
Dawn of a new world

follow Allen walker and daemon as they journey toward the four corners of the earth in search of his father,and the staff of Moses said to have great powers is it true or false, he later unveils the curtain shrouding the entire world

Daniel_Bello_8319 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

CHAPTER five— pyramid of giza

(Nightfall 12:10)

Knock knock…. Philip knock at the door of the hotel of the fearsome three…

Is it time to go yet Allen brush up his hair as he open the door for Philip

Yes young master it time to leave we must make it there before Dawn Philp said with a smile on his face

Ok wait I will go call the remaining team Allen said with a deadPan expression while walking away

Allen walked into the inner room knocking the door

Hey you two it time to go the pathfinder is waiting outside

We coming Daniel shouted helplessly

(A few moment later)

outside of Cairo in the cold and humid desert

Three people on a camel outside of Egypt

I don't know why you have to use a camel why don't we take a car at least it much faster Daemon complain helplessly

Cough…. It because there is no fuel station outside of Cairo sir Philip said while looking at Daemon with the same smile on his face

Daniel quickly move closer to daemon

Are you sure you want to do this daemon

Daniel looked at daemon with a grim and gloomy expression

You know if they know you are they will find you especially that crazy woman

Daemon looked back at Daniel with no expression on his face and slowly said…..

Even if I die during this I won't regret it beside"

Daemon glance back at Allen that boy is our only hope

Daniel shook his head you delusional do you still believe in that prophecy

We have to believe it daniel can't you see it, the dark dimension that was seal a thousand year ago is already lose beside

Shut up daemon, Daniel shouted at daemon I don't know why you all of all people believe in a stupid fairy tail and do you think a little kid like that boy could save us even if the prophecy is true

Daemon slowly shook his head…. He looked up into the sky looking melancholy….sigh I have seen more than you could imagine, I have seen and walk on dreadful places you could never imagine

You are still so delusional daemon" Daniel said as he put a cigarette in his mouth"

but if you want to rely on a little kid to save us all then I will be the judge of that"

If the boy pass my test I will believe you but if he fail" Daniel shook his head and said with a cold and expressionless face I won't participate in any adventure or even have anything to do with you again that my promise to you"

Daniel turn his camel to the back

(Side by side with allen)

Kid what your ideal in life or your goal Daniel suddenly asked allen"

Allen was stunned for a moment but he quickly react, allen smiled helplessly why are you asking uncle Daniel

Nothing I just want to know your goal Daniel said while rubbing his chin with a look of interest" I just want to know the goal and ideal of the son of an old friend

Sigh Allen looked up to the sky while spreading his hands like he was waving to the sky" my goal in life" I don't really know but right now am just a confuse boy looking for his father

Interesting Daniel said while looking at Allen with a smile on his face" so what will you do after you find your father

Allen shrugged maybe I will attend school like a Normal boy or I will just go with flow no matter where lives takes me I will just go with it anyways I have no worries in life

So you don't have any plan or ambition what about the mysterious side Daniel asked while looking at Allen curiously

I don't have any ambition right now beside what ambition do you expect a sixteen year old to have is it ruling the world Allen said speechlessly….

Haha Daniel laughed wildly while itching the back of his head.... I like you kid

Daniel took a knife with a silvery body inscribed with some words on it…..Daniel threw the knife to Allen…. That for you use it to protect yourself in the tomb, we might be facing mummies in the tomb next so if you see one, you should stab the heart that their fatal part" at least that the fatal part of unintelligent mummies but if it an intelligent one you have to look for where their heart is hidden, now those kind of mummies are difficult to deal with it, take this holy water too Daniel threw a bottle of water to Allen... those are use to deal with undead jackal and flesh eating bugs in tomb so you must be careful….Daniel explained while looking inside his bag

Ok Allen looked at the knife curiously!

He took out a metal block from his bag and use the knife to cut the metal block

The knife cut through the block like a knife through a butter

Stop playing with that knife, Daniel glanced back at Allen and said the although the knife was made from common metal it has been inscribed with ancient asgardian rune

Allen looked curious…. So the other gods exist too

Daniel shook his head we don't know yet but legend has it that those gods exist millions of years ago but they no longer exist only our god exist! But there are still traces of their civilization in the current world Daniel said to Allen while looking straight at Daemon


We arrived Philip said as he jump of his camel

He pointed at a tall and majestic pyramid 10 m away from us

Allen could see a cloud of people taking pictures

So how do we enter he asked?

Mr Philip looked at him and smiled youhave to search carefully for the path to the secret entrance beside my job ends here am only responsible for bringing you here

Alright you can go back now daemon said with a smile on his face as he threw a bag of golden coins to Philip

Thank you sir Philip now then climb up to the camel and he ride away

So how are we entering Daniel asked curiously ?

Daemon pull out a set of gloves blinking with yellow light and red stream lines on it…..by using this, basically once we reach the secret entrance this gloves will glow and heat up a little bit daemon said as he put the gloves on his hands

But it will take time right,Daniel said

Then what are we waiting for let go already


(Somewhere in the outskirts of Cairo)

Beep,beep, Philip took is cell phone out of his pocket

Hello master,yes master I think he did not notice anything wrong master, ok master I will keep watch on them... beeeep

Philip clenched is fist and broke the phone he threw the remaing part of the phone away with an indifferent smile he walked away

Looks like the game is just starting

( the other side of the continent Canada)

A man sitting on a silver throne, the man looks a little pale with platinum silver hair and star like eyes and sword shape eyebrows I

Tap tap tap,…. the man slowly knocks on the arm of the throne

He chuckled indifferently

Looks like you believe in this so call prophecy daemon

The man walk up from is throne placing is hands on he looked at a map on the table indifferently

I want to see what surprises you could bring me daemon, would you find the staff of Moses or will the twilight of the old days catches up with you