
Just a Low Ranker

I'm still concerned about the butterflies and the creatures of the forest. That forest is where the fairies, elves, and spirits live. I wonder who would have such powerful, yet dark magic.

At the entrance to the school, one kid yelled, "Hey, where do you think you're going without giving me money? Do you really think you could beat an elite ranker like me?"

For the love of the Goddess Winter, whos causing such a big ruckus? Unbelievable! Rushing up to the two boys that were fighting, I exclaimed, "Hey, what do you think you're doing? Just because you're an elite ranker doesn't mean you have the right to go around bullying others with a lower status!" There was tension around her.

"Oh? So you know that I'm an elite ranker. What could a mere nobody like you do? Go to your mommy and cry? Don't make me laugh." The Elite ranker spat in her face.

"you-" I'm so angry my blood is practically boiling! "You're just a nasty Elite ranker who has so much time to be able to go out of their way and bullying others! You're making me dirty my hands just playing with you. Own up to your mistakes!"

The boy merely laughed. "Who's dirtying who's hands? You're just a low ranker. Someone like you is easy for me to deal with, but it's not fun getting rid of you so quickly."

Ha. Getting rid of me? Dream on. Though no one knows of my existence as the daughter of Winter and a Mystic ranker, I can still take care of myself. I'm not so easy to take care of. I must not lose my ground to him though. If word gets out, I'm not sure what I could do at that point.

"Hey, who are you to bully Lia? Aren't you afraid of losing your face?"

Is that... I squinted my eyes just slightly. It really is her! "Cheryl?"

"Lia! Are you alright?" Cheryl ran up to me and pushed the boy aside. She took a look at him. "Did this, idiotic piece of trash hurt you?"

Ah, Cheryl she, can be a little harsh with her words. "I'm fine Cheryl, its that little boy you should be worried about." I pointed to the unconscious boy the elite ranker was yelling at earlier.

"He does looks rather beaten up." Cheryl said after having a good look at him. "I'll take him to the nurse, i have first period off today, you better hurry to class or you'll be late."

Oh, that's right! I still have class!