
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 23

This wasn't looking good for me at all, I only had a few hours and this witch had me locked in this chair.

"Now I hope you're comfortable child, it's going to be a long story" The witch said.

"Please!" I spoke up, and she turned around to look at me with her brows raised.

"Please, could you not use Danny's body, I didn't want her to be disrespected" I said not looking up.

"Hmmm, normally I would stay in this form to torture you but, I will grant you this as a dying wish" And with the flick of a finger she transformed into the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life, she also wore a red silky dress that complimented both her skin and her body.

"I do hope this is better, I have so many cloths done for me every now and then that I practically wear them once before throwing them out" I just stared at her and said nothing.

"Well then, now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you why you need to die and why I need that book dear. Ooh, where are my manners, you would need popcorn to enjoy the story, isn't that what you human kids eat when you listen to stories or watch things on that big flat crystal ball of yours"

And with the flick of a finger again a bowl of popcorn gentle dropped on my lap and with another flick I was eating the popcorn against my will.

"Stop, how do I know you-"

"Haven't poisoned the popcorn, see child, I like to see my prey beg for mercy before I finish them off and with all the troubles you've caused and would possibly cause if I allow it, death by poisoning would be letting you off easy" She said cutting me off.

"Now dear, listen to my tale" And with that she began the tale of two sisters and with yet again a flick of her fingers, the story was able to come to life before my eyes.

Once upon a time in a world very different from ours, in a kingdom that has never know a time without peace, twin sisters were born into the royal family and as custom women were always the guardians and custodians of the book that held all the magic of the entire universe.

For generations, predecessors have travelled from realm to realm seeking to expand the content on each page and with each added spell the book itself came to life and started to select it's master both male or female.

Obviously with such power people would seek the book from far and near, some as enemies and some as friends and for that reason past council members and the king had decided to build and institute nearby the kingdom where magic would be taught but none except from the royal house would have access to the book's magic.

Hence battle were always one sided as the opposing side brought raw strength to the battle field, the elite few from our side would battle against them with magic.

The two young sisters who were born into the royal house had roles to play and since they were twin and there was no male in the royal house, one sister would rule as queen and the other as head sorceress.

The council members decided that in the absence of a male child, both sisters would attend the institute and be trained in not only magic but in combat, government and all it took to rule a kingdom.

As fate would have it one sister desired power and wanted to rule the kingdom because rulers also had their share of magic to balance out the magic of the head sorcerer or sorceress, so in essence she trained hard night and day to surpass her sister.

While the other sister was as peaceful and calm as a dove, always at peace and never competitive, she never harboured any ill desire or selfish intent like her sister.

16 years later, the sisters had to take a test that would determine their roles in the kingdom, a test of combat, skills, wit and magic.

Obviously the first sister who seeked power did wonderfully, impressing both the judges and the members of the institute.

While the other sister took her test with patience and such skill that could not be rivaled in the kingdom and this made the other sister angry, while she had to train hard to get to where she was her sister had a natural gift.

The final test was that the book would test the sisters mental abilities to see how strong their minds were and if they could handle the power of the book.

Three days later the first sister was finally able to escape the test of the book but she was already too late, her younger sister had already been crowned queen of the kingdom

The made the first sister so mad that she misused the power of the book to crumble almost half of the kingdom leaving her sister no other choice but to banish her only sister and this took the powers of both the previous king and all the council members to cast.

She was banished to a forbidden forest known for it wild mystical beast and dark sour magic but not before cursing her younger sister.

That if her sister were to ever have an offspring she was going to die and the child would perish by her own hands

"Now darling, we're going to play a little game now" the witch started

I must admit that I was really engrossed in the story that I never said a word through out

"Who do you think the first sister was, I'll give you a hint, she beautiful and she loves the colour red" she said giving away the answer but I said nothing

"Oh, don't be a spoil sport now, I already gave you the answer" she said again standing up arms wide open

"Me" She said with pride written all over her face

"How could you have done that to your own sister" I protested struggling in my chair

"Oh, the little witch had it coming, I mean come on how could she have passed within 5 hours, but the good thing was throwing me in that dark forest was the worst mistake of their lives and I've had plenty of time using what the forest for my experiments, as you can see, mind transfer or maybe invasion is successful" She said smiling wicked

"Ah, that should be enough time" She said as she snapped her fingers and immediately I fell out of the chair confused, enough of what??

Could it be that she was waiting for my time to elapsed, but if that happens. The realization than dawned on me, knowing that if I don't pass I would never be able to see my family my friends... or Robert again

"I'll be on my way now girl, if you eventually get out of her I'll be sure to make you beg for mercy" I was frozen at her word and couldn't do anything

"Now then, I have a date with my sister and the kingdom of sorania, I think they've missed me for far too long" She smiled as she walked out the front door leaving me to my misery

I fell on my knees thinking it was all over now as I thought about everything I could possibly lose and Robert too, I remembered I promised him dinner on me and now I may never get the chance to see him ever again I thought and started crying harder

The ground started shaking, like an earthquake was about to hit, but I guess that's also the book's way of telling me I don't have any more time left

I noticed the crystal glowing faintly, I held onto it like my life depended on it, which it did.

Thinking about my family and everyone, I remembered Mr Jonathan, I had let him down when he had so much faith in me, I remembered the last thing he said to me

"What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most"

Wait... That's the answer, it's almost like a spell, that was also what Robert was telling me in the void space

With a realization a black holes opened in the middle of the room dragged everything in it

I held the stone chiminy with all my might as I recited the words three times and then...

I opened my eyes, my head hurt, I felt cold and was probably shaking, I was definitely hungry, I tried opening my eyes and saw a blinding light...

"My Gosh!!! AM I IN HEAVEN" I asked shutting them again

"Yeah right, and I'm also the angel to take you to your apartment here, what would you like, a condo" I heard the voice

"I thought angels were supposed to be nice" I replied still not opening my eyes

"Shut up and open your eyes girl" I heard the voice again

And slowly I began to open my eyes, I started to take in my surroundings, it was a white room, I'm really getting tired of those

But this one was different, I was an actual hospital room, I saw a monitor and there wires connected to me, only then did I notice the oxygen mask and the drip on the other side

I began to sit up when something small smacked me on the head "Do you know how frightened I was" I looked up and I saw Gwendal sitting on a high chair

"Ouch, wait, where am I, if I'm not dead then why am I at the hospital, I don't think there was nothing wrong with me" Right?