
Who the hell did you say your mama was!?

"Announcing the Baron of Salerno!" Domnitor held a graceful smile to hold up the facade of friendliness. The sat in his wheel chair with his short silver hair neatly combed and trimmed. His emerald eyes were void of life, it had been two weeks since his niece had left and his father's patience was beginning to fade. He had been worried sick, Regina had never once left the imperial capital so he was no confident in her abilities to protect herself. He shouldn't have let her go, too late now.

The Baron of Salerno was an young man, he was around the same age ad Domnitor - in his mid twenties. The Baron was not noble by birth, he had obtained his nobility by his military merits, he was a peerless genius when it came to the sword. But he wouldn't be able to measure up to Domnitor if he hadn't lost his legs. He was now forgotten, not even a myth lingered around him, he was only known as the useless Regilor cripple.

The Baron of Salerno had plain brown hair with light brown eyes that seemed clear and innocent. He was innocent, but unfortunately he carried himself like a noble and not a soldier. He had let himself get consumed by his ego, he was now one of them.

Domnitor greeted his guest with a colder smile and led him inside the manor. The Baron's smug glances at his wheel chair didn't escape him, but he merely clenched his fists and bore it all. He'd rather not cause trouble - the Baron wasn't wrong - he was indeed useless.

"What brings you here Sir Salerno?" Domnitor asked in a unenthusiastic voice as he led the Baron out to the garden where he often sat with Regina to have tea.

The Baron didn't even glance at him, why bring himself to such a level?

"I'm here on business obviously" he said as a matter of fact. "I request the land in the middle of the city." Domnitor was already losing his zeal to remain, he knew the Baron was full of pride but not to this extent. He was even discarding protocol, everyone knew that land allotted to nobles couldn't be bought, so why was he trying to buy it? Besides, that land belongs to his niece.

Domnitor stared at the pompous man for a second, "No." He replied without giving it another thought.

"Excuse me?"

What? This young lad dared?

Domnitor smiled once more, "My good sir, you seem to forget that you are only a Baron, I wonder who gave you the audacity to come and demand land from my household. This land if for the future generations." He was less and less in the mood to talk.

"What future generations? Who doesn't know that the young miss is a useless good for nothing and the only male heir is a cripple? Who exactly would marry you?"

Excuse me?

To make matter worst he kept talking, "unless you decide to pay for it no one would-"

Before he could carry on his head was rolling to the floor and Domnitor was holding a blood stained axe.

"Master." A servant came by quickly with a bowl of water and a cloth.

There was a reason he was once a peerless genius at war.


Regina smiled. It was still dawn and the sun was slowly creeping its way up the cold sky. Regina had sat herself outside her tent to watch this amazing phenomenon, it wasn't every day that she had the chance to watch such a beautiful scene. Apart from that the chirping birds woke her up so she couldn't sleep.

She watched Alein who was sleeping sitting crossed legged in front if her tent as well next to her. He was still not experienced enough or else by now he would've noticed the arrow being drawn at them from all sides, this was going to get messy.

She unhurriedly nudged him and his beautiful dark blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean snapped open to stare into hers. "My lady-" He suddenly stopped talking as he noticed the presence of the archers surrounding them. Only one thought crossed his mind, He had to protect Regina.

As soon as he made a move to draw Regina closer to him all the archers released their bows which shot at the two, they were about to die.

Alein was determined to protect Regina but in contrast she didn't really like being hugged to death. So in a flash she had pushed him away to defend them. A worried expression quickly flashed by Aliens face, was she courting death!?

She didn't say a word but suddenly weird clunky metallic shoes appeared on her feet and she stomped the ground once and as soon as she did that huge plates of rock from the ground jumped up to the sky. Then she jumped up as well kicking the plates of stone in all directions. It was magnificent, blocking the arrows yet attacking the archers at the same time!


Alein stared wide eyed, he really had to catch up to his master, he was still too weak.

As Regina kicked the last plate the red head awoke from his sleep and lazily walked out of his tent as it a herd of assassins had not just tried to kill them.

Regina's eye twitched, this guy....

"Morning my goddess!" Solomon said, flirting as soon as he laid eyes on her. Regina's eye twitched again. This guy definitely wasn't useful, should she throw him away? Should she sell him? Regina just decided to ignore him and began to pull down the tents. Solomon was dumbstruck! The beauty was clearly ignoring him, but why!?

"Beauty my heart breaks when you ignore me." Solomon said sounding dramatically depressed. "It's better if you openly hate me than not talk to me!"

Regina couldn't stand it anymore, she immediately kicked him in the balls.

He froze then collapsed. Alein couldn't help but back away, scary...

As Regina began to smile after venting her anger she heard rustling in the trees.

Regina took a fighting stance and so did the boy next to her. Her eyes narrowed as she felt an inhuman presence. Suddenly a small waddling figure appeared. The figure waddled to the group and Regina looked stupefied.

The figure tumbled, It's eyes were heavy and looked sleepy. It waddled all the way to Regina and tugged on her clothes.


Solomon had completely burst out laughing. Regina's face was dark, who the hell did you say your mama was!? Say it again! I dare you!