
Chapter 1: Meeting Luna

Leisurely strolling under the brightness of the full moon is a young girl, no older than 15, with long flowing hair the color of snow, skin that looks as though the sun had never even had a chance of kissing it, and eyes that seem to have captured midnight itself within them. Quietly she sings a soft melody that she has known for as long as she can remember. "Silver light/She turned her face up to the starlit sky/And on this night began to wonder why/She knew that soon the day would come" As if day was a pet and she, its mistress, the sun begins to rise hours earlier than it should. "Born to be/An heir of beauty and serenity/Into this world, she entered quietly/To her surprise, she was the one/Destiny was close behind her/Phantom of borrowed life/And the sea was a reminder/Mirror of given light" The silent ocean waves gently caress her ankles as she glides over the beach, "Then one day/The sign she'd waited for in skies of grey/Traversed a winding road and came her way/She found the love she hoped she would/But she knew/That she had promises to stay true to/The dormant daughter of the silver moon/Then all at once she understood/Destiny was close behind her/Phantom of borrowed life/And the sea was a reminder/Mirror of given light/From the sky,/She watched the life/She'd known she would leave behind/Said goodbye/And gave her people/Life through her sacrifice" Finishing her song she looks up toward the sky and sees a figure cloaked in shadows standing on the tallest of the multiple needle-sharp cliffs. But just before the sun's outstretched fingers are about to touch them, they disappear without a trace. Dazed by the sudden disappearance the young girl begins to cautiously walk toward the cliff face as an older man walks down the beach shouting a familiar name.

"Luna! Luna, wait! Luna!" He shouts as he gets closer to the girl.

Snapping out of her dazed state, she realizes the man calling her name, "Huh? Uncle Solis? Is that you?" She asks while turning to face the man more than the cliffs.

"Luna, you almost gave me a heart attack mi hija" He pants when they reach each other.

"Lo Siento Tio. I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to take a short walk and see if it would help me sleep." She whispers back innocently.

"It's alright little one. But you know to either leave me a note saying what you're doing, where you're going, and when to expect you back or wake me up so that we can go together. After all, I want you safe princesa."

"I know. Leaving a note just slipped my mind and I couldn't bear to wake you up when you looked so peaceful." She states as her voice quivers.

"Luna, amor, I understand. I was just reminding you because I want to keep you safe and sound and wouldn't know what to do with my life if I was to lose you."

"Oh," She says with a note of surprise in her voice, "So I'm not in trouble Solis?"

"No, you're not. But truth be told you should be." He states firmly, "I've been way too lenient with your behavior due to us only having each other."

"Can we not talk about the loss? Please?" Luna sighs while trying to hold back the tears of her parents' deaths.

"Lulu, we need to get over it. I know that sounds harsh due to him being your father and her being your mother but you have to remember that he was my brother as well as my best friend. I loved them too." He cracks crying over his sibling's so-called death.

"Tio, they were my parents. The people who showed me right from wrong. The ones I've had an attachment to since birth. You know only a fraction of the pain I feel!" She screams causing the birds nesting in the trees closest to the cliffs edge to take flight.

Taking a second to collect himself, he says calmly, "I know what you're feeling better than you think. I watched my brother grow from a newborn to a toddler, from a toddler to a kid, from a kid to a preteen, from a preteen to a teen, from a teen to a young man, from a young man to a man, from a man to a father, and finally from a father to a dead man. I saw him through school, love, heartbreak, and fatherhood. I loved my brother more than anyone will ever know. So don't you dare tell me that I only know a fraction of the pain you feel because I don't. I feel the pain of my brother's death, your mother's death, as well as my wife's death. I've dealt with more death than I should have."

"C-can we just head home? Please?" Luna asks tearfully.

"Yes, we can little one. After all, we both need to eat as well as get some rest because I doubt that you got any." Solis says after collecting himself while slowly finding his balance and standing. Walking the few short steps over to Luna he smiles at her and wraps his arm around her shoulders to guide her home