineering.

The subsidiary's first project was the arc reactor project, which made a lot of news because it could power the whole of Metropolis with clean energy.

For the first three days, Lena and I frequently attended meetings with city representatives.

Meanwhile, my photos and words about the creative engineer often appeared in the news.

There was no attempt to hide the fact that I owned and built the reactor project.

These words couldn't help but stroke my ego. I guess I inherited that from Tony Stark.

The arc reactor project in the Luthor Engineering building is still being worked on, but I'm already deep into my own projects.

With Stark's knowledge, I started making a full-fledged Mark L series suit because I knew what awaited me in the world of RWBY.

The suit used to have a lot of features, but I don't need them because my body can be considered a weapon.

Alchemy made it easy for me to make the metals and nanoparticles I needed.

I don't think I could have done it without my brain's knowledge which became much more active after assimilating Albedo.

It took quite a bit of time.

Furthermore, I kept training every day while using all of my abilities.

As a result, I had to leave Metropolis because the underground was too small for me.

I learned this after the very first small training session using Senjutsu.

Hermione Granger: It's interesting to visit a completely different world, but I don't think I can handle...

Shinoa Hiragi: You're breaking down like a virgin. It's been days.

Hermione Granger: I'll just ignore your words.

Rias Gremory: I immediately agreed. I may not be able to take my peer with me, but if I don't underestimate the opponents there nothing will threaten me.

Shinoa Hiragi: The trust in the Administrator-kun... has the princess fallen in love?

Anthony (Administrator): Shinoa, you'll meet her soon, so don't tease her too much. After all, she's a demon.

Rias Gremory: What does that mean?

Anthony (Administrator): Nothing. I'm just saying that you're a beautiful demon. Yes, you can fly and throw your power of destruction power left and right.

Anthony (Administrator): As for Hermione... with your current level of strength, you probably won't be able to help much.

Hermione Granger: But I need to help those people! I don't know, but I'm a little scared. On the other hand, I can't just sit and do nothing!

Shinoa Hiragi: These people are from another world; I doubt you're obligated to help them. I'm going just out of curiosity.

Erina Nakiri: And because of CP. That's what matters most to people like you.

Shinoa Hiragi: Are you still mad at me?

Erina Nakiri: Hm!

Rias Gremory: Well, CP would come in handy for me too. I want to buy something, and without missions, I'll be saving points for several months.

Erina Nakiri: In my Dimensional Store, I can buy many different cooking skills and even talents, but I believe I can achieve that myself!

Erina Nakiri: But there's an interesting skill here called "Basics of Ki Control," The description says it simply allows you to feel the energy around you and slightly enhance food with it! So, I wouldn't mind going with you, but it's very dangerous there, and I don't even know how to fight.

Anthony (Administrator): Basics of Ki? I have something similar... it's mostly used for battles.

I went into the Dimensional Shop and found the skill in the Erina world.

Basics of Ki Control (C) — 100

Apparently, Erina's world isn't that simple if they have such a skill.

It means there are Ki masters or someone who has mastered this path to a sufficient level.

Rias Gremory: Ki? We call it Senjutsu.

Erina Nakiri: Is that the cat-girl Koneko?

Rias Gremory: Yes, she's a yokai and can use Senjutsu, but she's afraid to use it because when you use it, you feel the "evil of the world." It can even drive you insane if your mind isn't trained.

Anthony (Administrator): I just started using Senjutsu recently and can feel the currents of malice in the world. It's a strange and short feeling like the flow of a river. You probably won't have those kinds of problems with just the Basics of Ki. It's just knowledge of how to use your life force.

Rias Gremory: You're a yokai?!

Anthony (Administrator): No, Rias, I'm human. You don't have to be a yokai to learn Senjutsu.

Anthony (Administrator): Erina you're right about the danger. We'll be transported to that world when the Grimm attack Beacon. So we'll have to fight quite a lot. On the other hand, you don't have to do it, but if you choose to go with us, it'll be dangerous anyway.

Erina Nakiri: I see. After all, I'm a chef, not a fighter.

Shinoa Hiragi: Chef-fighter Erina

Erina Nakiri: What are you implying?

Shinoa Hir agi: If this "Ki" is some kind of magic, then you can become stronger, and at the same time, it'll be much easier for you to cook. You'll be physically much faster.

Hermione Granger: In our world, magic doesn't make you physically stronger.

Shinoa Hiragi: Have you tried it?

Hermione Granger: Fair point. But I don't recall anything like that from the professors' words.

Shinoa Hiragi: You have a death eater teaching disguised as an old retired dark wizard. So forgive me for having some doubts about your professors.

Anthony (Administrator): Decide whether you want to go to the Remnant world or not. I doubt the next missions will be less dangerous. Moreover, you'll be able to unlock your "aura," and that automatically makes you stronger and faster several times. I'm not sure about Rias because she's a demon, so will it work for her as well as for others?

After sending the message, I returned to work on the armor.

Kryptonian technology was a great help, and the capsule's computer was much more powerful than Earth's computers.

I used it to enhance Cortana's capabilities.

It took me a few days to understand how this Kryptonian analyzer model works.

However, it's hard to come up with a plausible reason for a race capable of creating such advanced technology to destroy itself.

I knew how this Kryptonian analyzer works, but I couldn't make something similar without Alchemy.

This is because Earth doesn't have certain metals which makes sense since the analyzer is from another planet.

We've already started building more buildings for the "Clean Energy" project in several places across the United States so that the reactor can be well protected.

Not everyone has taken the news seriously coming from a "nobody" like me even though I'm the CEO of a big company like LexCorp.

That's why I decided to write a doctoral thesis on energy considering I graduated from Metropolis University.

However, there are no prohibitions or restrictions on writing a scientific paper outside one's field.

With Cortana's help, it didn't take long, and now all that's left is to present the work and await the public's response.

At this pace, the week passed by very quickly.

Decision time: 3 hours

Anthony (Administrator): Hermione, Erina, have you decided?

Erina Nakiri: I still don't know. I'm just an ordinary person, and it'll be dangerous for me there, but I really want to go. It's a whole other world! How much new stuff will be there?! Different fruits and berries! Or spices!

Hermione Granger: I'm prepared to go! I can't leave people in distress! Tony, you said you could prepare something for my protection.

Anthony (Administrator): Yes, I expected that with your adventurous spirit, you wouldn't miss such a journey. So, I've prepared nano-particle armor for you. It will protect you from Grimm and have autopilot with Cortana, so you'll be relatively safe.

Rias Gremory: I'm ready too.

Erina Nakiri: Tony-kun...

Anthony (Administrator): What?

Erina Nakiri: It's nothing!

Anthony (Administrator): ...

Anthony (Administrator): Don't worry, I have armor for you too.



You can find up to 20 advance chapters on my patreon.

