
Daughter Of The Senju

She opened her eyes with the memories of another. Without even knowing what 'she' is, what is 'herself', or even 'her' name. She didn't know what those fleeting images in the mind are, but what she does know for sure is that a pair of warm arms are cradling her. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Naruto Fanfic - Reincarnation with memories but not experience . A RARE FEMALE OC with NO YURI! Plots to consider - A ninja world with ninjutsu etc, but no Zetzu because that will just make canon a canon. Will also twist some characters (eg. Not baddy Danzo) because I aim for low death rates. And with no Zetsu, or baddy Danzo, it means more alive people. And *cough* smut *cough*. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Story is of my own invention, and I try to strive for originality (as much as it can be, I mean, its Fanfic for a reason = based on etc.) , but as an avid reader myself, hints of inspiration might come through from other works, so please excuse me if that happens *bunny dogezas* Image is not mine, all I did is edit the colors. Do tell me if you want me to remove it!! If you wish to support me ('(゚∀゚∩ : Do support me on Kofi! @ https://ko-fi.com/thelazybunny

thelazybunny · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Thankfully ...

"Eh ... eh? What happened ...", I whispered out loud as I feigned ignorance.

Kaa-chan beside me patted my head. "You fainted after we dealt with the Nine-Tails."

I tilted my head. If it weren't for the fact that I am undergoing a questioning session right now, I would have given myself a thumbs up for my 'innocent' act.

"Hn? Nine-Tails? Isn't that the tailed beast in the story about Hashi-jii-sama that you told me before, Kaa-chan?"

"Un", Kaa-chan nodded.

"So, do you know anything about what happened just now?", Sandaime-jiijii added. "It spoke, towards you."

"I ... I don't know?" Kanako stammered out, and gave a confused face. "Can the tailed beast's read minds?"

The adults all around her showed signs of contemplations and confusion. "Why do you ask that?" Sandaime-jiijii questioned.

"Well ... because when I saw the red chakra forming, I thought it looked like a fox and was kinda pretty. And then I thought that it was a pity that it's going to be sealed?"


May the bullshitting Gods up high put their divine power's into the crap that spilled out of my lying mouth.

After much silence, the adults looked at each other. Wishing me well, they left one by one - with Kushina-nee letting me cuddle baby Naruto for a while.

In the room was me and Kaa-chan. She stared at me with 'mother's eyes' that showed that my lies did not reach her.

I tried to look away, but then she sounded me out.


Um, nope.

"Ka - na - ko."

I puffed up my cheeks and looked at her with accusing eyes.

Okay. Time to throw in a truth there.

"What. I really thought it is sad, being sealed and all. I mean, we don't seal the wild tigers and lions, right?"

Kaa-chan looked taken aback at my reasoning, seemingly accepting that I was truthfully telling her my reasoning (I really was!), and sighed. "Right. Anyway's, you should rest now. You fainted due to chakra exhaustion. Can't really blame you in this situation, but it seem's that I have to teach you more on chakra control."

Gek. More lessons.

It looks like the fiasco has blown over.

A week has passed since the Nine-Tails had been resealed. And since Kushina-nee is no longer a jinchuuriki, the security around her has lessened by at least half.

But of course, there's still some around her, being the Hokage's wife and all. Though, those that have been relieved of duty in guarding Kushina-nee have been reassigned to guard Naruto instead. His security personnel size is small when compared to mine and Kushina-nee's, but I guess that it is because he is still a baby, so he's always around his mother and father after all. With the amount of ANBU's around those two ... yeah.

Oh, and since there's no more worries of being a female jinchuuriki and having another breakout, the honeymoon period for both Minato-nii-sama and Kushina-nee seems to have taken effect once again.

According to Kashi, there is an ongoing betting pool set up by Jiraiya-ji in the ANBU HQ, on whether another child of the Hokage is on the way.

As for me, I've been tortured with extra lessons on chakra control, as promised by Kaa-chan. Since I'll be training in Seikatsu Forest straight after graduation, which is only a few weeks away, Kaa-chan has gone spartan.

Since chakra control practice for medical-nin's is now easy for me, Kaa-chan had pulled Minato-nii-sama into our sessions, making him teach me his Rasengan.

If I remembered correctly from my memories, the Rasengan is considered to require an advanced form of chakra control that involves controlling the form, movement, and potency of one's chakra, determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique.

Indeed. Learning the Rasengan would be an advanced chakra control training session.

Minato-nii-sama told me that his Rasengan is still in development, only getting to the point of forming a ball of concentrated chakra, that I remember in the anime and manga's. He said that he is still getting to adding elemental chakra nature's to his new jutsu.

Hence, my chakra training session has also become a justu invention session and Rasengan training session for both Minato-nii-sama and Kashi, respectively.

During my breaks in-between training, I had summoned my personal floofs to cuddle and recharge myself.

That has caused Pakkun and Co. to pout and whine, which ended up with me getting both hands full of hugging both parties.

Paradise ~

My days are filled with going to the Academy for boring classes and hanging out with Hana and Shikufu, and training with Kaa-chan, Kashi, and occasionally Minato-nii-sama.

Since Minato-nii-sama got out of his stuffy office to train with us, Kushina-nee also came by a lot, bring along whittle Naruto, while Rin-nee and Obi-nii tagged along as well.

I gotta admit. HE'S JUST SO DAMN CUTE.

Rin-nee and I got to snuggle with him many times, much to the chagrin of Obi-nii. But we all know that he dotes on his Sensei's child, which Kashi does as well.

Since I'm now aged six, my babysitting duty is over for them, so they are now the babysitters for Naruto instead.

You might ask, why are two chunin's doing the job mostly assigned to genin's?

Well, similar to my situation, and even more so in Naruto's case - a high profiled individual.

Basically an important person to guard.

A VIP to be exact.

Besides, what better team to assign the duty to then the team the Yondaime was in charge of? Apart from Kashi of course, since he's my ANBU guard.

Since both Obi-nii and Rin-nee took part in the war effort as well, they were up for an incoming examination to jonin.

Obi-nii was making a fuss about finally catching up to Kashi. While Rin-nee was considering on focusing her medical expertise first before furthering her shinobi career.

Looking at them all smiling, and some squabbling - I am looking at you both, Kashi and Obi-nii - I felt that for once, despite not having a plan since the timeline from the original narutoverse is different, this is better.

My only hope that with such a perfect and happy environment, Naruto will only know happiness and joy while growing up in this life ...

I finally finished my bachelor's from Bunny Uni., so I have to go on a job search to fill my carrot vault. Hence, I will be cutting down my 1.5k to 1.8k and above words per chapter to around 1k. Since this bunny will have a job soon, as writing novel's ain't my full-time job (unfortunately, unless I'm earning), I will try my best to put to 1-2 chapters per week! Unless swamped.

** Just realised that I didn't put the posting timer correctly for this chapter, so it went unpublished. UWU

*bunny hides beind wall, with a fluffy head peaking out*

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