
Days of Lavender

Lavender kept a journal when she enter the portal. just a heads up I wrote this before I wrote Beyond the Portal.

Laneybird · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Four


Day 88

In the human world so far good, got a bed, home, food and Max. But not cool thing is that I have to eat breakfast...oh I mean school. I got to go to school, I will write later.

It's lunch time, met some people-ish. lost my temper with a teal eye girl but guess who stepped in to stop me, you guess right Max. Right I can not call him Max, he is now Mr. Ross. I did meet this girl Angel though she seems pretty cool. when we got home I check my calendar and I realized in to weeks is when in our world three people get to be chosen to be in the human world. hopefully Maddie and Wren gets picked.

See ya!
