
DC: Almighty King

A man is tired of the same meaningless daily grind Work, home, eat, sleep, and repeat he always had much grander hopes for his future but in the end he's just like everyone else. Maybe with his new chance he could stand out and be more than a nameless faceless drone but a king.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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The very vigilant eye of Batman widened in confusion as an energy alert awakened the league computer's blaring alarm. The energy spike was picked up from a small island in the middle of the Atlantic which added more and more to the weird alert.

Batman clattered away at the supercomputer trying to get more information about the source of the energy spike when the Martian Manhunter approached the computer, his face twisted in silent agony.

"Manhunter what happened to you?"

"Waves and waves of pure psychic power are being released from somewhere on earth, the sheer magnitude of the source is preventing me from locating it"

Batman put the pieces together rather quickly once the Martian told him of his issue "The source of this psychic wave seems to be somewhere in the Atlantic, but manhunter if you can sense the source of this can't other equally powerful psychics would be able to sense this as well?"

"Yes it is more than likely that others with my level of psychic abilities may be able to sense him, that's why we must act quickly!"

Batman nodded as he and Martian made their way to the Zeta tube.

Batman Zero two

Martian Manhunter Zero Seven

As the computer announced their arrival on earth batman fiddles around with something on his gauntlet for a few moments before the batwing arrived a few feet away from him and Manhunter.

The duo hopped in the batwing and raced full speed ahead to the source.

The ride was smooth sailing until about 20 miles out from the origin of the source Batman could feel the overwhelming pressure being forced onto his mind and Martian Manhunter in the backseat of the Batwing spasmed and twitched as the psychic force invaded his mind and completely overwhelmed his sense of self.

Ten meters out from the target manhunter spasmed more and Batman seemed only to get an intense migraine as the distance closed in on the origin.

By the time they made it to the island manhunter's mind seemed to be at its limits.

"Manhunter what's going on why are you reacting so strongly to this?"

As if every word out of his mouth was like an unending flame manhunter squeaked out "The waves are warding psychics away!".

"What if you used my mind as a shield?"

The Martian didn't respond but his face displayed a slight curiosity at the idea.

"Go into my mind and hide your presence from these waves while I take care of your body okay"

Manhunter nodded and placed his hands on Batman's head projecting his consciousness into the deepest recesses of Batman's mind. His body goes limp and Batman catches him before he hits the floor hoisting the slumped alien onto his back and began the walk to whatever caused this whole mess.

The short walk wasn't rife with danger since every step that the bat took on the island was to dodge a booby trap or weapon which was ten times as hard considering he was carrying a 200 pound martian on his back but he eventually did make it to the only structure on the island.

Batman cautiously stalked outside the building avoiding any land traps and searching for any other exits besides the only door to the makeshift island lab.

Batman figured it is better to leave Manhunter outside so that he doesn't get caught up in the fight.

Batman kicked open the door throwing three smoke pellets on the ground to create a thich haze he rushes into the lab and finds the source of the energy which is a teen boy trapped in a strange machine that appeared to be sustaining him.

Once he realized that the kid was alive and fine he tackled the scientist to the ground in a quick charge.

He held the confused scientist's hands behind his back as the desperate scientist thrashed and screamed like a madman.

"You stupid hero bastard you're going to kill my son, let ME HELP HIM!"

Batman cuffed the mad scientist and once again turned to the suspended teen when Martian Manhunter walked into the small island lab, his complexion wasn't the typical green but a few tones lighter and the slight stumble in his gait showed just told the Batman everything he needed to know.

"Can I help you J'onn" Batman's tone softened seeing his friend in such a terrible condition.

Manhunter simply nodded the idea of speaking seeming to bring him ineffable amounts of mental strain and pain.

"YOU'LL KIL HIM YOU STUPID BRUTES, HE NEEDS HIS FATHER!" the bound scientist screeched like a banshee.

Batman briefly turned to the scientist with his face once again cold and fed up with the scientist's outbursts, the sight of the angered Batman brought up a deep fear that seemed to consume his entire being which caused his mouth to dry and every word to become caught in his throat. For a moment his mind was paralyzed in fear before he shook his head in a frantic crazed way before he returned the Batman's cold glare with a sneer.

Batman stepped over the cuffed scientist and observed the wall of error text on the screen which showed "mnemonic integration failed" in big blocky red letters on the screen.

In an instant, Batman felt all the weight in his mind disappear all at once as the searing migraine that ached away in the back of his mind faded. Once the pressure was gone he breathed out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding.

Batman turned back to Manhunter who stood close to the machine the teen was trapped in.

"Manhunter, are you certain he poses no threat to us or the possibility of another incident now that the waves have stopped?"

He once again nodded and Batman took that as his cue to open the pod.

The machine's glass front opens. August Creed's figure tumbled out and landed on the cold, grimy floor of the lab.

Batman rushed to the boy's side, and the delirious teen questioned, "Batman, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be..." His sentence trailed off as he turned his gaze to the right and promptly passed out.

Batman looked over to the Martian and just like the bat he had a rather confused look on his face.

"I-I-I can't read his mind it's like a closed circuit no matter how hard I push against his psyche I can't seem to quite reach his mind.

Batman's face fell, the league's resident telepath not being able to read the kid's mind wouldn't do anything to figure out how this strange kid had memories of him despite memory integration failing.

"Let's take him back to the hall of justice and we can figure out find out some answers.