
The Saiyan and the Tamaranean

"Um...Star?", Called a green skinned male, "Do you know this guy?"

"What did he say?" Asked another male, rearing a red, green, and yellow costumed.

The Tamaranean thinned her lips nervously, knowing full well who this was. She eyed Kakumei waryingly, trying her best to not go on the defensive. "He is known as the Demon Monkey, Kakumei...Warworld's reigning champion." Kori'andr stated, causing a slight growl to leave from behind the Saiyan's lips.

He looked as if he were going to pounce, as if he was about to attack. What stopped him was a bark from the wolf pup. The Saiyan looked to his new companion and stared at the pup for a moment. Letting out a sigh, the Saiyan reluctantly turned his back to the group. Then simply waited for one of the workers of the restaurant to arrive. The Tamaranean stared at him oddly, surprised that he hadn't attacked. She wasn't sure if she should have felt glad or worried. "Starfire", Called the red and green costumed male, "Is he friend or foe?"

Before Starfire could answer, Kakumei's deep voice came out, speaking in English this time. "I am your foe if you make me.." He warned, causing the other Titans to either flinch, or get defensive.

Starfire stared at Kakumei with an appraising eye, then looked to the wolf pup whose tailed wagged from left and right. Take a deep breathe, she decided to try and spark up a conversation with the Saiyan. "Are you the one who stopped the robbery?" The Tamaranean questioned, and found a grunt being the Saiyan's answer.

"Hey man-" Called a cybernetic dark skinned human, but found Starfire's hand silencing him. The cyborg gave his Tamaranean friend a confused look before she spoke.

"This one could kill you if he so wanted, the fact that he has yet to show hostility means that he is not here for me." Starfire stated.

<Why would I be here for you?>, Kakumei asked in the Tamaranean tongue, <You speak as if you are important enough to warrant Mongul's attention. I am here because I wish to eat in peace, now leave me be.>

The Tamaranean frowned, confused by what the Saiyan was saying. Then slowly walked around to where she could sit on the other side of the table. Her arms on top of the table, and her emerald irises staring into his scarlet ones. <I had thought after noticing your prescence here...that my sister had released you and turned you rabid to hunt me down.> Starfire replied in Tamaranean.

<I am here because I was freed by Kal El, I believe that this world refers to him as Superman>, Kakumei replied, <Now leave, while half of my mind wishes you to go.>

Starfire stared at the Saiyan in shock, she hadn't heard that the Demon Monkey of Warworld was freed by none other than Superman. She felt that must have been good news, but also feared that him being on Earth could lead to some...incidents. <I am sorry to disturb you then.> Starfire said before rising to her feet.

"Starfire, is he one of your people?" Spoke a dark blue hooded girl.

"No", The Tamaranean responded, "He is something else entirely. We should leave him in peace, he wants to be left alone."

"Wait, was he responsible for stopping the robbery?" The red and green costumed male questioned.

"Yes." Starfire answered.

"Well that's good, I was wondering if he'd like to join the Titans."

At the mention of that, the Tamaranean's eyes widened before shaking her head quickly. "Robin, I believe that would be what you would call a bad idea." Starfire uttered.

"What's wrong, he someone we should be afraid of?" The Green skinned male asked now.

"Beast Boy, he fought in a gladiatorial arena where one must die....the fact that he has not attacked us is a miracle." The Tamaranean warned, causing the male to slowly look to Kakumei.

The Saiyan despite having this group talking about him was silent. When the waiter finally came by, the group watched the Saiyan ordered himself something to eat.

"What would you like sir?" The waiter asked.

"Everything." Kakumei replied, and watched the waiter stare at him with an odd look.

"Um sir...are you-"


The waiter continued to stare at Kakumei, processing his words then slowly nodded. "Well uh, anything to drink?" She asked.

"Water." The Saiyan ordered.

"Alright, well um...we'll try to get your order done sir."

After the waiter walked away, while glancing over to the Titans who kept staring at Kakumei. The Saiyan glanced to the Titans then let out an annoyed sigh. His wolf pup barked while jumping to get his attention.

"So...would you like to join the Teen Titans?" Robin asked, then found silence as the Saiyan's answer for a few moments. Kakumei said nothing as he sat there. Then finally, he answer in the best way he knew how.

"No." Kakumei said nonchalantly.

The Titans looked at each other except Starfire, then looked back at the Saiyan a little surprised. "Would you-" Came Robin's voice but he was interrupted by the Saiyan again.


"You don't even know what Robin was going to ask dude!" Cried Beast Boy.

"I do not care.." Kakumei uttered with annoyance now, his fist balled up as his body tensed even more. That half of a mind that he had which kept him from attacking the these heroes was slipping very fast.

Robin seemed to notice this and narrowed his eyes at the Saiyan. "Look, we don't want any trouble." He said in a calm tone.

"Then leave me be." Kakumei warned.

Knowing that this was the last warning that they were going to have, Robin nodded then turned to the rest of his friends. "Come on guys", Robin stated with a knowing look, "Let's go home, we've got chores to do."

Before Beast Boy could complain, his mouth was covered by the cyborg. The other four members of the Titans gave Robin a knowing nod before leaving from the restaurant. Kakumei glanced back to see them gone, then faced forward to find the wolf pup staring back at him. The two had an intense stare down, as if they were mentally communicating with each other. That was when the Saiyan grunted, then pointed a finger at the pup. "I will serve no one, and I will not live amongst these squeamish people." The Saiyan uttered.


Kori'andr and her friends had just returned home at the Titan's Tower. Each landing on the T shaped rooftop and turning to her expectantly. She gave them a nervous look before wrapping her arms around herself. The Tamaranean avoided their gazes as she looked towards the setting sun. "Star, what do you know about this Kakumei?" Robin questioned, his gaze narrowing on her as a sigh left her lips.

Kori'andr looked wistful, guilty even as she began to remember her time on Tamaran. "When I was younger, much younger", Kori began to say, "My sister had me and a few others of our kind to go to Warworld. We were meant to spectate a rising star among the gladiators. To see a warrior who had yet to face defeat, to see them challenge the previous champion of Warworld."

The Titans stared at Starfire as she closed her eyes, her face becoming sorrowful for some reason. "That was the time when I made a promise...and failed to keep it."

{Flashback, 7 Years Ago}

"Come on Kori, keep up!" Kori'andr's sister called, the taller and black haired Tamaranean marched towards the seats reserved for herself and her entourage. At least a dozen armored Tamaranean warriors were around Kori'andr and her sister Komman'dr. The two Tamaranean females sat side by side as Kori looked around anxious and curious. "I hope that this fight is as good as Mongul makes it out to be, I would hate to be disappointed once again." Commented Komman'dr.

"Sister, who is it that we are rooting for?" Kori'andr questioned and found her older sister sit back and relaxed in her chair.

"Well obviously the champion, he has yet to be beaten."

"Well...I root for the challenger."

Komman'dr sent a mischievous glance to her sister, then allowed a teasing smile to appear on her fine lips. "Oh? Are you quite sure that you wish to do that again? You do realize if you lose again dear sister, then I get to do what I wish with your life."

Kori'andr tensed up as she looked up to her sister, then slowly nodded. Komman'dr looked forward now as Mongul arrived at the main balcony. She eyed the Warzoon with disgust, having little to no interest in the dictator. Kori'andr faced forward as well, then watched as the Warzoon began to speak.

"Greetings Warworld!", Mongul addressed, "My oh my do I have a spectacle for you! Today our reigning champion has returned home to face a rival who is tenacious and ferocious! You know him, the warrior in black, the butcher of the Reach! The Black Beetle!!"

As soon as Mongul named the champion, a tall and muscular black and gray armored Reach male stepped through the gate that was opened for him. His pupils were bloodshot red, his back had protruding beetle like pincers standing upright. He walked with an air of superiority, a smug smile on his face as he listened to the crowd's cheers. Once he reached the center of the Arena, Mongul quieted the large crowd down.

"Now then, who is it that would dare to challenge our reigning undefeated champion?", Mongul questioned with a dark grin, "Why a child that I had found on the outskirts of the city! A child whose strength grows as much as he fights, a boy who has learned to kill any opponent when the opportunity arrives for it! Allow me to introduce to you, the Demon Monkey, Kakumei!"

After announcing Kakumei, Kori'andr watched as a 6'1 tall and buffed up teenager step into the Arena with a blank look on his face. The armor that the boy wore was unlike anything that she had seen before. It was black and red, with scarlet bracers on his forearms. A scarlet skirt like appendage that was attached to it, black skin tight silk fiber to his thighs and ankles, and final black and red colored boots. Kori heard her sister muse with interest, but the younger Tamaranean felt as if the boy was acting oddly. He showed no emotion, no fear, anger, nothing. It was as if he were a robot made of flesh and bone. The teenager stood at the same height as Black Beetle as he reached center of the Arena.

"Now then, let us see who shall emerge the victory today!", Mongul exclaimed, "The challenger or the champion! Let the battle.....begin!"

No sooner than Mongul said that, Kori'andr's eyes widened when she saw Kakumei's fist instinctually cracked against Black Beetle's cheek. The Reach warrior's face was protected of course, but that didn't stop his body from flying to the other side of the Arena. The crowd went silent as Black Beetle's body impacted the wall, cracking it. Komman'dr sat upright and leaned forward with widened eyes as well. She was now interested in what she was looking at. Kori'andr was shocked to see someone actually knock Black Beetle off of his feet like that. He had an advanced suit of armor that knew how to defeat anything, yet it did nothing to protect him from this Demon Monkey?

The Reach warrior slowly rose to his feet, letting out a slight groan. The moment that he did, Kakumei bolted at him, kicking up dust from the force behind how fast that he stepped on the ground. Black Beetle sprung out wings from his back and flew upwards immediately to dodge the Demon Monkey. Kakumei came crashing in, missing the Reach warrior by several inches. He had his boot heel poised to kick Black Beetle, having embedded it in the Arena wall. The crowd went wild, believing that Black Beetle truly did have a challenge. Kori'andr watched as the reigning champion had his hands transform into canons. Not long after, Black Beetle opened fire on Kakumei. The Demon Monkey removed his foot from the wall, then turned and began returning fire with his own hands. Kori'andr didn't know what she was seeing, she hadn't a clue as to what Kakumei was. He wasn't Kryptonian, he was Terminian, he was..he was something.

Kakumei jumped upwards, moving towards the Reach warrior with incredible speed. Black Beetle transformed one of his canons into a blade. A dark smile came to his lips, feeling the Tamaranean girl with dread. "Watch out!" Kori'andr cried, and watched as the Demon Monkey spun in the air. Kakumei's hurled a fist at Black Beetle after noticing the blade, the teenager's knuckles to forearms having been enveloped in a red hue. The Reach warrior swiped at the Demon Monkey, and found his blade snap in two once it collided with Kakumei's fist. Black Beetle's eyes widened, then tried to move back. Unfortunately, Kakumei took advantage of the Reach warrior's shock. With his free hand, the Demon Monkey grabbed Black Beetle by his face. With a grunt escaping his lips, Kakumei pulled his enemy back down to the ground. He smashed the Reach warrior's back into the ground, kicking up dust and cracking the ground.

Black Beetle let out a cry of pain, then began firing an energy blast at Kakumei from his chest. The attack hit the Demon Moneky at point blank in the chest. Kakumei was blown backwards and onto his back. He was then attacked by an advancing Black Beetle who came down at him with two dual blades springing from his forearms. The Reach Warrior came down at the Demon Monkey, aimed to pierce him through. Kori'andr had risen to her seat and got to the balcony's edge, afraid of the teenager dying. She had never seen anyone so young die before, especially someone who looked so...lifeless. "It looks to me dear sister..", Komman'dr began to mock, "That I win once again."

When Black Beetle came down, all went silent. They saw that the Reach Warrior had stabbed the Demon Monkey, for red blood dripped onto the ground between them. However, the thoughts of Kakumei being dead soon ended when all heard an odd sound. It sounded like a growl, something that only a beast would make if scorned. A groan from Black Beetle told them why this was the case. The Reach Warrior was being pushed back, all were able to see why. Kakumei had caught Black Beetle's blades, the Reach Warrior's weapons had stabbed through the Demon Monkey's palms. Now Kakumei used his impaled hands to keep Black Beetle in place. He was gritting his teeth as his eyes gave off an ever growing scarlet glow. Right as Black Beetle was about to use his suit to make another weapon, Kakumei opened his mouth. He lifted the Reach Warrior up into the air, then unleashed a red energy beam from his mouth as if he were spewing out fire. The attack collided with Black Beetle's face, then eventually blew his head off.

All were silent, in shock as to what had just happened. Black Beetle had been defeated, by someone far younger than him. Kakumei tossed aside the corpse of Black Beetle, then balled up his hands. They pulsed and trembled, but he did little to show his pain. Kori'andr could see it, and it made her frown as she watched.

"Unbelievable!", Mongul exclaimed in mock shock, "Black Beetle has been defeated! All hail the new champion of Warworld! All hail the Demon Monkey, Kakumei!"

When Mongul shouted his name, the crowd began to slowly but steadily repeat it. Then they started to chant his name, repeating "Kakumei" over and over again. However, Kori'andr ignored them, she was focused on those scarlet irises. It wasn't about if they were pretty or not, they were locked onto her. Kakumei, the new champion was staring back at her, as if he had heard her. The Tamaranean didn't know what to say or think. So she only did the one thing that she believed would make a friend. Kori'andr lifted her hand and gave Kakumei a small smile before waving gently at him.

The Demon Monkey stared at her for a moment, then slowly raised his hand. He mimicked the Tamaranean with a bloody palm that had a hole through it. The Tamaranean and the Demon Monkey had introduced themselves to one another. Though in the case for Kori'andr, this was how she met the first male of any species to keep her attention on them...

{Present Day, Starfire}

"After that day, I began visiting whenever I could", Kori'andr began to finish, "I taught him how to speak my people's language, and from him I learned Kryptonian, eventually. Kakumei was the only friend that I made at the time. I had promised to him that I would take him away from Warworld, I promised that I would take him far away from Mongul. The day that I had planned to do that was 4 of your Earth years ago. And on that same day...i was enslaved to the Gordanians by my own sister.."

Kori'andr opened her eyes, and looked to her friends. Each had a different facial expression about her first meeting with Kakumei. Robin looked stoic like, but she could tell from how he balled his fists up that he was upset in some way. Cyborg looked horrorifed, not knowing that the man that they had just talked to was capable of such violence. Beast Boy looked dumbfounded, not even sure if what she had said was even true. Finally, Raven had a frown on her face, to know that someone as violent as death had been talking to them. "So when you said that it wad a miracle..."Robin began to utter out.

"I was expecting him to attack me, to want me dead..", Kori said with a guilt driven tone, "I told him that I would take him home with me, or set him free. I am sure that he believes that I abandoned him...it is my fault, I had forgotten him completely."

Kori'andr lowered her head, feeling the guilt of it brush through her. She knew that Kakumei could have still been on Warworld, suffering. Yet at no point did she try to make her way to free him, it made her feel even more guilty. Deep at the back of her mind, she felt that she made that promise only to make him feel better. That she promised him and would never have fallen through with it.

"Star, it's not your fault", Robin chided, "Everyone forgets things-"

"Robin, I left him a slave, and forgot him despite having made a promise", Kori'andr began again, "I would not be surprised if he would make his way here and wish to take my head as a trophy."

"That won't happen, we won't let it happen." Robing declared with a confident tone. The Tamaranean looked up to find the Boy Wonder standing before her now. He took her hands in his and held them gently in his palms. "You are a good person, and just because you forgot doesn't mean that you should suffer for it. If you really want to help him, to have him forgive you, then you should invite him to stay."

"Whoa whoa whoa!", Beast Boy called, "You want to let a crazy alien dude stay with us? Like sleep here and not somewhere else!?"

"I'm with Beast Boy on this one Rob, are you sure about this?" Cyborg questioned.

"That isn't up to me." Robin replied, and stared up into Kori'andr's eyes. She stood several inches taller than him due to her heritage. Despite that, his heart for kindness always outshines her own. She processed the Boy Wonder's words, then allowed a soft smile to come to her lips. Just as she was about to answer, a bark was heard. The sound made everyone look to Beast Boy with raised brows. However, they found that he had yet to transform into any animal. The barking sound came again, causing all eyes to look upwards. Kori'andr's eyes widened upon seeing Kakumei floating above them, glaring down at them with those scarlet irises. Slowly, he descended downwards while holding the canine companion that he had from the restaurant.

The Tamaranean stared with an unsure look, watched as the Demon Monkey's shoes touched the rooftop. "How'd you find us?" Beats Boy questioned, already on edge.

Kakumei narrowed his eyes on the green skinned boy, causing Beast Boy to flinch under his gaze. Then he spoke, his voice still a deep and crisp baritone. "You live in the open." The Demon Monkey replied.

"What do you want?" Robin questioned now, prepared for the worst. Then watched as the Demon Monkey slowly turn his gaze onto Kori'andr. The two stood there in silence, staring at one another. Though the Tamaranean averted her eyes, moving her head to the side as she bit her lip out of anxiety.

"I require a bed to sleep in." Kakumei stated bluntly, his words causing Kori'andr to slowly look at him. Her expression turning from uncertainty to surprise. She looked to Robin who gave her a nod, then looked back at her old friend. Removing her hands from the Boy Wonder, she held her hand out to the Demon Monkey, giving him a soft smile.

"Then the Titans will accommodate you, if you'll have us." Kori'andr offered.

Next chapter