

When did it start?

I just remember thinking, 'Oh. He's in my class?'

I guess my eyes just kept straying back to him, and then it turned into attraction. 'He really does get me through my days, huh?'

It didn't end there though. Soon, I started looking forward to seeing him in class, catching his gaze at times... and then, maybe I'd trail behind him a little while just to see where he'd head next during passing periods.

I even found out his schedule. I'd make it seem like a coincidence when we'd bump into each other... All just to see him more often.

It wasn't easy.

I did it all out of my own efforts. I never got any help. I never asked my friends about him, or even try to befriend his friends.

I planned routes and shortcuts, even if I had to take the long way to get to class. His smile made me smile. It makes me smile.

Then I noticed he drove himself to school.

I didn't mean to, but in the end, his license plate was engraved in my mind. It's not because I wanted to memorize it, but because it seemed like an almost natural habit of my body.

In the end it sort of just fell out of my mind. I didn't think much about it until I accidentally happened upon his car. I only knew it was his car because of the license plate. It took no effort, everything just fell into place.

He lives in my neighborhood. His car was in my neighborhood. His backyard is just right across from mine. I can see him through his windows at times. The only thing separating us apart is the gate.

How did I never know though? Shouldn't it have been obvious? I've lived here all my life and never knew? It makes me happy though.

Such a creep.

Now I'm obsessed.

When did things start getting out of hand?