
Dawn Of Devine (Remake)

In the epic tale "Dawn of Divine," a kingdom stands at the precipice of its ultimate battle. As darkness descends and ancient prophecies awaken, heroes and villains clash in a fight for supremacy. The fate of an entire realm hangs in the balance as alliances crumble, secrets unravel, and the true power of the divine is revealed. Prepare for a breathtaking saga of bravery, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of victory as the kingdom's destiny is forged in the fiery crucible of war.

Utkarsh_Singh_1893 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Queen on Battlefield

Both ladies walked towards the place of sacrifice. Soon They reached a large gate protected by two large Giants.

" Giants, shadow knights, blood demons gargoyle, what is it the cave of monsters," Gloria said.

" They must be doing something really big, have this much protection," Agatha said.

" No problem I will destroy them in seconds." Gloria took her spear and went ahead.

" No, let me take care of them. Agatha stopped Gloria.

She went ahead and took her sword out.

Gloria stood back and watched her friend. Agatha walked towards the Giants who have now seen Agatha and we're walking towards her. Agatha started running towards them soon her speed started to increase. A huge golden energy Aura started flowing out of her sword.

The giant pulled out his large hammer and swung it towards Agatha. Agatha dashed and dodged the hammer and swung her sword cutting the leg of the giant. She then swung her sword, and a large golden cut another giant from the middle.

Then she turned back and swung her sword again cutting the head of the first giant. The head of the giant flew from his body and fell to the ground. Blood started to pour out of his body. Seeing this second giant was terrified to his guts. After then Agatha sliced her sword vertically and the body of the second giant was divided in two. After this, both ladies went in through the door.

" Couldn't you have finished it in a little cleaner way?" Gloria said.

" Not everyone is the all-powerful queen of Argal." Agatha entered a portal.


Both ladies got outside of the portal and saw an easy landscape of sand. The sky was covered in yellow tint. And the land was covered with a whole army of demons. At the center of the vast landscape was an altar where many humans are put together for sacrifices. There were more altars on the land creating an octagon pattern.

' So, they are using a pocket dimension for hiding these people. That is why Kingdom's army was not able to find it.'

Both of them tightened their grip on their weapons and charged towards the demon army.

'What's this energy it's not of those guardians it's different.' A demon in the main altar sensed a powerful presence.

" Go check out who is there and report me about it." He ordered to one of his servants.


Outside of the cave


" Is this the place?" A man cloak said.

" Yes, this is the last place where the signal of Lucy's bracelet came from." another lady in the black cloak said.


On the battlefield.

"Control your power we don't want to kill our people with our hands," Agatha said.

"I know." Gloria swung her Spear from down to up raising an earth dragon. She danced with her Spear raising more earth dragons. Which also danced on the battlefield destroying the enemies. Some of the great Giants tried to stop those dragons but those mighty ones grabbed the necks of Giants and tore them out of them.

Agatha charged her energy and started striking down the demons. She jumped in the air and unleashed a devastating multiple sword attack thousands of swords rained down on the demons army.

Gloria raised her hand in the air and said summon Devine army of Gandharva. Thousands of Gandharva came out of one portal and started helping the Queen.

These Gandharva had their wings open and they were flying on the battlefield killing the demons.

" Gandharva who the hell summoned them, even 12 guardians never summoned them during our battle." One of the demon Commander thought.

The demon on the main altar came out of his place. But as he saw the battlefield he nearly fainted from the shock.

" How the hell Gandharva came here. Is Indra himself come. No, it's impossible devas should not know about this. We need to complete this ritual as soon as possible." As the demon was thinking about it, a Spear suddenly come from the air and pierced the wall behind him.

Suddenly he felt a powerful gaze on him. It felt as if death himself had taken interest in him. That being's gazes were able to freeze him in his position, and not even God's will save him from it. Though God won't help him.

"Don't move," a powerful voice echoed through the whole battlefield.

After this voice, even the space and time of the pocket dimensions were terrified to move.


"This voice." Both people in the cloak looked towards each other and ran through the tunnel.


Agatha was shocked to hear the voice.

'I know she was strong, but, I too got numb in my hands.'

Gloria summoned another Spear and swung it to one side destroying a whole group of demons coming from her right.

As she found a hance she flew from her place and jumped in front of the demon.

" You aren't you an ancestral demon shouldn't you be helping your friends."

The demon was not able to speak angle words. As he was terrified seeing the creator beneath him created from that person's landing. He already came a li little bit further from the main altar but it was still close.

" Who is she. I am the origin of the whole demon race but I am not even daring to make a move."

Gloria raised her Spear. The ancestral demon tried to block her attack. But he felt a punch in his guts and nearly lost his consciousness.

He puked some blood. Gloria left her Spear and jumped in the air and punched heads the demon.

This time his head was burst open. He fell to the ground and died.

" That was easy."

The whole army of demons was shocked.

'Did ancestral demon just died.' every demon thought.

Agatha saw it but she didn't stop she created another huge Aura sword and slashed through the battlefield.

They need to save everyone as soon as possible.

Suddenly a crack opened in the air and ten demons came out of it. They looked at the battlefield.

" What is Gandharva doing here. I thought this was a divine secret." One of the demons said.

" It is." Another one said.

The person looking as their leader looked at the corpses of the dead ancestral demon and said " Did you do this?"

"And who are you now?" Gloria looked towards.

" Great God's are here now we won't lose." Everyone in the demon army started shouting.

Gloria sighed and said, "So you are those so-called demon gods."

"You are a strong human since you can look straight towards us." The leader of the demon God's said.

Gloria had a sneer on her face. She disappeared from her place and reappeared in front of them.

Now all ten of them were able to feel the pressure of the energy. Sudden enlightenment dawned upon them that they could die in this battle.