
Achievement Unlocked- How did we get here?

In every big city in the USA, you will find the dark sky illuminated by the city's nightlights. The sound of horns and chatter fill the street. Some people rush to work, while some return home. Some families are out to enjoy or celebrate, while some people are out to... ruin their day. A wide contrast between the rich and prosperous to the poor and suffering could be seen in different parts of the city.

In these less prosperous areas, in a worn-down house, hidden from the main street, in it lay a boy, approx. 13 of age. Even while being in a run-down area, you can notice his body was healthy, no it was extremely fit for his age, like a swimmer or Gymnast. He has black hair, and a well-built face, which some might call cute for his age, but he would be well-looking in the future.

His body lay on a worn-down bed, and after some time, his fingers started twitching. He shifted a bit and finally tried to open his eyes. If one would have been keen, they would have noticed a flash of blue in his black eyes. The boy sat up and looked around in a trance, still half-asleep.

He blinked a few times and snapped out of his stupor, looking around cautiously.

'Did I get kidnapped or something?' HE thought looking around.

'How did I get here?' He thought getting up from the bed. He tried thinking back to recall his memories, but he got a sharp pain in his head.

"AAAH" He yelled as he clutched his head and crouched. He felt some memories coming back to him, but he couldn't access it like a thick fog was surrounding it. At the same time, he got fragments of memories that seemed... foreign to him. Bits and pieces of some sort of fighting technique, or how to escape handcuffs, then some technical and biological terms, which felt different from the first set of memories, finished by one last set, filled with... a strange chant, like a spell or ritual.

'Okay, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?' The kid opened his sharp eyes when the pain resided. He tried to remember more, but his mind seemed like it was filled with fog, and he couldn't find it, irritating him even more.

"Water," He said, feeling his dry throat. He turned to the three-legged table beside his bed, as if he had always known where the bottle was kept. He went and drank the water quickly to quench his thirst. Closing his eyes for a few seconds, he opened them, the panic replaced with calmness.

"Okay, unknown place, no memories, crap, don't even remember my name, but... why does everything seem bigger, is it just me ?" He spoke, confused by the strange feeling. He noticed a broken mirror near the desk and walked to it. There he saw himself as a 13-year-old kid.

"Why am I a kid, I was supposed to be...to.. be? Dammit why can't I remember?" screamed and punched the cupboard adjacent to it. The cupboard opened up from the impact, and his eyes went wide seeing its contents.

There was a mannequin in it dressed in a suit. The suit was black with the exception of the silver gloves and belt, while the cowl was covered with a mask shaped like a skull. What was exceptional about it was the big red X on the chest and mask. Similar X's could be found on the belt and gloves. The kid gained some memories in his mind regarding the suit.

"Red....X?" He said in disbelief. 'No, wait! This is not possible, maybe it's a cosplay?' The kid thought. But his hopes came crashing down when he saw the newspaper on the table beside the bottle.

"Superman vs Metallo, Batman for the help!"

"The no. of metahumans on rising keep increasing, is it a good or bad thing?"

"Lex corp to introduce new weapons for the police department to keep the city safe"

The boy stood stunned seeing the headlines and images of characters he had only seen in DC comics or movies. "FUCK."

'This is bad, very, very bad. This place has gods like Darkside or Antimonitor who can... who... shit, I only know the names and can't remember anything else, what the hell? I don't even have RedX's memories, I'm just a slightly athletic 12 year old without any identity or money, in the USA, the hotspot of trouble. What should I do? Pickpocket?' He thought.

Looking at the paper, he was sure he is in jump city, the home of titans. he got a flash, showing the image of the current titans. Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Bumblebee, and Speedy. He also remembers there was a robin before him, who used to hang out with Starfire, and the Red-X suit belongs to that Robin.

'What should I do? I need an identity and money. And stay the hell away from crime or heroes, I'm not gonna go steal in this messed up world to be labeled as a villain, which I technically already am, and no saving other's thing since I can barely fight one grownup.' He contemplated looking at the newspaper, with varying expressions on his face. He closed his eyes and tried concentrating, hoping his memories would come back, but all he felt was being trapped in an endless fog.

In the end, he sighed and sat on the bed thinking about his condition, when his eyes went back on suit and got an idea. 'This feels like a bad idea.'

*Two hours later*

"... So you are telling me you have lost most of your memories and you don't even remember yourself," The boy said.


"And were confused as hell on what to do"


"So you decided to come to the very people, who could send you to jail since you at least admit to being Red-X and expect us to help you."

".... Yup"

"That's the stupidest idea I have ever heard." The boy massaged his temples in frustration hearing what his 'supposed to be rival' tied to the interrogation table said in front of him said, while his friends behind him had a confused yet amused expression.

Right now, our protagonist was sitting on the interrogation chair, in front of a masked boy, with red and black costume and R on the right side of his chest, Robin himself, with the other titans behind him. That's right, the 'bright idea' was to give back the Red-X suit and ask for help.

"Well, even if you do that, can you make sure the jail is... safe? I don't wanna be someplace like Arkham, where a breakout always happens." He said.

Robin narrowed his eyes and said, "By your age, you'll go to juvenile jail."

"In that case, please make sure Slade doesn't find me, I don't wanna be his dog. Wait, I don't even have an identity. What will happen to me?" He asked.

"No identity at all? Not even any other country?" Robin asked.

"... Dude, I just said I don't remember 99.9% of my life." He sighed.

Raven sensing the opportunity asked, " I can sense your emotions, but why can't I read your mind? Even my magic is not working. What kind of block is that?" These words drew the attention back to him, as he stared at Raven with some hope in his eyes.

"Wait, you can mind read? Is there some way to remove that said block?" he asked.

"... I tried, but I sensed an endless fog that would consume me, so stopped it" This turned his expression downcast.

"No problem, thanks for trying," he said and sighed.

Everyone stayed silent for a while, after which Robin said, "You came expecting something yes? What did you want?"

This brought him out of trance and he said "Well, I wanted an identity. Can't do anything without it. After that, a place to stay and study. I don't mind boarding schools either."

"Why us? You could have sold the suit?" Robin asked while he stared at him with a deadpan face." Oh yeah, Amnesia. Sorry." He replied, still slightly uncomfortable by the whole situation. "*sigh* I still find it hard to believe you lost your memories, as for what to do, let me discuss with the team"

"No need" The voice came as the door opened, revealing the owner to be a late teen with long black hair, wearing a black mask and skintight suit with two escrima sticks, and a blue hawk on his chest. Behind him was a woman with long orange hair with green glowing eyes, and a slightly revealing purple costume.

"What do you mean no need?" Robin asked Nightwing.

"We give him what he wants, on the basis of memory loss, we can't give him to juvenile, and as he said, Slade will find out about him. We can give him an identity and home, but keep an eye out as well." Nightwing explained.

Robin pondered on this for a while, then turned towards him and said, "As you heard, we'll be keeping an eye on you"

"i don't have a problem, just... don't install a camera in the washroom or something." he said.

"Pfft" Bumble Bee stopped her laughter with a hand, trying to control it, while Robin had an annoyed expression on his face.

Nightwing chuckled seeing this, then turned towards him and said, "We will need a name though, any ideas?" He said, opening his binds.

"Oh thanks, the chair was quite cold, as for names..." he tried thinking about it, but suddenly a name appeared in his head, much to his confusion. But finding it acceptable, he said "... Benjamin Tennyson, would that be fine?" He, no, Ben asked.

"Should work well." Nightwing said with a smile.

*Just wanted a different start, don't hate too much

Stay tuned for more....*

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

The_Dusk_Ninjacreators' thoughts
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