
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
121 Chs

Chapter 10: Livestream

Words: 2,211


"H-hello. Or rather, good evening... It's an evening where you are, right?"

I heard Hermione's voice when we started the livestream.

When we both activated this function, a window with an excited and embarrassed girl appeared in the upper chat window.

"Yes, it's evening for me now."

I said while still marveling at the Group Chat interdimensional communication features.

I now approach such details more delicately as it's hard to explain. How strong must the transmitter or the force behind the Group Chat be?

"Don't be so shy, and we're practically friends in the chat."

I couldn't help but smile while looking at Hermione who was doing her best to hide her embarrassment.

"So, after learning about a possible future, you ran to tell the professor?"

"Yes, how else could I act? They're older and more experienced."

Hermione replied immediately.

"Why didn't you tell them about the Group Chat?"

"Well... they definitely wouldn't have believed me here."

Hermione looked away from the "camera" and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hm, yeah."

I sighed and remembered who she was and her character.

"There's no point in talking to professors about it, even if they believe you, they'll start asking uncomfortable questions. I doubt we should tell anyone about the Group Chat at all."


I distinctly noticed a hint of annoyance in Hermione's gaze.

"Because the Group Chat invited only some people who were capable of changing things with their powers. You saw your possible future and saw how your friend Harry will face Voldemort face to face."

At this moment, Hermione flinched slightly.

"Of course, he didn't believe you about the future. But he'll probably believe it when it happens."

"And what do you suggest? Just sit and do nothing?"

"No, I suggest you first become stronger."

I replied easily.

"With the Dimensional Store, you can buy everything from your world... the knowledge of a whole world."


Hermione furrowed her brows and pointed to a book.

"I already tried."

Hermione bit her lip while probably deciding what to do. After all, as a good student, she should give this book to the professor.

"I never doubted you."

I smirked.

"Have you already studied it?"

"Yes, and I've never seen anything like it at Hogwarts. It's about the theory of magic and its origins, and I could not even imagine that wizards were capable of this before!

"Magic can do a lot. It literally changes the world at your will."

I said, and I noticed that a third message window had appeared.

"Hermione-chan, Tony-kun, good evening."

Rias smiled at us with wet hair politely and...

"Did you just come out of the shower?"

I realized.

"Yes, I did."

Rias smiled.

"It's amazing how we can talk like this, and it's like a phone call. Or magical communication."

Rias murmured.

"I was just curious to try it out."

"Right, Anthony, and you."

Hermione blushed.

Rias was wrapped in a towel, and her red, wet hair fell over her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with happiness and... a bit of fatigue.

"I just finished training. Tony-kun, I wanted to ask you... You don't know the whole story of my world, do you?"

Rias asked.

"Demonic intuition?"

I smiled while looking into Rias' blue eyes.

"Women's intuition."

Rias replied lightly and running her hand through her still damp hair.

"No, not all of it. There's still plenty of... not-so-good stuff there."

I hesitated for a moment.

"Rias, what are you doing to me? You're definitely a demon."

I sighed while noticing her pleading gaze.

"Manipulating a nineteen-year-old guy in his prime with your body and beautiful looks, gorgeous red hair, and innocent face... definitely a demon."

I couldn't help but comment.

"W-what do you mean I'm n-not."

Rias clearly didn't expect such words, and her cheeks reddened as she began to hide to the "camera" away from her but she couldn't.


Hermione just fell silent, but I could clearly see the red shade on her cheeks.

She was probably in her room while occasionally glancing at the door, and her roommates were still in the living room or somewhere else.


Rias sighed and seemed to want to say something when they heard a third voice.

"Ara-ara, Rias-chan is talking to her hidden boyfriend, whom you've been hiding from me for several days already?"

A seductive voice sounded, and the expression on Rias' face suddenly changed, and she began to panic.

"W-what are you talking about, Akeno!"

Rias exclaimed, and soon I saw a cheerful and curvy young girl with long black hair and violet eyes.

"Don't be so embarrassed, so who were you talking to?"

Akeno passed by the screen without noticing it.

"Oh-ho, and in such a provocative state."

Akeno clicked her tongue and shook her head, and the message from Rias' side ended the next moment.

"Ahem, so, what were we talking about?"

I asked Hermione who was still not recovering from what just happened.


[3rd POV]


Rias yelled and quickly turned off the message because the situation was awkward.

Rias's large breasts were no longer covered by the towel because of this sudden movement.

"Oh my, Rias has grown up so much."

Akeno shook her head, but only Rias herself knew about it.

"Already hiding boys from your friends."

"It's not funny."

Rias said while exhaling heavily and walking past Akeno.

"Well, you were talking to someone."

Akeno said this with curiosity while looking around the room.

"You... you imagined it."

Rias said, but she understood that she definitely didn't believe her because of her expression.

"You know you can trust me."

Akeno licked her red lips and said.

"Come on, Rias. You've changed so much lately because of him, right? You started training more often and taking us with you. Oh, my body hurt so much on the first day of training... You were so intense, just as expected from Lucifer's sister."

Akeno enjoyed watching the panicked expression on Rias' face.

"Don't exaggerate because training is good for all of us."

Rias said this while approaching the locker to take out her underwear and slowly wear it.

"I'll agree with you on that."

Akeno said slowly and putting her finger to her lips.

"But you, mistress."

Akeno emphasized the word.

"You've been looking at your smartphone more often lately, or just staring into space in front of you but your eyes were looking around as if you were reading something. Rias, I'm worried."

Akeno said it a bit more seriously.

"I... Akeno, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was worrying you so much,"

Rias said while looking at Akeno with obvious regret and concern.

"So, there is a guy after all?"

Akeno asked and putting on a smile again.

"And you don't want to share him with us?"



[Anthony's POV]

The conversation with Hermione ended unclearly once Rias disconnected.

On the one hand, it was clear that we both liked talking and finding out about each other's worlds.

Hermione was learning about my world and its near future including things like smartphones, current apps, what computers can do, and so on.

It was obvious to her once more from all of this that I lived in a world that was very different from hers.

After all, I didn't hesitate to go for a twenty-minute evening walk.

On the other hand, she didn't want to remain silent about the knowledge of the "possible" future where her friend could suffer.

Hermione is afraid of learning from a potential Death Eater, so she tries not to draw attention to herself during her first lesson.

She understands that if she starts making chaos not only will other students laugh at her, but the death eater himself will also become more vigilant.

Hermione noticed that Professor Moody drinks from his flask often, and she believes it's a potion of some sort.

However, Hermione is still Hermione and wants to try to communicate her thoughts to the professor while suspecting that Professor Moody suspiciously often drinks from his flask.

Then the conversation ended because other students came into her room, but I told her to be more careful and think about her actions before leaving.

After all, it's possible that more than one professor isn't who he seems to be.

"I wish I had her situation with a crazy and stupid dark wizard, not gods, aliens, and beings of a higher order."

I sighed once I was home.

"Tony, I made sandwiches. Are you hungry?"

Lena asked while peeking out of the kitchen.

"Yes, your sandwiches are just divine."

I approached Lena and immediately took the offered food.

I still had ten points left to spin the gacha, but I decided not to play with my luck for now and save them for a better time.

Now, I have everything I need to start acting, especially...

"Yes, Alexander Luthor decided to hire people to eliminate you and make it look like an accident."

Cortana told me as soon as I found myself in my room and closed the door.

"On his own?"

"No, he entrusted it to his secretary, and she did it very professionally. There's no way to trace those who paid and placed the order through normal means."

"He decided to act rather immediately... I honestly thought he wouldn't dare."

"Lex had a conversation with the reporter Lois Lane today, and she was asking him questions about his abandoned relatives. This likely provoked him, and he decided to deal with the problem."

Cortana spoke.

"Moreover, they don't plan to eliminate you directly tomorrow more likely within a week to avoid unnecessary suspicions from what I understand."

"Hmm, what a ruthless approach."

I only said that and peeked into the Dimensional Store to look for some poison, but then I remembered the cursed Murasame I got and immediately retrieved it from the Gacha inventory.

A beautiful katana appeared in my hand, and the sword's name was engraved on the guard.

Based on the description, a single cut is enough to kill any living creature with a heart.

Moreover, the blade is poisonous not so much physically as magically. The magical poison kills within minutes or even faster.

"If you're planning to kill your brother with a katana, I have to doubt the sanity of this idea."

Cortana said, and her avatar appeared on the table.

"No, I'm not against suicidal missions, but not ones this stupid."

Cortana's sarcasm stung.

"This is a magical blade and... I must admit, I sense some magic."

I confessed. It only took two percent of Albedo for me to understand that the item was definitely magical.

"One cut will be more than enough especially considering the nanosuit with cloak and the best AI that can open any doors. I don't see why we might fail especially since I'm a bit stronger than an ordinary person right now."

"From that perspective everything doesn't seem so catastrophic."

Cortana admitted.

"Magic... my database needs a lot more research, but for now, it's not possible. Master Luthor, will you reward your favorite AI with good equipment after completing this mission?"

Cortana asked, and I even doubted that she was just a program for a moment.

However, she was created from the personality matrix of a real girl.

"We'll see how you behave. Tomorrow evening, we have business to attend to."

I said while entering the chat that I would send Rias a copy of her world until the end of the anime's second season after the battle with Kokabiel.


[3rd POV]

"Is that the boy?"

Shinoa's thought flashed as her gaze caught the boy with black tousled hair and green eyes, who sat quietly at his desk clearly lost in thought.

Recently, Lieutenant Colonel Guren visited her and told her to keep an eye on Yuichiro Hyakuya, the boy with a dark past—but whose past is even brighter?

She walked into the classroom and sat behind him while looking down at her feet and the skirt covering them.

Shinoa had been in the same class with him before, but she had never been ordered to watch him and report his chaotic behavior.

"My future, huh?"

She had another thought that brought her back to the message in the Group Chat like a loud bell.

Shinoa couldn't find any information about such magic, even with all the knowledge available to her rank.

It was clear that other worlds were very strange, but in their world, there was magic, vampires, the horsemen of the apocalypse, and cursed weapons.

Why not have other worlds too?

She was surprised to learn that there was a potion in the Dimensional Store that could solve her demon trouble for good.

It was also nice to hear and gave her hope.

After all, there were no available and known means to solve this problem other than restraining herself, her emotions, and her attachments.

She read the Group Chat and watched the live broadcast of the administrator's chat with Hermione during the livestream.

According to what she knew, anyone could turn on direct streaming for everyone here, and everyone would be able to see it.

She also couldn't help but admire Rias's figure who is a demon in her world... What strange worlds indeed.


A/N: Since we reach 300 power stone this day, i will release one more chapter today and just wait...


You can find up to 15 advance chapters on my patreon.