
Days in hell

_Fred_William · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Aftermaths of the fight

Are you the one who defeated her???

Kudo replied ,,,yes so what ...

Well done young one,,,you have given quite a beating to her ...with that said the demon burnt her body to ashes....

What are you doing ,,isn't she one of your allies ....said Kudo

She was nothing more than a pawn for my master ...said the demon and took off...

After the whole incident with the ogre ,,,the President came and healed both of them and built them up to their fullest potential ...then both of them went on to their respective homes..

Hey mom I am back ...said Kudo

Why are you this late,,,,do you know how worried we were ,,,go have your dinner first and don't you ever pull something like this again or you are a dead men ,,,understood ...said Kudo's mom with a angry tone...

Kay mom ..said Kudo in fear ...

Hey mom where's dad ???

He is knocked out in the living room ....

Whattt...how did that happen ...

He was going out of control ,,,and saying that he would poision every one in your academy ...so I knocked him out...


So why were you this late ...

Ahh it was nothing ,,,some stuff from the academy just came up ...

What ,,on your first day...how so

It came up because it was my first day ,,,you don't have to worry mom ,,I am strong you know...

Ya ya I know how much strong you are ...

Kay then mom goodnight ...

Goodnight ...

It was such a tiring day ,,I even thought at some point that I might die...That demon looked quite ferocious,,,he killed her without even having a second thought ....that was too cruel ,,,,huuu,,enough of that crap it's time to sleep ,,,tomorrow's gonna be a hassle too ,,I think .....

Next day morning ...

Kudo come down,,you are going to be late for your academy ,and also someone has come to see you ....

Who is it mom ...asked Kudo ..

Hey late bud how did it go ...said Nemo

what do you mean by late bud ,,I am still alive you know ...and don't act so smug ,,,I know you were the one with the get up of president's manager...

Yay ,,,I should have known ...for a smartypants to figure out ...and also are you ready for your results then ,I hope it's positive ..said Nemo ..

Yeah ,,don't worry about that ,,it's for the president to worry for letting us pass or not ...said Kudo

Yeah you are probably right ...said Nemo

At academy after assembly ...

Kudo where are you ,,,shouting Mikato ...

Is he stupid ...said Kudo

Ohh ,,so here you are ,,let's go then ...

Where to ???

To the president of course ,,for our results ...and who is this guy with you ....

He is my childhood buddy ,,his name is Nemo ...

Nice to meet you ...said Nemo ..

Same here ,,, what am I even saying ,,, hey Kudo let's go first we can do the introductions later ...

Ya ya ,,let's go Nemo,,said Kudo (while draging Nemo)

Why am I coming ...asked Nemo ...


Come in ...said the president

How did I do ,,,did I pass ...asked Mikato eagerly ...

Truth is bitter ,,lie is sweet ,,said Kudo ...

So true ..said Nemo

You both did pass but you are only allowed to attend the lectures from the teachers ...

Then what about physical training and magic training ....asked Nemo

I will see that for you by myself ...

Why though ???asked Nemo ..

Isn't it obvious ,,she wants to hide the fact that we both have demons inside us ,,otherwise other students will be afraid of us and also only she can teach us how to use the powers of the demons to it's extent ....said Kudo ...

How did you know all this ???asked Mikato ..

I am not stupid like someone ,,you know ...replied Kudo ...

I am really going to break that filty mouth ...

Quite impressive for a weakling like you ...said the president ...

So from when the training will start ...asked Kudo ...

From today of course ,,, you all can leave now ,,except for Kudo ,,I have something important to talk with him ....said president ...

Why him ....crying Mikato ...

Now ,,now let's go Mikato ,,,we shouldn't disturb them ....said Nemo...

So what is it that you want to talk about ,,,I am guessing that it's something about me or my demon ,,said Kudo ...

You are quite smart ,,,but you are only halfway correct ,,,I want to talk about the demon ,,I don't have time to waste on humans ...said president ...

Guess not ,,huh ...so what about my demon ...

The demon inside Mikato is a ice demon,, his name is Gray ,,,said the president ..

What !!demons have names ,,that's quite new to hear. ...then what's the name of your demon ...asked Kudo

You should show intrest in me rather than asking about my demon ,,,utter dissapointment ..anyways,,her name's Emma ..said president ..

Huh ,,she does excatly what it says on the tin ..,,what's my demons name then.. asked Kudo ..

That's the whole reason I called you ,,,said President ..

what do you mean by that ,,,said Kudo ..

I don't have any intel about the demon in you ,,,nither it's name nor it's magical attribute ,,I don't know a thing about your demon ,,I am not even sure that it can use magic or not ...said president ...

Don't you dare to waste my time from next time ...I am leaving ..said Kudo

On his way to class...

She really annoys me ..doesn't she annoy you too Raiden said Kudo ...