
Dawn of Eternal

"My life is a mess after you were born" One of the words that his mother used to tell him when he was still a little boy "Let's call it off, some people don't get a clue when we don't want him here" One of the words that his neighbor and classmates used to tell him when he tries to join and socialize with them "Why don't you become a tree or something? at least it is not useless like you" One of the words that his boss used to tell him when he make slight mistakes in his works "Well I know some places where you can die without getting hurt too much" One of the words that his colleague used to tell him when he lost his jobs Being disdained from the people around him, Bobby died in this world but he transmigrated into another world In another world, it seems the suffering he had before seems not enough as he needs to deal with suffering in this new world too Can he survive in the world that is filled with many mysteries of a variety of races, magic power, the politic, and wars with only using his martial arts knowledge from his past Author's note: Btw the cover photo is just something that i made using prequel and canva

akata · Action
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36 Chs


After consideration, Bobby accepts the martial art fight as he wants to see how good is the rival of the strongest student in Duemi Academia. He put his bag on the sofa and stood in front of Reed.

"I'm not that pale you jackass," said Weine as she grabbed a chair in the middle of Reed and Bobby. "Okay, Reed just is cautious and not break this kid, I don't want to bring him to the infirmary later. I know that your heavy ass will ask me to bring him."


"Okay you may begin as you like Bobby," said Reed as he put both of his hands behind his back.

Bobby lowers his position and rushes toward Reed like a spear but Reed deflects the attack by pushing his hands toward Bobby's back as he widens his legs to gain stability. Bobby fell flat on the ground as the force that Reed exudes is far from what he expected.

"You need to do better than that don't you think?"