
Dawn of the First Emperor

A man named John Akton was on an expedition until something unforseen had unfolded. Lurking in the dusty ruins of the Naqsh-e Rustam where the actual burial of Cyrus' prize possession; He's golden staff. Upon entering the catacomb, they met someone who inhabitated the old ruin. Her name was Estir Anamita, the Archmagos of Cyrus and his personal priestess. Before he could do anything he was suddenly transmigrated along with Melissa Stone, one of his companions. The world they are traveling through is... Korsan.

Trajann_Augustus · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Plan

4 days ago after Richards meeting with Linaris

Somewhere near the Cromwell residence lies the Clayhill family with Marquess Webnor being the head of the house. Currently staying within his study, Webnor has been keeping an eye on the duke's activity. Yes, he finds it strange to see the Archduke's behavior acting quite bizarre. Never has he seen him play the role of serving it's people.

Normally the nobility would usually send people do their work but the duke shown a strange affinity to medicine. To which surprise him since not many nobles dedicate themselves to the strange remedy as it was difficult to understand the physiology of humans. Yet not only can he bandage a simple wound but also stop an illness without any magic. I told my men to inspect this sudden change. What's more weird is that Cromwell didn't attend the after party.

Putting down the statistical papers of the current food supply in the granaries. The wheat stocks have plummeted significantly since the ork invasion but not too severe. We might be able to survive the winter if we ration the amount of wheat that can be given to the populace. Although, that is the council of commons job to do since they are responsible for most of the necessities to the commonfolk.

That is when Richard decided to sit down and discuss among the council members as if he is a part of their group. Although, Ryan Cromwell, the one who founded Isstvan that arrange such a council so that the nobility would not be bothered by the commonfolks problems. Massaging the nose between his eyes out of frustration; he doesn't know why but this Richard has been a pain in his ass for almost 2 months.

It does not matter, what's important is the next assassination for the last heir of the Cromwell familia. If he kills Richard and his other associates then the nobility would have no choice but to put Webnor in power.

He has been orchestrating the demise of the Cromwells for 20 years since he despise the men in charge. Webnor believes that a man competent enough should be the one in power and his descendants. Not some silver haired morons who only lets their lacky (the nobility) to do their dirty work. Even though Richard has done some remarkable deeds; it isn't enough for him to put a stop on him.

Drawing a draft to his scheme, Webnor has made a deal with baronet Simon Fletcher and Earl Cian Ackberg. If they over take the dukes position; he'll higher their ranks from baronet to Marquess. If his schemes would go well then he should have everything he could have ever wanted and once he has ascended to dukedom; he'll obtained the infamous Cromwell mansion.

Webnors manor isn't the worst but it is not the finest. There were some places within his manor that didn't perform to his liking. Nevertheless, once he becomes the Archduke not only would he have power but also the wisdom of the rumored Lost Library hidden beneath the Cromwell estate.

There was a bruit running about within the mansion that the Cromwells have attain a vault riddled with forgotten knowledge that would potentially be beneficial. It's text of frittered tomes that would give the user that reads it skills that cannot be procure by normal means.

Which is why the Holland family was given the privilege to enter such library and they have as a result received the talent to eliminate a beast that no normal man can overcome.

Although only the head knight and knight master can enter such a catacomb of immense obscenity. Despite Charles attaining such a feet, it was not enough though to defeat a griffin. To which is why the head knight wasn't able to fully kill the Ork warboss since it is considered to be equal in strength to a rabbi's golem warrior.

"So... I presume that you are fully aware of our plan correct?" Marquess Webnor sneerily spoke.

"Yes, Marquess but I have one question..." Earl Ackberg said, raising an eyebrow.

"Speak if there is a problem, Earl Ackberg." Webnor said coolly.

"What happens if the shield-captain and the rest of the shieldhosts returns with Publius Belisarius along with the rest of the expeditionary force?" The Earl skeptically said with his eyes furrowed.

"Oh do not worry about that. We only need to face our attention to the 3 Pillar-Guardians that are present." The Marquess reassured the weary earl.

"How?" Baronet Simon Fletcher blurt his words anxiously. Webnor rolled his eyes and looks at the baronet coldly as a means of intimidation. They both meet their eyes as Simon withdraws out of shame.

"I'm not saying that we cannot fulfill the task but I am worried about the remaining Shield host. Remember they are noble children born to guard the man who they pledge their allegiance to. If you however become the next duke then maybe they will also swear fealty towards you but... I have a hunch that something like a simple switch in power wouldn't garner you they're favor." Said the Baronet with each syllable as nerve wracking as he uttered it word for word.

There was an awkward silence. Then followed by a cynical chuckling made by the Marquess. The two nobleman have not the slightest clue as to why Clayhill guffawing. They just sat there, embarrassingly snickering along with the Marquess. Then he slams the mahogany table with the palm of his hands and stated.

[Get ready for the long exposition - Author]

"Which is why Cromwell sent those blabbering buffoons to a trap arranged by none other than me! You see! I've made a deal with the Bareleaux Royaume to sent one of their armies and declare war against Isstvan! Ever wondered why the Motten Konigreich are at war with the Remolan Republica and we have to send troops as tribute from our alliance with Republica? Oliver that fool of a man has decided to make an arrange marriage to one of the senators daughters just so he could have a bit of influence to the current super power that is the Remolans. Besides almost a 1/3 of our population is made out of Lethin speaking natives who trace their roots back to when the Remolan's were a kingdom. Now they just scrambled to every pot of land in our city." He went on rambling to the other nobleman in front of him. [Sorry, I got carried away by the dialogue. Wont happen again - Author]

The Mottens are currently at war with Isstvans ally the Remolans. Therefore, Isstvan sent 3,500 troops from their defense force in order to join the auxiliary force as supplementary. Legions that comprise the bulwark of the Republics armies, are the standing military powerhouse that entirely rely on heavy infantry.

Though, unlike most of the kingdoms that specialize in cavalry based tactics. Their Cataphractii are like a herd of iron rumbling onto the fields of war. The sound of hooves would render the men standing shiver and jitter as the lances would penetrate the shields to any who has one.

The Remolans in return, create a sort of countermeasure to resist the warhounds. They use a special type of wood enchantments that only the Dwevron population within the Republic are allowed to mass produce such authenticity.

There were several factions that have tried and tested multiple methods to replicate the corresponding technology that the Remolans are able to produce. To add more icing in the cake, legionary discipline is of the most key component that the legions are most effective.

Hence why if the Defense force that Belisarius brought were to return in either defeat or triumph. Webnor would already be the new duke and the 5 chaperons that were left to defend Richard would already be dead by the time he has initialized the first stage of his scheme.

His intentions were to remove a large chuck of the force that was loyal to Richard. Then drive the 5 Pillar Guardians, along with Richard to his territory while at the same time create a slave rebellion to distract the head knight and his commanders. His goons shall make a big ruckus as much as possible.

Then allow his band of knights, mercenary, squires and professional killers to eliminate Richard and his entourage. When he kills the Archduke, he'll then have bodies of dead slaves adorn with weapons be placed around his manor and burn it to the ground.

That way, the people would know that it wasn't me who have done it but in fact the slaves who revolted and once Belisarius returns with the knight master and the shield-captain. They wouldn't even know who did it.

"If our plan goes what its intended. What should we do with the 2 illegitimate children that Oliver adopted?" Earl Ackberg said. The Marquess glares at Ackberg for a good minute.

"We'll have to sell them off to slavery if they become a nuisance but if they are too dangerous to be kept alive then execution should be the solution." Marquess Clayhill said, assertively.


2 days later.

It was afternoon. Head knight Charles Holland has recovered the injuries he sustained for the past couple of days. No normal man can recuperate that fast but not for the head knight. He received regenerative abilities when he was still a knight errant to prove ones worth and capabilities for the position of head knight.

It was a gift from Cellica after saving her from a gargantuan cyclopian beast, then travels to the Elhein forest in order to save her people by the Kruhdari. Elhein that have fallen from grace due to their hedonistic ways of life. Attributed by the machinations of Pitulim, her race suffered the worst torture to their kin the Kruhdai. Charles popularity has risen quite indubitably by the coming days.

Above the walls to the western gate; he was strolling around as per patrol. Even though it is in the middle of the day, Charles still feels cold.

"*Hurrr* Is the frost season coming already?" Charles remarks to himself while quivering. He wore his iconic gold-lining, steel armor that the understone shop gave to him.

"The first snowflakes will fall in a matter of 2 months now. You better be prepared head knight." A familiar voice came to the ears of Charles. He can discern the cold tone that distinguish such a character. Charles turns around and puts a smile on his face to someone that never would return one.

"Gregor Dorn. I haven't seen you much since the defense. How is my stoic bastard doing?" Charles jokingly said and puts his arms around the nape of Dorn.

"I was busy rebuilding the walls, as well as the infrastructure of the citizens dwellings that are in need of repairs." Gregor replied coldly as he usually would. Charles chuckles.

"Why not rest and take a stroll around this beautiful city. How about you poke around those dames right there?" Charles said and points Gregor to some fancy noblewomen having a picnic outside the walls.

"No. Why should I poke a lady for no reason? It seems childish to place your fingers in her." Gregor stalwartly said with resolve. Charles scoffs and rolls his eyes in disappointment.

"Always the literal one, huh, are you Dorn? Here *Cracks fingers* I'll show how to poke a lady in!" Charles said, as he walks to the stairs but before he could strode down. Gregor intervene and stopped him.

"Holland, do you know those women?" Gregor ask curiously.

"No? Why, I'm just showing you how to get a woman-.... On the contrary, I should not." Charles said and changes his mind the instant he thought about Cellica. Perhaps Charles can teach Dorn alternatives to know the way of the man. Lest Cellica would kill him if he touches another woman than her. Then a soft voice came to him below inside the city wall. It was his new maid Paulina Aurelius.

"[Sir, head knight! Commander Dorn! We have received a message from Publius Belisarius!]" Paulina shouted, waving a piece of folded parchment in her delicate hands.

Immediately, Dorn and Holland walk downwards to the spiral staircase. Once they meet with Paulina, Gregor promptly takes the letter from her and opens the waxed sigil and reads the contents of the memorandum.

"Well what is it?" Charles chiefly said in curiosity.

Then Dorn gave him the letter with the usual expressionless face. He seized the letter without hesitation. Then a smile came to his face after taking a glimpse of the words written within. Paulina on the other hand did not understand but it was enough to make her grin slightly. Jubilated, Charles throws the letter up high and lifts paulina by the waist and spins her around like a matron.

She had flushed cheeks of a pink-red hue. Charles suddenly realized that the person he was holding was Paulina and thought it was Cellica. So he puts her down gently. When he encountered Paulina at the harbor; she requested to be my squire as a token of gratitude. Initially, I politely refuse for he had 3 other squires that are under my tutelage.

Although Charles could not reject a women's offer; he would certainly not allow the one he saved to serve him for a good portion of his career. Except he had a realization.

Before she could leave, Charles had a realization. He was lacking a service maid. Hence why instead, he offered her the job of being his personal custodian. Originally, Cellica would have been against this; he thought but lucky for him, she approve of having a servant maid tidying the house.

"Charles, do you know what this means?" Gregor said and placed his hands on Charles shoulder.

"That the supplementary force that was sent 2 months ago before the Orks breached Isstvan? Yes, I am certain that Belisarius will return, along with the knight master and the Shield captain too." Charles replied with a sense of pride flowing.

"Yes, as far as I know. The war between the Motten's and the Republic are now at a stalemate. A peace treaty would be made soon if one side does not wish to be annihilated." Gregor said with a stern resolve.

Charles giggles like a child. This was news that they have been awaiting for quite a long time. At least the front is doing well and he hopes that it would go smoothly. Then he hears a commotion outside the walls. A squeal of women yelling echos from the other side. Gregor was now on guard and alert as ever.

They both ran above the gate and scan the area. What they saw horrified them. Out in the distance from the forest, a large bipedal wolfen came out of the forest. It's signature iron fangs could break a broad chunk from a boulder with a single bite.

There was no doubt it was the infamous 4 meter long Lurros that roam the black forest of the sycamore terrace. Gregor and Charles looked at each other and did the only the reasonable thing to do.

The two men jump down the 36,ft tall wall and landed at the bridge. Charles unshealth his new sword that is imbued with enchantments from the understone workshop. Gregor brings with him the soul spear that has his father's spirit trapped inside.

He never loved nor did he hated his father but he was a sociopathic maniac which has a bloodlust that could not be satiated. It is the reason why his father was imprisoned by the knight master. A penitence for his crimes. Gregor was the one who put his father to rest as he is inactively stays dormant for all of existence.

They charged at the Lurros and the creature in return came pouncing at them. Gregor falls down and slides forward, thrusting the soul spear at the Lurros head. While Charles swung his new blade towards the lower abdomen of the beast. Seconds later the Lurros was dead. It's head was pierced through by the soul spear and its lower half was cleaved.

Oozing black blood began to stain the soil as its corpse twitched non-stop. Charles cleaned off the blood from his sword by swinging to the ground. Gregor withdraws his soul spear from the gaping mouth. Luckily, the two noblewomen managed to escape since the Lurros was aiming for the gate.

Then there was a loud howling coming from the black forest. 4 more Lurros sprung out of nowhere and dash towards the head knight and garrison commander. The Lurros speed was fast as they leave trails of deep footprints on the dirt. The two men sighed in annoyance but Charles smiled at Gregor and he nodded in return.

"It seems like we're going to be here for a while. Right Dorn?" Charles remarks, and creates a guard position.

"Yes." Gregor replied expressionlessly and points his soul spear at the wolves as he makes a stance.

This is just a huge info dump of the politics and introducing a villain that would benefit Richard. You'll see why in a few chapters. Also, I'm going to take 1 week break so I'll see you guys on the 29th of April.

The magic system will be on the way. I just can't cram everything together in one chapter.

Trajann_Augustuscreators' thoughts