
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Face to face

After came back from the Shawn's place,Aleena once again felt lonely in her life.Atleast one happy incident happened in her life.She got a new friend Haya.She felt Haya is a simple girl who loves her father very much.

From the very first moment she felt an attachment towards Haya.They called each other every day because Haya took leave for her father's surgery.Its almost one week she took leave.

Sometimes Aleena have thoughts of Shawn and the night they spent together.She has yearning for his nearness. She is surprised about her thoughts.

"Why I am thinking about him often?.I am not a teenage girl.I already had a husband and child.But still my body and mind looking for Shawn's presence.

Today she left the office early and went to a mall for shopping. She roam through different stores.When she enter a store,her eyes fall into a handsome face.Shawn is there searching for dresses.

He looked towards her and their eyes met.A sudden rush of pain passed through her mind.She don't know where to hide.They looked each other for a quite few minutes.

Suddenly she came back to reality and walked towards the entrance.Shawn saw her and started running towards her.She increased her steps and at that time a sudden urge for vomiting came to her.She don't know what to do.She covered her mouth with her hand and run towards the washroom.

Shawn saw her actions and he felt she is not well.He followed her towards the washroom.Aleena is vomiting and he came behind her and hold her.

"What happened?.Do you eat something and feel stomach upset?.Let me take you to hospital."

she interrupted him and said.

"No need.I don't have any issue."

While saying this,she suddenly fainted.He hold her and had a panic his mind.

He take her in his arms and go to his car.He asked his driver to drive towards the hospital.