

A wonderful family is life in it's fullest and wonderful friends makes the world a beautiful place--- Marcus Chidinma Glory.



Mama Leratho sang with ecstacy and happiness as she worked in the kitchen cooking Oxtail stew. She remembered Lineo's death once in a while but every time she looked at Helen, she became comforted. She had earlier sent Eva to collect money from one of her debtors.

Little Helen sat in the sitting room playing with a wooden toy that was bought from one of the craftsmen along the road.The sound of her cry and Eva's shouting proved that Eva was back.

"What's wrong?" Mama Leratho asked loudly as she paused and turned in the direction of the cry. Helen came running in.

"Mama! Mama!! Nthabiseng bought fish and refused to give me" She cried.

"Nthabiseng, bring that fish here. Why are you behaving like this?" Mama Leratho shouted.

Eva came in smiling. She tore some of the dried fish and Helen was glad to have a portion.

"Prepare the plates" Mama Leratho told her and brought down the stew.

Few minutes later, they enjoyed their meal of oxtail stew and mashed potatoes in silence. Mama Leratho had warned that no one should talk while eating and they had to obey.

She had this thick cane she kept under her bed and would flog anyone who dared disobey her. It didn't matter if you were as tall as an iroko tree, she would give you marks on the parts her hands could reach.

They lived a peaceful life in Lesotho, no one disturbed them. Once in a while, Mama Leratho would call the children outside her window to give them pieces of fried meat.

They had a few chickens, cattle and sheep. Mama Leratho had no young boy as her only son was away with marital responsibilities, so the work of feeding the livestock and birds fell on Eva until Helen was grown enough.


Church service was over and soon they would go home to finish their Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal.

Eva and Helen sat waiting for mama as she discussed with other women on important matters of the church.Mama Leratho was a well respected woman. There was no discussion of high value that she wasn't involved in.

Helen always looked forward to Christmas and now as she sat in her dress and shoes waiting patiently, she thought of the meal awaiting her. She wanted to leave but Eva reminded her of Mama's instructions.

About an hour later, they walked home in silence. Eva's mind was filled with thoughts of how she would resume in the university after the New Year celebrations.


Helen entered the house and dropped her school bag.

"Mama! Mama!!" She called but no one responded.

She walked to the kitchen and saw a note under her food. Mama Leratho had gone to farm. She took her food, ate and rested for a few minutes before taking her hat and stick.

She slunged the stick over her shoulders and went to the Pen where the cattle was kept and led them out to the usual place across the mountains for them to feed on fresh fodder.

As the animals grazed, she let her mind travel, she always imagined that one day she would stand before people to speak on the rights of women. it always ended one way- she would be presented an honourary award for her speech.

She was brought out of her reverie by someone who called her name. She turned to see Thabiso waving at her as he led his cattle to graze.She remembered the first day she met him, asked her an endless list of questions.

He asked if she could weave a basket and if she could speak Sesotho? He asked of Nigeria and how the place was?

She laughed and asked him to teach her how to weave a basket. He was more than glad to do so. They became good friends after that.

"What's in your hand?" She asked him as he approached her.

"Meat" He replied and showed her the animal he had killed. She smiled as he reached out to his pocket for matches.He told her to watch their cattle as he moved around to find dry sticks so they could make a fire.

About one hour later, they sat munching their meal. They laid down on the grass after that discussing about their recent festivals and a few other things.

"Do you remember your mother?" He asked her.

"I have a hazy memory but I do see her pictures. She was a beautiful woman" Helen replied thoughtfully.

"I can see" He complimented and she smiled.

"Do you have any traditional name?"

"You mean this tradition or my Nigerian Origin?"


"My grandmother gave me Lineo after my mother, she believes I would fulfill the dreams her daughter couldn't fulfil. I don't have any Nigerian Name"

"I know you would become someone who would speak for the rights of our women"

"That's a dream I would fulfill"

"It starts from somewhere"


"I don't really know, but you can ask your grandmother"

"It's time to go home" Helen said noticing the change in weather.

"Yes" he responded as they stood up.


"Mama I would see you next week" Eva spoke over the phone.

"I can't wait to see you my daughter" Mama Leratho smiled.

Eva was already done with her schooling and she was now working in Capetown.

Mama Leratho thought of her and how she would soon bring a man home and oh how her joy would be full when she deliever a child. Helen would be travelling soon to be with her. Uncle Chris, her first son have given her a scholarship in his school.

"Oh my daughter Helen!" She said to herself with warmth in her voice. Her little Helen was now growing into a beautiful teenager. She wanted Helen around her but she also wanted her to move to the city early and complete her high school education there.

Mama Leratho had already found a boy, who will help her with the cattle and sheep. With her two daughters away, she would be waiting patiently for news of their success.