
Attempting to Escape Themyscira

I only got to train for a couple of days before I was greeted by a pleasant surprise.



Name:Michael Prince


Age:5000 (body of a 12 year old)










HP Regen:5 HP per minute


MP Regen:1 MP per minute

Skills:Running level:1

Push ups level:2

Sit ups level:1

Abilities/Powers:Strengthened Muscles (level 1) Increases the hosts stength MP cost(10 MP per minute)


I did 10 sit ups, push ups and ran the length of the dungeon for a couple of days and my stats went up

I was happy with my progress as I learned a new ability and I continued on thus regimen

Time Skip 5 years

I have been increasing the amount of excercise I do as it is getting less effective each time but regardless my stats have gone up as expected.



Name:Michael Prince


Age:5005 (body of a 12 year old)










HP Regen:10 HP per minute


MP Regen:5 MP per minute

Skills:Running level:7

Push ups level:8

Sit ups level:9


Strengthened Muscles (level 3) Increases the hosts stength MP cost(20 MP per minute)

Increased Agility(level 2)Increases the hosts speed MP cost(10 MP per minute)

Increased Endurance(level 2)Increases hosts E

endurance (10 MP per minute)


Then for the first time a quest appeared

[New quest:Escape Themyscira

Reward:lLow level lightning manipulation

Time limit 10 days]

[Do you accept Y/N]

The reward intrigued me so I decided to accept and that's exactly when somebody came with food for me.Everyone thought I was calm so they felt pretty safe.I had never even tried to escape as I didn't think it was possible but now I had to try now.For the next 7 days I did intense training but before anyone came to drop my food I stopped to contemplate how I was going to pull it off.Until on the 7th day a gaurd that looked like she held some sort of power lowered her gaurd I know very luckily while bringing my food and I saw it as a chance to strike as they were always on high alert, so I wasted no time sprinted to the hole in the door and caught her uniform and strengthened my muscles and tugged her and she hit her head and was knocked unconscious.

I held her by the collar through the hole in the wall and attempted to check her uniform for a key, and luckily I found one and used it to open the door and I was semi-free I ran out onto the streets using Increased agility and bolted across Themyscira which unfortunately alerted the gaurds

Meanwhile in The Queens Quarters

Queen Hippolyta was about to go to sleep when she heard a knock on her door.She said"come in" and the gaurd ran in She aksed"what is the matter that you are running into my quarters at this time?"She asked seemingly annoyed."My queen Michael has broken out of his dungeon and is most likely attempting to escape Themyscira".

The queen looked shocked she said"Do not allow him to leave Themyscira make sure of that let me get ready"."Shouldnt we sound the bells to alert princess diana?"she replied"No! She can never know about him do you understand?"she replied "Yes queen."

Meanwhile back with Michael

He ran towards the end of the shore since his dungeon was close to the end of the island.He felt stupidly lucky since there was a boat there.Im not sure what it was for but thought myself lucky ,until I saw Themysciran soldiers chasing me and I even saw what looked like the queen in her royal armour chasing me but since I had my agility enhancement active I was able to keep a safe distance from the herd until something unfortunate happened.

I forgot to check my MP reserves and it was dangerously low and although he was close to the shore he had to row the boat, since it was wooden.He knew he wouldn't make it but he also, knew he would never get another chance like this so he exerted himself and ran faster than ever before. Unfortunately it was all in vain as his MP ran out and he fell down from exhaustion. They were too close and he was on the floor at the brink of passing out.Then tgey reached him and started beating him as they saw he was in no condition to fight. Just then he felt an immense power surge through him. He released it any yelled "arghhhhh". It caused a huge shockwave around him and that's the last thing he could remember before he blacked out.

An unknown ammount of tine passed before he woke up and found himself in an unknown world that looked very similar to his old world. Wait what old world.'Wait who am I'.He thought as he was suppressing a skull splitting headache.

He had no idea where or who he was.He was completely naked with nothing but a broken necklace.

Next chapter