
Dawn of times

**Synopsis:** In the year 2035, the world was forever changed when a second sun appeared in the sky. This celestial anomaly unleashed chaos, bringing with it monstrous creatures and reanimating the dead as relentless zombies. Humanity was rapidly pushed to the brink of extinction, unable to fend off the terrifying onslaught. In a desperate bid for survival, scientists developed hibernation pods to preserve a fraction of the population. Only one million were chosen to enter these pods, with the selection heavily skewed towards the government elite and the wealthy, who exploited their influence to secure their spots. Clark and his best friend David, deemed too weak, were turned away and left to fend for themselves in a crumbling world. For three harrowing months, Clark and David struggled to survive. Their partnership came to a tragic end when David was killed by a mutated tiger, leaving Clark alone in a nightmarish reality. Driven by the loss of his friend and the relentless pursuit of survival, Clark wandered the desolate landscape for two more years. During his journey, Clark stumbled upon a hidden cave containing an ancient artifact: a mysterious ring. The ring promised an extraordinary power—the ability to return to the past and alter the course of events, but with one limitation: he could only retain one of his current abilities. Realizing this might be humanity's only hope, Clark made the ultimate sacrifice, using the ring to travel back to the start of the catastrophe. Armed with his chosen ability, Clark is now determined to rewrite the future, prevent the rise of the second sun, and save his world from its apocalyptic fate. His journey is fraught with peril, but he carries the memory of his fallen friend and the weight of humanity's last chance on his shoulders.

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**Chapter One: The Second Sun**

Clark jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest as if he had just escaped a nightmare. His breathing was rapid, and he struggled to catch his breath. The familiar surroundings of his classroom slowly came into focus. He could see the chalkboard, the rows of desks, and the morning sunlight streaming through the windows. But something felt profoundly different.

He looked down at his hand and froze. On his finger was a black demon skull ring, its dark surface gleaming ominously. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, yet it felt oddly familiar. He stared at it, trying to piece together how it had come to be there. Then, as if struck by a bolt of lightning, the memories came flooding back—memories of a world ravaged by a second sun, monstrous creatures, and the loss of his friend David.

Clark's eyes darted around the room, searching desperately for a familiar face. And then he saw him—David, alive and well, sitting at his desk with a puzzled expression. Without thinking, Clark leaped from his seat and ran to David, wrapping him in a tight embrace.

"David! You're alive!" Clark exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of relief and disbelief.

David, taken aback by the sudden display of affection, awkwardly patted Clark on the back. "Yeah, of course, I'm alive. What's gotten into you?"

Clark pulled back, his eyes wide with urgency. "What day is it, David? Please, tell me what day it is!"

David raised an eyebrow, clearly confused by his friend's frantic behavior. "It's June 4th, 2035. Why?"

Clark's heart skipped a beat. June 4th, 2035—the date seared into his memory. He had three days left before the world as he knew it would end. His mind raced with the possibilities, the opportunities, and the need to act quickly.

"We have to go," Clark said, his voice trembling with urgency. "We need to get out of here, now. Trust me."

David looked bewildered, glancing around the classroom where their teacher was starting to take notice of the commotion. "Clark, what are you talking about? We can't just leave in the middle of class."

Clark grabbed David's arm, his grip firm and unyielding. "Yes, we can. We have to. I can get us on the hibernation pods. But we need to go, now!"

David hesitated, clearly torn between his friend's apparent desperation and the rational part of his mind telling him this was insane. But something in Clark's eyes—the sheer intensity and fear—convinced him to follow.

"Alright, alright," David said, standing up. "But you better have a good explanation for this."

Ignoring the protests of their teacher, Clark and David hurriedly gathered their things and headed for the door. The teacher's voice rose in anger, demanding they return to their seats, but Clark didn't look back. He couldn't afford to waste any more time.

They exited the classroom and made their way through the school's labyrinthine hallways, their footsteps echoing off the walls. David struggled to keep up with Clark's relentless pace.

"Clark, slow down! What's going on?" David pleaded.

Clark glanced over his shoulder, his face a mask of determination. "I promise I'll explain everything once we get to my house. Just trust me, David. We don't have much time."

They burst out of the school's front doors and into the bright, sunny day. The normalcy of the world around them—the students chatting, the birds singing—felt surreal to Clark, knowing what was about to unfold.

The walk to Clark's house was a blur of hurried steps and whispered reassurances. David bombarded Clark with questions, but Clark's responses were terse, filled with urgency and a sense of impending doom. Every second felt like it could be their last moment of peace.

Finally, they reached Clark's home, a modest two-story house nestled in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Clark fumbled with his keys, his hands shaking, before finally unlocking the door and ushering David inside.

Once they were in the relative safety of his home, Clark turned to David, his face pale and his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination.

"David, listen to me very carefully," Clark began, his voice steady but urgent. "Something terrible is going to happen in three days. A second sun will appear in the sky, and it will bring with it monsters and chaos beyond anything you can imagine. The world will be overrun, and humanity will be on the brink of extinction."

David's face twisted in confusion and disbelief. "Clark, this sounds crazy. How do you know all this?"

Clark held up his hand, showing David the black demon skull ring. "Because I've seen it happen, David. I've lived it. And this ring—it brought me back to stop it. We need to find a way to survive, and that means getting on those hibernation pods."

David stared at the ring, then back at Clark, his expression shifting from skepticism to a hesitant belief. "Alright, Clark. I don't understand any of this, but I trust you. What do we do next?"

Clark took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their mission pressing down on him. "We prepare. We gather supplies, we make a plan, and we make sure we're ready. This is our chance to change everything, David. We can't waste it."