

- Labour to keep alive... that little spark of celestial fire, Conscience--- George Washington.

"What will you like to eat today?" Aunty Mara asked Helen. The last two days have been spent visiting the interesting places in Lagos. Helen smiled as she took the pictures with the children. She felt so relaxed and happy and now as they finished morning prayer, it was obvious Aunty Mara was going to market that morning.

"I don't know"

"You will come with Chiamaka and I. We're going to the market."

"What are we going to buy?" Helen questioned happily.

"Ingredients for Edikang Ikong"

"Edikan Ikon" Helen pronounced wrongly. The children laughed and she smiled.

"It's pronounced as Edikang Ikong " Aunty Mara corrected laughing too.

"Edikang Ikon" Helen tried to pronounce it well.

"Much better now" Aunty Mara said to her as she left to change her clothes.

"So what will we be buying first?" Helen said as they arrived at they approached the busy market.

"First we will get our beef, cow skin we call it ponmo here, we will also get stock fish, some cray fish and dry fish" Chiamaka responded.

"That sounds appetizing"

Aunty Mara chuckled as they parked and got down to buy what they needed. They later moved to the vegetables section to get Ugu and Vegetables. They ended by buying Palm oil, pepper, maggi and other seasonings.

Helen was smiling at the end of it all. She liked what she was learning.

After eating, Uncle Paul announced that they will be visiting the village the next day.

"That would be nice" Helen said. She was happy she would be knowing her home town at last.


They arrived in the village of Mbiano 8 hours later after leaving Lagos. Helen slept and woke up, slept again, they bought plantains and bread along the way.

When they arrived, they were all tired and went to sleep, they woke up later to the sound of their relations who kept on coming in to welcome them.

Uncle Paul greeted two older men who responded in Igbo language. They asked of Helen and she was called. She learnt one of them was Uncle Matthew and the other one Uncle Peter. Why did their names revolve around the Bible? She said to herself as she recalled her father's name was David.

After Church the next day, they visited her parents grave. Her uncles were reluctant to take her there, but she was adamant, she felt it would make her return journey more fulfilling.

As she approached the tombstones, tears filled her eyes. She hugged the first tombstone which was her mother's, she wished that imaginary hands will hold her back, as she imagined, she spoke her sorrow, she moved to her father's and did the same thing.

"I will tell Mama Leratho and Aunty Eva about this visit, please tell God that I need to win at Day of Words. I will make you both proud" She promised finally.

She joined Uncle Paul and others who stood close to the car watching her. As they drove away, she noticed the flowers she dropped had started to fly away. Fly, they should, if they will reach the land of the dead.