
DBZ : Original Timeline Gohan

This is a translation Raw Name : Dragon Ball, this Son Gohan is too amazing! 龙珠,这个孙悟饭过于逆天! By Author : 猫毛卯帽 Raw Status : 228 Chapter Travel through a desperate Dragon Ball Original Timeline world and become Son Gohan with one arm and a scar on his face. It looks like a hellish start, but Son Gohan, who crawled out of his grave, was grinning. Oh, despair? Look at me defeating all the bosses while chatting and laughing, and reaching the top of the universe. What? System? What do I need a system for if I'm Gohan?

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 6

Trunks' eyes were full of curiosity as he walked in. Son Gohan followed closely behind. After the two of them entered, the door of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber closed automatically.

Son Gohan looked back and found that there was also a wall clock on the inner door. It showed exactly 0 o'clock. But it was moving very slowly, and it would not jump for a very long time.

Son Gohan knew that this did not mean that the wall clock was broken. Instead, when the clock turned to 0 o'clock again, a year had passed.

Trunks walked in front, looking very excited. He said, "Brother Gohan, did you hear that? One year in here, but only one day has passed outside. It's amazing, isn't it?"

Son Gohan smiled and said, "Well, of course, and it's not just that the time here flows slowly, you'll know in a while."

"What else? Brother Gohan knows too much." Trunks said.

"I'll tell you later, let's take a look at the accommodation first." Son Gohan said. He will let Trunks experience ten times the gravity, plus the huge temperature difference, and experience the pleasure of ice and fire. Son Gohan decided to give Trunks a surprise.

The accommodation is on the right-hand side of the door. The accommodation is simply decorated with two large beds, a wardrobe, and a wall mirror as tall as a person.

A little further inside there is a bathroom and a toilet. There is a huge bathtub in the bathroom. It should be very comfortable to lie down in it when you are tired of practicing.

At this time, Trunks asked, "Brother Gohan, where does the water here come from? Where does it go?"

"Trunks, your question really stumps your brother Gohan. Maybe it's about coming from where it should be and going to where it should be."

Trunks: "..."

On the left side of the door is the kitchen. In addition to the common tableware, there are also several large vats. Open the lid of the large vat and take a look. There is water, rice, and flour in the vat. Want to eat meat? No chance. It's just enough to fill your stomach. Son Gohan knows that there are some problems with these large vats. It seems that they will automatically refresh every once in a while. It's very magical.

However, Son Gohan is too lazy to delve into this kind of thing that violates the common sense of physics. After all, this is a 2D world; how can anything be possible or impossible?

After looking at the kitchen and the residence, Son Gohan waved his hand and said, "Trunks, follow me."

"Okay." Trunks nodded and followed Son Gohan excitedly. He didn't know if Trunks would be able to laugh again in a while. The two of them passed through the passage between the residence and the kitchen and came to a vast white space.

They were like standing on a white coastline, looking into the distance, unable to see the end.

Son Gohan said with a smile: "Trunks, go down and take a look."

"Okay." Trunks answered loudly, then jumped into the white world. Then, with a "thump," he fell flat on his face. Trunks looked at Son Gohan with resentment and struggled to stand up.

But the overwhelming ten times gravity came over him, dragging his body towards the ground. Trunks felt that every cell in his body was falling.

"Hahaha." Son Gohan pointed at Trunks and laughed.

"Brother Gohan, you are such a jerk."

Trunks grumbled with a flat mouth, white flames burning on his body, and then he slowly stood up.

It was also because he was careless, and he didn't have the slightest defense in his heart, nor did he have the slightest concern. Otherwise, with Trunks's fighting power, he wouldn't have fallen here like that.

"Hahaha, I forgot to tell you that the gravity here is ten times that of the earth." Son Gohan laughed and walked into the white square. With the preparations in advance, Son Gohan would certainly not have any problems.

He just felt that his body was heavy and it was not so convenient for him to move.

"Brother Gohan, you knew about it but didn't tell me in advance, causing me to fall. Damn it." Trunks was still there indignantly.

"Hahaha, it's better to feel it directly than if I told you."

Son Gohan said, and he felt the air around him suddenly become hot. With every breath, it was as if he sucked in a wisp of flame, constantly burning his internal organs.

But after a while, the temperature plummeted. In just a few breaths, he fell from the stove into the ice cave. The extremely cold air slowed down the blood flow.

The exhaled breath turned into ice chips in an instant. Sometimes it was extremely hot, sometimes it was extremely cold, ice and fire alternated, it was so terrifying.

Trunks' face turned red and white. "I finally understand why Mr. Popo said that no one can live in here for two years. This is really terrible."

Son Gohan took a few deep breaths of the air mixed with ice and fire, stretched his muscles and bones, and then punched and kicked with great force. After a few jumps, he stopped.

Trunks said, "You are right. This kind of environment is indeed very tormenting, but practicing in such an environment can make our strength soar."

"Ten times the gravity, plus the extremely cold and hot air, even if we do nothing, just living here can continuously improve our power. So, Trunks, in order to defeat the androids and become stronger, we should be grateful for having such a training environment."

Trunks stood at attention and said, "I know, Brother Gohan, I will work hard to practice."

Son Gohan nodded, "Okay. Come on, Trunks, time is running out and the task is heavy. We have to race against time. Let's start our first stage of training now."


"Come on, don't transform into a Super Saiyan, attack me with all your strength."


Son Gohan divided this training into three stages. He knew that his and Trunks' foundations were too poor.

So the first stage was to consolidate and strengthen their foundation. This basic quality includes several types, namely basic combat power, resistance to blows, and combat skills.

The three can be carried out at the same time and complement each other. Son Gohan plans to complete this stage in six months. It doesn't matter if it takes a little longer.

Only when the foundation is laid can you build a tall building on it. The so-called sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood, and this is also the truth.

As for the second stage, Son Gohan's plan is to surpass Super Saiyan. After the foundation is laid, they must start trying to break through. Not only must you dare to think, but you must also dare to do and dare to practice.

Only in this way can you constantly break through yourself. If you are complacent and think that Super Saiyan is already the pinnacle, then you will never surpass it. Son Gohan also plans to complete this stage in six months. It may take a little longer. But there is no other way. They have no teacher, so they can only rely on continuous attempts and practices to prove the feasibility.

Learn lessons from failure and keep trying new methods. Son Gohan believes that he will succeed one day by constantly failing and backing up again. Anyway, things can't get any worse. Now it's much better than before, isn't it?
