

Mercy_Adedoyin · Horror
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4 Chs




We're not out of the woods yet," the pilot said. "There are more zombies out there, and they're getting smarter. If we don't find a way to stop them, they'll eventually overrun the world." "So what do we do?" Ben asked. "We need to find the source," the pilot said. "We need to find out where these zombies are coming from, and put a stop to it. I think I know where we need to go." Ben nodded.

The pilot flew the helicopter over the countryside, until they reached a large, sprawling city. "This is where it started," the pilot said. "A few months ago, a strange illness started spreading through the city. People who got sick started to act erratically, attacking others. It didn't take long for the city to become overrun. The military tried to contain the outbreak, but it was too late. The whole city had to be evacuated." Ben looked down at the abandoned city. It was like a ghost town.

"There's one place we need to go," the pilot said. "An old research lab on the outskirts of the city. That's where the outbreak started." The pilot flew the helicopter towards the lab, landing on a helipad on the roof. The building was heavily fortified, with barbed wire and security cameras. "Looks like they knew what they were dealing with," the pilot said. "We need to get inside and find out what happened here." Ben nodded, and they got out of the helicopter.

The door to the lab was locked, but the pilot had a keycard that let them inside. As they walked through the dark, empty hallways, they could hear the wind whistling through the vents. It was eerily quiet. "It feels like everyone just disappeared," Ben said. "Like they were raptured or something." "Let's find the control room," the pilot said. "That's where we'll find the answers we're looking for." They followed the signs until they reached a door marked "Control Room."

The control room was like something out of a science fiction movie. The walls were covered in screens, showing charts and graphs and maps. In the center of the room was a large, circular table with several computer terminals. The pilot sat down at one of the terminals and started typing. "I'm accessing the database," he said. "I'm looking for any information about the outbreak." After a few minutes, he found what he was looking for. "Here it is," he said.

"According to this, the outbreak was caused by a virus that was accidentally released from the lab," the pilot said. "It was being studied for its potential use in genetic engineering. But it mutated, and turned everyone who was infected into zombies. The military tried to contain the outbreak, but it was too late. The whole city was lost." "How did they stop it from spreading?" Ben asked. "They didn't," the pilot said grimly.

"The virus kept spreading, across the country and around the world. It caused the collapse of civilization. But that's not the worst part. After a while, the zombies started to... change. They got smarter. They started to learn how to use tools, how to communicate with each other. It's like they're evolving, becoming more and more human-like." "That's impossible," Ben said. "It's happening, whether you believe it or not," the pilot said.