
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 5


The sky was clear and bright, I stood in the middle of a valley. It was so beautiful and clam, it was like nothing I had ever seen before.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and fell on the sun dew grass without a care in the world.

I opened my eyes to take in the view and I saw a Castle afar... 'That wasn't there before' I thought to myself, it was beautiful and it complimented the landscape so nicely.

I closed my eyes once again breathing in the sweet air and what once felt like a dream turned into an instant nightmare...

The smell of blood filled the air as a dark cloud formed above the castle rapidly spread across the land consuming everything in it's path...

I could hear them... The cries of people, women and children, I was so scared I turned around to run away but something held my hand...

I slowly looked down at the child holding my hand drenched in blood with tears in his eyes...

He mouthed something I could not hear or Understand so I shook my head...

H..Help... Us...

Then the little boy fell to the ground unconscious... I was in so much shock I didn't know what to do

I picked up the child and ran while trying to wake him up before the darkness consumes us both...

Then I stopped and looked back... Now The valley was filled with both dead bodies and injured people crying for help...

What am I doing... I should help this people, but I can't... I can't go up against a storm... I don't have any powers to...

I fell on my knees crying my eyes out... I didn't have an answer to this... I looked up again and Mr Jonathan's book fell in front of me...

It opened itself and wrote:


And with that I woke up in tears as usual... It was the forth night now since I've been having the same dream about an unknown land being destroyed...

I woke up before my alarm or before Mom could call... I went straight to the shower and ran cold water over my hair before I took a shower and got ready for School...

It was Friday today and I was still having the same dream. Ever since my last encounter with the book, which I wasn't really ready to take any test that could practically be the end of me....

I went downstairs to the dining room to get breakfast and go wait for the bus... Granny McPhee was leaving this Morning so AJ and her family went to drop her off at the airport.

I sat in the bus looking out the window, It was raining. The dark clouds reminded me of that dream I had, I definitely had no clue what it meant... Not long after I reached school and as I got off the bus, I felt something speed past me sending chills up my spine but I didn't see anything... It felt like I was being watched or something.

I walked over to my locker to get the books I needed for class and as usual it followed me again. Yes the Book.

Since I hadn't given the book an answer to the test or whatever, the book followed me everywhere I went... I'm beginning to look a little like AJ... since She's the journalist here and all.

"Good morning Ice princess... What's with the long face" Jack asked

"Yea... You look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed... You ok??" Valerie chipped in as Ace walked up to us

"I'm fine... Just pulled another all nighter" I said giving them a weak smile

"You know you've got to take better care of yourself if you want all this studying to pay off, right?" Ace said as he leaned on the locker behind him

"You know we're here if you need to talk" Valerie gave me a reassuring hug

"Yea... We all believe in you Jess" Jack gave me a tums up

I didn't understand where this was coming from but it made me feel better

I smiled "Ok... Fine... You guys can stop being so touchy-feely now" and we all laughed even Ace joined in

"Thanks guys... I really needed that" I said smiling

"So... Does that mean we're still going to the party tonight" Jack asked and Ace smacked the back of his head... This was becoming a habit now... Lol

"Sure... Why not, We'll meet at the old playground at 8, Jack and AJ are driving. We cool??... Ace??" I asked and he knodded his head

"Then it's settled" then AJ walked in "What's settled??"

Valerie explained everything to AJ in less than a minute "What about Morgan??"

"You know she'll be there before anyone else Since it's her boyfriend's party" Jack said putting air quotes on the word "boyfriend"

The bell rang meaning we had to get to class and since it was a half day we had all the time to prepare for the party tonight.

I couldn't pay attention in class cuz' I was thinking about that book's offer... Either way if I don't take the offer or I fail the test it would be bad...

I remembered my friends telling me they had faith in me even if it was about the party... I think I have to tell them what's going on...

The amulet started to glow faintly at the thought and No, I also never took the amulet off since that day, I always became restless whenever I take it off,

Well the amulet only glows when the book wanted to convey a message to me...

I opened the book and it began to write:


"That  answers my question"... I closed the book and put it back in my backpack then I turned back to the teacher trying to understand whatever she was going on about...

After school AJ talked me into going to the mall with her... I didn't want to go but In my defense... I wouldn't even be caught dead at Ethan's party

But since I had already decided I was going I decided I would be the show stopper at the party...

I took out my phone and looked up show stoping styles on Pinterest so I could atleast get an idea

I decided on a short one sleeve dress which wrapped around the body leaving the left side of my stomach exposed in two straps

Luckily I found exactly what I was looking for and on sales too... I was excited but not too excited.

Few Hours Later

I took a shower and started getting ready for the party looking at my phone with the nth message the guys have been sending me to dare not be late...

But where's the fun in arriving on time... It doesn't count for a dramatic entrance... If I'm forced to go to this party I'm atleast going to make an entrance...


I stepped out of my room down to the living room as my siblings wowed at my outfit...

"Wow Jessie, you look fabulous... Are you sure I can't come along" Zoe whined

"No... I do not want my 12 year old little sister in the mist of those drunk lunatics and by the way Jess you look great... Curfew's by 11 no ifs and buts, stay safe and definitely no highschool sex... They'll scare you for life"

"Ewwww" the twins chorused

"Thanks big bro... I will, Bye guys" I said as picking up my jacket walking out

"Big T, when are you gonna take me out drinking" Zack asked Tyler

"Oh boy... It's gonna be a long night"

15 minutes later I arrived at the old playground..

"At this rate, I'd think you're punishing us for making you come" Valery said as I arrived

"Don't be so down... We lose the element of surprise if we arrive in time" I said as I walked under the streetlight

"Wow... What happened... You looked more gorgeous that you usually do" Valery said

I looked around and almost everyone was awed by how I looked even Ace and he almost never shows any emotion...

"Guys, it's still me" I laughed awkwardly

"Sure you didn't sneak behind my back to get something this good... I mean it fits in all the right places. I'm so proud of you" AJ said and everyone burst into laughter

But I kinda noticed the way Ace looked at me but it was gone in an instance or maybe I'm imagining stuff, I turned back to the guys complimenting me...

"Guys... Guys we're already late as it is, I have to get Valery home before 10 that means I've got limited time to get as high as I can and sober up in the shortest time. So... Let's Go Party People!!!" Jack shouted jumping off his hood and we all followed

This night is gonna be fun....

Meanwhile Somewhere Else...

"My darling, I've given you an important task, you shouldn't fail your mother at any cost"

"But mother, I hate it in that dimension... All those fools treat me like a commoner"

"Now Now my darling, don't you have your plaything... That boy... "



"Oh Mother... Look at the time, I must leave"

"Don't forget your Mission my beautiful daughter... We will be taking over Sorania with a storm"

(Evil laughter)

"Now Go"
