

Welcome to the City of Dawnhaven. A place made up of those running from something and those to something. The city of chances that welcomes people and races from all walks of life: -A spirit elf who tried to make skewer sticks using the branches from the Tree of life claiming it would push the meaty flavors to a whole new level. This ended up with him being kicked out however his dream to be a well-renowned chef has only just begun -A gray orc who decided to be a tailor and seamster making some of the finest clothes be they normal or just in case you need something a little custom-made with some top-tier magical enchantments, the gray orc will not disappoint. - A half-merman that actively tries to make every resident of the city a member of his nonexistent pirate crew and moonlights as a shameless bard on the side trying to draw in recruits with exaggerated tales -A hobgoblin who wants to be a renowned adventurer -A half-moon elf half-vampire skilled in healing spells enough to rival treants skilled in restoration spells - A father, husband, and strange creature enthusiast looking for a fresh start for himself and his family. Will all who come to Dawnhaven be able to truly leave their past behind or will it catch up to them and threaten to drown the city. Only time will tell... Author’s disclaimer: Hey there Daynight dreamer here also author of the daily life of a cultivation Judge. I welcome you all into the new journey with the City of Dawnhaven. The world the story is based on is very huge so I'll share a map to help you keep track of where the kingdoms, empires, and other nations are located. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1rsUUQkC2vuqODRZEvu7I4ItDxEEQFJ/view?usp=share_link Above is the link to the map Thank you all!!!!!!!!

Daynightdreamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 12: Cruel difference in earnings

Leo removed a grey almost tattered cloth from his pocket as he unfurled it on the table. He carefully placed the two eggs on top of the cloth.


Leo whispered as soon as he was sure the two eggs were in place. A small magic circle lit up from the cloth as siegels and glyphs in the image of the sun lit up as the glow swallowed the two eggs.

Leo carefully wrapped up the two eggs with the glow disappearing soon after as if it never existed. He then placed it together with the notes that were in the chest next to him.

Alf was silent as he scrutinized the grey cloth with his eyes flashing.

"That doesn't seem like any normal 10th-tier spell I've seen. Those symbols…?"

"I learned it thanks to Arc's help. He found an old tome from about 20,000 years ago that described the way of life of a certain tribe that lived in what is now the Skywind kingdom. They were nomads who traveled from place to place with all kinds of magical birds.

They created all kinds of utility spells to support their nomadic lifestyle and one of those spells was Apricus. A spell able to maintain the normal body heat of any living creature even in adverse conditions though there is a limit to the intensity of those conditions.

However, the spell inscribed in that cloth isn't anywhere close to the real thing. The tome was already degraded and we didn't have enough information on the language used back then to decipher it completely.

From what we managed to dig up, the spell in its heyday could cloak an area of around 2 miles and that range could be increased if the spell was collectively cast as a group using magic synergy. Its effect didn't only generate heat to keep warm and incubate the eggs of their magical beasts but they could even use it to grow and harvest plants within a week or less.

It is sad really that such spells have been lost in obscurity in favor of spells suited for battle," Leo sighed as he shook his head as if mourning.

"Though with how troubled the times are, I get why most would focus on the latter than the former. Only fanatics like Arc and I would spend our time researching life skills magic as opposed to the offensive type. We have the privilege of being born in a village that would provide a safe place and resources for us to do so with no pressure of ensuring our own safety and the natural aptitude for mana that allows us to split our attention. Few people get that lucky to have both these circumstances in their life," Leo said as he sighed.

The conditions that they had was something that most would envy. They had a great aptitude for mana and a safe place where they could explore it however they wished. Most were not so lucky as one of two things usually occurred. They may have a talent for mana and are even lucky enough to have the necessary resources to support their growth but are in a dangerous environment like let's say the royalties and nobles who are embroiled in the fights for supremacy or succession. Then there are those with a safe environment but lack the talent to take advantage of it. Then there were those with the talent but not the resources which results in them engaging in dangerous activities to help support their growth or they are unlucky enough to never even take the first step. It was because of factors such as these that the growth of utility-based spells has seen a rapid decline over the past millennia.

Just like his brother Leo had a deep fascination with mana and the endless possibilities one could do with it. Although mana usage had seen exponential growth in its usage in the past century, that was only in regard to battle. All other areas seemed to have stagnated or other schools of magic disappeared completely since they were no longer deemed necessary.

Yes, mana had seen significant improvement but Leo always felt they many people have now been exposed to the various facets of mana resulting in an explosive growth in the number of knights and mages around but the creativity and freedom in exploring mana was slowly dying away.

It was for this reason that his brother Arc researched archeology and arcane spells. To bring to life those long-lost spells that ushered life and progress in the Trilunar world. As for Leo he too started studying all kinds of magical creatures just to see the different sides of how mana can be used in its humble form in day-to-day life.

"Alf, why did you decide to study mana and be a mage?" Leo suddenly asked as he stared fixedly at Alf.

"Well at first it was because I was found to have the talent for it and it was the only way to bring my family and myself out of poverty.

But as for now, I can say I do it because it helps me be a better merchant. To me being a great merchant possibly a violet-grade merchant is my life's ambition and I'll use anything that helps me get there. Being a mage is one of them and associating with questionable company is another," Alf calmly replied.

"I didn't know you could be this passionate about being a money grubber. Good on you Alf.." Leo said as he mischievously chortled trying to get back at Alf for his last remark. But he was quick to wipe it away once he saw the dark look Alf had on.

"Ahem, what I wanted to say is I agree with you. I think mana is meant to support you in living your best lives. What that life means and how you approach the goal is up to the person themselves. The simpler and clearer the reason you study mana the deeper you learn of it and the more creative and unencumbered you get at it.

I study it because I think mana is cool and I want to look cool using it. It's freedom and endless possibilities. A journey with no end and interesting views. Studying magical beasts and their pure interaction with mana is my way of meeting that goal and…well let me stop there. Little Dyr must be hungry and fuming right now," Leo said as he lightly smiled grabbing the chests with Mira's materials, the two eggs, and notes as he made his way to the exit with Alf in tow.

"I wonder if I'll be able to meet it again." Leo absentmindedly muttered to himself as Alf who was at his side threw a puzzled look seeing Leo's longing look like one of a child who missed their parents. This was rather strange to Alf since as far as he knew both of Leo's parents were alive and well and even lived together.

However, Alf didn't bother asking despite being mildly curious. With Leo's way of life and hobby, maybe he might be talking about a dung beetle he played with as a child that went away.

It was Leo and that assumption wasn't an impossibility.

They soon made their way out of the special warehouse with Alf removing the pearl as the entranced disappeared and the wall became plain white once more. He returned the bookshelf back into position and then comfortably lay on his seat as Leo threw himself carelessly on his couch. He even seemed to be searching for the best position to sleep in with his legs raised on the coffee table.

Before Alf could give his two cents and probably charge Leo another fee, a knock came on his door.

"Come in," Alf said as Gueva the half-elf made her way into the office holding the cloth that had the mithril small swords. She gently placed it on Alf's table as he began to scrutinize them.

"Sup boss, Leo the things you requested for Mira from the list are already in your chests and they all managed to fit in the chests you brought along.

The blue wool weighed 2000 pounds with the price of 2 gold coins per 8 pounds you get 500 gold coins and deducting the costs of the material, you're left with..?"

"STOP STOP GUEVA..You're not deducting anything from the wool money. The things on the list will be paid for with the money from the mithril weapons," Leo hurriedly said as he jumped up almost knocking the table over along with the expensive teapot and cup. However, he was quick to react as he hurriedly balanced them before they tipped over.

Gueva looked to Alf who nodded in return.

"Okay, your money is at the reception you can pick it up as you come out. I'll be keeping Dyr company. He told me a rather interesting story about you this morning.." Gueva said as she lightly chuckled.

"That little….Don't believe a word he says. He has a very active imagination," Leo said as he gnashed his teeth. However, his embarrassed look gave him away which left Gueva laughing even louder as she left the office.

"Mira's skills just keep growing. Her weapons are one of my store's favorite," Alf said as he admired one of the small swords that had the silver-like color expected of mithril weapons. There were three runes inscribed in the middle of the blade that occasionally flashed with blue light. The sword grip was pure white coiling around like vines attaching to the pommel like it was an oval fruit. The pommel was made of amber-colored crystal.

The swords were six in number, all small swords with varying designs but the material was all mithril.

"Mithril blades made by an expert craftsman with exquisite workmanship. I'll buy them at 150 gold coins a piece making the total, 900 gold coins. Her purchase list costs 350 gold coins leaving her with 550 gold coins.

As for the two eggs I take you will be footing the bill on that one. Counting the man hours, preservation costs, the rarity of the eggs, the quality of the shells.."

"Stop it with all that. How much are you charging me," Leo said fuming with envy at the disparity between his and Mira's earnings. He'd slaved almost a week with no sleep buried neck deep in over a thousand pounds of wool to earn less than her while she whipped up a few swords weighing less than a quarter of his wool and she earned double he did.

"The charge is 300...….a piece,"

Leo who was gleeful once he heard the first part of the sentence thinking he'd made a steal and things were finally right with the world was rudely given a painful right hook of reality that left him slumping on the chair.

"With the 30% discount on the account of sharing your findings. Your charge comes to 420 gold coins,"

"So I'm left with 80 gold coins after all that and Mira gets what?550? and she refuses to fund my world-changing research no matter how much I show the good it could do. That stingy woman.

Sharing a home with a dragon and a siren. How miserable can one's life be," Leo gloomily said as Alf mockingly looked at him.

80 gold coins was still more wealth than most had and here Leo was grumbling like he was a pauper. If news of his grumbling got out to the populace he would likely be mobbed and beaten half to death and be a true pauper when he got robbed of all his belongings including even the worn-out robe he had on. Alf couldn't help but ruefully smile at this potential ending.

"If only. Too bad he is skilled at running so the odds of that happening are slim to none, not unless...no that involves me forking out money. It's not worth it." Alf said sighing in regret.