
Dawn Of Night

[ § Notice: World Freedom Seal has lose its effect, now be advice to take percussion and safety, Welcome to the Dawn of Nights, where the rules are flipped and the world will change, first advice take shelter] It is a voice that change the world, rather than a foe it is classified as a companion where it guides the human race to its outermost survival. mono tone and robotic, its like a system, a system that guides every human being to level up their stats and complete mission. Sank Chen, the Protagonist as his name suggests his life is a real life sank, working day by day for his sister when his parents died many years ago, it was subjected and a pain for Sank mental state. how would this guy survive in this world? a world where 50% of the living organisms that lived Earth perish due to a sudden rain that bring death upon on its subject. Dawn of Nights, its a hunt, a hunt in the night, earth has lost its sun and its sunlight, it is an apocalyptic era where the sun did not rise again and only the moon and the stars above watched. Seal Owners also known as Celestial being that watch from the stars, its a tough world for him yet "Your eyes remind me of the sea...." "My what? don't talk like that Crim" "Mahal........ It seems the night and the nightmares hunt us, but our soul?" a sudden pause hit the note as his red sweet eyes gaze upon on the calm and gentle blue, a smile formed, a genuine smile it seems. "My soul remain peaceful when I'm with you......" ~~> Mahal - Meaning Love in Philippine language. Hi new author here! I am new to Webnovel so sorry in advance do hope you understand that English is not my first language. So please do bare with me! and a reminder this is a BL story so if you are not into that then free to leave, No hard feelings. and do hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Anthonyieeee · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - {2×4} ~ Death Rain

~> Chapter 1 - 2\4 ~ Death Rain

The world is in full chaos, while the world declared this is of a World Emergency and need to appeal each citizen to go home and wait for the government yet seems that plan is a little too late.

[ § Notice: 10 seconds]

[ § Notice: 5 seconds]

[ § Notice: 1 seconds]

[ § Notice: World Freedom Seal has lose its effect, now be advice to take percussion and safety, Welcome to the Dawn of Nights, where the rules are flipped and the world will change, first advice take shelter]

A sudden wave of vibration from the sky exploded, everyone was startled, even Sank stopped from his tracks and looked at the sky, the aurora slowly dismantle and started falling from the sky.

"Hurry you idiot!"

The wisp shouted and Sank moved and found a large building that has many people watching the sky "not there! Over here!!"

The wisp flew at an empty stairs that was just opened near a building a few meters away from his spot, Sank quickly moved and ran through the stairs yet the high pitch voice shouted again.

"close that thing! It will be a trouble if not! Now!"

Sank went back a little while Anna hold on tight, Sank has a complicated expression, yet still he followed as he was about to close the door a sudden waves of cry gag out from the people outside.

Sank looked at the people far away and froze "close it quickly! Before we get the curse!" an approaching set of people came running everywhere as a purple rain touch their body.

Sank smashed the door tight and locked it quick with a shaking hand "phew! That was close!" Sank listened through the yells of the people outside, the cry and the pain it was something a horror movie would have.

"don't ever open that! It will be over after a day, that rain is cursed, it can spread a disease that can kill the victim in 3 days, avoid touching them!"


"someone open!"

Sank froze as he put Anna down behind him, it was a sound of a young teen "quickly help!"

"I advice t---"

Sank can't take it on, and quickly opened the door "stop! We will be infected if you open that damn human, even me as a spiritual being is not immune!"

Sank was debating yet the knock just kept going, and then "shut up mosquito!" Sank opened the door only to find a 14 year old high school boy outside.

"what's that thing!? It covered him from the Death rain!"

"get inside"

The boy quickly got in and threw the umbrella , seeing a slight peek, Sank widen his eyes and froze, many bodies lay on the road far from the door while some are running with dark violet marks all over their body.

Sank can't take it and closed the door locking it down "stay away! Check of anything if you have the scar stay away!"

The teenager was shaking and looked at the glowing light, it was the only light they have as the whole room was dark.

"hey you damn mosquito lead the way"

Sank's frost voice echoed as he looked at the scared Anna on his side "what's a mosquito!?" Sank can only look at the glowing light helplessly, taking his phone and turned the flashlight on.

Looking at the stairs Sank looked at the black haired boy with his thin structure and timid body, shaking in fear.

Sank avert his gaze elsewhere excluding the boy, stepping at the stairs carefully, through the silent stairs, Sank quickly got to land his feet on a room "what is this place?"

The high pitched lady wisp ask as he went through the whole room, many statue and books were stock piled and other old things.

Sank quickly turned the lights on as he found the switch "ah!" everyone got startled as they saw headless statue and weird dresses in different cultures.

Sank moved his hand and rubbed Anna's back with a gentle pat while Sank himself watched the pinkish light roaming the small room.

"you stay here Anna, and you..."

Sank cold blue eyes landed on the teenager looking at them "you should be with my sister, do not fret, I am going to find something"

The boy quickly nodded in approval, Sank eyed the boy, fortunately the boy wore a jacket and had an umbrella, Sank did not find anything from the boy so he can kept ease.

"don't go near my sister, shout if she ever come to you"

The teenager quickly nodded harshly while his black hair waving, eyes faint brown and his timid body.

"search yourself if you have been hit by the rain, if so take the shirt and throw it away"

Again only a harsh nod, Sank put Anna on a table and quickly left, his steps echoed as every step he take feels heavy yet still his heart was just beating wildly.

"hey! I found something!"

Sank heard the noisy wisp, following the pinkish glow, he found himself at the front of a statue, a statue of an angel.

"what is happening? Mind telling me?"

The pinkish wisp flew all over the statue of an angel made up of century year old cement, it has wings and a scroll, it is tall twice the hight of Sank himself which is 5'7.

"the Seal has broken!"


"the world had ended!"

Sank became unsure, he inhaled a large portion of air and exhaled, relaxing his mind and calming his body he closed his eyes, as it opens sharp blue eyes pierced through the spiritual wisp.

"Explain in detail"

"As you can see human, the Seal that protects this world, has already lose its effects, rules will be revise and it will start in any seconds now"

[ § Notice, First Mission shall now start, I am known as Voice of the World I guide Humans and the survivability of Humans, I will announce certain events and guide the interest of the Human species, thus I will now present the first Mission]

The voice, monotone and robotic echoes through the world, shock and fear strike the human race, it was the world, this voice is the defence mechanisms that protect the world and its inhabitants.

Sank has a complected face, it was as if he is worrying about her sister "do not fret human! You have something up on your sleeves, you should get stronger fast, it was just that you are lucky enough to have encountered this statue"

Sank looked at the statue, he had a feeling something magical will happen "explain"

"Well, I'll help you summon the Archangel and have his seal, the first one who can summon an angel will have his Seal and powerful skills"

"Why are you helping me?"

Sank cold gaze landed on the small glowing pinkish light, the light felt the cold gaze and its light gradually brighten signifying its distress.

"W-well intemidating are we?! HAHA! ah.... Well you're my master after all, look at your own Character Profile!"

[Character Profile:

Name: Sank Chen

Class: B+

Age: 17

Status: Alive

Seal: Night Shade The King Nights {S+} Level {1}

Character Stats: Stamina{D+}, Power {E+}, Defense {E+}, Agility {C+}, Magic Power {C+}

Extra Stats: Perceive {1}, Phoenix Fire {1}

Spiritual Wisp: Phoenix Angel {A+} Level {1}


  - Shadow {1}

  - Dark Shade {1}

  - Darkness Fire {1}

  - Holy fire {1}

  - Feather Death {1}]
