
Days of my Life

"Forbidden Demon Art: the big bang" Kenshin said as he activate his technique. Everyone was shocked. Tens of thousands giant rock came falling from the sky. Who is he?, who is the special class demon who was able to defeat Yaze and Gojo, the two strongest. Who is he?, and what will he achieve if he distroy the world?. the creation of the world. Most of the gods decides to live as human on their creation. Although, they are human, they still possess their god-like power. Some of the gods lived normal life, got married and produce more. These children produce from them are call SUPERNATURAL. Modern civilization see them as weapon but after continuous refusal to the plan, it started a war between humans and the supernatural. Forcing humans to use other human being for experiments to produce god-like being powerful enough to maybe kill a god, results from such inhuman act are called EXPERIMENTAL. Kakashi Yami was a victim of this, leading him to a life trying to find his sister and why people are used for experiments lead him to know what should have been kept unknown. This book might contain bloodshed and sometimes erotic moments, so please beware.

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21 Chs


Name: Kakashi Yami

Sex: Male

Technique: Lightning style

Relations: A younger sister

Appearance: white scattered hair and red eyes

Behavior: 1He is impatient and believes taking chances and using every opportunity

Name: Yaze Hitonomi

Sex: Male

Technique: Wind style

Relations: None

Appearance: Blonde with brown eyes

Behavior: Always calm and always strategic and don't take chances

Name: Ayaka Kamisato

Sex: Female

Technique: Ninjutsu

Relations: Younger brother

Appearance: Blue short hair and blue eyes

Behavior: Nice but easily get angry, always guess the best method to do things

Name: Natski Tokoyami

Sex: Female

Technique: Magic

Relations: Daughter

Appearance: Purple long hair and dark purple eyes

Behavior: Nice but sometimes scary

Name: Mira Tokoyami

Sex: Female

Technique: Magic

Relations: Mother

Appearance: Purple long hair and bright purple eyes

Behavior: Always looking dull

Name: Hibiki Kiyomi

Sex: Male

Technique: Summoning

Relations: None

Appearance: Black hair and green eyes

Behavior: Pervert especially when it comes to cute kids but always rush to a fight


From 28th of February, after the release of chapter 20. I will be uploading only three chapters a week instead of the normal seven.

This is because I'm going back to school and need to prepare for my exams.

I will try my best to keep uploading every Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Please bear with me. But after my exams, I'll continue uploading everyday.

The book is going to have up to six different arks with different storyline, each ark will tell what happened to the MC at different places he finds himself.

Thanks for reading my novel and keep on reading.

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