
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 113: Demon's Head

"Stop right there. Surrender to the local law enforcement, and everything will be fine."

Diana spoke while holding a lasso in her hands, and she used to tie up a dozen bank robbers. 

One of them had managed to take a child hostage.

"G-Get away from me!" 

The bank robber's voice clearly trembled with extreme fear.


"You don't know how to give compliments to girls,"

A female voice sounded behind him, and that was the last thing he remembered. 

A blonde woman in a blue and red outfit with a "S" on her chest stood behind him.

"Hm, we did a great job with you, sister in arms." 

Diana nodded and lifted a dozen men tied up with a lasso with her hand.

"Well, that wasn't difficult. These gangs won't understand that we're here now." 

Kara nodded. 


Soon, they were standing on the rooftop of a building in Metropolis while looking down at the city.

They have been engaged in heroic activities for a few days now while trying to help people on the planet. 

Cortana served as their communicator and informed them where they should be present. 

In Gotham, Shinoa and Barbara did the same, and as for me...

"Master Luthor, why are you staring at me like that? You've been devouring my body with your eyes for the last minute..."

Cortana asked innocently and cluelessly, standing in the pool.


I replied with a smile. 

Then I shifted my gaze slightly to where Lena was sunbathing topless... I mean without clothes.

"Master, your member seems to want to burst through your swim trunks."

Cortana remarked.

"I think you urgently need servicing..."

She licked her lips and approached me while kneeling down and gently removing the trunks. 

"Yes... you urgently need help." 

She nodded while extending her red tongue and running it along the shaft, then all over the head. 

She was licking it as best she could and opening her mouth wider to make me feel even better.

"She's sucking you off, huh?" 

Lena said, but she didn't even bother to open her eyes.

"And very professionally." 

I gave Cortana credit for her skills. 

She began to get excited when her panties were already wet from the water, and now they were soaked with her own juices as well. 

Cortana was swallowing my cock as if there was no tomorrow. 

I couldn't hold out against such pressure for long while losing the battle in a couple of minutes... but I won the war by cumming in her mouth.

"My, you're a lover of semen..." 

I lifted her slightly and placed her in the sixty-nine position to make it easier to access her pussy while she had full access to my tool.

"Oh... master... y-you urgently need additional service." 

She continued her task, and I was already dealing with her sensitive pussy. 

It didn't take long before my tongue was replaced by my cock, and she started riding me while screaming my name.

"Little sister... care to join?" 

I looked at her, and Lena shamelessly watched us lying on the sand.


She slightly spread her legs, revealing her "pearl".

"Take me too..."

That's exactly what I did. 

Overall, we had a pretty good time but all good things must come to an end especially since the girls from the chat were experiencing a lot of interesting things. 

This parallel world seemed like some sort of dark fanfic with a Dark Lord and all the other parts, but the girls were handling it. 

After all, their task wasn't to kill the Dark Dumbledore but to save the chosen one, and they tried to gather as much information as possible. 

Which was quite logical.

I also needed information, and using magic didn't help much... 

They were either vague or only made sense if I were there at that exact moment when it happened. 

It wasn't as easy to find Ares as Diana said because not even Hades knew where Ares was... but he did admit to helping him escape by removing his shackles. 

However, I managed to find some leads and various groups that most likely serve him around the world.

I knew who could help me with my searches when Cortana told me about a strange person who showed up at Iceberg Lounge and was very interested in some treasures and what I was doing in the city.

Who else but a huge secret organization with a centuries-old history could help me with this.

"I understand you, and my people will try to find it... please, remove the blade from my throat." 

Penguin squeaked anxiously because Talia's blade was pressed against his throat.

"I need this urgently... You have until midnight." 

Talia said it threateningly yet she removed the blade from him and turned her back. 

Apparently, Penguin was tired of being asked so "disrespectfully" to do dirty work yet again so he raised his umbrella like a shotgun...

"Get lost, bitch." 

He said that and shot her in the back, but the bullets hit me instead and harmlessly bouncing off my skin. 



I said, and his eyes rolled back. He fell flat on his face and broke his nose with a distinct crunch. 

"Talia, you are exactly what I need."

I turned to her with an enchanting smile... Well, I hope the smile was like that.


Talia was even glad to see me, but she tried not to show it, and she succeeded because it was impossible to tell from her face what she was thinking or feeling. 

"Did you deliberately look for me?"

"Yes, I need your League of Ninjas..."

"League of Assassins... or League of Shadows." 

She corrected, but the corner of her lips twitched. 

"I heard the Court of Owls ceased to exist... as you planned, right? It turns out the famous billionaire is a very powerful and dangerous type." 

She said this and stood in such a way that I could see both her face and her well-shaped butt.

"They've annoyed me so much, and I decided to deal with the troublemakers." 

I said it without a smile and approached her who became nervous about it. 

She easily noticed several bullet holes in my clothes and realized that it didn't harm me at all. 

"I hope you'll be more useful..."

"What do you mean?" 

She asked as I approached her closely, her chest pressed against mine.

"You have connections all over the globe, right? I need your people to investigate and track down the target I need, or at least give me a hint about where this target might be." 

I said while running my hand along the girl's cheek... and the whole situation was exciting for her.

"So, the billionaire wants to turn to the assassins?" 

She took a couple of steps away from me and smirked. 

"My father wanted to meet with you, but right now... he's not in the mood for it." 

She added it cryptically.

"The Demon Head is having trouble with something?" 

I raised an eyebrow.

"How... do you really know so much..." 

She said it with unclear emotions.

"I've already told you. I know a lot about you. So what exactly happened?" 

I asked Talia.

"...it's an internal matter of the Demon's Head." 

Talia replied hesitantly while glancing at the fallen Penguin.

"Sweetheart, you seem to not understand something..." 

In an instant, I found myself behind her and gently pulled her towards me by the waist. 

"I'm not asking... I'm ordering. The games are over, I enjoyed playing with you, but it's time to move on to more adult things..." 

As I spoke, my hands explored her body.

"What if I don't obey?" 

She decided to ask.


I sharply slapped her on the buttock. 

"...you'll face severe punishment. I haven't even demonstrated one percent of my abilities... my dear Talia, stop playing and answer." 

I released her.

"...there's a rebellion happening inside the League of Assassins. Sensei, a highly-ranked member of the League is gathering supporters to challenge my father. I'm here to help my father and gather wealth to seek assistance... and I succeeded with that." 

She replied.

"How were you planning to attract someone with wealth? And if you were going to attract someone for help... then why play these silent games?" 

I asked.

"That's a different question." 

She waved her hand as if nothing had happened.

"With the help of your technologies, you could defeat Deathstroke, and that's a huge feat that impressed my father... If it weren't for Sensei, he would have already met with you."

"Do I really need that old killer on my doorstep?" 

I snorted while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay, let's hurry up and go to your base, and I'll quickly deal with the problem, and then you'll help me... or I'll have to deal with you too." 

I looked at her with a serious gaze, and my eyes lit up brightly for a moment causing her to flinch.

"Anthony, don't get too arrogant because of the armor... It's on you right now, isn't it?" 

She touched my abdomen and ran her hand to my chest. 

"Those nanomachines?"

"Nanorobots... and I'm as arrogant as I am strong," 

I didn't bother to explain to her that it's my strength, not the suit... and that no armor is needed for me to deal with a couple dozen or even a thousand people.

We flew on the plane I created while resting... It was surprisingly simple.

I still shiver when I think about how productive I could be compared to regular people.

After all, I created it literally out of thin air in just a couple of minutes, and now it's come in handy.

"How lovely..."

Talia commented.

"My father was also interested in Batman..." 

She casually mentioned it and took a seat. She might be doing this to make me jealous, but who knows.

"I couldn't care less about your daddy's interests." 

I honestly replied to her.

"You're somewhat mean."

She noticed, emphasizing her chest. She knows what she wants...

"I'm just a bit irritable that I would quickly help this ancient organization through the boss's daughter, but now I'm rushing to get him out of trouble, where one of his own organization members was driving him." 

I expressed. 

Ra's Al Ghul is actually seeking a successor to become the next "Demon's Head."

In one of the universes, Batman was supposed to become one, but he's far from being an assassin, and it's understood they couldn't become friends.

It's unclear whether Talia really hopes I'll solve everything or just enjoys spending time with me because of her emotions. 

The latter seems more likely. 

She didn't stay silent but asked various questions that somehow related to my worldview. 

We flew for about thirty minutes to the Island of Infinity in the Indian Ocean with the twin volcano in the center.

"Here it is... the place where the Demon's Head was born, where the League of Shadows grew from..." 

Talia said.

"I've seen more impressive things." 

I just said that and guided the plane to landing. 

After, we got out of it... but we were already surrounded by a dozen ninjas led by Ra's Al Ghul.

"Talia, you're once again behaving disobediently."

The tall man spoke with grey hair but still a strong voice. 

Also... well, a natural-born killer. It just showed in every move he made.

"What a warm reunion between father and daughter! I'm almost in tears."

I remarked sarcastically.

"Who's the Sensei here?"

"...I see. She asked for your help, but it won't be needed. He's already challenged me, and a duel will soon take place." 

He explained. 

Talia became worried and wanted to say something.

"No, for now, I am Ra's al Ghul. And I accepted the challenge to prove my strength and the qualities inherent in a leader. Anthony Luthor, the famous billionaire with many projects aimed at improving life on the planet... helping nature and people."

"Did you read it on Wikipedia?"

I descended from the ship while standing opposite the leader of the assassins' organization.

"You've got... a mediocre setup here. The technology is clearly outdated. There's no decent security system. If I activated the stealth mode, you wouldn't even notice we flew to the island."


Talia whispered quietly at my disrespect.

"Fair enough, perhaps from a young guy's perspective, that's how it looks. Aren't you afraid to be surrounded by killers?"

He decided to test me.

"Old man... I have a dozen high-tech suits ready to bomb this island to hell in my plane as well as recently developed bombs much more powerful than nuclear warheads... Do you think I have anything to fear?"

"And why do you need so much weaponry if as you say, you're saving the planet from environmental problems and more?"

"Because people aren't the only threat to the planet." 

I simply said.

"Aliens... right? You're quite an interesting young man."

He subtly signaled something to his daughter because I felt a surge of joy, embarrassment, and some other unclear emotions in her. 

"Why did you come here in the first place?"

"To search for clues about a certain... creature. Only it turns out you have problems here, so I decided to intervene... so in the end, I'll either have to destroy you or make sure you don't do anything foolish." 

I glanced at the "assassins" who had discreetly prepared to fight.

"Very... bold words."

He said it with an unclear tone, and I just smirked at him. 

I understand. 

He decided to reveal more about his organization. He talked about the Lazarus Pits and was surprised when he realized I already knew about them. 

He came to the point that I dealt with the Court of Owls, and they had these very Lazarus Pits.

He almost seemed to advocate for wanting to save the planet... and deal with the main "evil" those who treacherously harm it directly. 

It wasn't even an hour before other members of the League of Shadow arrived. 

They didn't bow to Ra's al Ghul and even called another old man who looked about seventy by that name. 

The battle between them occurred in the center of the island where the Demon's Arena was.

"You're not worthy of this title... Your recent decisions have proven that."

Sensei said, while preparing for the fight that he was confident in his victory.

"You simply crave power. You will never become Ra's al Ghul... I've already chosen a successor."

He looked at me... and I covered my face with my palm... I knew what this old man was after. 

I had dealt with what was happening just in case. 

A manipulator... and the battle began.

At first, it was hand-to-hand combat, but then they started using weapons and various techniques.

In the end, it turned out that Sensei had used some kind of poison, and a small wound began to weaken Ra's al Ghul... They are assassins, so it's quite a fair game for them. 

Talia was standing next to me and was very worried about her father.

"Oh, just for your well-trained butt."

I muttered while watching this and stepped forward, immediately drawing the attention of hundreds of League of Shadows from different sides and other masters.

"You cannot interfere." 

Lady Shiva jumped down and was sitting upstairs where the balconies were located.

'I couldn't care less. I didn't sign up at your office."

She may not have wanted to stop me, but Ra's al Ghul ordered her to watch over this, and she tried to shove her palm into my chest with mixed emotions.

I didn't dodge, but her palm made a crunch...


She jumped aside and began to watch me when she realized she couldn't do anything...

"So, this is your successor, the one who breaks traditions, huh?"

Sensei smirked.

"The one who doesn't care about our cause, who doesn't know what the League of Shadows and the Demon's Head are! He even behaves so miserably on his deathbed."

Sensei prepared to pierce Ra's.

"What a pitiful sight. I hoped to see warriors serving a strong leader, and I saw this... I'm starting to regret coming here. What are you worth without the Lazarus Pits? Remove them, and who are you?"

"For intervening in the sacred duel, death awaits you. Watch as your successor dies."

He said this with malice to Ra's, who was still under the influence of poison. 

Sensei headed straight for me while twirling a scimitar in his hand.


Talia screamed and tried to make her way here, but she was stopped by Lady Shiva who managed to push her down with just one hand.

Meanwhile, Sensei slowly approached me as if mocking and asserting his power. 

He then swung his scimitar at me and hit me right in the shoulder, but the impact of steel sounded.

"Anthony Luthor, I've heard about you and your suits."

He sharply delivered another blow to my head, but there was that sound again, and his sword simply broke.


I replied, and he quickly drew a dagger and tried to stab me in the eye but failed, and the weapon broke in his hand again.

"Leave, all of you who are loyal to this old man..." 

I said, and no one moved.

"Step forward..." 

I said it again and with a will. 

I emanated magical energy, and some of the assassins stepped forward, causing confusion among... everyone here.

"Ra's al Ghul..." 

I looked at Ra's, lying on the ground. He was still conscious and holding up rather well.

"This is a demonstration of what will happen to you if I don't like your future actions." 

I told him, and my eyes glowed with white light as I looked at the assassins who had stepped forward.

The beams shot out from my eyes, burning through them.

A movement of my head and a dozen dead bodies, and another, and another dozen. 

In less than ten seconds, all who had stepped forward... died a gruesome death. 

The smell of burning flesh filled the vast arena along with... horror from some of the assassins.


Sensei tried to run away after the second dozen dead bodies, and no one was going to stop him as everyone was genuinely stunned. 

However, I hadn't forgotten about him and instantly appeared in his path to slap him across the face... 

There was a very loud sound as if a missile had exploded here. 

The upper part of Sensei's torso simply disappeared and turned into a bloody paste that splattered the walls of the cave and the floor.


A suffocating silence fell, and even Talia seemed... frightened. 

There was also some twisted satisfaction in her as if her man were such a powerful...



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