
Daughter Of The King

[WARNING! Mature Content: Gore, Nudity, Violence, Death. Strong Language.] The gods are dying and their hope lies within their creation to find the dead gods crown. After a long war amongst them, rivaling for power and the throne, the world in which they created for their offspring’s was torn asunder, splitting the four corners of the earth into three continents, and leaving but wastelands and mayhem behind. Where the sick wither and the wealthy prevail, a twisted king rules on a throne of bones and the blood of his enemies; each jewel adorning his crown represented all the lives he’d snuffed, all the peasants thinning, the women soled and devoured by man, of those who suffer from his reign and the gods who stole their most precious necessity: fire and the sun. 

The winters are long. Ash pollutes the skies. And they live without the sun, without fire, only the crimson crescent taunting them from the skies above to remind them that they’re cursed and tossed into an abyss of shadows unless they’re beckoned forth for service. 

But what the gods hadn’t known was, nature had found a way. Whispers amongst the rat ridden streets spoke of pirates who sailed the deep sea in search of the dead gods crown, the ones the last deities of Easthaeven, the world of the immortals, bestowed certain individuals their lethal abilities, weaving their souls to a fate far worse than death until their deed was done.

The Mad king heard, and he forbade piracy for the longest until he realized he wanted a war against the gods, wanted to indulge in the sweet taste of the sun, feel the warmth of fire again. So, he chose to hunt them down, spilling sweet lies past those sinful lips in hopes he could strike a bargain with the pirates whose mother was the sea, the war amongst the obscured waters. Life had never been too kind, and death was a harsher reality than it all. ————————————————————————- The Characters The king of D’treroh’s most beloved daughter is raised and trained in the arts of war. She’s soon to follow in his footsteps in abolishing piracy though she struggles to find who she is beyond everything her father has taught her. But when she is kidnapped by the infamous pirate lord of the Onyx Sea, everything she thought she knew of the world is tarnished. A pirate whose mother was the sea and his family murdered when he was a child only to be sent to slavery, rises and challenges the system. He thinks he is a sword of justice, but in the eyes of some, he is just as ruthless as the king himself. Banished prince of D’treroh is a reminder that his youngest sisters lost their lives too early. Day and night he blames himself, drinks, and wallows in the fact that no matter what he does, his father will never acknowledge him as heir. He does not know whether he wants his father’s acceptance or to take everything his father holds dear so he will be the only thing left his father can glimpse upon and regret before his life bleeds from his eyes and he himself becomes king.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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170 Chs

The Enemy Is Upon Us

"Let's go. We're under attack." James said as he descended the steps towards their cells. Pudge worked fast, throwing each door open. "We're taking a rowboat. Don't try anything. I have a mage with me." He gestured at the top of the stairs where a short man with red cropped hair stood. Baeron.

Ray'ven had been resting lightly when suddenly she was sent hurtling forward and onto the floor by a sudden violent surge of the ship accompanied by a loud bang. Her head hit the floor hard, disorienting her even more as she sat up. Her vision danced as she tried to focus, distantly hearing Strel calling her name. Something warm dripped down the side of her face and she raised a hand, pressing it against the area that pain radiated. When she brought it back to examine, it was covered in blood.

There were shouts coming from above and the sound of heavy booted feet made its way closer to them before the doors to the room were thrown open and both Pudge and James came rushing in.

Once Strelitzia's cell was opened she immediately rushed to help Ray'ven. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pressing her sleeve to the wound gingerly. "Come on. We need to get out of here. You can lean on me for support." She helped her cousin stand so that they could follow the men.

Ray'ven latched onto her cousin for support, her head spinning dangerously as they began to move. The sound of battle could clearly be heard from above, ringing loudly in her ears.

"What's going on? Why is there fighting?" Ray'ven demanded, holding onto Strel a bit more tightly.

James remained silent save for the loud booming coming from above as he cut around the corner where the cells ended. From there, he pushed open a trapdoor and stepped back. The water beneath the ship welled, splashing up over the floorboards near his feet. He remembered when Razmyr first asked Aron Strumpet for modifications on the Scarlet Reaver's lowest level, an escape route where If they were ever under attack they could swim down below the trap door and unlatch the small rowboat off the side. Since most ships were tall, it never occurred to others to look down during battles.

He glimpsed left, then right. Quick was their only option. On each side, row boats were attached. He'd take the right one since the enemy sailed along their left. "Alright then," He breathed irritably. Pudge, the second in command should've been leading instead waiting around for his orders. But he couldn't let Razmyr down. Their captain counted on him. Their captain's life was in his hands. If he didn't set sails off unnoticeably, their captain would be far too distracted about the valuable prisoners.

He had no other choice. "Tie them up, Pudge."

Pudge even blinked at this, his stubby fingers scratching at the stumbles of hair along the triple chins of his jaw. "Tie them up? We are swimming to the other side, how the bloody--"

"They will attempt to swim away if we do it individually. Just listen." His brown eyes hardened. "You bound the princess up. Arms and legs. Tell her to take a deep breath, then swim her up towards the top after I come back from unlatching the rowboat. I'll make a second trip and do the same for Strelitzia."

There wasn't any nagging or disagreements from Pudge. He acknowledged the best decision. James turned around after obtaining approval and dove down into the cold, relentless depths. He swam for less than a minute, broke the surface, and lowered the rowboat into the water. While he tied it against the side, the winds nipped at skin beaded with water. It was cold. Freezing weather one could feel in their bones. Out in the distance there were no signs of other ships, just the endless sea of blue and the clouds reflecting upon the oceanic hue of waves.

Holding his breath, he sank back under and swam back through the trapdoor, coming up with a loud splash and gasp, shivering as he heaved himself onto the floor. "Now. Take Ray'ven through." He said through chattering teeth.

He just had to make him do something. Pudge grunted after picking his nose, then pulled the ropes off a rusty hook on the side wall. The quicker the better, he thought as he yanked the princess by the shoulders and bound her feet and arms. His round yet narrowed eyes dared the wrench to make any stupid decisions. He didn't need her and would let her drown if she chose to even glimpse at him the wrong way. "Let's go." He pushed her forward. "Jump in." Pudge held the end of the rope, so when she did jump, he'd follow and guide her with it.

She had a choice, follow or die amongst the rest above. They didn't know she was the princess without her crown and wearing the peasant clothes she had. Cracked lips. Bloody face. They'd drive their sword through her thinking she was a fake.

Ray'ven glared at the man despite her head spinning as he pushed her. Her eyes landed on Strel, worried. She knew that the girl couldn't swim and with the other, James looking as pale as he did, she did not trust him to make sure that she did not drown.

"It's my father's men, isn't it?" Ray'ven questioned staring at the water uncertainty. She wasn't even sure if she wouldn't drown in her condition, and the fat slab of filth behind her didn't help any. "My father is not a forgiving man and you will regret it when he finally catches up with you." Stalling.

Her words had only caused Pudge to mock her, his triple chin jiggling. "That'll be the day princess." He snorted and kicked her into the water, soon following after her. He guided her through the currents and broke the surface. With the use of his hand on her thigh, which he groped, he helped her up onto the rowboat.

This was going to be a long journey, but at least he'd get to stare at a nice rack of tits. With that thought alone, he too climbed inside.

The cold water rushed into her lungs rapidly as she was tugged along by the rope. The moment they finally broke through the surface of the water, Ray'ven coughed up a lungful of water, sputtering even as she was pulled onto the rowboat, having no energy to protest as the man's hands groped her unashamedly.

Weakly she rested against the floor of the boat, blurry eyes catching a glimpse of one of the Warships from her father's fleet. So close to being free, but she couldn't even muster the energy to call out to the men, plus there was no guarantee that they would hear her over the loud roar of the sea.


Strelitzia backed up nervously, eyes darting from the ocean to James. Never before had she been this close to the waves. "I-I can't…" she shook her head vigorously.

"You have no choice. It'll be fine." James spoke as encouragingly as he could. He curled his fingers around her arm and eased her forward. "Inhale deeply and slowly, then don't release it until we break the surface."

She took a deep breath and pinched her nose so she wouldn't accidentally find herself inhaling the sea. In her mind, she sent a small prayer to the gods hoping James wouldn't let her drown before jumping into the cold ocean below.

The third in command took over the rest, wrapping one arm around her waist as they swam beneath the ship. It was dark, though the light filtering through the other end was guidance toward where they'd go. He kicked, pushing up and gripping the rowboat. Pudge's face came into view, then he pulled Strelitzia up and beside Ray'ven with the use of his meaty hands. "See. It wasn't that bad." James whispered, voice croaked.