
Chapter 677 Salesman and Porter (Part 1) _2

Translator: 549690339

The third type is the Shaped Battery, mounted on a defensive front line formed by Shield Defender Robots. They fire high-energy lasers which directly use Stark's Magic Energy. Hence, these lasers can damage the Morlun Family and stand as the most powerful weapon for inflicting damage on them to date.

The Shield Defender Robots form a sphere, pressurizing step by step. The friction sound between the parts is like the beckoning of the God of Death. The Shaped Batteries continually calculate their firing trajectory, aiming at Morlun Family members who have misstepped during the disruption caused by the bird-shaped robots. In just a few seconds, two members of the Morlun Family were hit, leaving a large hole in each.

Solus raised his arm, let out a furious roar, and fired an Energy Pulse from his hand. The moment the pulse reached the ground, it instantly devastated a large group of machines.

As a result, a breach was promptly opened in the encircling line. However, having made a successful hit, Solus didn't lead a breakthrough but stood triumphantly in the same spot, loudly proclaiming, "The inheritor is invincible! Charge!"

Seeing the confidence of their leader, the other members of the Morlun Family also restored their spirits. What they failed to notice is that after Solus released this pulse, the form of the robots produced by the nest changed again.

A strange disc-shaped machine was produced that silently flew onto the back of a Shield Defender Robot and was secured onto the robot using a newly-produced clip.

Just as another member of the Morlun Family attempted to mimic their leader by releasing a pulse wave with their stored power, the light in his hand barely lit up when the Frisbee Robot at his destination instantly opened a shield.

Multiple shields came together to form a massive circular cover. Once the pulse wave fell, it was immediately deflected by the cover and exploded in the open Universe Space.

Soon, more Frisbee Robots were produced. If the first generation of machines only ever activated their shields, the second generation developed robots that could intercept pulse waves in mid-air. The third generation developed robots that could bounce back pulse waves, while the fourth was already beginning to absorb the energy of the pulse waves...

The horror of Iron Demon Stark lies in the Magic Energy's near-infinite enhancement of Stark's Wisdom. When this Wisdom is applied to the life nest of the machines, the endless evolution and iteration allows them to develop perfect machinery to combat any enemy in just a few seconds.

With materials, transportation, assembly line processing, assembly, battlefield dispatch, data feedback, data collection, analysis, re-design, and then the re-input of materials. All the parts of the design are being accelerated to their fastest possible time under the boost of Infinite Wisdom, while production is achieved out of thin air by Magic Energy. Given more time and accumulating more data, Iron Demon Stark only strengthens.

By the time Solus realizes this, it's already too late.

The mechanical army they face has offset all their weaknesses. It is extremely small, extremely fast, has a shield for energy absorption, and the siege is tight and continues to shrink gradually.

Out of around ten family members that Solus brought, only six were left. The rest had already perished in the cosmos after suffering critical injuries. Solus was very clear that if things continued like this, probably within ten minutes, it would be his turn.

His carefully groomed white hair became extremely chaotic. After being hit by a laser, there was a wound on his arm that couldn't heal, causing him severe pain. The red light emitted from Solus' eyes due to the pain stimulated Solus as he gritted his teeth and said, "You forced me into this..."

Instantaneously, a white light radiated off Solus' body. The light transformed into bright white tendrils, connecting to the six members beside him. Each of them cried out tragically, shouting, "Chief! No! My Vitality… Ah!!!!"

Innumerable energies combined with vitality returned to Solus' body through the tendrils, immediately transforming him into a Demon God. Inside the white body of the Demon God, red lights connected in lines, appearing especially sinister.

For a moment, he was also atop the barrier of the Individual Universe, becoming as colossal as Iron Demon Stark. His voice rang out:

"I could have become a Demon God a long time ago; it was only inconvenient to move in that form that I didn't do so. You forced me into this!"

Iron Demon Stark snorted coldly. Instantly, the Mechanical Storm unfolded again, tensions were high on both sides, and a large-scale battle at the Multidimension Universe Level was about to break out.

Just then, a tiny figure slipped near the previous battlefield, where a few Morlun Family members, deprived of their power but not yet dead, were lying in despair, waiting for death.

Helen ran to these members, looked around to make sure no one was watching her.

Suddenly, her figure magnified infinitely, becoming almost as big as Mephisto who had appeared previously. She grew numerous spikes all over her body, vertical pupils and fangs reappeared, and a monster virtually indistinguishable from the Doomsday of comics appeared in the Universe Space.

Opening her huge mouth, she instantly swallowed all the members of the Morlun Family. Then, the same white light as Solus started to glow in her eyes.

Doomsday roared, and the white light turned into a mist surrounding her. Following this, the energy of all remaining machinery on the battlefield was drained in a split second.

The many thousands of machines blinked out instantly. The power inside the bodies of the dead members of the Morlun Family was digested completely. As the white light became denser and more of it was reabsorbed into Doomsday's body, her size exploded, even touching the barrier of the Individual Universe.

On the other side, The Ancient One, Mephisto, Thor, Loki, Odin, and other Demon Gods were still locked in combat.

Thor launched a Lightning Strike at Mephisto, but as he turned around, he saw Frigga. Frigga looked him up and down and asked, "Where's Helen? Wasn't she with you?"

Thor was stunned, looked down at his chest only to find Helen missing. Thor had been so absorbed in the fight that he hadn't noticed Helen's disappearance, which instantly made Frigga panic.

"Stop fighting! Odin, Thor, and Loki! Helen is missing; go find her now!! It's dangerous here! You careless fools!!!!"

The usually easy-tempered Queen of Gods rarely cursed, causing the father-son trio to yield instantly. They hurriedly began to search for the missing Helen in the space around them.

Just then, a roar echoed from a distance. Mephisto dodge to one side with a "swoosh," and a giant monster leaped onto the battlefield. "Crack," it chewed and swallowed a Demon God.

As pieces of the Demon Gods scattered everywhere and made contact with the white light surrounding this monster, they were instantly sucked into its body. Mephisto screamed in agony:

"My membership gift!!!!!"