
So many questions

A/N: if the Mc's name and personality sounds the same from my other story it's because this same MC from My other story because I'm lazy, but the only thing that I've stole was the Name and personality. Enjoy. ps: Sorry for my absence on this site, for those who care.

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My eyes snapped open, as I gasped for air. the world around me was dark, The only source of light was two bright red orbs glowing in the dark. Was I dead? Was this hell? I had so many questions! I didn't do everything I wanted too! My breath was rugged. I couldn't move, as if restrained by metallic bars, and I could taste a coppery substance- blood no doubt.

"SUBJECT 316 HAS ENGAGED BUILDING BREACH, ENGAGING FACILITY LOCK DOWN!" A robotic voice echoed through the black space and light flooded my vision. Then came the red, I was covered in blood, it painted everything around me- The walls, the floor and somehow even the ceiling. Not just that but bits and pieces of bodies; limbs, guts, severed heads, and even other things that I've never seen before.

I looked and immediately noticed the red eyed woman in-front of me. She was fit, and though she didn't show it, she was very exhausted. Looking at her, memories that weren't mine began to flood my mind. I screamed as an electric pain shot through my body.

[-Image of Girl-]

[Come on Lydia! Let's go play!]

[If that's what you want!]

I felt a headache coming on, but recovered quickly, "Lydia?" She seemed to stare at me more intently. "So you remember now? Do you remember the promise you spoke to me all those years ago Oliver?" Oliver? Was that me? "You said once we see each other again, I'd be the last time we were apart." Her voice was hoarse, as if she had spoken for years.

"I'll never leave your side." She ran towards me and hugged me… 'The fuck I don't-' the world around me went white, and two children formed in front of me. A dirty blonde boy wearing a shirt with an skintight all black body suit, and the girl wearing the same.

"Haha! Lydia, You gotta catch me!" The boy said enthusiastically, he flew away from her fast every time she got close to him. It didn't take long for me to realise that that boy was supposed to be me. Or, well who I was now.

"No fair, you trained your superhero speed more than I did!" The girl- Lydia smiled and blushed a bit. I smiled at the girl before another scene played out.

"Lydia. The trials are coming tomorrow! Are you excited?" The now much taller boy said, He was so enthusiastic that it made me kind of sick.

"If you're happy, Then I'm happy Oli." The girl gave an unsettling smile, yet she radiated a feeling that made me feel… I don't know.

before I could analyse further the scene changed again. "Wait, what do you mean we won't see each other again?" The boy, physically older now screeched. There were a few others, but their face was blurry. The girl hiding behind him began to hyperventilate as he spoke the words, "The experiment has been a failure- Oh shit!" A scientist was struck in the head with such force his head exploded into a thin paste on the wall behind him.

"Quickly! neutralise the boy's memories, leave the girl in her cell." One of the blank faces spoke.

"NO!" She tried to resist but was dragged away

"Lydia!" The boy- no, I screamed as My eyes glowed white, and a white beam shot from them, melting the men who tried to drag me away to dust and ash. More and more started to fight me the more I struggled, and eventually I was forcefully dragged to my cell as well.

[—Flashback end—]

I returned to 'Reality' once more as Lydia cried in my (Admittedly chiselled) chest, repeating mine over and over. How was she so Broken? Was I the cause of it? Honestly, I kind of like her, but I don't know if those feelings are my own or the other 'Me's'. Besides, She was cute if you looked past her Dull, empty, lifeless eyes.

"I swear I'll never leave you." I said, this could be fine… hopefully. I hope I didn't just doom myself.

"I'll hold you to that." She kissed my chin with a smirk, which caught me off guard. What a weird day… on the bright side…

I once again glanced around the walls, intending to ask her about the bodies "Wha-" she cut me off, "They were my friends," I felt pain when she said friends, "They don't matter now." The pain subsided. No, seriously when, and why was I transmigrated here? more importantly, Where the fuck had I ended up?

We walked out of what I assumed to be a cell and a message repeated over and over, "SUBJECT 318 AND SUBJECT 317 HAVE ESCAPED CONTAINMENT, PLEASE EVACUATE THE FACILITY." Lydia covered her ears and I did as well. Super hearing, super strength, heat vision, flight, was I a damn superman clone?

Soldiers flooded the room as we escaped, Thinking fast I covered Lydia with my body as the hail of gunfire bounced off. They kept going until I heard a Click.

"Bullet proof, good too know." I zoomed around the next hail of bullets, Grabbing them out of the air before they could hit Lydia.

With a thought, my eyes gleamed with a white energy. "My turn." They tried to run and hide behind cover, but it was too late.

I fired the beam from my eyes, and watched as the whole right side of the building was erased.

Lydia stared at me with wide eyes. I blinked, "Did I over do it a bit?" She deadpanned, and grabbed onto my waist. "Just get us out of here please."

Without another word I flew out of the facility, and into a random direction.

Next chapter