
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 3



"Hello Ethan" I said void of any emotions left for him

"Ouch... And the Ice queen scores again... Hold me babe I think I'm about to get a frozen heart too"

          Ok, heres the gist... Me and Ethan were basically your average childhood friends, only difference was that I had a crush on him while he had a crush on tons of girls which I was not a part of.... (I'm actually grateful for that now)

          I'm pretty sure Ethan has been aware of my feelings for him, so I decided to come clean during the school's spring dance in 5th grade

          It took all the courage I'm me to speak up and...

"Save it, it isn't worth my time. I'll never see you as a woman Jess so stop trying so hard. You look desperate" he said while walking away with a smirk on his face

         I cried my eyes out that night and swore no guy would ever make me cry again and that was also the end of our friendship

"Jessica be nice, you know my Ethy's very sensitive" Morgan said cooing Ethan

          I rolled my eyes

"Ew... I think I'm gonna throw up" AJ said making a gag face, making the rest of us laugh

"Alright, alright... There's a party this Friday night hosted by yours truly, to mark the beginning of another school year. There's gonna be food, drinks  and a little extra something..." He said as he winked at me. Gross

"... So I personally came to invite you all... And I hope you can make it" Ethan said with a smile and eyes looking directly at me

         Like we were practically shooting darts at each other with our eyes

          I'm sure Morgan noticed the exchange Cuz she spoke up

"Sure... I'm sure we can make it to your party, right guys" She said turning Ethan's face her way

          Everyone turned to look at me, sure everyone knew our history by now, they were my best friends

"Uh... Fine, we'll come to your stupid party" I said rolling my eyes again

"Cool, see you at 8" Ethan said leaving the table

"Ethan, wait for me" Morgan called after him

          I was about to roll my eyes again when "If you keep rolling your eyes like that, they are eventually gonna fall out" Ace spoke up

"I know, but you know how he gets under my skin... He makes me go crazy" I said practically fuming

"Then why'd you say yes to the party, you know we'd understand if you'd said no" AJ said giving me the worry look again

"I know again, but I don't want you guys to be deprived of fun just because of me" I said feeling guilty,

My friends are always there for me, they needed a break even if it was at Ethan's party.

"Plus, the party is written all over your face Jack" I turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised

"Hey, they don't call me the party Animal for nothing" Jack said with a sense of pride

"Hey, Alex I need a ride to the bookstore after school, you up for it" I asked AJ as the laughter died down abit

"Ooh...  I forgot to tell you... Grandma Margaret is in town so I have to be home early. I'm sorry" AJ said apologizing

"Its fine... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then"

          I was abit disappointed but its Grandma Margaret, A scary Old British Lady

          No matter how best behaved I am, she still finds faults in everything I do....

'Young Ladies do not slouch while sitting' 

'Stand up straight and keep your chin up' 

'Elbows off the table' 

'Young ladies shouldn't prance around in such tight trousers'....

          An it goes on and on and on... So I basically try to avoid her but still be polite.


          After school, I took a bus to town and made my way to a regular bookshop I sometimes visited

        I walked in to see the shopkeeper "Hy Jonathan" I greeted the old shopkeeper

"Why, isn't that Jessica, my favorite bookworm" Jonathan

        Mr Jonathan owned an old library in town that I loved to visit... It had an ancient feeling to it like from the midevieil age

"Haha... Very funny... Anything new" I asked as I searched the bookshelves for anything new

"Well... We had a donation come in last week, so knock yourself out"

        I smiled at him before I went back to looking for a good book to read

As I was browsing thorough the books "We had a few book which are quite old... They should be good" Jonathan said from the front

"Okay... Thanks"

          I picked up some books and went to the next aisle and sure enough there were so many old books

          Now don't get me wrong... I hate history at school but history from an old book... Had something different about it... You could even say there was something special about an old book

          As I walked by dragging my fingers across the old books... The texture felt fine and cool underneath my fingers

          Then suddenly... From the corner of my eye... I thought I saw some golden glitter, I turned around but didn't see anything

          I turned back confused but decided to move on... That's when I saw it

         The golden glitter wave above my head moving in a direction

           I instinctively picked up my phone to record the whole thing as proof to show to my friends

          I was contemplating if I should follow, I didn't want to worry Mr Jonathan about this, so I followed the  trail of glitter before it disappeared

           It led me all the way to the back of his library and I saw a book that looked really old

           The glitter settled on top the book and disappeared... It was all so magical and beautiful

            I picked up the book... It had an old cover with brown pages

          I opened it and the pages were blank and dusty... I think its an old journal

"I do need one of these" I said as I added the book to the books I wanted to check out...

             I spent a few minutes before going to the counter at the front to check out the books

         I connected my air pods to my phone and turned on my playlist as I waited for Jonathan to pack the books for me

        I watched him package the book... But he stopped when he saw the old journal... I knew I shouldn't have taken it

"Where did you get this dear" he asked calmly

"I'm sorry I took it... But if I told you how I found it you wouldn't believe me" I said

"Is that so now... Do tell" he said smiling... So I narrated the whole thing to him

".....I even have a video to prove it" I took out my phone in a hurry to show me

"Ok... Ok... No need for that... You can have it" Jonathan laughed and packaged the remaining books

"Are You sure its really ok... Isn't it yours" I asked abit guilty

"Its yours now and I want you to take care of it for me" He said with a smile on his face

"Come... I have something for you"

"But its not my birthday... Is it" I asked confused

          He only smiled again at me and brought out an old chest...

          He opened it and I saw the most beautiful purple amulet... I mean that would cost a fortune...

"I want you to have this with the book... It'll come in handy" he said handing it over with a smile

"No... I can't take that... It looks like it would cost a fortune... You should sell it and live comfortablely... You're not exactly as fit as you think you are" I said but Jonathan bursted into a loud laughter... It was almost scary

"I appreciate the concern dear... But my time as guardian has come to an end... Its time for a new star to rise"

         He's words were really confusing me... What guardian and star??

"Mr Jonathan... I think you need to rest" I said and now he pulled a serious face

"Listen to what I'm about to tell you now Jessica... This world is not everything... Those books you read are worlds created by a fragment of someone's imagination but they are all real... Nothing is as it seem and the balance between these two is being britched..."

          I couldn't understand what Mr Jonathan was saying but I listened with full attention

"When The time comes this Jewel will be your only source of power. But with power comes great responsibility... You'll know more when the time come" Jonathan said as he set the amulet into my hands

          He gave me my books and walked me out... "Be careful... That book will test you... You must never give into your darkest desires less you become prey to the book" that was the last thing Jonathan said to me

       I kept walking in silence with only the faint music playing in the background of my air pods... When I snapped out of it... He was gone...

          I ran to the shop to try and convince him that I was not the one he was looking for or maybe this was a prank played on me by AJ

"Ok... This isn't funny... You can come out now" I shouted but There was no answer and the library was locked

          I was abit scared now... Well actually... a whole lot scared... I ran to the nearest bus stop home, it was getting and Mom must be worried

Third person POV

"Are you sure she's the one?.. That poor thing looked as pale as the moon... She might not be able to handle it"

"Trust the judgment of the book... Its not everyday you see a mere human being guided to the book talk less of being able to see it"

"I wonder what test she would face and If she fails... You know what'll happen"

"I've been watching her... hoping she would be the one, she has a kind heart... Atleast have faith in me... For old time sake"

"(Sigh) I can't believe our fate is in the hands of a mere girl child... Fine, We'll be watching"
